6264.0300 - MN Rules Part (2024)


Subpart 1.

[Repealed, 28 SR 629]


Subp. 2.

[Repealed, 28 SR 1011]


Subp. 3.

[Repealed, 28 SR 1011]


Subp. 4.

[Repealed, 21 SR 1166]


Subp. 5.

[Repealed, 21 SR 1166]


Subp. 6.

[Repealed, 21 SR 1166]


Subp. 7.

[Repealed, 21 SR 1166]


Subp. 8.

[Repealed, 21 SR 1166]


Subp. 9.

[Repealed, 21 SR 1166]


Subp. 10.

[Repealed, 31 SR 1319]


Subp. 11.

[Repealed, 31 SR 1319]


Subp. 12.

[Repealed, 28 SR 33]


Subp. 13.

[Repealed, 21 SR 1166]


Subp. 14.

[Repealed, 27 SR 1313]


Subp. 15.

[Repealed, 27 SR 1313]


Subp. 16.

[Repealed, 21 SR 1166]


Subp. 17.

[Repealed, 21 SR 1166]


Subp. 18.

[Repealed, 21 SR 1166]


Subp. 19.

[Repealed, 28 SR 33]


Subp. 20.

[Repealed, 28 SR 33]


Subp. 21.

[Repealed, 21 SR 1166]


Subp. 22.

[Repealed, 21 SR 1166]


Subp. 24.

[Repealed, 21 SR 1166]


Subp. 25.

[Repealed, 24 SR 1186]


Subp. 26.

[Repealed, 21 SR 1166]


Subp. 27.

[Repealed, 21 SR 1166]


Subp. 28.

[Repealed, 28 SR 33]


Subp. 29.

[Repealed, 28 SR 33]


Subp. 30.

[Repealed, 28 SR 33]


Subp. 31.

[Repealed, 36 SR 810]


Subp. 32.

Rainy Lake experimental regulations.

To the extent that this subpart is inconsistent with part 6266.0700, subpart 2, the provisions of this subpart apply. While a person is on or fishing in the waters listed below, all walleye in possession or under control, regardless of where taken, must be less than 18 inches in length or greater than 26 inches in length. All walleye that are 18 to 26 inches in length, inclusive, must be immediately returned to the water. A person's possession and daily limit for walleye is four, and must not include more than one walleye over 26 inches in length. Walleye legally taken from Ontario waters of Rainy Lake that are not within the above length limits may be possessed with documented proof of fishing on Ontario waters of Rainy Lake. Proof of fishing must consist of documentation of a residence or property on Ontario waters of Rainy Lake, or a dated receipt from an Ontario resort on Rainy Lake. A person in possession of walleye that were legally taken in Ontario waters of Rainy Lake, but not within the legal sizes for the waters listed below, may not fish on the waters listed below.

Name Location County End Date
Rainy Lake T.67,68,69,70, 71, R.18,19,20, 21,22,23,24, S. Various, Minnesota waters of Rainy Lake from the dam in International Falls to the dam in Kettle Falls, Black Bay including Gold Portage, Rat Root Lake, and all of the Rat Root River Koochiching, St. Louis 3/1/2026


Subp. 33.

[Repealed, 37 SR 1208]


Subp. 34.

[Repealed, 27 SR 1313]


Subp. 35.

[Repealed, 37 SR 1208]


Subp. 36.

[Repealed, 34 SR 1071]


Subp. 37.

[Repealed, 35 SR 1093]


Subp. 38.

[Repealed, 28 SR 1011]


Subp. 39.

[Repealed, 35 SR 1093]


Subp. 40.

[Repealed, 28 SR 1011]


Subp. 41.

[Repealed, 35 SR 1093]


Subp. 42.

[Repealed, 29 SR 876]


Subp. 43.

[Repealed, 30 SR 697]


Subp. 44.

[Repealed, 27 SR 1313]


Subp. 45.

[Repealed, 38 SR 1061]


Subp. 46.

