5 Timeless Investment Lessons From John Bogle (2024)

You may not be very familiar with the name John ‘Jack’ Bogle, but he has left behind a legacy in investing that is hard to ignore.

Bogle, who died on January 16, 2019, revolutionized the mutual fund world by creating index investing, which allows investors to buymutual fundsthat simply track the broader market. Bogle brought investing to the masses by founding investing firm Vanguard Group in 1976. He pioneered low-cost passive funds by introducing the Vanguard 500 fund, which tracks the returns of the S&P 500. His idea was to make investment simple, easy, and cost-effective for the common investor.

In Warren Buffett’s words, Bogle did more for American investors as a whole than any individual. Buffett, one of the most iconic and successful investors of our time, once said, “A lot of Wall Street is devoted to charging a lot for nothing. He (Bogle) charged nothing to accomplish a huge amount.”

In this blog, we will look at 5 investment lessons from Bogle that have been vindicated by the market time and again.

#1 – Invest you must

“The biggest risk facing investors is not short-term volatility, but rather the risk of not earning a sufficient return on their capital as it accumulates.” – John Bogle

Bogle believed that mere savings cannot help people achieve their financial goals. In order to beat inflation with a good margin, investing in equities is necessary for average investors. While investing carries short-term risk and volatility, not earning a good return on your capital in the longer-term is a much bigger risk than any short-term market volatility.

The reason he gave so much importance to investing is understandable when you realize how inflation erodes the value of your savings.

For example, assume the inflation is 5% throughout your life and your current monthly expenses are around Rs. 35,000. In such a scenario, you will require Rs. 1.51 lakh per month to maintain a similar standard of living after 30 years. Now if you are 30 today and plan to retire at 60 and expect to live till the age of 80, you will need nearly Rs. 3.80 crore to maintain your lifestyle post-retirement. That is a big number and to achieve this, you need to earn returns that beat inflation consistently over the long-term. This cannot be achieved by merely saving. You need to invest.

Let us show you how. To build this Rs. 3.80 crore corpus you can either invest by starting a SIP inEquity Mutual Fundsor save by starting a Recurring Deposit (RD). And let’s assume you have Rs. 12,000 that you can keep aside for your retirement every month. Here is what your corpus will look like after 30 years.

ParticularsSIP in Equity FundInvestment in RD
Monthly Investment₹12000₹12000
Expected Annualised Return12%7%
Investment Duration30 years (360 months)30 years (360 months)
Total Invested amount₹43.20 Lakh₹43.20 Lakh
Total Retirement Corpus₹4.23 Crore₹1.47 Crore
Total Returns Earned in 30 Years₹3.80 Crore₹1.04 Crore

#2 – Time Is Your Friend

“Compounding is a miracle. So, even the modest investments made in one’s early 20s are likely to grow into staggering amounts over the course of an investment lifetime”- John Bogle

Bogle always advised investors to start investing as early as possible to become successful at investing. He was of the view that if you start early then you are allowing your returns to compound over time and your money can grow exponentially all by itself.

Bogle said that even the modest investments made in one’s early 20s are likely to grow into staggering amounts over the course of an investment lifetime. So, it is important to spend time in the market. Bogle has also advised that one should never try to time the market, instead the focus should be to spend time in the market.

For example, assume you start investing when you are 23-years-old. You can earn Rs. 5 crore by the age of 60 if you invest Rs. 6,100 a month throughSIPin equity funds (assuming a 12% average annual return).

On the other hand, if you start your SIP in equity funds at 35 years of age, you need to do a monthly SIP of nearly Rs. 26,600 to earn Rs. 5 crore by the time you are 60-years-old.

Starting AgeInvestment Period (in Years)Amount Need at 60Monthly SIP Needed
2337₹5 crore₹6,100
3525₹5 crore₹26,600

#3 – Impulse Is Your Enemy

“If you have trouble imagining a 20% loss in the stock market, you shouldn’t be in stocks.” – John Bogle

Bogle’s famous quote, “Impulse is your enemy” warns against falling prey to our instincts and emotions. Investors often end up selling when markets tumble and buy when they rise because they allow their emotions to dictate the terms.

Bogle always advised investors to have rational expectations. In fact, he said that those investors who cannot see their investments in stocks decline by 20% should not invest in stocks. The stock market correction in March 2020 has once again proved Bogle right. If you are investing in stocks, be prepared to witness a 20-30% drop every few years and then recovery from those lows to touch new highs. Last year in March 2020, when the Sensex fell below 30,000, many were expecting it to plunge further to as low as 20,000 and may take years to recover given the uncertainty amid the pandemic.

