57 Amazon Statistics to Know in 2023 (2024)

Jeff Bezos created Amazon in 1994, primarily to sell books online. In the time since, it has grown into the top ecommerce site in North America, and the most valuable brand in the world.

If you need clues as to why Amazon is such a massive beast, look to the statistics. Numbers generally tell most, if not all of the story.

For example, if you’re wondering why Amazon continues to grow, one might point to their 83/100 average customer satisfaction score, which comes from their dedication to the customer experience.

One would also notice that nearly 69% of Amazon customers say they shop on Amazon because of the broad product selection available. A selection that comes about as a result of 2.3 million active sellers, who contribute 60% of Amazon’s total retail sales.

As one of these third-party sellers, you should want to have a line into as many Amazon statistics as possible. This is because most high-performing businesses make decisions based on data. The more data you have to work with – such as knowing that the average Amazon PPC clickthrough rate is 0.41% – the more you can make informed decisions and run your business the right way.

We’ve gathered together an extensive list of 57 interesting, informative and useful Amazon statistics, related to Amazon as a business, Amazon customers, Amazon third-party sellers, and the Amazon advertising platform.

Before we get to the entire list, here are some of the highlights.

How Many Products Does Amazon Sell?

Amazon itself sells over 12 million products. If you take into account all products sold on the Amazon marketplace by third-party sellers, that number rises to more than 353 million products.

How Many Orders Does Amazon Get A Day?

Amazon ships approximately 1.6 million packages a day.

That works out to more than 66 thousand orders per hour, and 18.5 orders per second.

Amazon Sales Statistics: How Much Amazon Makes in a Day

In 2019, Amazon made $141.25 billion in retail product sales. This comes out to an average of $385 million each day.

How Many Sellers Are On Amazon?

In 2020, there are 9.1 million Amazon sellers worldwide. Of those 9.1 million, 2.3 million are considered active sellers (meaning they have at least one product for sale).

How Many Customers Does Amazon Have?

Amazon has hundreds of millions of customers in the US alone. In July 2020, Amazon sites had 213 million unique visitors in the US. There are also 112 million Amazon Prime members in the US.

You’re starting to get an idea of how big the Amazon pie is. This is the reason there are so many third-party sellers, all trying to get their small piece of the growing pie.

Here is the full list of the most interesting and insightful Amazon statistics you should know.

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Amazon Statistics

  • Amazon made 280.52 billion USD net revenue in 2019 – a number which includes Amazon web services, advertising revenue, and revenue made from third-party sellers. [Source]
  • Amazon’s retail product sales came to 141.25 billion USD in 2019. [Source]
  • Revenue from commissions, fulfillment & shipping, and other services for third-party sellers totaled 53.76 billion USD in 2019. [Source]
  • In 2020, Amazon is the most valuable brand in the world. Its brand value stands at 415.9 billion USD, which puts it ahead of Microsoft, Google, Apple and Alibaba. [Source]
  • Amazon FBA: Amazon spent 40.23 billion USD on fulfillment in 2019, up from 34 billion USD the year before, and up from 2.9 billion in 2010. [Source]
57 Amazon Statistics to Know in 2023 (1)
  • Amazon ships approximately 1.6 million packages per day. [Source]
  • Amazon alone sells over 12 million products. If you take into account third-party sellers, more than 353 million products are sold on the Amazon marketplace. [Source]
  • Amazon is the #1 most popular ecommerce site in the US, with more than double the number of desktop visitors of the next closest competitors, Walmart and eBay. [Source]
  • In 2019, Amazon ranked #1 for GMV (gross merchandise value) of all online marketplaces in the US, with a GMV of 339 billion USD. [Source]
  • Amazon spent 6.88 billion USD on Advertising in 2019, up 35% on the previous year. [Source]
  • Amazon international sales totaled $74.72 billion in 2019. [Source]
57 Amazon Statistics to Know in 2023 (2)
  • In Q2 2020, Amazon international sales were 29.02% of Amazon North America sales. This is down from a peak of 48.59% in 2008. [Source]
  • The average conversion rate on Amazon Prime Day 2019 was 13.5%. [Source]
  • Global prime day sales in 2019 totaled $7.16 billion USD. [Source]

