56 bucket list ideas to help you step out of your comfort zone (2024)

Life is meant to be enjoyed to the fullest, and making a bucket list of your biggest aspirations can help you bring those dreams to life.

“Creating a bucket list can be viewed as another way of setting life goals for yourself,” psychotherapist Karen Balumbu-Bennett, LCSW, PMH-C, tells TODAY.com. “Research shows that people who are intentional about writing down goals are more likely to reach them. A bucket list can help you stay goal-oriented and excited to engage in new adventures.”

It's always satisfying to complete an item on your to-do list, so imagine how great you'll feel when you achieve lifelong dreams like visiting all 50 states or seeing an eclipse.

Crossing things off your bucket list can provide a sense of accomplishment and pride, which Balumbu-Bennett says "ultimately helps build self-esteem and confidence."

You never know when your bucket list experience might come in handy, whether you learn a new skill, language, or life lesson.

“Remember, a bucket list is also a way for you to reward and celebrate yourself,” Balumbu-Bennett adds.

Of course, a bucket list isn't carved in stone. If you find that some of your goals from previous years don't fit your current aspirations, there's no shame in adjusting your list. In fact, being choosy about your bucket list will help you focus on your biggest goals.

“Allow yourself the flexibility to add and delete from the list as you grow and evolve,” Balumbu-Bennett says.

No matter your age, keeping a bucket list will make sure that there's always an exciting escapade on the horizon. Best of all, you'll never run out of fun stories to share at dinner parties.

Here are 56 exciting bucket list ideas to inspire your next adventure.

Sleep under the stars

56 bucket list ideas to help you step out of your comfort zone (1)

If you’ve never been camping before (we're talking in a tent or sleeping bag on the ground), give it a try. All those campfire s’mores and stars overhead may just lull you to sleep, and you can say you finally did it.

Visit your dream destination

France? Australia? Bali? When you close your eyes and envision your dream, bucket list-worthy destination, where is it? Once and for all, plan that trip and see those incredible sights.

Go back to school

Perhaps you’ve always wanted to earn a bachelor's or master’s degree, or go back for your GED. Apply, enroll and get learning.

Learn how to paint

Maybe you’ve painted along to a Bob Ross episode here and there, but why not take a painting class in real life? You could be as good as Picasso and not even know it.

Read 100 books in a year

56 bucket list ideas to help you step out of your comfort zone (2)

Sure, this sounds daunting, but it'll inspire you to read a little bit (or a whole lot) every single day. And if 100 is way too many tomes, aim for 25 or 50 if you consider that to be a personal feat. (Psst, Streaking With Jenna may help you accomplish your goal.)

Jump out of a plane

Geronimo! Take the leap (literally) and sign up for skydiving. Many consider this to be the ultimate bucket list goal since it certainly requires guts.

Go on the most romantic date ever

What is your fantasy date? Do you envision a hot-air balloon ride with your partner? A sunset cruise? A stroll down a Parisian street? It’s time to make it happen!

Bake a cake from scratch

If you love to bake, but have never made a cake from scratch, now’s your chance. Go the extra mile and whip up your own frosting to make it that much more special.

Play a sport

You don't need to be athletic to join a community team or league. Sign up for baseball, tennis or even the oh-so-trendy pickleball, and you might even find new friends in your fellow teammates.

Have something published

Have you ever dreamed of seeing your name in print? Then make it a goal to have a poem, article, novel or even your personal biography published.

Go sailing

Try this if you’ve never been on a sailboat before — all that wind and sea air might have you hooked. Or, if you sail regularly, plan a sailing trip to the Caribbean or another far-flung place.


Find a cause that you’re passionate about and donate your time. The local animal shelter, food pantry or beach clean-up group could undoubtedly use an extra pair of hands, and you’re sure to feel like you’re making a difference.

Play an instrument

You may have played an instrument in school that you haven’t picked up in decades. Or perhaps you’ve never played anything and you’d like to start now. It’s never too late to learn how to play the guitar, flute or drums — take lessons or even head to YouTube for some tutorials.

Run a marathon

56 bucket list ideas to help you step out of your comfort zone (3)

Maybe the only running you do is to catch a train or out to the mailbox and back. Whether you’re a newbie or a veteran runner who’d like to set your sights on a new goal, consider signing up for a marathon — just be sure to check with your doctor first and find a good training plan. Not ready for 26.2 miles? A half-marathon or 10K is still an impressive accomplishment.

Dye your hair

Pink, purple or even a shade of blonde you’ve always admired. Book an appointment at your salon and make that hair color happen.

See your favorite band/singer

Are you constantly listening to the same band or singer over and over again? If they’re touring, grab those tickets! An amazing, once-in-a-lifetime experience awaits.

