45+ Ways to Immediately Save Money on Groceries (2024)

Home Grocery Shopping

45+ Ways to Immediately Save Money on Groceries (1)Kim Bussing

45+ Ways to Immediately Save Money on Groceries (2)Rosemary SiefertUpdated: Jan. 17, 2024

    Ready to cut grocery costs? Here are some of our top tips from readers and staffers for cost-efficient grocery shopping.

    Grocery shopping is a necessary part of life, but we know that shopping for the family can quickly add up. Grocery prices are skyrocketing nationwide, and people areshopping on a budget now more than ever. On average, a weekly grocery bill for a family of four can run just over $320 on average, according to USDA food plan spending guidelines. That’s why we compiled our favorite ways to save money while grocery shopping to keep your wallet and your family happy.

    These are the themes we followed:

    • Where to shop
    • Making lists
    • Online shopping
    • Reading price tags
    • Buying in bulk
    • Buying fresh versus frozen
    • Stocking your kitchen
    • Substituting foods
    • Couponing
    • Joining loyalty programs
    • When to shop
    • How often to shop
    • Store tricks to avoid
    • Using what you have

    How do you save money on groceries?Share your tips with us! Many of our tips below are from readers like you.


    45+ Ways to Immediately Save Money on Groceries (3)

    Scott Olson/Getty Images

    Find a place to buy cheap groceries

    Fresh veggies, high-quality meat, delicious and healthy snacks—those don’t have to come with a high price tag. Stores like Trader Joe’s, Kroger, Aldi and Sprouts have great deals without the markup. Take the time to research grocery stores in your area and figure out who has the best prices. It’ll pay off on your next grocery bill! While you’re at it, get to know about the cheapest grocery store.


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    Kilito Chan/Getty Images

    Buy meats separately

    Sometimes, buying produce and pantry staples at one store and then purchasing meats at a different store can save you quite a bit of cash. One reader, Marina Castle Kelley of Canyon Country, California says she finds great deals on beef, pork, chicken and turkey at Target. “The selection is sparse, but it saves several dollars on each item.”


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    Jeff Greenberg/Getty Images

    Buy paper products where they’re cheap

    Oftentimes, grocery shopping isn’t just for groceries. Make sure you keep your list updated with other products you need like cleaning supples, toilet paper, paper towels, hand soaps and detergents. All those products can add up quickly, so it’s best to plan ahead and make a trip to Walmart or dollar stores for goods like those. Get to know how to take advantage of grocery store loss leaders.


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    FilippoBacci/Getty Images

    Check out your local food pantry

    For times when you really need help with groceries, consider visiting a food pantry in your neighborhood. There, you can stock up on a few things you need like pastas, rice, beans, canned goods and other nonperishable items. Reader Marilyn Gisi visits her local food pantry two times a month and then makes trips to Walmart for other items like fresh produce that might not be available at a food pantry.


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    Adam Calaitzis/Getty Images

    Visit your local farmers markets

    Farmers markets are such a fun way to shop. Not only do you get the freshest seasonal produce, but the fruits and veggies are usually grown locally. Locally grown foods are better for the environment and can be better for your health since they usually contain fewer pesticides or growth hormones. And you might have guessed it, but by taking out the middleman (aka the grocery store), sellers at farmers markets are able to sell products at a lower price.


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    SeventyFour/Getty Images

    Make a list and stick to it

    Oftentimes, ambling through grocery aisles without a list leads to picking up foods we don’t need. If you’re trying to stick to your grocery store budget, bring a list to the store and try your best to buy only what’s on the list.

    Just getting started working with a budget grocery list? Give yourself some grace in the beginning! Budget an extra five dollars into your list so that there’s room for fun errors like picking up that carton of ice cream you’ve been craving all week.


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    ribeirorocha/Getty Images

    Note when you need smaller portions

    You know that one time every few weeks you make soup and it calls for two stalks of celery? Or the pizza you’re making calls for a few chopped olives? If you know you’re not going to use more than what a recipe calls for, reader Anne Ormond from Dover, New Hampshire recommends picking up certain smaller-portion foods at your grocery’s salad bar. She says it’s cheaper than buying the full size of a certain product and can save time on chopping and dicing. To notate which grocery items you need smaller portions of, add an asterisk after the food on your list.


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    miniseries/Getty Images

    Customize your list to your family’s preferences

    “Years ago I made a family shopping list custom to our family,” says reader Julie Herrera-Lemler from Rochester, Minnesota. “As we need things, we put a check in the checkbox. This helps with multiple trips to the store. It also helps whoever is shopping, as I have the brand name next to the item along with the size so there’s no extra spending on wrong brands or sizes.”