Amazon Customer Statistics

  • In September 2020, Amazon.com had 2.44 billion visits (mobile and desktop combined). [Source]
  • In July 2020, Amazon sites had 213.41 million unique visitors in the US alone. [Source]
  • Amazon’s mobile app is accessed by 98 million unique users in the US each month. [Source]
  • As of December 2019, there are approximately 112 million Amazon Prime subscribers in the US. [Source]
  • Amazon Prime members spend an average of $1400 USD each year, compared to $600 for non-Prime members. [Source]
  • 66.4 million households in the US have an Amazon Prime subscription. [Source]
  • 81% of US adults between 18 and 34 are Amazon Prime members. [Source]
57 Amazon Statistics to Know in 2023 (3)
  • In 2019, Amazon customers logged an average of 83/100 customer satisfaction score. This is tracking downwards, compared to a high of 88/100 in 2013. [Source]
  • 66% of Amazon users start their product research process by searching for a product on Amazon – compared to 20% using a search engine, and 3% on another marketplace. [Source]
  • Fast, free shipping is the number one reason Amazon users say they shop on Amazon. 79.8% gave this as a reason they use Amazon. 68.9% cited Amazon’s broad product selection, and 65.7% said they shop on Amazon because they are a Prime member. [Source]
57 Amazon Statistics to Know in 2023 (4)
  • 20% of Amazon Prime members say they shop on Amazon “a few times a week”. [Source]
  • 7% of Amazon Prime members buy products online daily or almost every day. [Source]
  • The most popular category on Amazon (for shoppers) is electronics, with 44% of Amazon US shoppers purchasing something from the electronics category, ahead of apparel, footwear/jewelry and home & kitchen goods. [Source]
  • 74% of consumers go to Amazon when they’re ready to buy a specific product. [Source]
  • 82% of consumers check prices on Amazon before making a purchase. [Source]
  • 79% of consumers check reviews on Amazon before making a purchase. [Source]
  • 44% of consumers scroll two pages or less in Amazon search results. [Source]
  • For consumers who shop on Amazon daily or almost every day, 54% always buy the first product on Amazon’s SERP. [Source]
  • When making a purchase on Amazon, only 6% of shoppers “rarely” or “never” read product reviews. [Source]
  • Approximately 1 million Amazon Echo owners have made a purchase on Amazon through their smart speaker. [Source]
  • Almost 90% of UK Shoppers use Amazon. For 70%, Amazon is the first online retailer they look to. [Source]

Amazon Seller Statistics

  • In 2019 there were 2.2 million total sellers on Amazon.com. 1.1 million of these sellers are active sellers. 898,000 had at least one sale. 168,000 had over $100,000 in sales. 18,000 sellers had more than $1 million in sales. [Source]
  • As of 2020, there are 9.1 million sellers worldwide: 2.3 million active sellers, and 1 million new sellers in 2020. [Source]
  • As of Q2 2020, 53% of products sold on Amazon were sold by third-party sellers. [Source]
  • 60% of Amazon’s gross merchandise sales come from third-party sellers. [Source]
  • Of all Amazon sellers worldwide, 38% are on Amazon.com (Amazon US). The next highest is Amazon.co.uk with 9.6%, then Amazon.de with 8.3%. [Source]
  • In raw numbers, this comes to over 1.1 million US sellers, 281,000 UK sellers, and 244,000 in Germany. [Source]
  • Amazon ranks as the 7th most popular marketplace for online sellers in 2020, based on profitability, customer service, communication and ease of use. eBay ranks first, with an average rating of 6.53 out of 10. [Source]
  • In a 2019 survey, 77% of Amazon sellers responded that they used other platforms along with Amazon. 56% sold on eBay, 35% on Walmart, and 47% on their own website. [Source]
  • Of the top 1000 sellers worldwide, 512 are in the US, 221 in the UK, 110 in Germany. Other countries represented in the top 1000 are France, Japan, Italy, Canada, India, Spain, Mexico and Australia. [Source]
  • US-based sellers sold 4,000 items per minute (66 items per second) in 2018. [Source]
  • 73% of businesses selling on Amazon have between 1-5 employees. While 7% have more than 50 employees. [Source]
  • Kindle: more than 1000 authors have earned over $100,000 in royalties by selling Kindle books on Amazon. [Source]
  • The top 5 states for SMB Amazon sellers per capita are Iowa, Delaware, California, Wyoming and New Jersey. [Source]
  • Sellers using FBA have 30-50% more sales than those whose products are not prime-eligible. [Source]

