6 Best Video Cards for Crypto Mining [2024] | GPU for Mining (2024)

If you want to mine crypto, you’ll need a mining GPU. But not all video cards are made equal. The best graphics card for mining may not be the most expensive (or the cheapest). The best card for mining might not be the fastest, either. The best GPU for mining is just that — the GPU that solves mining problems the fastest.

Today, we’ll take a deep dive into what makes a GPU great for mining, which GPUs are best, and how you can start mining crypto now.

Note: Don’t build that Ethereum mining rig just yet. Even the best GPU for mining 2024 isn’t going to help you with coins that aren’t (or are no longer) proof of work. Bitcoin (BTC) and Dogecoin (DOGE) are two coins that you can mine. Before, you could mine Ethereum — but not anymore.

Why Do You Need a GPU for Mining?

In the early days of mining cryptocurrency, we relied on processing power. We used CPUs to solve mathematics problems that “discovered” tokens. But then we realized that CPUs aren’t great at computing large amounts of hash functions. Even a cheap mining GPU outpaces an expensive CPU because GPUs are meant for that type of heavy algorithmic lifting.

Today, no one uses processors for mining — it’s video cards (almost) all the way. But there are hundreds of video cards for mining to choose from. And up until recently? It was hard to find a GPU for mining because they sold out so fast.

Before we dive into GPU hardware, electricity costs, and turning BTC into USD, let's talk about ASIC mining.

What is anASICMiner?

While we've seen enormous popularity in the GPU market recently, the next best thing is already here. Before we discuss the best GPU available, you should also know about Application-Specific Integrated Circuits. ASIC miners are made with one purpose. Each mines a specific cryptocurrency.

They're not designed as general purpose solutions (like a microprocessor in a PC or even a powerful GPU). Instead, you can only use them to mine specific cryptocurrencies. And there's good reason for that. ASIC miners are exceptional at what they do.

GPU vs. ASIC Miners

ASIC miners consume less power and offer greater capacity for crypto mining. If you want to mine Bitcoin (and only Bitcoin), an ASIC miner might be the best option. Remember, these are single-use tools. if you plan to play with different algorithms or choose new mining strategies based on profitability, the flexibility of a GPU makes more sense.

What are the 3 Best GPUs for Mining?

We identified NVIDIA GPUs as the top three best GPUs for mining. For most crypto miners, they provide the best value based on performance and cost.

These popular mining GPUs can also be a challenge to find. That's because they're not that expensive, mine quickly, and sell at major retailers like Amazon and Best Buy. If you're satisfied with your understanding of cryptocurrency (and understand the risks of scams), you may want a GPU for mining.

The NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060 TI is the best all-around card, mining quickly at a cost-effective MSRP. The NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 SUPER is the best budget card, available in many sectors for cheap. And the NVIDIA GeForce RTC 2070 is just a solid card at a low price.

Considering a cheap GPU for mining? Or are you on the hunt for the best mining GPU money can buy? Keep reading!

Overview: The Best GPUs for Mining

We’ve selected some top-of-the-line graphics cards for mining. But remember — sometimes the best graphics cards for mining will be “the one on sale” or the “one you got for free.” Apart from energy, the GPU will create value. If it can convert more money than you pay in electricity, it’s a good deal.

As you review these numbers, note that crypto has crashed considerably throughout 2024. Mining BTC is going to make you pennies a day on most cards – but the idea is that if you make enough of those pennies, someday, those pennies will be dollars.



Daily Income
(Sept 2022)

(Cost per Cent)


NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060 TI








NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2070




AMD Radeon RX 6700 XT




NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3090




NVIDIA GeForce RTX 1080



The 6 Best GPUs for Mining in 2024

Below, we break down our top choices. We highlight stats for each mining GPU, then we discuss pros and cons. Remember that many of these were originally marketed for gaming and AI. The most powerful graphic cards for gaming are also (usually) the best for crypto miners.

1. NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060 TI

6 Best Video Cards for Crypto Mining [2024] | GPU for Mining (1)

Best All-Around Contender

  • NVIDIA Cores: 4,864
  • Base Memory: 8 GB
  • Memory Type: GDDR6 RAM
  • PCI Type: PCI Express 4.0

The RTX 3060 TI knocks most other video cards out of the park -– and it’s really not that expensive. Built for gaming, the RTX 3060 TI uses GDDR6 RAM and PCI Express 4.0 graphics. It’s a lightning-fast card used for more than just mining.

A great all-purpose video card with high performance.

Decent entry-level prices on the used market.

Still more expensive than a real “budget” card.

Buy It Here.

2. NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 SUPER

6 Best Video Cards for Crypto Mining [2024] | GPU for Mining (2)

Best Budget Card

  • Cores: 1,408
  • Base Memory: 6 GB
  • Memory Type: GDDR6 RAM
  • PCI Type: PCI Express 3.0

The GTX 1660 SUPER is nearing $200. While it doesn’t exactly pack a punch, its low cost makes it ideal for creating a rig of multiple GPUs. The GTX 1660 SUPER is up to 50% faster than the previous generation of 16 series cards.

A cheap card that solves problems fast.

Usually available.

Not really available on the new market.

Buy It Here.

3. NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2070

6 Best Video Cards for Crypto Mining [2024] | GPU for Mining (3)

Best Mid-Range Card

  • Cores: 2,304
  • Base Memory: 8 GB
  • Memory Type: GDDR6 RAM
  • PCI Type: PCI Express 3.0

For the money, the performance of the GeForce RTX 2070 isn’t that exciting. But it makes up for it in availability. It’s a relatively solid card that yields pretty decent results — even better if you can get it on sale.

A mid-range card that delivers a solid performance.

Not the best card for your money — few advantages over the 3060.

Buy It Here.

4. AMD Radeon RX 6700 XT

6 Best Video Cards for Crypto Mining [2024] | GPU for Mining (4)

Not the Best, Not the Worst

  • Cores: 2,560
  • Base Memory: 12 GB
  • Memory Type: GDDR6 RAM
  • PCI Type: PCI Express 4.0

As we reach “4” on our list, we start to approach even better cards. The AMD Radeon is a little too expensive to be a true contender to our top 3, with performance that merits a “meh.” But Radeon cards tend to go on sale more — so that “meh” could turn into an “eh?”

Solid performance for a mid-level card.

May be slightly more available than other cards.

Doesn’t have astonishing performance for the money.

Buy It Here.

5. NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3090

6 Best Video Cards for Crypto Mining [2024] | GPU for Mining (5)

For Those With Money to Burn

  • Cores: 10,496
  • Base Memory: 24 GB
  • Memory Type: GDDR6X RAM
  • PCI Type: PCI Express 4.0

The GeForce RTX 3090 is an expensive card. It mines twice as fast as most other cards, but it’s also three times more expensive. So, it’s a great card if you get a discount or if you upgraded your computer and it’s just lying around — but it’s not a great choice for your server farm.

Probably one of the best cards you can buy.

Will definitely produce a lot of crypto fast.

It’s still so expensive that the cost-effectiveness isn’t there.

Buy It Here.

6. NVIDIA GeForce RTX 1080

6 Best Video Cards for Crypto Mining [2024] | GPU for Mining (6)

Fast, But Overpriced

  • Cores: 2,560
  • Base Memory: 8 GB
  • Memory Type: GDDR5X RAM
  • PCI Type: PCI Express 3.0

Finally, we have the GeForce RTX 1080. This is a great card in terms of speed. If you have a bunch lying around on discount, go for it. The problem is that the MSRP does tend to be quite high; you need to find these for resale.

A very solid card that’s usually very available.

The cost value isn’t there unless you can get it cheap.

Buy It Here.

So, What Makes a Good GPU for Mining?

As you can see above, a combination of performance and cost makes a good GPU for mining.

Unfortunately, performance is constantly reduced as mining gets harder, and cost constantly fluctuates. We know roughly which cards are great for mining, but we usually glean this by testing them. Once we know which cards offer the best hash rates for mining, it’s a matter of purchasing the card as cheap as we can.

After all, mining profitability depends on the cost of your machine and the cost of electricity. A mining GPU isn't just a one-time cost, either. You may want to upgrade to an ASIC miner for token-specific mining tasks.

Want To Learn More About Mining? Check Out This Course

Learn How to Build a Cryptocurrency Mining Computer

How to Choose a Graphics Card for Mining

Now that we’ve covered the easy stuff, let’s discuss a few other issues when choosing a graphics card.

Graphics cards are like cars. They come with different trim levels. Let’s say you want an NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060 TI. NVIDIA is the company that creates the chip. GeForce RTX is the make and model of the chip. And TI is a trim level — you won’t get the same performance from an RTX 3060 as you will from a 3060 TI.

6 Best Video Cards for Crypto Mining [2024] | GPU for Mining (7)

This comparison from UserBenchmark shows how significantly the TI version outperforms the non-TI version.

But wait — there’s more.

When you choose a graphics card, you’re also choosing a:

  • Manufacturer. That’s right; NVIDIA or RADEON make the chips, not necessarily the cards. When you buy an RTX 3060 TI, you could be buying something from MSI, Gigabyte, or Zotac. Some manufacturers have bells and whistles (like additional cooling) — others don’t. It makes a difference.
  • Memory. These manufacturers may make a 3060 TI with 4GB, 8GB, or 16GB. The amount of onboard memory again matters in terms of performance. Most cards have a default. A 3060 TI will usually come with at least 8 GB. But you could see a cheap one and then realize it’s only 6GB.