[Repealed, 27 SR 1313]


Subp. 47.

[Repealed, 40 SR 750]


Subp. 48.

[Repealed, 31 SR 1319]


Subp. 49.

[Repealed, 32 SR 1547]


Subp. 50.

[Repealed, 30 SR 697]


Subp. 51.

[Repealed, 34 SR 1071]


Subp. 52.

[Repealed, 29 SR 876]


Subp. 53.

[Repealed, 29 SR 876]


Subp. 54.

[Repealed, 34 SR 1071]


Subp. 55.

[Repealed, 32 SR 1547]


Subp. 56.

Walleye slot limits on Namakan Reservoir Lakes.

While a person is on or angling in the following waters, all walleye in possession or under control must be less than 18 inches in length or greater than 26 inches in length. All walleye that are 18 to 26 inches in length, inclusive, must be immediately returned to the water. A person's possession and daily limit for walleye and sauger is six in the aggregate, of which not more than four may be walleye and not more than one walleye may be over 26 inches in length.

Name Location County End Date
A. Kabetogama Lake (including Sullivan Bay and Ash River to Ash River Falls) T.68, R.19,20, S.Various T.69, R.19,20,21, 22, S.Various T.70, R.21,22, S.Various St. Louis, Koochiching 3/1/2027
B. Namakan Lake T.68, R.17,18,19, S.Various T.69, R.17,18,19, S.Various T.70, R.18,19, S.Various St. Louis 3/1/2027
C. Sand Point Lake T.67, R.16, S.Various T.68, R.16, S.Various T.69, R.17, S.Various St. Louis 3/1/2027
D. Little Vermilion Lake (including Loon River to Loon Falls Portage) T.66, R.16, S.Various T.67, R.16, S.Various St. Louis 3/1/2027
E. Crane Lake (including Vermillion Gorge and the Echo River from the mouth upstream to St. Louis Co. Highway 424 bridge) T.67, R.16,17, S.Various T.68, R.16,17, S.Various St. Louis 3/1/2027


Subp. 57.

[Repealed, 32 SR 1547]


Subp. 58.

[Repealed, 32 SR 1547]


Subp. 59.

[Repealed, 42 SR 1015]


Subp. 60.

[Repealed, 29 SR 871]


Subp. 61.

[Repealed, 29 SR 871]


Subp. 62.

[Repealed, 33 SR 1442]


Subp. 63.

[Repealed, 35 SR 1093]


Subp. 64.

[Repealed, 41 SR 1019]


Subp. 65.

[Repealed, 37 SR 1208]


Subp. 66.

[Repealed, 40 SR 750]


Subp. 67.

[Repealed, 38 SR 1061]


Subp. 68.

[Repealed, 38 SR 1061]


Subp. 69.

[Repealed, 36 SR 810]


Subp. 70.

[Repealed, 40 SR 750]


Subp. 71.

[Repealed, 40 SR 750]


Subp. 72.

[Repealed, 39 SR 1257]


Subp. 73.

[Repealed, 42 SR 1015]


Subp. 74.

[Repealed, 41 SR 1019]


Subp. 75.

[Repealed, 43 SR 989]


Subp. 76.

[Repealed, 48 SR 819]


Subp. 77.

[Repealed, 47 SR 845]


Subp. 78.

[Repealed, 46 SR 1026]


Subp. 79.

[Repealed, 44 SR 933]


Subp. 80.

[Repealed, 42 SR 1015]


Subp. 81.

Saganaga Lake, Sea Gull Lake, Gull Lake, Sea Gull River, and Alpine River walleye restrictions.

While a person is on or angling in the following waters, all walleye in possession must be 17 inches or greater in length. All walleye less than 17 inches in length must be immediately returned to the water. The daily and possession limit for walleye is three. A person's possession limit may not include more than one walleye over 20 inches.

