5 things players likely didn't know about Obsidian in Minecraft (2024)

Obsidian is a unique block that can be found in various places in Minecraft. However, it is mostly found near lava, at some of the deeper points in the game’s world. The block can be identified by its distinctive purple colors and texture with a specialized design.

Almost every player knows that Obsidian is used to make Nether portals and enchanting tables. However, there are tons of facts that many players might not know. The following article will list five facts that players might not know about the Obsidian block in Minecraft.

Note: This article is subjective and solely reflects the opinion of the writer.

Obsidian in Minecraft: 5 features players need to know about

5) Strength and Blast resistance

5 things players likely didn't know about Obsidian in Minecraft (2)

Obsidian is one of the strongest and most difficult blocks to destroy in Minecraft. It features one of the highest amounts of the “hardness” factor in the game, with a value of 50. The only solid block that is harder to mine is the reinforced deepslate block included in the Minecraft 1.19 update.

Blast resistance is another factor where obsidian comes in at the top. The block has a blast resistance of 1200, which is more than any other block’s blast resistance value in the game.

These values make the block so strong that even the Ender Dragon cannot destroy it. However, the Wither is strong enough to destroy the block with its attacks.

4) Water source block vs Lava source block

5 things players likely didn't know about Obsidian in Minecraft (3)

Many players can get confused when trying to create obsidian from a list of ingredients. To make obsidian, players only need some water and some lava.

In Minecraft, mixing water and lava can result in three blocks being made under different circ*mstances. Cobblestone, stone, and obsidian. Players need to mix flowing water and still, i.e., a lava source block to make obsidian.

3) Interaction with Pistons

5 things players likely didn't know about Obsidian in Minecraft (4)

The fact that many players might not know about the obsidian block is that it cannot be moved using a piston.

Pistons are used to move nearly every block in the game, as their use in various in-game builds and Redstone contraptions is quite common. However, neither regular nor sticky pistons can move an obsidian block.

2) Fastest method of mining

5 things players likely didn't know about Obsidian in Minecraft (5)

It is widely known that pickaxes can be made out of six different materials, but only two can be used to mine obsidian: the diamond pickaxe and the netherite pickaxe. Diamond pickaxes can be made using three diamonds, which can be mined with an iron pickaxe at some of the deepest points in the game’s map.

Netherite is a little more tricky to get, as it is only found in the Nether. Once a Netherite ingot has been collected, players can use a Nether pickaxe to mine an obsidian block in 8.35 seconds, compared to the diamond pickaxe’s 10 seconds.

1) Multiple retextures

5 things players likely didn't know about Obsidian in Minecraft (6)

Since the full release of the game in 2011, the game has gone through many changes. While some entities in the game have stayed the same over the years, the obsidian block has not, in terms of its look. The texture of the obsidian block has been changed around six times in the game's history.

Minecraft has a plethora of blocks in its gigantic arsenal of items. Blocks come in various categories and can be listed under decoration, ores, workstation blocks, building, etc.

Every block and its variants or alternative blocks have a different effect on the tools and weapons players use against them.

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Edited by Rupak Kumar Jha


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As an enthusiast with extensive knowledge of Minecraft, let's delve into the details of the Obsidian block mentioned in the article.

  1. Strength and Blast Resistance: Obsidian is renowned for its exceptional strength and blast resistance in Minecraft. With a hardness factor of 50, it stands as one of the most challenging blocks to destroy. Its blast resistance of 1200 surpasses that of any other block in the game. This robustness makes Obsidian impervious even to the destructive forces of the Ender Dragon, although the Wither can overcome it with its attacks.

  2. Water Source Block vs. Lava Source Block: Crafting Obsidian involves combining water and lava. The interaction between flowing water and a stationary lava source block results in the creation of Obsidian, along with other blocks like cobblestone and stone. This process is crucial for players looking to harness the power of Obsidian for various purposes in the game.

  3. Interaction with Pistons: A notable fact about Obsidian is its immovability using pistons. While pistons are versatile tools for moving various blocks in Minecraft, they prove ineffective against Obsidian. Neither regular pistons nor sticky pistons can budge an Obsidian block, adding an interesting layer to the dynamics of in-game constructions and contraptions.

  4. Fastest Method of Mining: Mining Obsidian efficiently requires specific tools. Among the materials used for pickaxes, only diamond and netherite can effectively mine Obsidian. A diamond pickaxe, crafted from three diamonds, can mine Obsidian in approximately 10 seconds. However, the superior netherite pickaxe, attainable in the Nether, reduces the mining time to 8.35 seconds.

  5. Multiple Retextures: The article mentions that the texture of the Obsidian block has undergone around six changes since the full release of Minecraft in 2011. This highlights the game's dynamic nature and its commitment to evolving aesthetics. Players who have been part of the Minecraft community since its inception may have witnessed these visual transformations.