Visit all 50 states

This one may take a while, but you can aim for a life goal of visiting all 50 states. Go on a road trip and cover lots of states at the same time. Or visit each state one by one. Either way, keep track and make some unforgettable memories.

Create your dream home

Build the home of your dreams from the ground up. Buy an existing home that you’ve always admired. Or make your current home as "perfect" as it can possibly be by remodeling, redecorating or bringing in accents that create the feel and style you’re envisioning.

Make amends with someone

Did you have a falling out with someone years ago that you wish could be undone? Think about reaching out and trying to mend the relationship. If the person is unreachable or isn’t interested in restoring a relationship, make a new goal of moving on and finding an inner sense of peace about the situation.

Learn a foreign language

These days, there are so many apps and computer programs that make it a cinch to learn a language, and fast. Pick between French, Italian or another language you’ve always thought sounded beautiful, and perhaps even plan to visit the place to try out your new skill.

Take a dance class

Even if you have two left feet, be brave and take a dance class. Go solo if you’re feeling particularly bold, or ask your partner to join you to make it something you can cross off together.

Watch the sun rise

56 bucket list ideas to help you step out of your comfort zone (4)

Maybe you’ve never been an early riser. There are few things as stunning as a sunrise, and if you’ve never really sat and watched the sun come up, add it to your bucket list.

Overcome a fear

Step outside your comfort zone and confront a fear you’ve been hanging onto for a while. Have a fear of the water? Face it by taking swimming lessons. Terrified of heights? Consider going to a high-up dream destination with a big payoff like the Eiffel Tower.

Keep in mind that facing a fear can at times be best dealt with through seeing a therapist, so if you’d like to start there, make regular therapy your first goal and then work on conquering the fear.

Visit a famous museum

Travel to a place where you can see matchless antiquities and pieces of history like King Tut’s sarcophagus at the Egyptian Museum in Cairo or the "Mona Lisa" at the Louvre.

Take a train

If you’ve ever enjoyed those old black-and-white movies where the characters travel by railroad, make a train trip happen in your own life. Go across the country or through an area with plenty of pretty scenery to view as you chug along.

See the northern lights

The farther north you go, the better your chances of seeing the aurora borealis, or the northern lights. Plan a trip to Iceland or Sweden where the northern lights come alive in all their multihued glory.

Go on a safari

Perhaps your dream is to see lions, elephants and zebras in their native habitat. For a truly wild experience, book an African safari and gaze at these amazing animals.

Move somewhere new

Is your hometown feeling a bit ho-hum these days? Consider taking the leap and moving somewhere you’ve always wanted to live. Maybe, just maybe, it's by the ocean or in the heart of the city. Either way, if it’s your dream, make it a reality.

Eat at an expensive restaurant

Ask your partner, best friend or another loved one to accompany you to the most expensive restaurant in town, the one with the Michelin stars and mouthwatering food you’ll never forget.

Hike a substantial trail

You could make like Cheryl Strayed and hike the entire Pacific Crest Trail if you’re up to the task. Or keep it local and head to a challenging trail in your area like a portion of the Appalachian Trail.

Throw a fancy dinner party

Have you ever envisioned your closest friends all gathered at your house and wearing their swankiest duds? Then it sounds like you should add a fancy dinner party to your bucket list. It’s time to send out those invites — in the mail on real paper, of course.

Take a cruise

Maybe you grew up watching "The Love Boat" or your friends told you about an incredible cruise they recently took. Now it's your turn to take to the high seas with your partner, friends or family.

Learn how to make a family recipe

Do you find yourself daydreaming about your grandmother’s famous apple pie? Or wanting to know how to make your mother’s “secret recipe” lasagna? Whether you ask a family member or track it down in an old family cookbook, it’s time to fire up the oven and make that treasured recipe.

Sing in public

If you don’t consider yourself to be vocalist of any kind, the idea of singing in public might seem downright impossible to pull off. But consider it to be an opportunity for a rush of adrenaline. Who knows, you just impress everyone with your talents.

Go scuba diving

Colorful coral reefs, schools of tropical fish and dolphins dancing in the waves — if this scene sounds like a fantasy come to life, plan a trip and go scuba diving.

Toss a pizza in the air

It’s harder than it sounds! And certainly warrants an entire goal on your bucket list. Make like an Italian chef who tosses pizzas in the air with ease.

Get your license or certification in something

What's something you've always wanted to be better at? No matter what your goal is, make it a reality and enroll in the classes or program.

Get a tattoo

At this point in your life, you might think the ship has sailed — but not so fast. More and more people of all ages are getting tattoos, which means you should finally get that meaningful or inspiring tattoo you’ve always wanted.

