7 Tax Tips for Your Side Hustle - Erin Gobler (2024)

One of the biggest mistakes I made when I started my business was not understanding the tax implications. I knew I paid taxes out of my paychecks from my full-time government job. Yet somehow, I didn’t consider the fact that I would have to pay taxes on my side hustle.

And eventually, that ignorance came back to bite me. After a couple of years, I had started to make real money and ended up with a large tax bill when I filed my taxes. I definitely learned my lesson then.

Now over the past few years, I’ve seen more and more people starting their own side hustles, which is amazing. But whether it’s a blog, an Etsy shop, a gig side hustle, or anything else, it’s important to know what it means for your taxes.

In retrospect, I wish I had all of the knowledge and the bookkeeping and tax system that I have today in those early years. So today, I’m sharing all of the advice I have with you to ensure you don’t make the same mistakes I do.

7 Tax Tips for Your Side Hustle - Erin Gobler (2)

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Set up a separate bank account

First things first, if you’ve decided to start making money from any side hustle or small business, set up a separate bank account ASAP.

When you are making money from your side hustle, you have to track every single dollar of income you get. And since you report and pay taxes on your income, you’ll also get to deduct your expenses (meaning you need to track those too).

The best way to do this is by keeping your side hustle income separate. If you have your side hustle income going to your personal bank account, you’re sifting through far more transactions to figure out which were and were not business-related.

Aside from making it easier to track, it also helps with budgeting. I like investing in myself and my business with tools and education. However, I want to make sure the amount I’m investing in the business isn’t excessive compared to the amount I’m bringing in. Having a bank account with just my business income, especially early on, showed me exactly how much I’ve made from my business so I can get a look at the big-picture of my business finances.

It also helps when it comes to paying quarterly taxes. QuickBooks (the tool I use to manage my business finances) keeps track of how much I’m likely to be paying in estimated quarterly taxes. I keep an eye on that number and make sure I always have enough set aside to cover that number.

Then, when I have money left after the amount I need for quarterly taxes and the amount I plan to reinvest in the business, I can transfer that money into my personal bank account.

Track all income and expenses

Track every dollar you make from or spend on your side hustle. That way, when it comes time to file taxes, you’re ready to go. As I mentioned above, setting up a separate bank account makes it way easier to do this. So does using an accounting tool like QuickBooks.

As you’re tracking your expenses, make sure you save all of your receipts so you can deduct them on your taxes. Without receipts to prove your expenses, you might run into trouble with the IRS down the road.

I recommend doing your bookkeeping at least monthly. My QuickBooks is connected to my business checking account and credit card, meaning it automatically pulls all income and expenses. I simply sit down once per month and go through them to ensure everything is accurate.

Then, at the end of the year, it’s easy to pull all of that information for my business tax return. And since I’ve been diligently checking it each month, I know it’s all accurate.

Report all of your income

The bottom line is that you need to report every dollar you make from your side hustle. I read articles or Facebook posts occasionally where someone says you don’t have to pay income unless you make a certain amount of money or you only have to report income you have a 1099 form for. That’s simply not the case.

The IRS wants to know about and tax every dollar that you’re bringing in. Yes, you may get 1099 forms from some companies you work for. But that is not the only income you have to report.

The pain of having to pay taxes on your side hustle income is a lot less than the pain of the fine you could be facing down the road if you don’t report your income.

Know what you can deduct

Having to report and pay income on your side hustle income is a bummer, but the good news is that your side hustle expenses are tax-deductible! The general rule is that you can deduct any expenses that are considered reasonable and necessary for your profession.

The expenses you deduct will depend on the type of side hustle you have. Deductions that I deduct for my own business include the cost of my website, writing tools, bookkeeping software, marketing expenses, education, my accountant, and more.

NerdWallet has a really good list of common tax deductions for small businesses you can use to see which of your expenses qualify.

Learn about quarterly taxes

Do you know how at your full-time job, there is money taken out of every paycheck for taxes? Yeah, that’s because the IRS wants you to be paying taxes on your money as you’re earning it. Meaning if you’re making money from your side hustle, they don’t want you to wait until the following April to be making good on that tax bill.

That is where quarterly taxes come in. Every quarter (on April 15, June 15, September 15, and January 15), you will pay your quarterly taxes. I can’t stress enough how important it is to have an accounting tool or professional for your business because this resource can estimate your quarterly taxes for you and coordinate the payment (my go-to accounting tools are QuickBooks and my CPA).

Don’t start freaking out now – this rule probably doesn’t apply to you if you’re a beginner. Generally, you won’t have to do this if you didn’t have a tax liability the following year OR if you don’t owe more than $1,000 in taxes for your side hustle. If you’re concerned about it, though, I would definitely talk to an accountant.

