49 high protein recipes to fuel your body goals at breakfast, lunch, dinner + inbetween (2024)

49 high protein recipes to fuel your body goals at breakfast, lunch, dinner + inbetween (1)

So, you've come looking for high protein recipes? Good for you. All macros matter, but if there's one macronutrient whose proverbial halo glimmers brightest in the world of fitness nutrition it is, undoubtedly, protein. That's why we're always on the look out for new and tasty ideas for high protein recipes - and we're certainly not alone. High protein recipes have 291.2M views on TikTok as people scour the site for ways to pack in the nutrient at meal times.

Getting adequate protein on the daily is important (and always best done through high protein recipes comprised of actual whole foods, as opposed to protein powder and supplements), even for those who aren't currently lifting heavy. If you're looking to know more about why lean protein - from why you need to to which foods to get it from - we've got you covered.

We'll get to how much protein you need - and, the main event, delicious and cost-effective high protein recipes to help you hit your quota. But, before we get your mouth watering with high protein recipes, lets break things down and get into a little nutritional science geekery.

Why do I need high protein recipes?

If you're searching for high protein recipes, you’ve probably got some working understanding of why it's important to prioritise protein if you're looking to keep your appetite in check, with the ultimate goal of reaching a healthy weight.

You'll also probably understand why getting to grips with a number of high protein recipes is useful. But let's recap with the role that protein plays in muscle building and repair.

'Protein is a macronutrient that provides amino acids, which join together to create and maintain bone, skin, hormones and muscle,' explains Dr Graeme Close, professor of human physiology at Liverpool John Moore’s University.

'Think of them like Lego blocks. When the muscles are damaged through exercise, the Lego builders are ready to re-build, but they can only get to work if you give them blocks,’ he explains.

And high protein recipes are important because? Well, train muscle without adequate amino acids and you leave it with no option but to break down. ‘They’re so determined to build those muscular walls that they’ll break down existing muscle in order to access the amino acids required.'

So, focusing on increasing your protein intake as you increase your body's training is a no-brainer. But protein - the nutrient that you'll get into your system via high protein recipes - is also important for keeping bones strong and appetites satiated (read: comfortably full and not scouting for unhealthy snacks).

High protein recipes: How much protein do I need?

Recommended amounts of protein vary depending on lifestyles but, according to the NHS website, the reference nutrient intake (RNI) is 0.75g of protein per kilogram of body weight for adults.

This averages approximately 46g per day, which is the equivalent of two pieces of salmon. Though, some performance nutrition specialists recommend people doing regular strength training workouts opt for a little more. So it's even more important for people that lift regularly to have plenty of high protein recipes - featuring plenty of lean protein - in their repertoire.

So, how much protein do you need in high protein recipes? You should aim to consume around 25-35g of protein per meal for optimum muscle build and repair. The general consensus is that any more than that amount of protein in a high protein meal will essentially be flushed out as waste.

High protein recipes: What counts as high protein?

Despite the boom in high protein snacks, registered nutritionist Jenni Gough recommends you opt for home-cooked high protein meals rather than reaching for highly processed options. So, you're in the right place looking for high protein recipes.

Sure, protein shakes and bars and balls have their place, but your best bet for getting enough protein is to build a repertoire of healthy, versatile high protein meals - suitable for various times of the day. Enter: high protein recipes.

(Remember: going large on the macronutrient at dinner, after not getting any protein at breakfast or lunch, could mean that those amino acids go down the toilet, instead of to your muscles.)

49 high protein recipe ideas for high protein meals

Ready to fire up some seriously tasty high protein recipes for breakfast, lunch and dinner? Keep scrolling—WH has 40 just for you.


High protein recipes: Vegan Protein Salad Bowl

Protein: Tofu, chickpeas

We know, we know, kicking off a high protein recipes list with a salad. How very original of us.

But we challenge you not fall for this one: a beautifully balanced mix of macro and micronutrients, with enough plant-based protein in there to keep you filled up and your muscles fuelled.


High protein recipes: Moroccan Lentil Soup

Protein: Lentils

Hands up who's all about healthy comfort food as the nights draw in? And comfort dinners come no healthier - nor more economical - than a big, chunky bowl of soup.

The lentils in this fragrant Moroccan recipe make this a worthy addition to our high protein recipes round up.

And if you ramp up the protein content, you can always add in some chicken to the recipe.


High protein recipes: One Pan Chicken and Chickpeas

Protein: Chicken, chickpeas

Busy people and one-pot dishes: some things are made for one another.

This addition to our high protein recipes round up couldn't be simpler to prepare.

If you're cooking just for you, why not prepare a batch and serve with whatever chopped salad or cooked greens you have going spare.

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High protein recipes: Tomato and Feta Egg Bake

Baked eggs: you've got to love them. This super-simple six-ingredient iteration brings together some of tastiest flavours from your Mediterranean holidays, such as Italian roasted tomatoes and tangy Greek feta.

While this recipe suggests using egg whites - we say use the whole egg. Yes, even if your current healthy eating goal is to lose weight.

That's because by skipping the golden yolk you'll lose out not only on extra protein but on essential healthy fats.


High protein recipes: High Protein Breakfast Muffins

Protein: Eggs

Another egg-based addition to our high protein recipes. Swap out cereal for something a little different with these tasty high-protein egg muffins.

A couple of these should keep you full until lunchtime, no problem. Just bake a batch the night before.

Great as a snack, too!