Go on a road trip

56 bucket list ideas to help you step out of your comfort zone (5)

Don’t just watch movies about people taking epic road trips. Grab your keys and do it yourself, whether it's cross-country to just to the next state over.

Repair something

In modern times, repairing things is a lost art since many of us head online the instant something breaks. Instead, see if you can repair an item yourself, whether it means pulling out the tool kit to repair the air conditioning in your cart or sewing up a pair of torn pants. This is where YouTube and Google come in handy, or ask someone you know to teach you.

Finish a triathlon

Swimming, biking, running — yes, you really can do all three things in a single event, and push your body to do things you didn’t know it could do.

Face your stage fright

One 2013 study reports that a whopping 77% of people have glossophobia, otherwise known as a fear of public speaking. So, it’s a good one to add to your bucket list if it’s something you struggle with.

Turn it into a positive learning experience and reward yourself in the process. Practice with friends and family members, and remember that working through it in therapy is an option as well.

Master meditation

Meditation is a surefire way to combat stress and feel at peace. Simply make it a goal to quiet your thoughts as much as you can and stick with it most days. You'll feel better for it.

Travel solo

If you’ve never traveled alone before, now’s the time, especially if you need to clear your head and cross a particular place off your bucket list. Plan a trip to a dream destination, do your homework ahead of time and take any necessary safety precautions along the way so you’ll feel comfortable.

Look through a telescope

Whether it’s a telescope at home or viewing the heavens through a lens at a world-class observatory, getting an up-close look at the stars and planets should definitely make your bucket list.

Make a gourmet meal

Just because you aren't Julia Child doesn't mean you can't whip up something restaurant-worthy. Research some recipes or take a cooking class to learn from the pros. The best part? You'll get to eat some delicious food along the way.

Visit a national park

Visit at least one national park in your lifetime, whether it's the Grand Canyon, Yellowstone or Smoky Mountains. Or make it a bigger goal to visit most or all of them to connect with nature in ways you never thought possible.

Befriend a neighbor

If you feel as if you don’t really know anyone in your neighborhood, go out of your way and start showing some kindness to those who live around you. A blossoming friendship with a new pal just down the street can help fulfill this goal.

Swim in the ocean

Instead of lounging on the shore, go out there and swim in the sea. Feel the rush of the waves, admire the water’s blue hue and experience an unbeatable feeling of freedom.

See a solar eclipse

56 bucket list ideas to help you step out of your comfort zone (6)

This one may take some planning. The next total solar eclipse that will be visible from the United States takes place on August 23, 2044.

Spend a day doing nothing

If you’re a highly driven person, odds are that you’ve never truly taken a day off. Pick one day to do absolutely nothing productive, and let your friends and family know that you’re putting your phone on do not disturb. Order takeout for your meals, stay in your pajamas, watch your favorite show in bed, and indulge your cravings. You deserve it.

Perform a stand up comedy routine

Don’t deny it, you’ve thought about doing standup at least once. The highlight of your day is making your coworkers chuckle at the water cooler, and you find yourself thinking “I could totally do better than this guy” when you watch comedy specials. Get out there and sign up for an open mic. Even if the crowd’s reaction to your set is more mild than wild, you’ll still enjoy the rush — plus, failures make for great material.

See one — or all — of the Seven Wonders of the World

Depending on your level of ambition, this bucket list item could turn into its own journey. The modern Wonders of the World list includes the Colosseum in Italy, the city of Petra in Jordan, Chichén Itzá in Mexico, the statue of Christ the Redeemer in Brazil, Machu Picchu in Peru, the Taj Mahal in India and The Great Wall of China.

Travel by horseback

Before planes, trains, and automobiles, your only travel option was the humble horse. Whether you opt for a short trail ride or attempt a daylong trek, this activity will make you appreciate the olden days that much more.

Grow your own food

When your friends compliment the delicious kale salad at your next dinner party, you’ll relish saying “Thanks, I grew it myself!” Growing an edible garden is a great way to enjoy the fruits of your labor — literally.

Learn a new skill

It's never too late to teach an old dog new tricks. Take some training courses and get certified in a life skill you've always wanted to master, from first aid to diving.

More motivation for you

  • 175 inspirational quotes to motivate you every morning
  • 50 affirmations for self-love to repeat when you need a confidence boost
  • 50 motivational quotes that will inspire you to chase your goals

Shelby Deering

ShelbyDeeringis a freelance lifestyle writer living in Madison, Wisconsin. She specializes in writing about home design and decor, wellness and mental health, and other lifestyle topics, contributing to national publications likeGood Housekeeping, AARP The Magazine, USA Today,and more. When she’s not writing, you can find her shopping flea markets and exploring local trails with her husband and corgi, Dolly.