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    FilippoBacci/Getty Images

    Build an inventory

    At least once a month, go through your freezer and pantry to take stock of what you have and what you don’t need to buy (that’s called a reverse grocery list). When you’re at the store, you won’t impulse-buy an item you already have, and you won’t be wondering about what else you might need.


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    Boogich/Getty Images

    Take a photo of your pantry

    If you don’t have time to write down everything that’s in your pantry, take inventory the easy way and snap a photo. Reader Joan Hallford of North Richland Hills, Texas recommends taking inventory photos before heading to the store so you don’t end up buying duplicates of items you already have. Take a photo of your pantry, fridge or freezer—and don’t forget the back rows!


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    Milko/Getty Images

    Shop for the right amount of people

    Just because something is on sale doesn’t mean you have to buy it. Often, big markdowns and flashy sale tags convince us that we need to buy something; but if you’re only shopping for one, two or three people, the more you buy on sale could actually be wasted. Reader Cindy Worth from Lapwai, Idaho shops for two and doesn’t buy in bulk unless the item is nonperishable. If you do happen to buy too much meat or produce, freeze what you can.


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    PrathanChorruangsak/Getty Images

    Shop for groceries online

    Wondering how to get cheap groceries? Shopping online can keep you more cost-conscious (you see prices going up on your screen), and it prevents impulse buys. You can also easily reference your fridge and pantry to see what you really need, rather than just guessing.


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    Bryce Grubber for Taste of Home

    Start a food box delivery service

    If you’re not worried about what your produce looks like, try ordering produce from grocery subscription services like Misfits Market or Imperfect Foods. Not only is the price lower than what you’d find in your local grocery store, but you’ll also have a blast making up meals with the foods you receive.

    For other grocery delivery options, you could try Fresh Direct, which sources food directly from dairies, farms and fisheries. Cutting out the middleman (aka grocery store) means you’re saving on third-party handling costs.


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    Smith Collection/Getty Images

    Do curbside pickup

    Curbside pickup is one of the easiest ways to save money when feeding your family on a budget. “I use the store app to order online and pickup curbside,” says reader Lynne German from Buford, Georgia. “This eliminates impulse buys.” Not only does curbside pickup eliminate impulse buys, but it also means you don’t have to bring hungry or tired kids into the store. Saving money and avoiding frustration? Sign us up!


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    China News Service /Getty Images

    Lookat thepricetag

    How good of a deal is itreally? Don’t be deceived by a sales tag next to your favorite snack—instead, look at the unit cost per item, which can reveal that an option that looks cheaper might just be a smaller size. The best bang for your buck will be the lowest unit cost. Don’t miss all of our shopping tips for saving money at the grocery store.


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    The Washington Post/Getty Images

    Do mental math as you shop

    It might be a whole lot easier to see the cost of your cart go up as you shop online, but if you like in-person shopping, you can do the same thing. Either keep your calculator app open on your phone, or keep a mental tab of how expensive your cart is getting as you drop items into it.


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    Scott Olson/Getty Images

    Buy things in bulk

    This doesn’t just apply to toilet paper. Buying pricey foods like meat in bigger quantities can dramatically cut costs down the road. Ordering from a meat supplier is a great way to save, but be aware that to get deals, you might have to order up to 40 pounds of chicken breasts or beef at once. If you don’t have a big chest freezer to store it in, split the order with a friend.


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    Scott Olson/Getty Images

    Stock up when there’s a sale

    Most of us love a sale, especially when the sale involves saving money on groceries. You can save serious dough thanks to discounts as you stock up. To take full advantage, see if your grocery store has a newsletter that advertises upcoming sales, so you can plot your purchases around them. You can even stock up on certain types of produce or meat, and toss them in the freezer to avoid spoilage.


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    JulNichols/Getty Images

    Shop your pantry overflow

    Reader Bonnie Snyder from Freeland, Michigan buys pantry items only when they’re on sale, and then stocks what doesn’t fit in the pantry in overflow shelving in the basem*nt. If you have the room outside of your pantry (like shelving elsewhere in the kitchen or the basem*nt), stocking up during sales can be a great way to cut costs. Once your pantry is running low, simply shop your overflow stock! If your shelves begin overflowing, use our kitchen organizing ideas to keep things tidy.


