7 AWS Certified Solutions Architect Exam Tips | Toptal® (2024)

One of the most in-demand qualifications for cloud engineers is the AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Associate certification. While the focus of this article will be on exactly how to pass it, especially if you are not a cloud engineer, it is important to note why this certification can be so valuable.

While there are other players in the public cloud space, Amazon Web Services (AWS) associate certifications are the most sought-after because Amazon holds the largest public cloud market share. Whether you are a hands-on engineer or a consultant by trade, having this on your resume is extremely beneficial.

7 AWS Certified Solutions Architect Exam Tips | Toptal® (1)

Let’s be clear: AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Associate is not an easy exam. It is not a test where you can simply buy a stack of practice exams, run through them over and over, and expect to pass. The exam is very scenario-focused. Anyone wanting to know how to prepare for AWS certification should note this well: AWS writes their questions in such a way that only someone with true hands-on experience and an understanding of their services can pass.

7 Steps to Passing the Exam: AWS Certified Solutions Architect Exam Tips

And now for the details of exactly how to go about AWS Certified Solutions Architect exam preparation even if you do not have any formal engineering or AWS training.

1. Earn the AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner Certification

Yes, this article promises steps on how to earn your AWS Solutions Architect - Associate certificate, but if you do not have prior AWS engineering experience or knowledge, I would strongly recommend passing this first. This exam is just a 1,000-foot overview and can be passed in just two weeks if you study daily.

Honestly, even if you do have prior experience with AWS, it may still be good to take this as the certification exams cover AWS services that you may have never actually used.

Here’s what you need to pass this exam in only two weeks:

  • Take the A Cloud Guru (ACG) Certified Cloud Practitioner course. You will want a full subscription to this—not just the standalone Udemy version—because you will need to use ACG heavily for the AWS Solutions Architect exam. ACG also has a section of hands-on AWS labs that are incredibly helpful for passing the exam.
  • Take these practice exams. Note: These practice exams represent only the most difficult questions on the exam. If you are struggling on the practice exams but still close to passing, then you should do well on the actual test itself. The actual test is much easier than these.

Tips for Passing

  • Take notes throughout the course and organize them so you can use that as part of your study guide for the Solutions Architect exam.
  • Re-watch all of Ryan’s summaries on the day of your exam at 2x speed. This is incredibly helpful to recap everything you need to know.

2. Complete ACG’s AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Associate Course

While this course alone is not enough for a complete newbie to pass, it is still an incredible course and will be the foundation of your exam prep. It covers everything on the test, in one way or another, with some gaps here and there (we’ll get to that).

Tips for the Course

  • Take detailed notes and build an organized study guide.
  • Use the A Cloud Guru app and download the lectures for offline listening. Play lectures and summaries over again while doing things like driving or walking your dog. My prep strategy involved a lot of daily immersion, like this.
  • Do not skip the hands-on labs. In my opinion, using AWS is the best way to learn AWS. This will really help internalize the content from the lectures.

3. Deep Dives on Specific AWS Services

As mentioned above, the ACG course lectures alone are not enough for most people to pass. There are a few services that will come up on the exam a lot, and you will need a strong understanding of them in order to pass. The best way to learn what you need is to just use them with hands-on labs.

The areas to deep dive are as follows:

7 AWS Certified Solutions Architect Exam Tips | Toptal® (2)

Amazon VPC

I struggled with an overall understanding of VPCs initially, and Cole Morrison’s article and its analogies helped immensely. I strongly suggest reading it if you are confused about VPCs. Also:

  • Complete the ACG Hands-on Labs for VPCs. These are outside of the course from step #2, in the Hands-on Lab section. Filter on “AWS” and “VPC” and complete each lab. They are only a few minutes apiece but are incredibly helpful.
  • The exam is very heavy in VPC questions. Learn to build one from memory.
  • Understand the differences between using a VPN and Direct Connect.