However, all such speculations proved to be wrong. Those who sold their holdings at that point missed out on the bounce back in the next 9 months. Sometimes this bounce back happens within a matter of a few months like the recent one, but it might also take a few years. So, only invest in stocks with money that you wouldn’t need for at least 5 years.

#4 – Cost Matters

John Bogle: “Low costs enable lower-risk portfolios to provide higher returns than higher-risk portfolios.”

Bogle maintained that investment is not just about risk and return. He asked investors to keep a careful balance of risk, return and cost while investing, as low costs enable lower-risk portfolios to provide higher returns than higher-risk portfolios. He warned those investors who choose, or are persuaded by their brokers, to actively trade the near-inevitability of counterproductive market timing. In such cases, often investors bet on sectors as they grow hot and bet against them when they grow cold. In addition, the heavy commissions and fees accumulate over time as expenses take a toll on returns earned by investors.

Together, these two enemies of the equity investor – emotions and expenses are sure to be hazardous to their wealth. Bogle suggested buying a low-cost index fund and then holding it forever is likely to be the optimal strategy for the vast majority of investors.

For instance, assume that a Large-Cap Index Fund’s expense ratio is 0.1%, while an active fund is charging 1.3%. Also, assume the stock market offers an average annual return of 10%. With the index fund, you are likely to earn 9.9%. On the other hand, even if the large-cap actively managed fund beats the market consistently – which is very rare these days anyways – and gives you around 10.5% annualized returns, your net returns will be 9.2% (10.5%-1.3%), lower than theIndex Fund. Note that there is a possibility of underperformance in the actively managed funds, whereas there is no such possibility with an index fund as it simply tracks the market.

Consider you have done SIP of Rs. 10,000 per month in both these funds. Here’s how the amount would grow over time at these rates:

Fund TypeMonthly SIP AmountAnnual Returns GeneratedExpense Ratio ChargedAnnual Returns Delivered to Investors (after deducting expenses)Total Corpus after 10 yearsTotal Copus After 20 yearsTotal Corpus After 30 Years
Index Fund₹10,00010%0.1%9.9%₹20.5 lakh₹75.6 lakh₹2.23 crore
Actively Managed Fund₹10,00010.5%1.3%9.2%₹19.7 lakh₹69.03 lakh₹1.92 crore

Simply put, the active fund will have to earn a higher return to compensate for their additional charge. And Bogle believed that it is difficult for all fund managers to beat the market returns consistently. This is why he advocated in favor of low-cost index funds that just replicated the market.

#5 – Stay The Course

“The winning formula for success in investing is owning the entire stock market through an index fund, and then doing nothing. Just stay the course.” – John Bogle

Investing at regular intervals, irrespective of the state of the market will lead you to capture the average, believed Bogle. He wrote in his book The Little Book of Common Sense Investing that focusing on the long term, doing one’s best to ignore the short-term noise of the stock market, and eschewing the hot funds of the day, the index fund can be held through thick and thin for an investment lifetime. Emotions need never enter the equation. The winning formula for success in investing is owning the entire stock market through an index fund and then doing nothing. Just stay the course.

Bottom Line

Bogle’s index investment strategy and his timeless investment lessons have so far helped millions of common investors achieve their financial goals. Not only complex products, but Bogle’s investment lessons also save us from our worst enemy – our own emotions and biases.

5 Timeless Investment Lessons From John Bogle (2024)


5 Timeless Investment Lessons From John Bogle? ›

His lessons advocate for a thoughtful, disciplined approach to investing, emphasizing long-term growth, diligent research, and the wisdom of simplicity through index funds. As we reflect on Bogle's wisdom, let us adopt his principles not just in our portfolios but in our journey towards financial enlightenment.

What are the lessons from John Bogle? ›

His lessons advocate for a thoughtful, disciplined approach to investing, emphasizing long-term growth, diligent research, and the wisdom of simplicity through index funds. As we reflect on Bogle's wisdom, let us adopt his principles not just in our portfolios but in our journey towards financial enlightenment.

What are the principles of investing according to John Bogle? ›

John Bogle revolutionized the investment industry with his focus on low-cost, broad-market index investing. His philosophy, centered around simplicity, diversification, and long-term thinking, has influenced countless investors and continues to guide Vanguard, the company he founded.