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    Qwart/Getty Images

    Opt for frozen foods

    Sometimes, produce is just too expensive to manage, especially if the fruit or vegetables you’re looking for are out of season. Opt for frozen fruits that you can toss into delicious smoothies or thaw for your morning oatmeal. Frozen veggies are a great option for meals like casseroles and stir fries.


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    Stan Dzugan/Getty Images

    Shop in-season foods

    If you notice that apples and eggplants are cheaper in the fall and peaches and peppers are cheaper in the summer, that’s because they’re in season during those times. Shopping seasonally makes it easier to buy fresh rather than frozen.

    “I’ve gotten full boxes of fruit and tomatoes for $10 or less,” says reader Shawn Barto from Palmetto, Florida who visits farmers markets and fruit stands for seasonal produce. “Then I can freeze fruit that is prepped for recipes. We have had fresh peach pie at Thanksgiving! What a treat it is to have a summer fruit in the middle of winter.”


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    Elena Noviello/Getty Images

    Pay attention to weight

    An item’s sticker price can only tell you so much. Look closer and you’ll see how much it costs per ounce or gram. Compare different brands, and different amounts between brands, to score the best deal.


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    Erlon Silva - TRI Digital/Getty Images

    Avoid Pre-Cut Produce

    Pre-chopped fruits and vegetables might seem like the best option because they involve less work on your end, but they also cost a pretty penny. Reader Ann R. Sheehy from Lawrence, Massachusetts recommends avoiding pre-chopped produce and instead checking the produce markdown carts or bins and eating whatever you find quickly. This will prevent the marked-down produce from going bad.


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    Compassionate Eye Foundation/Steven Errico/Getty Images

    Make your own food when you can

    Buying prepackaged foods can really blow through your grocery budget. Try to buy prepackaged items only when it’s really necessary, like when you’re on the go or when you know you won’t have time to meal prep or cook. Meal prepping and cooking your own food might take time, but it’ll save you a lot of money in the long run. Plus, there are plenty of super fast dinners you can make when you’re short on time.


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    Jamie Squire/Getty Images

    Look for substitutes

    Saving isn’t about cutting out what makes you happy but about shopping smarter. Each time you get back from the store, review your receipts to find the most expensive items. Can you substitute something else, or a different brand, next week? There are tons of pantry staple recipes you can make yourself for much less money.


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    Get creative with cooking

    Not only can you save money by substituting name-brand for store-brand products, but you can also substitute store-bought items for homemade goods. “I buy old, discounted bread, bake it in the oven until crisp, grind it in the food processor, mix it with Italian seasoning, and abracadabra, discount bread crumbs,” says Kristyne McDougle Walter, a reader from Lorain, Ohio. Similarly, you can make homemade croutons from old bread, can fresh fruit or make pickled vegetables.


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    Use coupons

    There’s no better friend for a thrifty shopper than coupons. Find them in your store’s weekly flyer, or check out sites like coupons.com and redplum.com. Then use the coupons wisely. There’s no rush as long as you’re aware of the expiration date, so wait for items to go on sale to stack up discounts on discounts.


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    Brandon Bell/Getty Images

    Be a loyal shopper

    Variety may be the spice of life, but it isn’t the best way to save money. Stick to frequenting one grocery store, and take advantage of their loyalty program. You’ll start to rack up rewards, learn their promotions and become familiar with how the program works so you can score freebies and generous markdowns.


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    Inside Creative House/Getty Images

    Join a shopper’s club

    “Definitely join your grocery store’s shopper’s club,” says reader Susan Bickta from Kutztown, Pennsylvania. “My grocery store offers a 10% discount on their brand items for senior citizens every Tuesday. I also check their sales flyer every week to make my shopping list and then use the e-coupons that are offered for club members.”


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    Use your store’s app

    Downloading your grocery store’s app can help you find great deals. Some local shops might scan the barcode on your app to help you rack up points that can be used for free goodies every month. Walmart’s app can be really helpful in finding impressive deals too. One of the best grocery store secrets is that Walmart will honor a price match against its own website!


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    Go shopping once a week

    As far as math equations go, it’s pretty simple: the less you’re shopping, the more you’re saving. You’ll reduce impulse purchases and save money, time and gas by only heading to the store once a week. Plus, it will get you into the habit of planning ahead for the whole week, helping you organize your meals in advance.