Amazon S3

Take parts of the A Cloud Guru S3 Masterclass course. You do not need to take this entire course for the exam, just a few areas that come up often, including:

  • Bucket policies vs. access control lists
  • S3 encryption options
  • Storage types
  • Lifecycle policies
7 AWS Certified Solutions Architect Exam Tips | Toptal® (4)

Amazon RDS

Take the ACG Intro to RDS course, with a focus on areas that come up often, which include:

  • Multi-AZ Replication
  • Read Replicas
  • Understand snapshots
7 AWS Certified Solutions Architect Exam Tips | Toptal® (5)

Amazon Kinesis

Be sure that you understand AWS Analytics and data warehousing tools at a high level:

  • Kinesis: Streams vs. Firehose vs. Analytics
  • Kinesis vs. Redshift vs. EMR (you will get scenario-based questions with these)
  • Athena’s differences from Kinesis
7 AWS Certified Solutions Architect Exam Tips | Toptal® (6)

Amazon Lambda and Serverless Components

Take the ACG Intro to Lambda course but focus on:

  • Limits/timeouts
  • Events and what services are generally used with Lambda triggers

Serverless will probably show up more and more on AWS exams over time, so you’ll want to know this.

4. Read the AWS Storage Services Overview Whitepaper

You will get many scenario-based questions about what kind of storage to use. You’ll want to know the differences between them and when to use each (e.g., EFS vs. EBS, S3, DynamoDB vs. RDS)

5. Learn the Test-taking Strategies for This Exam

When presented with a scenario-based question, read the kicker first. Scenario-based questions always start with a large paragraph, followed by a “kicker” that actually asks you the question. Read the kicker and then read the scenario. Example:

“You are building a transcription service for a company in which a fleet of EC2 worker instances processes an uploaded audio file and generates a text file as an output. You must store both of these frequently accessed files in the same durable storage until the text file is retrieved by the uploader. Due to an expected surge in demand, you have to ensure that the storage is scalable and can be retrieved within minutes.

“Which storage option in AWS can you use in this situation that is both cost-efficient and scalable?”

The kicker here is the last line. Pay attention to exactly what they’re asking. Many times, they’ll present multiple solutions that would work, but you have to select the ones that meet the specific requirements (in this case, cost efficiency and scalability).

Use process of elimination for every question. Questions will almost always have one or two options that are definitely not the answer. If you can get rid of these right off the bat, your odds of selecting the right one will improve. While this may seem obvious, it is really important to use on the AWS SA exam because in many cases, they will try to trick you. Look for the obvious tricks and mentally cross them out.

Read questions twice. Most of the questions are designed to be tricky. Do not just glance and then answer immediately. One small nuance in the wording can easily change what the right answer is, and if you go too fast, you can make the wrong choice.

Use the “Mark for Review” feature. The real exam will allow you to mark answers for review and then go back at the end to check them again. When a question is tough, select the best choice and then mark it for review at the end based on how much time you have left. Use this feature.

Use questions to answer other questions on the real exam. This is one of the main reasons to use “Mark for Review.” In many cases, one question can actually give you the answer to another question. On my exam, I noticed this a few times and was able to go back and adjust a previous answer because of that. This is why you want to “mark for review” anything you are unsure of.

6. Take Udemy Practice Exams

Purchase this set of Udemy practice exams and work through them. Note that these practice exams are incredibly difficult and represent the most challenging questions you would be presented with on the exam. The actual test is easier than these.

As a rule of thumb, if you are passing these practice exams (even just barely), you should be good to pass the real thing with room to spare.

7. Optional: Take this Udemy course to fill in the gaps.

If you are finding that there are still some gaps in your knowledge and you can’t pass the practice exams, purchase this course. I would not go through this entire course, but rather focus on the areas where you have knowledge gaps. The practice exams will show you where these gaps are.

Udemy courses also have a very cool feature where you can simply search for a keyword, and it will show you everywhere in the entire course that this word is mentioned, which you can then click on and listen to that portion. So for example, if you keep missing questions about AWS KMS, you could just search that in the Udemy course, and it will show you every section where it was discussed.

As with Cloud Practitioner, be sure to rewatch all of the ACG Solutions Architect Summary lectures on 2x speed the morning of your exam. This helps a lot with recapping everything you’ve learned.

AWS Certified Solutions Architect Exam Prep: Practice Makes Perfect

As with any test, studying will ensure success, and the AWS Certified Solutions Architect exam is no different. While it may take up some of your free time, the benefits are worth it. Besides validating your technical skills, this certification will foster your expertise, making you more attractive to potential recruiters, which will only continue to advance your career in the long haul.

Good luck with your AWS architect certification, and please reach out with any tips you’ve found helpful!

7 AWS Certified Solutions Architect Exam Tips | Toptal® (7)

Understanding the basics

  • What is AWS Solutions Architect certification?

    AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Associate is a certification offered by Amazon Web Services for professionals who have one or more years of hands-on experience with the AWS cloud. The test is both proctored and timed. Individuals will have 130 minutes to answer 65 multiple-choice questions.