Find the right tools to help you

Finances and taxes can be complicated. There’s a reason we pay accountants so much money to do this for us. And if you’re new to the whole side hustle thing, this probably all seems pretty overwhelming to you. The best advice I can offer you is to find tools that help you to implement these tax and finance tips. Here are my favorites:

  1. QuickBooks: This is the tool I use to do my business accounting. I’ve tried a couple of other tools, and this one is hands down my favorite so far. It connects to my business bank account, credit card, and PayPal account to track all of my income and expenses. It also tracks my estimated quarterly income. Finally, it connects with TurboTax (the tool I used to use to file my taxes) so I can just import all of my business income and expenses for the year.
  2. TurboTax: As I mentioned, this is the tool I previously used to file my taxes. I now work with a CPA who files my taxes, but when your business finances are fairly simple, software like TurboTax can do the trick.

Hire a CPA

I’m going to share a secret with you: It took me more than five years of being a business owner before I finally hired an accountant. While many people will recommend this as a first step when you start a business or side hustle, I really think you can DIY your finances at first – if you understand what you’re doing.

But eventually, you may hit a point where your financial situation has become too complicated to handle your own taxes. I should also mention that while I went the DIY approach for several years, I was a personal finance blogger, meaning I had a deeper understanding of taxes.

If you’re feeling overwhelmed by the tax part of running a side hustle or don’t feel that you understand what’s expected of you, then I recommend hiring a CPA sooner. The cost you’ll pay is well worth avoiding any problems with the IRS.

Final thoughts

Learning to deal with taxes and finances is definitely one of the most daunting parts of having a side hustle. For years after earning income from my business, I was nervous that I would make a mistake. Do your research, and when in doubt, talk to an accountant. if you already have an accountant you work with for your taxes, they should be able to talk you through all of this.

42 Comments on 7 Tax Tips for Your Side Hustle

  1. Always interested in how other people keep track of blog expenses and what they earn. Extremely useful tips

    • Thanks Candy!

    • Thanks Jessica – you’ve got this!

  2. I just got the Quick Books Self Employed since I have two business (blog & freelance makeup) and that’s been so far so good. Before I had a spreadsheet and had to grow through bank records to see what I spent but I have a PayPal business account instead for both businesses.

    • I had the spreadsheet too, and Quickbooks is SO much easier!

  3. That’s a great idea to have a separate bank account! We run several businesses, so that would be a lot of bank accounts, but I really think it might help us! 🙂

    • Ahh yeah I can understand where that could get confusing, but it definitely makes it easier!

  4. These are great tips! It can be so tough to manage blog finances and NOT lose your mind.

    • So true, there’s definitely a learning curve to it!

  5. This is so good to know! I haven’t buckled down and organized blog finances but I need to!

    • Thanks Adriana, you’ve got this!

  6. Sidenote, I lovelovelove how your cat is just chillin’ there – hahaha.
    But YES. I learned the hard way after literally HOURS of reorganization that organizing blog income right from the getgo is just non-negotiable. Makes a HUGE difference!!!

    Coming Up Roses

    • LOL right?? He and I share the office – that’s where we keep his food and toys and litter box, and there’s a gate that he can get over but the dog can’t. He seems to be under the impression that it’s just his office. Half the time he’s trying to sprawl out across my keyboard!

      And yes, I vividly remember those hours of reorganizing with my own blog income!

  7. This is great information! Thanks for sharing these tips.

    • Thanks Christine, glad you found it helpful!

  8. Thanks for sharing! It is so important to stay organized throughout the year:)

    • Absolutely, thanks Reeni!

  9. YES to all of this! It’s way easier when things are sorted from the get-go 🙂

    — Lisa // FjordsAndBeaches.com

    • Absolutely, thanks Lisa!

  10. Great tips. This is the first year I really made any money from blogging so I know I have a lot to learn!

    • Thanks Becky – that’s great!

  11. I just started my blog so this is great! I will know what to do once i start making money at it 🙂

    • Thanks Jessi!

  12. We love Turbo Tax too! I had so many random income streams in 2016 (blog, business, and my full time job) so TurboTax made it so much easier.

    • Yeah, I can’t imagine trying to do them without TurboTax! So much easier.

  13. Such great tips! I really need to create a separate bank account for blog finances!

    • Thanks Rachel! It’s amazing how much simpler blog finances are with a separate account.

  14. Thank you for the practical tips – very helpful for a new blogger like myself!

    • So glad you found it helpful!

  15. I am really bad at managing my finances in general, not just my blogging ones. These are all really handy tips and I can’t wait to implement them eventually – when there will be some income too, not just spendings.

    Cristina | *janded

    • I can definitely relate! My husband is much better with finances than I have, but I’ve gotten better since having blog finances to worry about.

  16. I use Wave for accounting! It’s free and SO easy! Then I have an accountant for my business taxes because they are so overwhelming to me lol

    • I used to use Wave too! I switched when I got the free subscription to QuickBooks for using TurboTax, because I couldn’t pass that up!

      • oh nice! I still really like Wave because of how i can invoice and link my receipts to everything! How do you think the two compare?

  17. I love your tips! I think really soon I should be getting a separate bank account :))

    • Thanks Rosalyn – I DEFINITELY recommend the separate bank account! I just set up an online checking account with Capitol One 360 and there are no fees 🙂

    • So glad! I LOVE TurboTax!

  18. Monetized my blog already but the cash hasn’t start flowing yet, but when it starts i will utilize this tips.


    • Same here, Thanks Alissa!