Name Location County End Date
A. Saganaga Lake T.66,67, R.4,5,6, S.Various Cook 3/1/2025
B. Gull Lake T.66, R.4,5, S.Various Cook 3/1/2025
C. Sea Gull Lake T.65,66, R.4,5, S.Various Cook 3/1/2025
D. Sea Gull River between Saganaga and Gull Lakes and between Gull and Sea Gull Lakes T.66, R.4,5, S.19,30,31,36 Cook 3/1/2025
E. Alpine River between Sea Gull Lake and Alpine Lake T.65, R.5, S.9 Cook 3/1/2025


Subp. 82.

Sauk River Chain of Lakes catfish restrictions.

While a person is on or angling in the following waters, the daily and possession limit for channel catfish and flathead catfish in aggregate is ten, of which not more than two may be flathead catfish. A person's possession limit may not include more than one channel catfish or flathead catfish in aggregate over 24 inches.

Name Location County End Date
A. Sauk River Chain of Lakes from State Highway 23 Bridge in T.123, R.31, S.24, downstream to the Cold Spring Dam in T.123, R.30, S.23, including connecting waters, Sauk River, and Becker, Horseshoe, Cedar Island, Zumwalde, Great Northern, Schneider, Krays, Bolfing, and Knaus Lakes T.123, R.30,31, S. Various Stearns 3/1/2025
B. Long Lake T.122, R.31, S.1,2,11,12 Stearns 3/1/2025
C. North Brown's Lake T.122, R.31, S.11,14 Stearns 3/1/2025
D. Eden Lake T.122, R.31, S.23-26 Stearns 3/1/2025
E. Mud (Vails) Lake T.122, R.31, S.26,35 Stearns 3/1/2025


Subp. 83.

Sand Lake and connected waters; walleye restrictions.

While a person is on or angling in the following waters, all walleye in possession must be less than 17 inches or greater than 26 inches in length. All walleye that are 17 to 26 inches in length, inclusive, must be immediately returned to the water. A person's possession limit may not include more than one walleye over 26 inches in length.

Name Location County End Date
A. Sand Lake T.147,148, R.26, S.3,4,17,21,28-33 Itasca 3/1/2026
B. Portage Lake T.147, R.26, S.3,10 Itasca 3/1/2026
C. Bird's Eye Lake T.148, R.26, S.28 Itasca 3/1/2026
D. Little Sand Lake T.148, R.26,27, S.6,7,12,18 Itasca 3/1/2026
E. Bowstring River, from Sand Lake upstream to CSAH 35 Bridge and from Little Sand Lake downstream to the mouth of Rice Lake T.147,148, R.26,31, S.1,7,12,16,17,31 Itasca 3/1/2026


Subp. 84.

Sunfish restrictions.

While a person is on or angling in the following waters, the daily and possession limit for sunfish is ten.

Name Location County End Date
A. Green Prairie Fish Lake T.130, R.30, S.13 Morrison 3/1/2026
B. Long (Higgins) Lake T.127, R.33, S.19 Todd 3/1/2026
C. Maple Lake T.128, R.34, S.7 Todd 3/1/2026
D. Moose Lake T.128, R.32, S.15 Todd 3/1/2026
E. Platte Lake T.43, R.28, S.31 Crow Wing 3/1/2026
F. Sullivan Lake T.42, R.29, S.12 Morrison 3/1/2026


Subp. 85.

Little Boy Lake walleye restrictions.

While a person is on or angling in the following waters, all walleye in possession must be less than 18 inches in length or greater than 26 inches in length. All walleye that are 18 to 26 inches in length, inclusive, must be immediately returned to the water. A person's daily and possession limit for walleye is four fish, of which not more than one walleye may be over 26 inches in length.

Name Location County End Date
Little Boy Lake T.140, R.28, S. Various Cass 3/1/2029


Subp. 86.

Wabedo Lake walleye restrictions.

While a person is on or angling in the following waters, all walleye in possession must be less than 18 inches in length or greater than 26 inches in length. All walleye that are 18 to 26 inches in length, inclusive, must be immediately returned to the water. A person's daily and possession limit for walleye is four fish, of which not more than one walleye may be over 26 inches in length.

