4/10 Work Schedule: Definition, Pros & Cons (+Examples) (2024)

A new-age work schedule is challenging the definition of a “traditional work schedule.” This alternate schedule, known as a 4/10, stretches eight-hour workdays into 10-hour days and drops the fifth day altogether.

In March 2023, Rep. Mark Takano (D-Calif.) introduced a bill that would amend the Fair Labor Standards Act to shorten the standard workweek from 40 hours to 32. This is the second time Takano has introduced the bill — his first attempt, in 2021, never advanced to a vote.

Overseas, the United Kingdom just wrapped up the largest four-day workweek pilot to date. The results indicate a four-day schedule is extremely popular. In fact, 92% of companies intend to continue with this alternative work schedule.

When reducing the number of hours in a workweek is impractical — or impossible — the 4/10 work schedule may be a better option. With this alternative schedule, employees work 40 hours over fewer days. Like the 32-hour workweek, a growing body of research indicates the 4/10 work schedule is effective at improving work-life balance, reducing job-related stress, and bolstering employee productivity.

That said, a 4/10 schedule isn’t all flowers and rainbows. There are some cons as well. And for those living in certain states, like California, regulations exist restricting the amount of hours employees can work. Keep reading to learn more about the pros and cons a 4/10 schedule affords.

Table of Contents

1 What Is a 4/10 Work Schedule?
1.2 4/10 Workweek Examples
2 4/10 Workweeks: Pros and Cons
5 Simplify Your Scheduling with OnTheClock

What Is a 4/10 Work Schedule?

A 4/10 work schedule is exactly what it sounds like: four 10-hour workdays. In other words, employees still work the “standard” 40-hour weeks but in fewer than five days.

A 4/10 workweek is the most popular example of a compressed schedule. Often, a 4/10 work schedule begins on Monday and ends on Thursday with Friday, Saturday, and Sunday off. However, employees may request a day other than Friday off to take care of matters outside of work.

This type of flexible work schedule is most often used in the public sector, health care, and manufacturing industries, but it’s becoming more common in other types of businesses. Individual workers may also request longer hours in exchange for more days off (without having to take a pay cut).

4/10 Workweek Examples

How you structure a 4/10 workweek depends on your place of work. In some cases, it makes the most sense to have all employees work the same hours and days. Other times, you may want to rotate your staff in and out throughout the day. We have some examples of 4/10 workweeks below as well as a few downloadable templates.

4/10 Work Schedule: Definition, Pros & Cons (+Examples) (3)

Example 2: Rotating Day Shifts

  • Group 1: Monday-Thursday, 9:00 AM-7:00 PM
  • Group 2: Tuesday-Friday, 9:00 AM-7:00 PM
  • Both Groups: Saturday-Sunday, Off

Example 3: Rotating AM/PM Shifts

  • Group 1: Monday-Thursday, 7:00 AM-5:00 PM
  • Group 2: Monday-Thursday, 12:00 PM-10:00 PM
  • Both Groups: Friday-Sunday, Off

4/10 Work Schedule: Definition, Pros & Cons (+Examples) (4)

4/10 Workweeks: Pros and Cons

There are advantages and disadvantages to the 4/10 compressed work schedule. Consider the tradeoffs before scheduling employees for 10-hour workdays (and whether or not this type of schedule is compatible with your local overtime laws). It’s also best practice to run a short-term trial of a compressed schedule before permanently committing to it.


More days off. With a 4-day workweek, you’ll have 3 days off each week. Often, that means every weekend is a a 3-day weekend.
Less commuting. The average American commutes 27.6 minutes each way. Eliminating one commute per week adds up, typically giving back 52 hours in a calendar year.
Improved work/life balance. A 4-day workweek gives you more time for life outside of work, boosting happiness and reducing job-related stress.
Increased productivity. A side effect of better work/life balance is increased output. Additionally, some (but not all) find that slightly longer shifts improve their focus.


Worker fatigue. A 10-hour shift isn’t for everyone. Even with more days off, some workers will be exhausted by longer workdays.
Family conflicts. Many find it difficult to coordinate childcare with a 4/10 schedule, and employees with young children may need additional flexibility to make longer shifts work for them.
Overtime incompatibility. In some areas, 10-hour shifts are not compatible with overtime regulations. States like California have strict regulations about how (and when) 4/10 can be implemented.
Reduced afterwork activities. After a long shift, you’ll have less energy for happy hours, gym sessions, or spending time with your kids.

Is a 10-Hour Workday Too Long?

While some people may happily trade off a slightly longer workday in exchange for more time off, not everyone has the stamina to endure longer work hours. But is a 10-hour shift too long? Researchers have looked into it but don’t necessarily agree.