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7 Tax Tips for Your Side Hustle - Erin Gobler (2024)


How does the IRS know if you have a side hustle? ›

If you get paid electronically for a side hustle, small business or selling things online, you may need to pay taxes. Payment apps and online marketplaces might issue a Form 1099-K, informing you and the IRS of how much money you got for selling things or providing a service.

How much money can you make on a side hustle before you have to pay taxes? ›

Do I need to report my side hustle income? Any net earnings from self-employment that are $400 or more in a given calendar year are subject to income taxes, regardless of whether you receive a 1099 form. You must report these earnings on federal and state income tax filings.

What happens if I don't report my side hustle income? ›

Failure to report earned income is a form of tax fraud. If you don't report your side hustle and you are audited, you could incur a failure-to-pay penalty, Hearn says.

Can you write off expenses for a side hustle? ›

Side hustle deductions

That means you'll pay less in taxes for the year. You can deduct tools and materials, home office expenses, vehicle mileage, training costs, and even a portion of your internet bill if you work online.

What is the IRS hobby rule? ›

Key Takeaways. A hobby loss refers to any loss incurred while a taxpayer conducts business that the IRS considers a hobby. The IRS defines a hobby as any activity undertaken for pleasure rather than for profit. Income derived from all sources, including hobbies, must be reported to the IRS.

Does income under $600 have to be reported? ›

Reporting your income under $600 for the tax year does not require any special IRS form or process as it is similar to how you would report any other income. The most important thing is to make sure you include it when calculating your taxable income.

How do I file taxes if I get paid under the table? ›

Is It Necessary to Report Income From Under the Table Jobs? The short answer is yes. Depending on the source of your under-the-table income, you will be required to file Form 1040. You may also need to file Form 4137 for reporting cash income from odd jobs, such as tips.

What happens if you don't report cash income? ›

If you fail to report all your cash income, you might be on the hook for penalties. These amount to a 50% penalty on the late FICA taxes, and up to 25% on late income taxes — plus any additional interest.

How do I file taxes when I get paid cash? ›

If you are an employee, you report your cash payments for services on Form 1040, line 7 as wages. The IRS requires all employers to send a Form W-2 to every employee. However, because you are paid in cash, it is possible that your employer will not issue you a Form W-2.

How does the IRS find out about unreported income? ›

The IRS receives information from third parties, such as employers and financial institutions. Using an automated system, the Automated Underreporter (AUR) function compares the information reported by third parties to the information reported on your return to identify potential discrepancies.

How much income can a small business make without paying taxes? ›

You must file a return if you earn $400 or more in net earnings from your business. Net earnings equal taxable business income minus allowable business deductions.

How much can you make selling crafts before paying taxes? ›

As an independent contractor, you are self-employed and only pay tax on your net profit after deducting eligible business expenses. You must pay self-employment (Social Security and Medicare) taxes if your net profits are $400 or more.

Does Zelle report to IRS? ›

Zelle® does not report any transactions made on the Zelle Network® to the IRS, even if the total is more than $600. The law requiring certain payment networks to provide forms 1099K for information reporting does not apply to the Zelle Network®.

How do you write off expenses without receipts? ›

What other tax return documentation can you use if you don't have a receipt?
  1. Canceled checks or bank statements.
  2. Credit card statements.
  3. Invoices.
  4. Bills.
  5. Account statements.
  6. Purchase and sales invoices.
  7. Contracts.
  8. Transaction histories.
Nov 10, 2022

Can I deduct my meals if I am self-employed? ›

If you're a sole proprietor, you can deduct ordinary and necessary business meals and entertainment expenses. However, these expenses must be directly related to or associated with your business. If you're an employee, you can deduct these only to the extent your employer doesn't reimburse you.

Do I have to report my side hustle to the IRS? ›

Do You Have to Report Your Income From Side Jobs? Federal tax law obligates you to report income from side jobs. Although taxes might automatically come out of your paycheck from your day job, your side hustle creates self-employment income. As a result, it's up to you to report this income when filing taxes.

How does IRS distinguish between hobby and business? ›

A hobby is any activity that a person pursues because they enjoy it and with no intention of making a profit. People operate a business with the intention of making a profit.

How does the IRS know unreported income? ›

The IRS receives information from third parties, such as employers and financial institutions. Using an automated system, the Automated Underreporter (AUR) function compares the information reported by third parties to the information reported on your return to identify potential discrepancies.

What happens if the IRS considers your business a hobby? ›

Generally, the IRS classifies your business as a hobby, it won't allow you to deduct any expenses or take any loss for it on your tax return. If you have a hobby loss expense that you could otherwise claim as a deductible personal expense, such as the home mortgage deduction, you can claim those expenses in full.

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Author: Maia Crooks Jr

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Name: Maia Crooks Jr

Birthday: 1997-09-21

Address: 93119 Joseph Street, Peggyfurt, NC 11582

Phone: +2983088926881

Job: Principal Design Liaison

Hobby: Web surfing, Skiing, role-playing games, Sketching, Polo, Sewing, Genealogy

Introduction: My name is Maia Crooks Jr, I am a homely, joyous, shiny, successful, hilarious, thoughtful, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.