Sophie Caldwell

Associate Lifestyle Reporter

56 bucket list ideas to help you step out of your comfort zone (2024)


How can you step out of your comfort zone? ›

The following steps can help prepare you for unfamiliar situations and get you out of your comfort zone:
  1. Discover more about potential challenges. The more you know about a new challenge or situation, the less scary it may seem. ...
  2. Devise a plan. ...
  3. Take small steps. ...
  4. Find accountability partners. ...
  5. Stay positive.
Aug 15, 2024

How would you challenge yourself to step beyond your comfort zone? ›

How to Get Out of Your Comfort Zone
  1. Adopt a growth mindset. Leave behind your fixed mindset about how life is or should be. ...
  2. Seek out new challenges. The same path will take you to the same destination every time—you'll need to take different routes to achieve different results. ...
  3. Set manageable goals.
Jan 10, 2023

What is the most common thing on a bucket list? ›

Without a doubt, the most popular experience on someone's bucket list had to do with travel—and 77% of our survey indicated that they had some sort of travel goal on their personal lists.

What is one area where you would like to step out of your comfort zone? ›

Whether it's taking on new challenges at work, trying out a new hobby or making new social connections, stepping out of your comfort zone can lead to increased confidence and a sense of accomplishment.

What are three examples of stepping out of the comfort zone? ›

Speaking up in a group, delivering a presentation, reading out loud, asking for directions, making phone calls, trying something new in front of others, are just some examples of what was outside of my personal comfort zone.

Why do I struggle to leave my comfort zone? ›

Yet as humans, we're wired for survival, and naturally shy away from those perceived threats as much as we can. This is one of the reasons why it's so hard to step out of our comfort zones. Individuals who do want to do it must be mentally prepared.

What is a lifetime bucket list? ›

A bucket list is a list of the experiences or achievements that a person hopes to have or accomplish during their lifetime. A bucket list is an itemized list of goals people want to accomplish before they “kick the bucket” — or die.

What is a traditional bucket list? ›

A bucket list is a list of experiences someone wants to have at some point in their life. They're a fun method of life planning that can include professional and personal goals or anything else you can imagine.

What makes a good bucket list? ›

How to Create a Bucket List in 6 Steps
  • Set Aside Time to Work Alone. This is your bucket list and no one else's. ...
  • Make a List of What Drives You. Do you love to get your adrenaline pumping? ...
  • Come Up with Long- and Short-Term Ideas. ...
  • Talk to Those Affected by Your List. ...
  • Put in the Work. ...
  • Go For It!
Jul 19, 2021

What can be a comfort zone? ›

A comfort zone can be defined as a psychological state in which things from the environment are close and familiar to a person and under their control, enabling low level of stress and anxiety. Another definition defines the comfort zone as a state in which a person functions without anxiety.

What is an example of a time you had to step out of your comfort zone? ›

Examples Of Stepping Outside Your Comfort Zone

Volunteering to lead a special project or initiative at work. Taking an improv workshop to strengthen your public speaking skills. Asking for a pay raise if you feel underpaid. Applying for a position that feels like a stretch or reach.

Is it healthy to step out of your comfort zone? ›

Here are some big benefits of stepping outside of your comfort zone: Personal Growth: Getting out of your comfort zone challenges you to learn new things, adapt to new situations, and develop new skills. This process of growth can lead to a deeper understanding of yourself and your capabilities.

How to identify your comfort zone? ›

Here are some signs that you might be stuck in your comfort zone:
  1. You feel that every day is repetitive. Every day your to-do list holds the same items. Every day you end up carrying over a few tasks from one day to another. ...
  2. You keep complaining. At first sight it seems you're doing just fine. ...
  3. You keep rejecting new ideas.
Sep 28, 2022

How does it feel to get out of your comfort zone? ›

Outside of your comfort zone lies the growth zone. You're learning new skills and having new experiences, you're full of anticipation and excitement for the future, and you're facing challenges head on. You may feel a little nervous and uncomfortable but that's what's pushing you to achieve great things.

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Author: Ouida Strosin DO

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Name: Ouida Strosin DO

Birthday: 1995-04-27

Address: Suite 927 930 Kilback Radial, Candidaville, TN 87795

Phone: +8561498978366

Job: Legacy Manufacturing Specialist

Hobby: Singing, Mountain biking, Water sports, Water sports, Taxidermy, Polo, Pet

Introduction: My name is Ouida Strosin DO, I am a precious, combative, spotless, modern, spotless, beautiful, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.