In 2022, researchers published a study in the State and Government Review that examined the effects of a 4/10 workweek pilot on public sector workers. The final results indicated that, if given the option, 73% of employees currently working a 4/10 schedule would continue working 10-hour shifts in exchange for an extra day off. However, job satisfaction — which was higher than average before the pilot — remained consistent. This suggests that workplace culture and leadership are important factors when it comes to successfully implementing a 4/10 workweek.

So, how does working two extra hours impact the rest of your day? According to one study of government employees working 4/10 schedules in the Philippines, subjects slept an average of 20 minutes less for each 10-hour shift worked. They also spent 30 fewer minutes preparing for work in the morning, and one hour less on household chores. However, the tradeoffs might be worth it — a different study of workers in the Philippines determined a 4/10 workweek reduced job stress, ultimately improving work-life balance and productivity.

Conversely, shifts longer than 10 hours could have adverse effects on employee health. In a large general population study of workers in France, researchers found that working more than 10 daily hours for more than 10 years may greatly increase the risk of stroke. That makes a strong case for avoiding late nights and overtime when working a 4/10 schedule.

Another factor to consider is whether or not employees have enough time to rest before returning to work. In a 10-year study of hospital workers, researchers found that working shifts longer than 12 hours and having less than 12 hours off between shifts, greatly increased the likelihood of occupational accidents.

The takeaway? When implementing a 4/10 work schedule, it’s crucial to avoid overtime whenever possible, as it may harm employee health. Additionally, prioritize rest between shifts, especially a good night’s sleep.

Best Practices for Implementing a 4/10 Schedule

Ready to try a 4/10 workweek? Here’s how you should approach making the change at your workplace.

Step 1: Check your local laws. Some states, like California, have strict protocols that must be followed by employers in order to implement workdays that are longer than eight hours. It’s a good idea to consult with a legal team as well as an HR representative with expertise in your industry.

Step 2: Ask for input. Schedule meetings with team members at your company to talk about the potential schedule change. Be transparent about the benefits and drawbacks. Ask for feedback and be prepared to extend extra flexibility to workers with outside commitments (like child care).

Step 3: Draft a schedule. Decide whether all employees will work the same days and shifts or if staff will rotate their hours worked. Be sure employees have at least 12 hours to rest before returning to work. Before implementing new scheduling, ask employees if they’ll have any conflicts.

Step 4: Start a trial. Before permanently committing to the 4/10 workweek, run a short-term pilot of your new schedule. We recommend trying out 10-hour workdays for one to six months before making any permanent decisions. You can also try it as a seasonal schedule (i.e., during the summer).

Step 5: Take a vote. Once your trial is complete, ask for more feedback. In some states, votes are mandatory before making the switch to a compressed workweek. You can also run a survey — responses will give you better insight into what’s working (or not working) for your employees.


Yes — California’s overtime law has a special rule that allows for a 10-hour workday within a 40-hour workweek. However, the schedule must be validly adopted through a clearly defined legal process.


Yes — Alaska’s overtime law allows workers to adopt a 4/10 schedule through a voluntary flexible work hour plan. However, the schedule cannot be offered as a condition of employment.


Yes — Nevada’s overtime law allows for a 4/10 schedule. Workers and their employers must mutually agree on the workday length (ideally, in writing)


Yes — Puerto Rico’s overtime law allows for flexible work arrangements, like 4/10 schedules. This exception mandates a minimum 12-hour resting period between shifts.


No — The Virgin Islands’ overtime law has no exception for compressed schedules or alternative workweeks. Overtime pay is required for all shifts longer than 8 hours.

No matter where you live, you should review your local laws before implementing a 4/10 schedule. We recommend you consult with a legal expert or labor attorney.

Simplify Your Scheduling with OnTheClock

OnTheClock’s streamlined time tracking system is customizable to meet the ever-evolving needs of your business. The software’s schedule can easily be set up to accommodate a 4/10 or other type of compressed schedule. Regardless of which schedule you select, overtime can be calculated accordingly, for one employee or a group of employees, ensuring your company remains compliant with local and federal laws. OnTheClock even has a setting for California’s overtime law.

Read more content like this

Check out the other posts we have written related to this article.

  • What Is a Rotating Shift
  • Alternative Work Schedules: A Quick Guide
  • Compressed Work Schedules: A Quick Guide
  • The Ultimate Guide to Flextime: What it is, types, benefits, and best practices
  • How to Introduce Time Tracking to Your Employees
4/10 Work Schedule: Definition, Pros & Cons (+Examples) (2024)


4/10 Work Schedule: Definition, Pros & Cons (+Examples)? ›

With a 4/10 work schedule, employees have three days off to look forward to each week. Because of this, employees may inevitably have more free time to unwind and reduce stress. This could also lead to increased productivity, as you may come to truly value the time you have during work.