High protein recipes: Savoury Quinoa Biscuits

Protein: Quinoa, eggs

While protein protein-rich meals are important, so are snacks. (And you save on ££ - while losing various additives - when you DIY your between meal morsels.)

These savoury biscuit-cracker hybrids are tasty, portable and deliver serious nutritional bang for your buck.

The sundried tomatoes add flavour to this recipe; add chopped olives for another level.

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High protein recipes: Turmeric Protein Oats

Protein: Oats, cottage cheese

We're going to say this is probably the brightest of all the high protein recipes designed to be eaten first thing on our list.

This is a perfect upgrade on a simple bowl of oats - a little extra immune system supportive turmeric really won't go amiss this winter.

Best bit? You can top it with whatever you like. (WH's favourite is protein-rich peanut butter and berries .)


High protein recipes: Blueberry Protein Pancakes

Protein: Eggs, peanut butter, Greek yoghurt

Protein pancakes are a high protein breakfast staple.

Add protein powder for an even bigger boost or get yours from natural sources, like eggs, PB and yoghurt.


High protein recipes: Broccoli and Pepper Frittata

Protein: Cheese, eggs

Frittatas are a high protein breakfast classic (or easy dinner option) because as well as being filling they are so simple to whip up.

Add in whatever cheese, meat or vegetables you have in the fridge to the eggs. A perfect pre-payday addition to our high protein recipes list.

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High protein recipes: Vegan Burrito

Protein: Quinoa, black beans, hemp seeds

Gone are the days when high protein simply meant chicken, chicken, turkey, chicken...and maybe a spoon of cottage cheese.

This vegan recipe combined a few of the best plant-based options to choose from. Lunch? That's a wrap!


High protein recipes: Tuna Cakes

Protein: Tuna, eggs, Greek yoghurt, almonds

Like your classic fishcakes, but homemade, so not produced with excess oils and all those breadcrumbs. These high protein recipes are a winner on multiple front.

Seriously yummy. Plus, there's a garlic and lemon yoghurt sauce to dip. Bonus.


High protein recipes: Vegan Summer Roll Bowl

Protein: Tofu, edamame

How good is Vietnamese cuisine? Fresh, colourful, simple and zingy - we can't get enough.

And with this recipe, you can add those tasty south east Asian flavours to your roster of high protein recipes.

If you're a fan of Vietnamese summer rolls - spring rolls' non-fried, much healthier cousin - you'll love this recipe, which transforms the delicious starter into a balanced main, perfect for prep-ahead lunches.

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High protein recipes: Protein Snack Pack

Protein: Meat, eggs, nuts, hummus, cheese

Are you a grazer who's keen to swerve foods that'll just up your daily calorie intake with sugars and additives?

Well, then you'll love this protein-packed lunch box. Supplement your high protein recipes for main meals with snacks that will sustain you.

The perfect recipe within our high protein recipes edit for people who love picky bits.


High protein recipes: Spinach and Quinoa Vegan Meal Prep Bowls

Protein: Quinoa, spinach, almonds

Rejoice, seekers of high protein recipes! Meal prep need never look dull again, thanks to these bright, beautiful - and protein-rich - spinach and quinoa bowls.

Complete with a zingy lime dressing, and you'll have official nailed lunch.


High protein recipes: Chickpea-Stuffed Pittas

Protein: Chickpeas

Ah the humble chickpea: is there anything it can't do?

And it's a vital ingredient in high protein recipes for vegans, veggies and omnivores alike.

Aside from being cheap, versatile and bloody delicious, did you know that chickpeas are a rock solid addition to your high protein recipes list.

These guys are packed with protein (and, not to mention, that all important fibre).

Up your daily dose with these stuffed pittas, then top with hummus for a double chickpea (and protein) hit.

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High protein recipes: Veggie Buddha Bowl

Protein: Quinoa, chickpeas

Buddha bowls are one of those rare things that are exactly as delicious as they look.

This simple vegan four-ingredient bowl is packed with protein. A perfect vegan option from within our high protein recipes.


High protein recipes: Edamame, Seed and Nut Protein Salad

Protein: Edamame, almonds

Another great source of vegan protein for your high protein recipes? The mean, green edamame bean.

You can fry them into fritters, enjoy fresh with a little sea salt, or mix into this corker of a vegan salad.

Want to impress your guests? Lightly toast your almonds in a frying pan for added flavour and crunch.


High protein recipes: Salmon and quinoa salad

Protein: Quinoa, lentils, feta, salmon

Yep that's four protein sources in one dish. That can only mean one thing.

That this addition to our high protein recipes list is a winner for post-gym gains and muscle repair. Or, you know, for someone who's really bloody hungry.

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High protein recipes: Vegan Roasting Tray

Protein: Tofu

Tofu has serving has around about the same amount of protein as an egg, which isn't bad.

This protein-rich combo is perfect for sprinkling over your lunch salad.

Bonus: this entry into our high protein recipes list is super simple from a prep POV. Just chop, bang in a tray, and roast.


High protein recipes: Chicken and broccoli one pot

Protein: Chicken, broccoli

Both of these ingredients are main stays in high protein recipes. And an easy high protein dinner all cooked in one pan = result.

Ideal for those days you just want something speedy, this chicken and broccoli stir-fry is so simple and nourishing, you'll be making it on repeat.

49 high protein recipes to fuel your body goals at breakfast, lunch, dinner + inbetween (2024)
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Name: Trent Wehner

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Introduction: My name is Trent Wehner, I am a talented, brainy, zealous, light, funny, gleaming, attractive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.