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    David Espejo/Getty Images

    Know when to shop

    We’ll give you a hint: The best day of the week to shop for groceries is Wednesday. Fresh produce hits the shelves and weekly specials are posted, meaning you get the best of both worlds—fresh food and money in your wallet. The obvious bonus to midweek shopping is that you also get to avoid weekend crowds.


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    Westend61/Getty Images

    Shop early in the day

    “I like to go early in the day,” says reader Kallee Krong-McCreery. “I head to the meat department to see what has just been pulled and reduced that morning for quick sale.” Never be afraid to ask your butcher questions either. Checking in to see which meats are marked down or whether you can buy in bulk could help you save.


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    Newsday LLC/Getty Images

    Take advantage of holidays

    Shopping after big holidays like Thanksgiving, Christmas and Easter means that you get to take full advantage of discounted specialty foods. Buy sale foods like whole turkeys, whole hams, seasonal desserts and seasonal or special edition beverages that you otherwise wouldn’t purchase at full price.


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    10'000 Hours/Getty Images

    Eat first, then shop

    You’ve heard it before and we’ll say it again: Don’t grocery shop on an empty stomach. Studies have shown you’ll be tempted to grab more than you need, especially high-calorie snacks you’d otherwise avoid.


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    Tara Moore/Getty Images

    Avoid grocery store tricks

    There are quite a few grocery store tricks that lead you to spend more money, such as providing oversized carts and stocking expensive items at eye level. One of the safest ways to make sure you didn’t fall prey to these tricks is to take a look at your cart before heading to checkout. Are there any items you can possibly put back? Like an extra bag of chips or an impulse item that is over budget?


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    d3sign/Getty Images

    Prepare a soundtrack

    Our favorite way of feeling like we’re in a movie: Strut your stuff to a mix of upbeat songs while you shop, instead of the slower-paced tunes the store is playing. Martin Lindstrom, author of Brandwashed: Tricks Companies Use to Manipulate Our Minds and Persuade Us to Buy, found that the stores’ songs actually make us move slower, leading buyers to reach for more.


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    Jumping Rocks/Getty Images

    Walk past the displays

    Those bright, seasonal displays of delicious baked goods, fresh florals and other fun treats might look eye-catching, but that’s just the point. Chances are none of those items are on your weekly grocery list, so unless you have an extra $5 to spare in your budget, just keep walking. Instead, plan out one or two times a month to shop the displays if that brings you joy rather than every time you’re in the store. It’ll be a win-win!


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    MStudioImages/Getty Images

    Make coffee at home

    If you’re one to grab a coffee at those perfectly placed Starbucks at the front of grocery stores or Target, it could be the reason you’re going over budget. Try to make your coffee at home before going shopping. There are plenty of copycat Starbucks recipes you can make and save so much money when you’re not buying a $6 (or more!) latte every time you shop.


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    FatCamera/Getty Images

    Say adieu to the cashier

    Opt for the self-checkout line. Not only will the wait time generally be shorter—a perk we can get behind—but you’ll have less chance to linger around the sweets and last-minute temptations near the cashier. A study by IHL Consulting Group found self-checkout slashed impulse buys by 32% for women and 17% for men. You’ll also be more conscious of what you’re buying, giving you an opportunity to pass on any impulse items that might have wandered into your cart.


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    Hinterhaus Productions/Getty Images

    Use what you have

    We love nothing more than diving into a new recipe. But rather than picking one with all-new (and potentially expensive) ingredients, find a recipe that allows you to use what you already have at home. The best trick? Look at the leftover ingredients from last night’s dinner, and build today’s meal around that. It’ll reduce how much food you have to throw away and how many ingredients you have to buy. Use this inspiration to make dinner with your pantry staples!


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    Karl Tapales/Getty Images

    Invest in reusable water bottles

    Buying bottled water every week is not only bad for the environment, but it’s also bad for your budget. One of the best hacks frugal shoppers use is investing in a filtered water system you can keep in your fridge or buying reusable water bottles that you can simple fill with tap water.


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    Jamie Grill/Getty Images

    Make your own cleaning supplies

    Using what you have on hand doesn’t just apply to foods. If you often find yourself going over budget because of expensive cleaning supplies, switch things up. Cleaning with distilled white vinegar or other homemade cleaning solutions is easier—and cheaper—than you think. Hint: Most things in your home can be cleaned using only a few basic ingredients.


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    istetiana/Getty Images

    Buy multi-meal meats

    If you’ve ever bought a rotisserie chicken and have gotten two to three meals out of it, you’ll know what we’re talking about. Buying a large amount of meat that you can meal prep into multiple meals is a great way to save on cash. If ground beef is on sale one week, buy a bunch of it and make different meals out of it so you don’t get bored of the same thing. Same goes for whole chickens. Use some in a soup, some in tacos and the rest in chicken wraps for easy lunches.