What are the pros and cons of working 4 to 10-hour days? ›

Pros of a 4-day work week can include cost savings, increased productivity, and employee retention. Some disadvantages, however, can include scheduling challenges, reduced productivity, and added stress.

What is a 4 10 schedule policy? ›

Compressed Schedules

There are several ways in which a compressed schedule can work. The two most common are: 5-4/9 in which you work 8 9-hour days and 1 8-hour day in the pay period and get an extra day off. 4-10 in which you work 4 10-hour days each week of the pay period and have an extra day of each week.

What is a 4 crew 10-hour shift schedule? ›

The 4/10 schedule is a compressed work schedule in which employees work for 10 hours each for four days over a seven-day cycle, thereby getting a total of 3 days off each week. Also called the four-day workweek, this schedule squeezes 40 hours of workweek into four days rather than five.

Is it better to work 5 8-hour days or 4 10 hour days? ›

A 4/10 schedule increased employee happiness overall and lessen stress in the workplace. Many employees stated that the flexibility of working 4 days a week instead of 5—whether those days landed on a Monday or a Saturday—gave them more flexibility and more work-life balance.

What is the healthiest work schedule? ›

In general, clockwise shift rotations should be used (day–evening–night). Ideally, a rotational schedule should include no more than 3 night shifts in a block, with 3 days of recuperation after the night shift work. In general, 8-hour shifts are preferable to 12-hour shifts.

How does a 4 day 10-hour shift work? ›

The 4/10 schedule is a compressed work schedule type where employees work four 10-hour shifts instead of five eight-hour days. Although employees are still working a 40-hour week, this schedule differs from the standard workweek of that they only work for four days in every seven-day week period.

What are flexible schedules including 4 10 options? ›

Employees who work a 4/10 schedule have increased flexibility with their days off. They can choose to work four consecutive 10-hour days, or work 10 hours one day and have the next day off. This flexibility allows for a better work-life balance.

Is 4:10-hour days overtime? ›

Regular, non-health care employees, are permitted, in California, to work four 10-hour shifts as a regular schedule. These employees will not earn daily overtime for those first 10 hours. This means that employees and employers can come to an agreement to create an alternative workweek.

How do 4 10s work with holidays? ›

If a staff member is working a compressed work schedule with four ten-hour workdays, a holiday or single PTO day applies to eight of the ten hours of the compressed work day. The following principles are easy to apply to weekly-paid staff positions on compressed schedules.

What is a 4 10 or 9 80 work schedule? ›

9/80 alternative work schedules have 9-hour workdays, with an extra day off every other week. A 4/10 alternative schedule is 4 days on and 3 days off schedule every week, with 10-hour work days. Employees often find these schedules give them a healthy work-life balance.

What is an example of Schedule 10? ›

These are substances that have a high risk of causing harm and require special precautions during manufacture, handling, or use. They are only available to specialised or authorised users who have the necessary skills to handle them safely. Examples include arsenic and cyanide products.

What are the cons of working 4 10-hour days? ›

The Cons of a 4/10 Work Schedule

Ten-hour workdays can be physically and mentally exhausting for some employees, potentially leading to burnout or decreased job satisfaction.

Is 4 10 a good shift? ›

Employee well-being and work-life balance

With the 4/10 schedule, employees get to relish an extra day off. This not only means more relaxation and personal time but also contributes to a better work-life balance. Fewer days of commuting translates to savings in time and money.

How to survive 4 10s? ›

Plan wisely and use time management techniques

Each week, sit down and plan out your goals for each workday. Knowing what you need to accomplish in a given day can give you a better picture of your new hourly structure. With a better idea of how each day needs to go, you can stay motivated even with long working hours.

Is working 10 hours a day unhealthy? ›

There are plenty of other ways working too much can impact your health. If you're overworked, your cortisol levels (the primary stress hormone) increase which can lead to brain fog, high blood pressure and a host of other health problems.

Are 10-hour shifts worth it? ›

Employers and employees consider 10-hour shifts for their potential to improve work-life balance and operational efficiency. Typically extending over four days, this schedule allows for an extra day off each week, albeit at the cost of working two additional hours on the days they are scheduled.

How do you survive 10-hour work days? ›

How to Stay Productive When You Need to Work Long Hours
  1. Keep your mental focus sharp. ...
  2. Streamline your workflow. ...
  3. Structure your day for maximum productivity. ...
  4. Take periodic breaks. ...
  5. Stick to a healthy diet. ...
  6. Get enough sleep. ...
  7. Reflect on the big picture. ...
  8. Set healthy work-life boundaries.
Jun 3, 2024

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Name: Corie Satterfield

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Introduction: My name is Corie Satterfield, I am a fancy, perfect, spotless, quaint, fantastic, funny, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.