What are Jack Bogle investment tips? ›

Keep your investment expenses low. Stick to simplicity. Basic investing is simple—a sensible allocation among stocks, bonds and cash reserves; a diversified selection of middle-of-the-road, high-grade securities; a careful balancing of risk, return and (once again) cost. Never forget reversion to the mean.

What are the 5 steps of investing? ›

The Investment Management Process
  • Set Investment Goals and Objectives. The investment management process begins with planning. ...
  • Determine Risk Tolerance. As an investor, you should know that rewards almost always come with some degree of risk. ...
  • Determine Asset Allocation. ...
  • Building Your Portfolio. ...
  • Monitor, Report, and Update.

What is the Bogle method? ›

His approach to investing, as described in his book Common Sense on Mutual Funds, champions low-risk, long-term, low-cost funds. To achieve an acceptable level of risk in retirement portfolios, Bogle recommended that investors add bonds to their portfolios alongside stocks.

What are some important points about Paul Bogle? ›

1822 - Oct 24, 1865

Paul Bogle was a Jamaican Baptist deacon and activist. He is a National Hero of Jamaica. He was a leader of the 1865 Morant Bay protesters, who marched for justice and fair treatment for all the people in Jamaica.

What are the 5 golden rules of investing? ›

The golden rules of investing
  • If you can't afford to invest yet, don't. It's true that starting to invest early can give your investments more time to grow over the long term. ...
  • Set your investment expectations. ...
  • Understand your investment. ...
  • Diversify. ...
  • Take a long-term view. ...
  • Keep on top of your investments.

What are the 7 rules of investing? ›

Schwab's 7 Investing Principles
  • Establish a plan Current Section,
  • Start saving today.
  • Diversify your portfolio.
  • Minimize fees.
  • Protect against loss.
  • Rebalance regularly.
  • Ignore the noise.

What is the 1 rule of investing? ›

Warren Buffett once said, “The first rule of an investment is don't lose [money].

What are four 4 very good tips for investing? ›

With that in mind, here are four risk-management principles to get you started—and to stick with throughout your investing career.
  • Align your risk with your goals. What are you investing for and how are you going to achieve it? ...
  • Diversify. ...
  • Rebalance. ...
  • Watch out for leverage.

What is the 3% rule of investing? ›

It suggests that 10% of your portfolio should be allocated to high-risk, high-reward investments, 5% to medium-risk investments, and 3% to low-risk investments. By following this rule, you can spread your investment risk across different asset classes and investment types, such as stocks, bonds, real estate, and cash.

What is the number one best investment? ›

Overview: Best investments in 2024
  1. High-yield savings accounts. Overview: A high-yield online savings account pays you interest on your cash balance. ...
  2. Long-term certificates of deposit. ...
  3. Long-term corporate bond funds. ...
  4. Dividend stock funds. ...
  5. Value stock funds. ...
  6. Small-cap stock funds. ...
  7. REIT index funds.

What are the 5 C's of investing? ›

The 5 Cs are Character, Capacity, Capital, Conditions, and Collateral.

Do 90% of millionaires make over 100k a year? ›

69% of millionaires did not average $100,000 or more in household income per year-and (get this) one-third of millionaires NEVER had a six-figure household income in their entire careers. When people don't waste money trying to LOOK wealthy, they have money to actually BECOME wealthy.

What are the 4 P's of investing? ›

These are People, Philosophy, Process, and Performance. When evaluating a wealth manager, these are the key areas to think about. The 4P's can be dissected further, but for the purpose of this introduction, we'll focus on these high-level categories.

What is the Bogle story? ›

There is a popular story of a bogle known as Tatty Bogle, who would hide himself in potato fields (hence his name) and either attack unwary humans or cause blight within the patch. This bogle was depicted as a scarecrow, "bogle" being an old name for "scarecrow" in various parts of England and Scotland.

What was one of the activities of Paul Bogle to help the black people in 1865? ›

On October 11, 1865, Bogle and his brother Moses led a protest march of nearly 300 people from Stony Gut to the Morant Bay Courthouse in Spanish Town. They were confronted this time by the colonial militia who opened fire on them, killing seven of the protesters.

What did John Bogle do? ›

John Clifton "Jack" Bogle (May 8, 1929 – January 16, 2019) was an American investor, business magnate and philanthropist. He was the founder and chief executive of The Vanguard Group and is credited with popularizing the index fund.

What was Jack Bogle's net worth? ›

In an industry where billionaires are a dime a dozen, Jack Bogle was a relative pauper, dying with a net worth of only $80 million.

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