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    OksanaKiian/Getty Images

    Or…skip the meats

    “Easy peasy: I don’t eat meat!” says reader Linda Hudson from Lopez Island, Washington. Reducing the amount of meat you buy can really lower the cost of your groceries. Planning “meatless weeks” or sticking to “meatless Mondays” can be an easy way to lower your food bill every month.


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    Juana Mari Moya/Getty Images

    Make meals last a few days

    If you don’t mind reheating and eating leftovers, sometimes casseroles, soups and pasta dishes are the best way to go when shopping on a budget. Ingredients are usually on the cheaper side, and there are all kinds of multi-serve meals you can make: quick and easy casseroles, breakfast casseroles, soups that freeze well and budget-friendly pasta dishes.


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    Meal Plan

    Planning out what you’re going to eat every week will help you envision exactly what you need to buy at the grocery store, plus it could help you keep your kitchen organized. “I plan more than one meal around ingredients I buy to make sure that I use it up without any waste,” says reader Anna Miller from Churdan, Iowa. The more planned-out your meals are, the less half-used ingredients you’ll have lying around your refrigerator and pantry. Read our guide to meal planning to learn more.

    Originally Published: September 21, 2018

    45+ Ways to Immediately Save Money on Groceries (50)

    Kim Bussing

    Kim is a writer and creative consultant with more than a decade of experience publishing content about food and drink. She has told food and wine stories for top brands with household names, including Hilton and Marriott. Kim also writes about health and wellness topics, home decor and baking. For Taste of Home, she’s tackled stories about canned wines, co*cktail kits, wine Advent calendars and much more.Kim’s passion is bringing together nutrition and joy in every meal and she’s always on the hunt for the perfect gluten-free cinnamon roll.

    45+ Ways to Immediately Save Money on Groceries (51)

    Rosemary Siefert

    Rosemary has been writing and editing for digital and print publications for six years. Starting out as a freelancer for Taste of Home, she joined the team full time in 2022. She writes and edits food content and helps manage Taste of Home’s freelance community. Rosie focuses her writing on cooking tips, baking and cleaning techniques (gotta have a sparkling kitchen!). Rosie’s degrees in journalism and English from the University of Missouri contribute to her skills as an editor, while her penchant for trying new recipes and kitchen hacks shines in her writing.If Rosie isn’t making a (fun) mess in the kitchen, she’s scoping out new restaurants, trying foods she’s never heard of, holed up at a coffee shop with a book or clanging away on one of the typewriters in her collection.

    45+ Ways to Immediately Save Money on Groceries (2024)


    How to save 200 a month on groceries? ›

    Here are the most important habits that we regularly used to spend no more than $200 a month on food.
    1. Create a weekly perishable food inventory. ...
    2. Plan a menu each week. ...
    3. Focus on buying loss leaders. ...
    4. Find the markdowns. ...
    5. Buy in Bulk. ...
    6. Avoid processed foods.
    Feb 21, 2024

    What grocery store saves you the most money? ›

    According to MarketForce Information's 2024 U.S. Grocery Panel Study, these are the 10 grocery stores that offer the most value for your money, according to shoppers.
    • Food 4 Less. ...
    • Grocery Outlet. ...
    • WinCo Foods. ...
    • Giant Eagle. ...
    • Market Basket. ...
    • Wegman's. ...
    • ALDI. ...
    • BJs.

    What is the most cost-effective way to grocery shop? ›

    How We Make Money
    • Make a meal plan.
    • Shop alone if you can.
    • Shop during the quietest days of the week.
    • Swap expensive cuts of meat for cheaper options.
    • Buy generic products.
    • Avoid buying hygiene products at the grocery store.
    • Stick to the store's perimeter.
    • Pay with a grocery rewards card.
    Oct 23, 2023

    What is a smart way to save money on food? ›

    Plan before you shop. Make a list and stick to it. This can reduce impulse purchases and save time. A good place to start is by perusing grocery circulars, which typically are available online.

    What is a realistic monthly grocery budget? ›

    The average cost of monthly groceries for one adult on the thrifty plan ranges from $242 to $303. And when it comes to a family of four, the average cost for their monthly grocery bill is about $975.

