6 Strategic Ways to Actually Make Money With Your Email List - Melyssa Griffin (2024)

Hooooly moly. I think I just took the longest blogging hiatus of my life. Thanks for not attackingme with virtual pitchforks or anything, you guys are the best. 😉
6 Strategic Ways to Actually Make Money With Your Email List - Melyssa Griffin (1)

Lately, I’ve been focusing on teaching people how to utilize their email lists because I know thata person’s email listisone of their biggest assets
and I want you to see that, too! I’ve also seen the swift change that growing and nurturing my own list has had on my business. An active email list is often the cure to many business and blogging woes.

No one’s reading your blog posts? Use your email list to create more engagement.

No one’s buying your products?Use an email sequence.

Want to build a stronger brand? Share tons of value with your email subscribers.

Your list is kind of your holy grail of business tools. Not only will it increase engagement and a sense of community, but it will also help you increase sales. Now,of course, you can’t just send a half-hearted email and expect the community and cash to roll right in. No. You need to be a little more savvy, strategic, and value-centered to achieve the results you’re aiming for.

In today’s post, we’re talking about six different ways that you can use your email list to bring home the bacon (do people still say that?). So, if you want to increase your sales, help people see your value, and build a stronger business, then I hope you’re ready to party. Let’s do this.

First of all, I’ve got a little cheatsheet to help you implement some of the things we’re about to talk about in this post. Just click the button below to grab it. It’s free, yo.

6 Strategic Ways to Actually Make Money With Your Email List - Melyssa Griffin (2)

Dude.If you want to starta profitable business, you need to pick a niche. I know, I know. I can see your pitchforks and torches already. Don’t hate me, k? I just want you to succeed, that’s all. If you’re unconvinced, then read this post about selecting a focus (and why it’s muy importante).

In terms of creating an online business, you’ll be stunting your growthdramatically if you try to please everyone or talk about too many subjects. I’m not being a hater, I actually speak from experience! During the first year or two of my blog’s life, I experimented with tons of topics. Self development. Creativity. Fashion in Japan (?!?!). And I’ll admit, I was able to grow a devoted little audience while talking about a zillion different things.But one day I decided to start talking more and more about business and pro blogging.

And BAM.

It was like my email list, traffic, and income had a private meeting where they decided to start giving a crap.“We’re stoked that you finallypicked a niche, so we’re just going to rock out over here for the rest of eternity. Cool?”

Aside from making it easier to grow your business with a more specific niche, you’re also making it easier for people to want to sign up for your list. Without a niche, your audience may be wonderingwhy they should sign up for your list in the first place or what you would even send them.

One word of caution: while selecting your niche, make sure you’re focusing on your ideal customers or clients, not your peers.The mistake I see a lot of people make is that they create blog posts and content that aredirected toward people just like them, rather than the people that they want to attract and can sell their products to.

Bottom line: Pick a niche. Be free.

Actually, it should probably be more like value value value value value value value value pitch.

The people who donot make much revenue through their email lists are the ones who send emails that go a little something like this:

Subject line: Announcing my new super awesome product!

Email: Hey subscriber! I just created this new super awesome product that I think you would like! Here’s the sales page! Go buy it!

Okay, so maaaaybe more people aren’t quite that blatant, but they’re saying the same thing, just in a few more words. Rather than simply telling people to go buy your product, you need toconvince people that your product is right for them in the first place. Many people will see your product and barely give it a second glance, simply because they don’t know how it will benefit themandbecause they don’t know howyou will benefit them. How can they understand your worth and knowledge if all you do is tell them to buy your crap?

Instead, use your email list as almost
a second blog. Send vulnerable emails that inspire your audience. Give them new tips and strategies you’ve never mentioned elsewhere. Tell them about an upcoming workshop you’re teaching fo’ free. Give them a free workbook or cheatsheet, just because.

Basically,you want your subscribers tolook forward to opening your emails because they know they’ll always get something good out of them. So, send free downloads, free knowledge, and free inspiration well before you ask them to open their wallets.

6 Strategic Ways to Actually Make Money With Your Email List - Melyssa Griffin (3)

Here’s a secret: most online entrepreneurs don’t publish blog posts or other content just for the heck of it. They might do that sometimes, especially when they’re just getting started, but typically if they are writing a blog post, it’s the entrance point for a specificpath.

Let me explain.