  • How long does it take to become AWS certified?

    AWS recommends one or more years of hands-on experience before sitting for the exam. However, individuals without that can still pass the exam after generally one to two months of intense study.

  • How much does it cost to get AWS certified?

    It costs 150 USD to take the exam. It costs $449 for an annual membership to A Cloud Guru or $49 monthly. Udemy practice exam packages can be purchased for between $11.99 and $19.99. Active Toptalers can have these expenses reimbursed upon completion, provided they join Toptal’s “AWS Certified Toptalers” program.

  • Are AWS certifications worth it?

    Amazon Web Services certifications are very valuable for cloud engineers. Because AWS is the most popular public cloud by market share, more companies need experts in AWS than in other cloud types.

  • What is an AWS Certified Solutions Architect?

    An AWS Certified Solutions Architect is a professional who has been proven to possess a wide range of knowledge about various AWS services, plus the AWS Well-Architected Framework and its best practices.

  • How do I study for AWS Solutions Architect certification?

    Studying for the AWS Certified Solutions Architect exam involves a combination of reputable self-paced lectures (e.g., from A Cloud Guru), hands-on labs, and taking practice exams.

As an expert in cloud computing and AWS certifications, I bring a wealth of firsthand experience and in-depth knowledge to guide you through the intricacies of becoming an AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Associate. Having worked extensively in the field, I understand the challenges and nuances of preparing for this certification, especially for those without prior cloud engineering experience.

First and foremost, let's acknowledge the significance of the AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Associate certification. In today's tech landscape, it stands out as one of the most sought-after qualifications for cloud engineers. The prominence of Amazon Web Services (AWS) in the public cloud space, holding the largest market share, makes this certification particularly valuable. Whether you're a hands-on engineer or a consultant, having AWS Certified Solutions Architect on your resume can significantly boost your professional profile.

Now, let's delve into the comprehensive guide on how to pass the exam, especially if you're not already a cloud engineer:

  1. Earn the AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner Certification:

    • This serves as a foundational step, even if you lack prior AWS engineering experience.
    • The A Cloud Guru (ACG) Certified Cloud Practitioner course, with its hands-on AWS labs, is crucial for success.
    • Take notes, organize them, and use them as part of your study guide for the Solutions Architect exam.
  2. Complete ACG’s AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Associate Course:

    • While not sufficient on its own, this course lays a solid foundation for exam preparation.
    • Detailed note-taking, using the A Cloud Guru app for offline listening, and hands-on labs are essential.
  3. Deep Dives on Specific AWS Services:

    • Focus on key services like Amazon VPC, S3, RDS, Kinesis, Lambda, and Serverless Components.
    • Utilize hands-on labs for VPC, take relevant ACG courses, and understand the nuances of each service.
  4. Read the AWS Storage Services Overview Whitepaper:

    • Understand storage options and differences between them (EFS vs. EBS, S3, DynamoDB vs. RDS).
  5. Learn Test-taking Strategies:

    • Understand how to approach scenario-based questions.
    • Utilize the process of elimination, read questions twice, and use the "Mark for Review" feature wisely.
  6. Take Udemy Practice Exams:

    • These challenging practice exams are excellent for gauging your preparedness.
    • If you can pass these exams, you're likely well-prepared for the actual certification test.
  7. Optional: Take a Supplementary Udemy Course:

    • Identify and fill in knowledge gaps with a supplementary course, focusing on specific areas of weakness.

In terms of cost, the AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Associate exam is priced at $150. Additional expenses may include A Cloud Guru membership ($449 annually or $49 monthly) and Udemy practice exam packages ($11.99 to $19.99). Active Toptalers can potentially have these expenses reimbursed through Toptal's "AWS Certified Toptalers" program.

In conclusion, AWS certifications, particularly the Solutions Architect - Associate, are highly valuable for cloud engineers. With the right study approach, involving self-paced lectures, hands-on labs, and practice exams, success in the AWS Certified Solutions Architect exam is within reach. Good luck on your certification journey, and feel free to reach out with any further inquiries or tips you may find helpful!

7 AWS Certified Solutions Architect Exam Tips | Toptal® (2024)


How difficult is the AWS Solution Architect exam? ›

Let's be clear: AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Associate is not an easy exam. It is not a test where you can simply buy a stack of practice exams, run through them over and over, and expect to pass. The exam is very scenario-focused.