    Can you live on $50 a week for groceries? ›

    Planning out your meals so you use all of the ingredients, both raw and cooked, plus pantry staples and frozen goods means you can make a week's worth of dinners for around $50 in groceries.

    What is the number one grocery item? ›

    While pantry staples and foods like chicken, milk, and eggs are probably frequently found in your grocery cart, none of these products have the distinction of being named the top-selling grocery item in the country. Instead, that honor belongs to bananas. That's right!

    Where's the cheapest place to get groceries? ›

    • Aldi. If you consider yourself a frugal spender, you've likely heard of the grocery store chain, Aldi. ...
    • Grocery Outlet. My personal favorite! ...
    • Winco Foods. ...
    • Walmart Neighborhood Market. ...
    • Food4Less. ...
    • Target. ...
    • Lidl. ...
    • Costco.
    Apr 9, 2024

    What is the cheapest grocery store chain in the US? ›

    While Walmart is renowned for its low prices, several grocery stores often offer better deals:
    • Aldi: Known for its cost-cutting measures and private-label products.
    • Lidl: Similar to Aldi, it focuses on efficiency and private labels.
    • WinCo Foods: Bulk buying and employee ownership keep prices low.
    Jun 16, 2024

    How to decrease grocery bill? ›

    Here are 11 tips you can follow to save money on your next grocery run.
    1. Pay with a grocery rewards card. ...
    2. Sign up for the loyalty program. ...
    3. Clip coupons. ...
    4. Join a wholesale club. ...
    5. Go in with a list and stick to it. ...
    6. Buy items on sale. ...
    7. Avoid pre-packaged items. ...
    8. Compare prices between stores.

    What is the 6 to 1 grocery method? ›

    The 6-to-1 grocery method entails buying six vegetables, five fruits, four proteins, three starches, two sauces or spreads and one treat. Continue to shop carefully while at the store to get the best deals. Flexibility with your purchases will be a key to making this method a success.

    What is the average grocery bill for 2 people? ›

    Average grocery cost per month for 2 people in a household

    The average grocery costs for a two-person household across the Thrifty to Liberal plans range from $476.92 to $868.66: Male and female living together: $514.09 to $819.26. Two adult females: $476.92 to $769.86.

    What foods save money? ›

    Focus on budget-friendly foods.

    Some foods are less expensive than others, so it's helpful to be aware of a few go-to, relatively low-cost options. Think bananas, apples, cantaloupe, carrots, cucumbers, cabbage, peanut butter, popcorn, and oatmeal.

    How to make a cheap grocery list? ›

    Pantry Staples
    1. Purchase in bulk when shopping for items with a long shelf life (e.g., oatmeal, rice, beans, legumes, dried pasta, coffee)
    2. Shop after-season sales (but pay attention to expiration dates).
    3. Use coupons to stretch your dollars.
    4. Opt for store brand instead of brand name products when possible.
    Apr 25, 2023

    Can you live on 200 a month for groceries? ›

    Two meals per person per day, over a 30-day month, is 60 meals per person and 120 meals in total. At $200, that's a total of $1.67 per person per meal. This might seem Spartan, but with a bit of planning and practice, I believe that this is totally doable for most people.

    Is 200 a week too much for groceries? ›

    According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), the average weekly grocery bill for a family our size is $344.70; that means more than $1,400 each month. There are times when my weekly grocery bill approaches that number but for the most part, I'm able to keep it to $200 per week.

    What is the average grocery bill per month for one person? ›

    For a single person, the average grocery bill can range, depending on age and gender, between $238.46 to $434.33. For a household with two people, the average grocery bill is $5,635 per year, or $469.58 per month. For a household of three people, the average grocery bill is $6,862 a year, or 571.83 per month.

    What do you save on average if you spend an extra $200 a month on a 30 year home mortgage? ›

    Amortization extra payment example: Paying an extra $200 a month on a $464,000 fixed-rate loan with a 30-year term at an interest rate of 6.500% and a down payment of 25% could save you $115,843 in interest over the full term of the loan and you could pay off your loan in 301 months vs.

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    Author: Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner

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    Author information

    Name: Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner

    Birthday: 1994-06-25

    Address: Suite 153 582 Lubowitz Walks, Port Alfredoborough, IN 72879-2838

    Phone: +128413562823324

    Job: IT Strategist

    Hobby: Video gaming, Basketball, Web surfing, Book restoration, Jogging, Shooting, Fishing

    Introduction: My name is Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner, I am a zany, graceful, talented, witty, determined, shiny, enchanting person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.