Like we talked about in #2 above, giving value is insanely important if you want to build a business that people care about. Also, many people in your audience are probablynot on your email list yet, but theydo read your blog or consume your content. So, the best thing to do is to create a path, starting on the outskirts of your brand (like your blog or social media) and leading them to the inner circle. Like this:

6 Strategic Ways to Actually Make Money With Your Email List - Melyssa Griffin (4)

So, the idea is to write a blog post or create a piece of content about your product’s topic. This isnot simply to talk about your product. This is primarily meant to provide value to your audience. Then, use an opt-in incentive in order to encourage them to sign up for your email list. An opt-in incentive is something you give away for free, in addition to your blog post. It could be a worksheet, cheatsheet, ebook, etc. Now that they’re on your email list, you could invite them to a related webinar or pitch your product. Here’s what this process looks like:

6 Strategic Ways to Actually Make Money With Your Email List - Melyssa Griffin (5)

As you can see, every piece of content you produce nowhas a purpose. You’re sharing value with your audience by producing killer content, sothe people whomight be interested in your product will sign up for your list and get to hear more about your related, paid offering.

The reason why you wouldn’t just create a blog post or piece of content introducing your new product is because, like we talked about in point #2 above, people need totrust you and feel like you’re knowledgeable before they will buy from you.

Here’s the difference between promoting something on your blog, social media, and to your email list: in order to see apromotion on your blog or social media, someone would have togo to your blog or social media.They don’t get a notification.That puts a lot of weight on your audience to check your accounts regularly or happen to see your Instagram post in a feed of others, which they simply will not do.

On the other hand, if you send someone an email, then you can be pretty darn certain that they will see it. People check their email several times a day, but they may not check social media at the specific time you publish your social media post. And they may not visit your blog because then they’d have to type your link into their browser and who in the world is going to remember to do that, especially at the specific time you need to reach them?Nah, bro.

This is a big reason why an email list is vital. It allows you to reach your audienceeffectivelyandwhen you want to,which is especially important for time-sensitive offerings, like launches or webinars.

6 Strategic Ways to Actually Make Money With Your Email List - Melyssa Griffin (6)

So, whenever you’re planning a new webinar, your email list should be the first place you send the registration page to. Not only will you get more sign-ups for your webinar (where you can pitch and sell your product), simply because you’re reaching your subscribers in their inbox (which they check frequently), but you’re also giving free value to your subscribers (a 60 minute class?! Heck yeah!). Sometimes, when I’m busy (or lazy, let’s be real here), I don’t even promote my webinars on social media. Ionly send them to my email subscribers. That’s how valuable your list is!

**Disclaimer: While I do think your email list is crazy important, I don’t think that social media isunimportant. Some people will tell you that social media is a waste of time, and you’re welcome to believe whoever you want, but I actually think social media is a phenomenal place to build your authority, be personable, and grow an engaged community around your brand. But for making sales and reaching your audience with time sensitive offers? Your email list is the way to go.

If you want to make sales of your products through your email list, then a sales funnel or email sequence is the way to go. I feel like some of these terms, like “sales funnel,” get a bad rap because certain online marketers over the years have been really spammy or pushy in their emails. But in reality, a sales funnel is just a chain of emails that tell people about your products or services. You probably get them everyday without even realizing it, from online business owners to Taco Bell.

There are nearly endless ways for you to create a sales funnel, but the main gist is to provide value, while showing people why your product can benefit them. Think of your sales funnel as a sales page spread out over several emails. On a sales page, you don’t just slap a “buy now” button onto it and expect people to buy your thing. You first need to help them go through necessary mindset shiftsand show themwhy your thing will help them with whatever problem they’re having.

The same thing goes for your sales funnel, so try breaking it down into the different sections of your sales page. One email may be about breaking down the stereotypes or myths they believe about your topic. Another email may talk about your personal turning point or the results you’ve seen with your strategies. Another email may share a case study from one of your clients or students. Even though these emails are selling your products, your main objective is to provide value to your subscribers, so you should position your sales funnel emails to make sure they are still useful, even for people who never buy.

For example, if you’re sending a case study about the incredible results you got for one of your students, you could position it as something like “Check out how Miranda lost 23 pounds in 3 months (with strategies you can use!).” Then, your email would talk about Miranda’s success story, but will also tell peoplewhat Miranda did to achieve such success. So, you’re giving people actionable tips they can use. Finally, you’ll let people know that if they want to kick up their own weight loss regime, your e-course/personal training/coaching/whatever is designed to help peopleachieve the kinds of results Miranda did. So, even when you’re “pitching,” you’re being useful.