In summary, Obsidian in Minecraft is not merely a static block used for Nether portals and enchanting tables. Its unique properties, resistance to destruction, crafting intricacies, and even its visual evolution over the years contribute to its significance in the game. These insights provide a deeper understanding of the Obsidian block beyond its commonly known uses.

5 things players likely didn't know about Obsidian in Minecraft (2024)


Is obsidian the hardest Block in Minecraft? ›

Obsidian is the fourth-strongest block in Minecraft after bedrock, barriers and command Blocks and Obsidian is the strongest block that can be mined by players, as bedrock and barriers can be placed but can't be mined once it's placed.

Why is there crying obsidian in Minecraft? ›

According to Brandon Pearce, crying obsidian was added when they wanted to have cracked obsidian for the ruined nether portals. They decided to add it as crying obsidian instead because it was more unique and due to high player demand.

Is obsidian flammable in Minecraft? ›

Catches fire from lava

It has high hardness and blast resistance, rendering it immune to normal explosions.

Is obsidian accurate in Minecraft? ›

The edge can be so fine that it rivals even diamond. At best, a razor blade's edge is about 300 angstroms across (30 nanometers or 0.00003mm), while a good obsidian edge is about 30 angstroms. This means even today obsidian remains a valuable cutting tool, excellent for very fine procedures such as eye surgery.

What can break obsidian blocks? ›

Obsidian is the hardest material in Minecraft. It can be collected only with a DIAMOND PICKAXE. Sadly it takes roughly 10 seconds to mine out. Any other pickaxe will simply break the block after about a minute of mining.

Which is harder Netherite or obsidian? ›

Furthermore, blocks of netherite have a hardness of 50, the same hardness as obsidian, crying obsidian, and respawn anchors. This makes it the hardest block to be able to be pushed by a piston. However, these blocks can be destroyed by explosions while being pushed or pulled by pistons.

Can crying obsidian make a portal? ›

Crying obsidian cannot be made into a Nether portal. Crying obsidian generates naturally in ruined portal structures with regular obsidian and some other blocks.

What does glowing obsidian do? ›

Glowing obsidian is a solid block that emits a light level of 12. Glowing obsidian emits red smoke particles within proximity to it so long as it exists. Glowing obsidian turns into obsidian after a short amount of time. Glowing obsidian has the same blast resistance as normal obsidian.

What does broken obsidian do in Minecraft? ›

The main use of Crying Obsidian is as a crafting material, believe it or not. By combining 6 Crying Obsidian with 3 Glowstone, the player can craft a Respawn Anchor. This block is used to allow the player to respawn in the Nether, but it must be charged with Glowstone blocks.

What can destroy obsidian in real life? ›

In reality, obsidian is easily broken by human action and can also be worn down by the weather. This would make it a terrible substance from which to build a fortress. While obsidian is not used to build indestructible walls or portals, it is used to make surgical tools.

Does lava cool into obsidian? ›

The Natural History by the Roman writer Pliny the Elder includes a few sentences about a volcanic glass called obsidian (lapis obsidianus), discovered in Ethiopia by Obsidius, a Roman explorer. Obsidian is formed from quickly cooled lava, which is the parent material.

What is rainbow obsidian? ›

Save. Rainbow obsidian is a type of natural glass that gets its name from the iridescent sheen that appears on its surface when it is cut and polished. This iridescence is caused by the presence of tiny inclusions of magnetite, which refract light in different directions.

Is obsidian harder than diamond? ›

The hardest mineral on the scale, diamond, is given a hardness rating of 10. Since obsidian is rated at 5-6 on Moh's Hardness Scale, it is not stronger than a diamond; it's softer than a diamond.

Does obsidian cool fast or slow? ›

This slow cooling allows the identifying crystals to form. Obsidian cooled so quickly that has virtually no crystals. Magma that cools slowly creates rocks with large minerals, like granite. The parts of a volcano include a reservoir of magma inside the Earth is a magma chamber.

What is tougher than obsidian? ›

The hardest mineral on the scale, diamond, is given a hardness rating of 10. Since obsidian is rated at 5-6 on Moh's Hardness Scale, it is not stronger than a diamond; it's softer than a diamond. These transformed and deformed products of heat and pressure are called metamorphic rocks.

What is the rarest block in Minecraft? ›

There's regular ice, packed ice and then there's blue ice, which is the rarest of them all. To get blue ice, the player needs a Silk Touch tool. Blue ice is only found around icebergs in frozen oceans. It usually spawns underwater, but on rare occasions, it can be spotted overground.

What is stronger, obsidian or crying obsidian? ›

Aside from looking cool, Crying Obsidian actually gives off a light level of 10, meaning it can be used to light rooms or grow crops. What's more, it has the same durability as Obsidian, so it can't be destroyed by Creepers, Ghasts, the Ender Dragon, TnT, and other explosives.

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Author: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

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Name: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

Birthday: 2001-01-17

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Introduction: My name is Gov. Deandrea McKenzie, I am a spotless, clean, glamorous, sparkling, adventurous, nice, brainy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.