Amazon Advertising Statistics

  • Amazon made 14.09 billion USD in “other sales” in 2019, the majority of which comes from advertising revenue (for reference, they spent 6.88 billion USD on advertising). [Source]
  • Amazon’s ad business represents 8% of the total digital ad market in the US. [Source]
  • Amazon is the third-largest ad platform in the US, behind only Google and Facebook. [Source]
  • Amazon is 2nd in search ad revenue in the US, behind Google and ahead of Microsoft. [Source]
  • As of 2019, Sponsored Products made up 85% of ad spend on Amazon in North America. 9% was Sponsored Brands, 5% Product Display ads. [Source]
  • 43% of consumers have clicked on an ad for an Amazon product somewhere on the web. 76% have clicked on an ad from Google, 49% from Facebook, 21% from Instagram. [Source]
  • The average click-through rate for ads on Amazon is 0.41%. [Source]
  • The average cost per click for Amazon PPC is $0.71. [Source]
  • The average conversion rate for Amazon PPC is 9.55% [Source]

Amazon Sellers!

Is it time to boost your sales, rank higher and build your business from a hobby into a 7 or 8 figure cash cow?

If so, check out these expert guides from our team, to learn all you need to know to take your Amazon business to the next level.

14 Pro Tips to Increase Your Amazon Sales

Your Full Guide to Amazon SEO

How to Get More (Legal) Amazon Reviews

Amazon Attribution: The Best Free Analytics Tool for Amazon Sellers

It’s also important to stay in the loop with the latest news from the Amazon FBA and ecommerce space. Click here for our up to date roundup with all the news and content you need to succeed as an Amazon seller.

In Summary

If you weren’t already aware, this list of 57 Amazon statistics paints the picture quite clearly. Amazon is one of the biggest companies in the world and shows no signs of slowing down.

If you’re one of the 9+ million third-party sellers around the world, this is good news. Attaching yourself to Amazon’s brand is a fantastic way to get traction and build a business from scratch. You benefit from the billions of visitors to Amazon each month, as well as the powerful social proof that comes with the Amazon name.

57 Amazon Statistics to Know in 2023 (2024)


What are Amazon sales statistics for 2023? ›

Net sales increased 12% to $574.8 billion in 2023, compared with $514.0 billion in 2022. Excluding the $0.1 billion unfavorable impact from year-over-year changes in foreign exchange rates throughout the year, net sales increased 12% compared with 2022.

How many people use Amazon statistics? ›

Amazon Has Over 310 Million Active Users Globally. With over 80% of the users from the United States, there are more than 310 million active users of Amazon globally. Around 230 million Amazon customers are from the United States. In addition, Amazon received over 2.72 billion unique monthly visitors in 2023.

How many packages does Amazon deliver a day 2023? ›

How Many Orders Does Amazon Get A Day? Amazon ships approximately 1.6 million packages a day.