Of course, you’ll want to add some “straight value” emails into your sales funnel, too. In these emails, you’re essentially just providing new tips and advice for people who are interested in your product’s topic. This will remind people of your vast knowledge of this topic and also help them with the problem they’re having.

How do you get someone into your sales funnel? Typically, they’ll “enter” it by opting in toreceive some sort of freebie or content upgrade on your website. After they opt-in for that freebie, they’ll receive a “tag” in your email service provider (ESP). Then, you’ll make sure that you have set up your ESP so that anyone with that tag automatically receives your sales funnel sequence. Now, you’ll be able to sell your products and services on autopilot!

For a simple (and free!) sales funnel cheatsheet, just click the image below and it will be emailed to you rightaway.

6 Strategic Ways to Actually Make Money With Your Email List - Melyssa Griffin (7)

I don’t really like the word “tripwire” because it sounds kind of aggressive and evil, but hey I don’t invent the words over here, I just tell you about them. 😉 Anywho, a tripwire is an inexpensive offer you pitch to someone immediately after they sign up for your list. Usually it costs $7 or $9. Cheap-o.

The reasoning behind doing this is that, psychologically, someone is more likely to remember you and buy from youagain than they are likely to become a customer in the first place. So, if the first offer they see from you is something really valuable for only 7 bucks, then they are likely to purchase it, turning them into a customer right away. Think about it: Are you more likely to open someone’s future emails if you’ve already purchased one of their products (which was uber helpful and awesome) or are you more likely to open someone’s emails who you’ve never really interacted with before? Bingo.

Also,when you pitch them your higher-priced offerings in the future, they’ll already be a customer of yours(more likely to buy again), so they’ll have had the chance to see what your paid stuff is like. Kind of like a teaser into your paid products and services.

Most people who use tripwires also put tripwire buyers into special email sequences, which provide value, thank them for their purchase, and eventually pitch one of your more expensive offerings. Think of it this way: manycoaches offer free “discovery calls” to help potential clients get acquainted with them, which is likely to lead to more sales of their coaching services. Tripwires are similar. An inexpensive way to get to knowyou as well as to get to know the kind of value you bring to the table, which will increase the number of buyers of your premium products.

In order to set up a tripwire, you will need to create a product that you can sell for $7 or $9. Even though it’s cheap, it should still be very valuable! Then, create a sales page for that product and a way for people to pay for it (you could easily do this in Teachable). Lastly, you need to set up your opt-in form or landing page so that after someone subscribes, they are sent to the tripwire sales page. The sales page should start with something like, “Check your email to confirm your subscription. While you’re waiting, check THIS out
” And then it will go into the sales page for your tripwire offer.

The key to tripwires is to have a plan for after someone buys it. Will they get an email sequence that tells them about one of your larger products? Will you reach out to them individually to say hello and see if they want to schedule a free discovery call? Have a plan, otherwise your tripwire is basically just a $7 product with no path (as we talked about in #3!).

Woo! You freakin’ rock for making it to the end. As a free little bonus, I put together a cheatsheet that you can download, which includes exactly what to include in a basic sales funnel for your business (including the different emails to write). Click here or the image below to download it!

If you found this blog post helpful, go ahead and pin the image below to share it with your friends!

6 Strategic Ways to Actually Make Money With Your Email List - Melyssa Griffin (8)

6 Strategic Ways to Actually Make Money With Your Email List - Melyssa Griffin (2024)


How to make $100 per day with your email list? â€ș

To make $100 per day with your email list, you need to focus on building a targeted and engaged email list, providing valuable content, promoting relevant products, and optimizing your email campaigns. It requires consistent effort and dedication to monetize your email list effectively.

How do I turn my email list into money? â€ș

Table of contents
  1. How to make money with email list: 7 actionable ways.
  2. Use affiliate marketing and promote other people's products or services.
  3. Include sponsored content or advertising in your emails.
  4. Create a tripwire offer.
  5. Sell your own product or service.
  6. Create a paid newsletter.
  7. Create a paid course.
  8. Run paid webinars.
Jul 31, 2024

How to make money via email? â€ș

9 Ways Make Money With Email Marketing In 2024
  1. Advertise Your Products Or Services. ...
  2. Send A Welcome Email That Sells. ...
  3. Re-Engage Those At Risk Of Churn. ...
  4. Follow Up On Form Or Cart Abandonments. ...
  5. Use Affiliate Links In Your Email Copy. ...
  6. Perform Market Research To Create A Stronger Business Offering.
Feb 18, 2024

How many email subscribers do you need to make money? â€ș

The size of your email list is critical, and regardless of the size of your e-commerce firm, you should strive for at least 1000 subscribers. If there are fewer than 1000 subscribers, conversions will be challenging.