How many questions should be correct to pass AWS Solution Architect exam? ›

The exam includes 65 questions and has a time limit of 130 minutes. You need to score a minimum of 720 out of 1000 points to pass the exam. The question format of the exam is multiple-choice (one correct response from four options) and multiple-response (two correct responses from five options).

What is the fail rate for AWS Solution Architect exam? ›

What is the typical failure rate for the AWS certification exam? The failure rate for the AWS Certified Solutions Architect – Associate (SAA-C03) exam is approximately 72%, with only about 28% of candidates passing on their first attempt.

Can I pass AWS Solution Architect Associate in 2 weeks? ›

From the start of my preparation to receiving my certification, it took me around 2–3 weeks. However, the time it takes can vary depending on your level of existing AWS experience and the amount of spare time you have available.

How many hours to study for AWS Solutions Architect? ›

FAQ: How Long to Study for AWS Solutions Architect

The time it takes to prepare for AWS Solutions Architect certification varies based on individual experience and learning pace. Generally, those with some background in cloud computing might require 3-6 months, while beginners may need 6-12 months of consistent study.

What is the success rate of AWS Solution Architect Professional exam? ›

Solution Expert/Solution Architect/ AWS Cloud…

Well, it's been quite a journey, and finally. I'm here at the back of glaring stats which sate that the failure rate of the AWS Solutions Architect Professional exam is well above 72%, meaning that less than 28% of the candidates who take the exam manage to clear it.

What is the salary of a solution architect? ›

Solution Architect salary in India ranges between ₹ 13.1 Lakhs to ₹ 45.0 Lakhs with an average annual salary of ₹ 29.2 Lakhs. Salary estimates are based on 17.1k latest salaries received from Solution Architects. 7 - 17 years exp.

How many attempts are there in AWS Solution Architect exam? ›

There is no limit on exam attempts. However, you must pay the full registration fee for each exam attempt. Once you have passed an exam, you will not be able to retake the same exam for two years.

What is the pass rate for the AWS SAA C03 exam? ›

According to the statistics, given by CertWizard, at most 28% of the AWS SAA-C03 candidates are successful at the first attempt, which leaves a 72% of failure rate [1]. Still, AWS Certificate is a valuable key, that allows you to reach the next level, both in development and knowledge.

How many people pass AWS Solutions Architect? ›

This means that less than 28% of the candidates who take the AWS Solutions Architect Professional exam manage to clear it.

Do people fail AWS exam? ›

Failing a 1st attempt at an AWS certification exam sadly still happens. When we discuss this with students it most often comes down to a lack of appreciation of the nature of the AWS exams leading to a lack of preparation. The AWS exams are well written to ensure that to pass you know your material well.

Are AWS exam results immediate? ›

Your detailed exam results will be available within five business days of completing your exam in your AWS Certification Account, under Exam History.

Can I pass AWS Solution Architect Associate in 1 month? ›

If you follow a structured study plan, you can check the AWS SAA-C03 exam in one month. Spend the first week getting familiar with the AWS services, the second week understanding the AWS architecture, the third week practicing with sample questions, and the fourth week reviewing and finalizing your preparation.

How many people have all AWS certifications? ›

As of February 2024, there are more than 1.31 million active AWS Certifications, a number that grew 18% over the past year. There are more than 1 million unique AWS Certified individuals with 33% holding technical certifications in associate, professional, and specialty categories.

What is the minimum score to pass the AWS Solution Architect exam? ›

The examination is scored against a minimum standard established by AWS professionals who are guided by certification industry best practices and guidelines. Your results for the examination are reported as a score from 100-1,000, with a minimum passing score of 720.

What is the pass percentage for the AWS Architect Associate exam? ›

72% is the passing score. Most of the questions are single-select answers although there are a few with multi-select answers as well. It's explicitly stated in the question how many answers should you select.

What score do I need to pass AWS Solutions Architect exam? ›

AWS SAA-C03 Exam Results

Your exam score indicates how well you did on the test and whether or not you passed. The exam results are provided as a scaled score between 100 and 1,000. A score of 720 is required to pass.

Is AWS Solution Architect Professional easy? ›

The AWS Certified Solutions Architect Professional is a tough exam but with the right preparation it is very passable.

Is the Saa-C03 hard? ›

The SAA-C03 exam poses a substantial challenge, particularly for recent graduates like me. While I had easily passed the CLF-C01 exam before, the SAA-C03 introduced a whole new level of complexity.

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