So, unfortunately, because of these “trim levels,” it’s not always easy to choose the right mining GPU even if you know exactly which chip you want.

How to Find a Graphics Card Cheap

Demand-side economics means that once upon a time, even $400 graphics cards were selling for $1,200 on the reseller’s market. The more expensive crypto gets, the more expensive video cards get. But that’s changing as the crypto market softens. The less value BTC has, the more graphics cards tend to drop in price — because BTC is the major currency currently mined.

With ETH moving from proof of work to proof of stake, graphics cards have dropped tremendously. The best places to look for cheap graphics cards are secondary sellers: used video cards on Amazon and eBay. You don’t need a new graphics card for mining, you just need one that works. People trade out their graphics cards all the time for best-in-class gaming technologies.

Alternatives to Buying a GPU for Mining

You might have noticed that even on our chart, the best GPU for mining isn’t really profitable. But that can be a little misleading.

What makes mining so expensive?

  • First, the cost is based on United States electricity rates, which are high right now. If you’re running a solar, wind, or other sustainable energy system (which a lot of GPU mining farms are), that’s a different scenario.
  • Second, it’s based on the MSRP of the GPU, which is really the only static price for comparison. But you can get them cheaper used.
  • Third, mining is just expensive right now for BTC (which we are comparing). But altcoins tend to be easier to mine, if you think they’ll rise in price.
  • Finally, BTC crashed. As of this writing, it’s sub-$20k, far off from its highs of over $60k. That matters.

Many people don’t mine with their own GPUs because of the above. Instead, they’ve started mining on cloud instances or hosted servers. They don’t need to purchase a bunch of mining equipment upfront, and they don’t have to keep it in their house (or pay for that electricity).

ASIC Mining as an Alternative

As we've discussed above, an ASIC miner works as a superior alternative to a regular GPU in some situations. If you plan to mine a popular cryptocurrency (like Bitcoin) and have enough space and cooling for a louder unit, you may want to upgrade to an application-specific integrated circuit miner.

Just remember that an ASIC rig is algo specific. One made for mining bitcoin uses the SHA-256 algorithm and could not be used to mine for anything that uses another algorithm.

Benefits of ASIC:

  • Higher hash rates
  • More efficient energy consumption
  • Potential for more profit

Cons of ASIC:

  • Algo-specific
  • Noisier
  • May run hotter

Conclusion: What’s the Best GPU for Mining?

Those are the best crypto mining cards for 2024. But the best crypto mining GPU changes all the time as prices fluctuate. We’ve based these on traditional MSRPs – the price they’re being sold at stores. But supply/demand matters: many of the “best for mining GPUs” are hard to come by.

So, you can buy the best GPU for mining and start mining Bitcoin — or an altcoin — immediately. But those quick financial gains aren’t all that the blockchain is good for Now that you know how you can start mining, find out more about the blockchain below:

  • Explore the advantages of Blockchain technology with the best blockchain courses.
  • Start developing for Web3 with blockchain programming guides.
  • Discover the technology behind the cryptocurrency blockchain and tokens.
  • Visit some cryptocurrency tutorials to learn more about your crypto investment.
  • Make sure that you know all there is to know with some blockchain certifications.

Frequently Asked Questions

Below, we'll answer some of the most common questions we hear about using GPUs for mining. If we missed anything, please ask in the comments!

What is the Most Effective GPU for Mining?

In short, the most effective GPU for mining is the one that can solve mining problems fastest… and is the most cost-effective solution. As of September 2022, the best GPU for mining is likely The NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060 Ti. There are more powerful cards, but they are prohibitively expensive. Mining is, at its heart, a financial enterprise.

What GPU is Needed for Mining?

At least an equivalent of a GTX 1070 should be used for mining, but the interesting thing about GPUs is that because of the way that the work is “done,” you can’t always anticipate which card will be great for mining. A $2,000 card may be okay, and a $500 may be amazing depending on the engines inside of the card itself – e.g., cards with ray tracing tend to be exceptionally powerful.

Which GPU is Best for ETH Mining?

Unfortunately, you can no longer mine Ethereum. Ethereum switched to proof-of-stake from proof-of-work on September 15, 2022.

Can Mining Destroy GPUs?

Mining will absolutely destroy a GPU. It’s the equivalent of running a very resource-intensive game 24/7. Most GPUs will last in a computer for up to a decade, even if it’s not running top-of-the-line games after all that time. A GPU usually won’t last for mining for longer than a few years. But you can make a lot of money in that time.

How Long Will a Mining GPU Last?