How can I send 10000 emails a day for free? â€ș

How to send 10,000 emails using Gmail (with screenshots)
  1. STEP 1: Install the Mailmeteor extension for Gmail. ...
  2. STEP 2: Add your bulk email recipients to Google Sheets. ...
  3. STEP 3: Add names to columns and other contact info. ...
  4. STEP 4: Open Mailmeteor and 'create a new template' to send to your 10,000 people.
Feb 24, 2023

How to get paid through Mailchimp? â€ș

To be eligible to earn commission, you must be actively connected to 2 or more customer accounts and sign in to each customer's account regularly within the quarter the commissions are calculated. Each customer must be on a paid Mailchimp plan. To learn how to connect accounts, check out Connect Your Clients' Accounts.

How valuable are email lists? â€ș

Email lists are priceless assets for any business. They are a way to reach out to potential customers, build relationships, and increase sales. In simple terms, an email list is worth exactly what it can do for you.

How much can you earn from email list? â€ș

How to Make Money From Your Email List: 13 Proven Strategies for 2024
#MethodAverage Earning Potential
1Run a paid newsletter$12 to $20 per subscription.
2Build an exclusive community$7 per member.
3Accept donations$3 per donation.
4Sell ebooks$5 to $15 per sale.
9 more rows

What companies will pay you to write emails? â€ș

If you're interested in email processing, exploring legitimate platforms that offer these opportunities, such as Upwork, Fiverr, and Freelancer, is essential. It is also important to be cautious of scams and thoroughly research any opportunities before committing to them.

Can you make money from email subscriptions? â€ș

Add an income stream displaying newsletter ads

A popular way to monetize your email list is using newsletter ads. Email advertising means that another creator pays you to insert ads into specific emails you send to your entire subscriber list, or only a segment of your list.

How do you get money through email? â€ș

An email money transfer is a very simple method to send or receive your money. Once the EMT is initiated, the sender and the recipient both receive a notification of their incoming funds by email. The money is then delivered using a secure fund transfer network.

How do I monetize my email list? â€ș

  1. Affiliate marketing. Affiliate marketing is one of the most common ways to monetize an email list. ...
  2. Paid memberships/community. Paid access to programs or communities act like a subscription service (think Netflix). ...
  3. Advertising and sponsorships. ...
  4. Sponsored content. ...
  5. Info products. ...
  6. Paid newsletters. ...
  7. Consulting. ...
  8. Tripwire offers.
Jan 2, 2024

What is a good email list? â€ș

In general, an email list should be:
  • Consent-based. You should always get permission from email subscribers before sending them campaigns. ...
  • Receptive to your content. The contacts in your email list should be interested in both your business and the email newsletters you share. ...
  • Simple to segment. ...
  • Increasing.
Jul 21, 2024

How to send 500 emails per day? â€ș

How to send mass email in Gmail
  1. Step 1 – Create multiple Gmail accounts (optional)
  2. Step 2 – Add your contacts.
  3. Step 3 – Group your contacts using labels.
  4. Step 4 – Compose the email.
  5. Step 5 – Select the email recipients and send your email.
  6. A daily maximum of 500 emails sent.
  7. Poor deliverability.
  8. Lack of personalization.
Jan 25, 2024

How much money can you make a day with inbox dollars? â€ș

My daily earnings for searching the web and earning Scratch & Win plays will vary. Sometimes it may be a few cents, other days it may be $0.12 or more. On average though, I'll earn an extra $2.00 per month. Not bad for making web searches I would have made anyway!

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Author: Rob Wisoky

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Author information

Name: Rob Wisoky

Birthday: 1994-09-30

Address: 5789 Michel Vista, West Domenic, OR 80464-9452

Phone: +97313824072371

Job: Education Orchestrator

Hobby: Lockpicking, Crocheting, Baton twirling, Video gaming, Jogging, Whittling, Model building

Introduction: My name is Rob Wisoky, I am a smiling, helpful, encouraging, zealous, energetic, faithful, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.