Name Location County End Date
Wabedo Lake T.140, R.28, S. Various Cass 3/1/2029


Subp. 87.

Crappie restrictions.

While a person is on or angling in the following waters, the daily and possession limit for crappie is five.

Name Location County End date
Mound Lake T.132, R.32, S.3 Todd 3/1/2030


Subp. 88.

Cuyuna Country Recreation Area lake trout restrictions.

While a person is on or angling in the following waters, all lake trout in possession must be 20 inches or greater in length. All lake trout less than 20 inches in length must be immediately released. The daily and possession limit is one.

Name Location County End Date
A. Mahnomen, Alstead,
and Arco Mine Pit
T.46, R.29, S.3,4,9,10 Crow Wing 3/1/2031
B. Pennington Mine Pit T.46, R.29, S.10,11 Crow Wing 3/1/2031
C. Sagamore Mine Pit T.46, R.29,30 S.12,24 Crow Wing 3/1/2031
D. Yawkey Mine Pit T.46, R.29, S.1 Crow Wing 3/1/2031


Subp. 89.

Island Reservoir walleye restrictions.

While a person is on or angling in the following waters, all walleye in possession must be less than 15 inches or greater than 20 inches in length. All walleye that are 15 to 20 inches in length, inclusive, must be immediately returned to the water. A person's daily and possession limit is ten walleye and may not include more than one walleye over 20 inches in length.

Name Location County End Date
A. Island Reservoir T.52, R.15, S.1 St. Louis 3/1/2031
B. Otter River T.53, R.15, S.26 from confluence of Island Reservoir upstream to Boulder Dam St. Louis 3/1/2031
C. Cloquet River T.53, R.14, S.35 from confluence of Island Reservoir upstream
0.5 miles
St. Louis 3/31/2031


Subp. 90.

Caribou Lake lake trout restrictions.

While a person is on or angling in the following waters, all lake trout in possession must be 20 inches or greater in length. All lake trout less than 20 inches in length must be immediately returned to the water. The daily and possession limit is one.

Name Location County End Date
Caribou Lake T.58, R.2, S.1 Itasca 3/1/2034


Subp. 91.

Gull Chain northern pike regulation.

While a person is on or fishing in the following waters, all northern pike in possession must be less than 30 inches in length or greater than 40 inches in length. All northern pike that are 30 to 40 inches in length, inclusive, must be immediately returned to the water. A person's daily and possession limit is two and may not include more than one northern pike over 40 inches in length.

Name Location County End Date
Gull Lake and connected Upper Gull, Margaret, Ray (Bass), Love, Nisswa, Roy, and Round Lakes T.134,135, R.28,29,30, S.Various Cass, Crow Wing 3/1/2034


18 SR 83; 18 SR 2252; 18 SR 2482; 19 SR 1517; 19 SR 2090; 20 SR 2248; 20 SR 2252(NO. 42); 21 SR 1166; 22 SR 292; 22 SR 1559; 23 SR 1735; 24 SR 1186; 24 SR 1578; 24 SR 1849; 25 SR 1379; 26 SR 182; 26 SR 1082; 27 SR 1313; 28 SR 33; 28 SR 629; 28 SR 1011; 29 SR 871; 29 SR 876; 30 SR 697; 31 SR 1319; 32 SR 1039; 32 SR 1547; 33 SR 1441; 33 SR 1442; 34 SR 1071; 35 SR 1093; 36 SR 810; 36 SR 1247; 37 SR 1208; 38 SR 1061; 39 SR 1257; 40 SR 750; 41 SR 1019; 42 SR 1015; 43 SR 989; 44 SR 933; 45 SR 931; 46 SR 1026; 47 SR 845; 48 SR 819

6264.0300 - MN Rules Part (2024)
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Name: Ray Christiansen

Birthday: 1998-05-04

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Introduction: My name is Ray Christiansen, I am a fair, good, cute, gentle, vast, glamorous, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.