How long a mining GPU lasts depends on a few factors. Foremost, there’s the challenge — Bitcoin is very hard to mine, but some altcoins aren’t. Second, there’s the heat and the environment. A mining GPU exposed to a lot of heat and dust may break down in a week. Finally, there’s the GPU itself: Some are tougher than others. A good GPU should last at least three years.

How Many GPUs Should I Use to Mine?

That really depends on you. Some people make a rack of thousands of GPUs within a data center. Others have one, two, or a dozen. If you’re mining Bitcoin, you will need hundreds of GPUs; the difficulty has increased.

How Do You Optimize Graphics Cards for Mining?

Most graphics cards today come with built-in BIOS systems that allow for overclocking. Other than overclocking the graphics card itself, it’s environmental; there’s a reason many miners prefer open-air installations in egg crates over fancy cases.

What are CUDA cores?

NVIDIA produces some of the best GPUs for mining crypto, and they have their own language when it comes to processors. They developed a proprietary parallel computing platform, called CUDA, which helps coders more effectively use the processor's cores. Note that more CUDA cores doesn't always indicate a more powerful GPU for mining. You'll need to evaluate the efficiency of the design to maximize computational power for hashing.

What are the best GPUS to buy for crypto currency mining right now?

6 Best Video Cards for Crypto Mining [2024] | GPU for Mining (2024)


6 Best Video Cards for Crypto Mining [2024] | GPU for Mining? ›


The NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3090, a flagship GPU in NVIDIA's RTX 30 series, is renowned for its exceptional performance in both gaming and cryptocurrency mining. Using the powerful Ampere architecture, this GPU delivers remarkable computational power, making it a favorite among crypto miners.

What is the best graphics card for crypto mining? ›


The NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3090, a flagship GPU in NVIDIA's RTX 30 series, is renowned for its exceptional performance in both gaming and cryptocurrency mining. Using the powerful Ampere architecture, this GPU delivers remarkable computational power, making it a favorite among crypto miners.

How much can a 6 GPU mining rig make? ›

For example, a rig of six MSI GeForce RTX 3080Ti graphics processing units (GPUs) will be most profitable when mining Ravencoin (RVN) and bring around $170 per month. Zcash (ZEC) can bring in almost the same revenue while mining Clore (CLORE) can earn $158 per month.

What graphics card do you need for mining? ›

Graphic Card Recommendations for Bitcoin Mining:

The RTX 3080 offers an excellent balance between high hash rates and reasonable power consumption, making it a top choice for miners.

How many GPUs are needed to mine 1 bitcoin? ›

There is no minimum or limit to the number of GPUs you can use when mining, and can even start with 1. However, if you are into a serious mining business, a rig of 6 GPUs is recommended.

Which crypto mining is most profitable? ›

Crypto mining presents the opportunity for passive income by generating new coins and validating transactions. The most profitable cryptocurrencies to mine include Bitcoin, Ethereum, Ravencoin, Litecoin, ECOSECOS, Vertcoin, and ZCash.

Which crypto mining is profitable in 2024? ›

If you're looking to get into crypto mining in 2024, you need to know which crypto currencies are the most profitable to mine. Bitcoin, the first and most well-known crypto currency, is still the most profitable to mine.

How much RAM to mine bitcoin? ›

Although mining does not heavily rely on RAM, it's essential to have sufficient memory for smooth system operation. Opt for at least 8GB or more of DDR4 RAM to handle mining software and other system processes efficiently.

What mining rig makes the most money? ›

The Bitmain Antminer S21 Hyd 335T is the most profitable Bitcoin mining machine currently, followed by the Canaan Avalon Made A1266, and MicroBit Whatsminer M50S. If you want to mine other cryptocurrencies, the Bitmain Antminer KS3, Bitmain Antminer D9, and Bitmain Antminer K7 are all solid choices.

How long does it take to mine 1 Bitcoin? ›

How Long Does It Take to Mine 1 Bitcoin? The reward for mining is 3.125 bitcoins. It takes the network about 10 minutes to mine one block, so it takes about 10 minutes to mine 3.125 bitcoins.

Which GPU Cannot be used for mining? ›

Nvidia has announced that it is limiting the capabilities of its latest RTX 30 series graphics cards such that they can't be used for cryptocurrency mining.

Is GPU important for crypto mining? ›

Key Takeaways

A GPU, or graphics processing unit, is responsible for the digital rendering in a computer system. Due to a GPU's power potential vs. a CPU, or central processing unit, they have become more useful in blockchain mining due to their speed and efficiency.

Can I mine crypto with a 3080? ›

NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080 can generate more than 15.28 USD monthly income with a 142.05 H/s hashrate on the BTG - ZHash (GMiner) algorithm.

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