How many orders does Amazon fulfill in one week on average? ›

How Many Orders Does Amazon Get & Deliver per Day?
DurationNumber of OrdersProduct Sales Dollars
4 more rows
Jul 25, 2023

How many Amazon sellers make over $100k? ›

24% of SMB (small- and medium-sized businesses) Amazon sellers have reached lifetime sales of over $100,000: Under $25,000: 47% $25,001-50,000: 10% $50,001-100,000: 6%

How much does the average Amazon seller make? ›

Most sellers make at least $1,000 per month in sales, and some super-sellers are making more than $100,000 each month! Here are some captivating Amazon sales stats for you to know. According to statistics, 50% of Amazon sellers make $1,000 — $25,000/month, which could mean $12,000 to $300,000 in annual sales.

What are 5 interesting facts about Amazon? ›

But there are also many under-the-radar fun facts about Amazon's current ventures—such as its cashier-less stores and drone delivery.
  • Amazon Held Its Meetings at Barnes and Noble. ...
  • Amazon Launched as an Auction Site. ...
  • It Was Also an Early Competitor of Yahoo! ...
  • Amazon Users Can Donate to Charities When they Buy.

What is the most sold product in the world? ›

Clothing is the most purchased item in the world. Whether its clothing for women, men or children, the industry is booming.

What is Amazon's largest source of revenue? ›

Amazon makes money through its retail, subscriptions, and web services, among other channels. Retail remains Amazon's primary source of revenue, with online and physical stores together accounting for the biggest share.

Who owns Amazon? ›

Jeffrey Bezos owns the most shares of Amazon (AMZN). The ownership structure can impact the company's decision making, as large institutional investors may exert influence on the company's management and can also affect the company's stock price with their buying and selling patterns.

How much money does Amazon make a day? ›

Amazon makes approximately $1.29 billion per day. Amazon has grown rapidly during the past few years, and one of the major reasons why has to do with its mobile growth. According to Statista, Amazon has more than 150 million mobile users per month, which is almost twice as many as its closest competitor.

Will Amazon buy FedEx or UPS? ›

No, Amazon does not own FedEx or UPS.

Which country sells the most on Amazon? ›

USA: The Largest and Most Competitive Marketplace in the World. Undoubtedly, the most well-known and largest Amazon marketplace is the US market. It currently accounts for approximately 69.3% of Amazon's revenue and attracts nearly three billion website visitors each month.

How many packages a day does Amazon sell? ›

How many orders does amazon get per day? Data shows that Amazon ships a massive 1.6 million packages per day. That's over 66,000 packages per hour, and over 1,000 per minute.

What percentage of Amazon sellers make money? ›

Amazon Seller and Consumer Statistics 2022

Approximately 94% of Amazon sellers use Fulfilment by Amazon. 76% of Amazon sellers become profitable, and 63% of them become profitable within the first year. 36% of Amazon sellers earn $5,000 per month.

How is Amazon doing in 2023? ›

In 2023, Amazon reported $30.4 billion in net income, up from a $2.7 billion loss in 2022. For the three months ending in December, it reported $10.6 billion in net income, up from $300 million in the same time period a year ago.

Is selling on Amazon profitable 2023? ›

In short: yes. But let's go over why. In 2023, Amazon's revenue was a whopping $574 billion, up from $514 billion in 2022 — and nearly one quarter (23%) of that revenue is driven by third-party sellers!

What is the market value of Amazon 2023? ›

End of year Market Cap
YearMarket capChange
2024$1.910 T21.65%
2023$1.570 T83.23%
2022$856.94 B-49.32%
2021$1.691 T3.48%
20 more rows

Will Amazon do well in 2023? ›

Amazon got its costs under control and returned to profitability in 2023, and is on a path to record profits in 2024. Truist analyst Youssef Squali expects higher profits to add 19% to the stock's price over the next 12 months.

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Name: Moshe Kshlerin

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