8 Beamforming Techniques to Know in a Wireless World (2024)

Beamforming is defined as a radio frequency (RF) technique that allows wireless signals to be targeted toward a specific endpoint or receiving device by using an array of sensors and antennas that optimizes interference. This article explains how beamforming works, eight fundamental beamforming techniques, and examples of how they are used.

Table of Contents

  • What Is Beamforming?
  • How Does Beamforming Work?
  • Key Beamforming Techniques
  • Applications of Beamforming

What Is Beamforming?

Beamforming is defined as a radio frequency (RF) technique that allows wireless signals to be targeted toward a specific endpoint or receiving device by using an array of sensors and antennas that optimizes interference.

Beamforming is a method that concentrates a wireless signal on a single receiving device as opposed to having it spread out in all directions, as it would with a broadcast antenna. Compared to a direct connection made without beamforming, the one with beamforming results in quicker and more dependable outcomes.

Additionally, beamforming employs many antennas to send and direct the same signal toward a single receiving device, such as a laptop, a smartphone, or tablet, instead of sending a signal from a broadcast antenna to be spread out in all directions as a signal would typically be delivered.

The idea dates back to 1905, but Wi-Fi and fifth-generation (5G) networks have recently used the technique. The 802.11 standard, as an illustration, provides a specification for routers to implement Wi-Fi beamforming. Unless a physical object blocks the transmission, electromagnetic waves radiate in all directions from a single antenna by nature.

Multiple antennas close together to transmit the same signal simultaneously to concentrate the signal and create a targeted electromagnetic energy beam. The interference caused by the overlapping waves will have both constructive and destructive effects, depending on where it occurs.

This beamforming procedure, when appropriately done, directs a signal in a specific direction. Beam steering develops the idea of beam formation. All radiating elements’ input signals are phased differently to provide beam steering. Phase shifting enables the signal to be directed at a particular receiver.

An antenna might use radiating elements with the same frequency to direct a single beam of radiation in a specified direction. Networks may direct different frequency beams in various directions to accommodate multiple users. The base station tracks the user by dynamically calculating the direction of a signal as the endpoint moves.

The endpoint may change to another beam if a beam cannot follow a user. Beamforming describes how a group of phased arrays initially produce an energy beam. The form and direction of the signal beam from many antennas can be changed using phased antenna arrays by adjusting the distance between the antennas and the signal phase from each antenna element.

As a result, the process of making a beam utilizing interference and pattern construction is known as beamforming. The modem’s capacity to choose which beam to switch to and when and communication with the Communications On-The-Move (COTM) antenna are both necessary for beam switching.

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How Does Beamforming Work?

In beamforming, the signal’s beams are comparable to light rays. An LED flashlight’s light beam has a set form. Two light beams are superimposed, increasing the brightness and altering the form of the beam if another flashlight emits a beam of light in the same direction.

The superposed beam’s brightness and form change when more flashlights are utilized. When using several flashlights, the beam form is also impacted by switching the flashlights on and off or varying the light output. An antenna acts like a torch for wireless communication, emitting radio beams.

Users can change the radio beam form of a system with numerous antennas by modulating the radio signals sent by each antenna. If two beams have equal attenuation but opposing phases, a spatial hole may form when signals from various antennas arrive at a particular place in a multi-antenna system.

By anticipating the phases of transmit antennas, beamforming technology makes it possible to superimpose two beams with the optimum results. Beamforming detects channel state information (CSI) to gather and calculate parameters that need to be modified. According to CSI obtaining modes, beamforming can be used in either an explicit or implicit way.

By directing a signal in a specific direction, you can offer a higher signal quality to the receiver without increasing the broadcast’s power, which results in quicker data transfer and fewer errors. Since beamforming can be used to cut down or stop transmitting in other directions, users attempting to pick up other signals may have less interference.

For Wi-Fi networking, beamforming is not a novel idea, but it has advanced a lot recently. A key component of 5G networks is beamforming. A wireless signal can be transmitted in numerous directions with just one antenna. However, using multiple antennas close to one another produces beamforming.

The simultaneous broadcast of several signal waves is accomplished in this manner. Depending on how it is done correctly, layering the signal waves creates interference that can be either beneficial or harmful. If beamforming is done correctly, your signal will be powerful and tightly directed in the direction you want it to go. Interference and lost signals can occur if it isn’t done correctly. These are a few of the advantages and drawbacks of beamforming.

Using beamforming, wireless access points can direct their signal in a particular direction. The advantages are substantial if the receiving device points in this direction: faster throughput, fewer interferences, and improved signal. If your devices support beamforming, you don’t need to worry about “catching” the signal or ensuring you are in its path.

To locate your client, your router will continually communicate with it. The signal will then be automatically directed in that direction. Depending on how it is used, beamforming operates differently. The radio frequency (RF) beam is somewhat shaped by beamforming as it moves across physical space. The radiating components, or pieces of the antenna built to carry RF currents in numerous antennas, must send out a signal with the same wavelength and phase.

Before delivering data, routers locate clients and gather additional relevant details of the transmission paths. These parameters enable routers to modify and concentrate their signals to send to clients, resulting in faster and more reliable connections. WiFi signals can travel further because they focus their beams instead of sending information out in all directions. Additionally, this lessens data transmission collisions.

A key component of LTE, Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO) technology, is used in beamforming. High data rates can now be transmitted thanks to this. If the flashlight is not focused, the light spreads out in all directions, which is inefficient if you attempt to see far in the dark. Without beamforming, this is just like your home router.

Once focused, the light travels to particular places and becomes highly concentrated.The beamforming technology assesses factors including the terminal’s location, signal, noise level, distance, speed, and the necessary Quality of Service (QoS) level to ensure efficient transmission and increased signal strength.

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Key Beamforming Techniques

Now that we have looked at how beamforming works let us understand its various techniques and modes of operation.

1. Narrowband beamforming

Instantaneous linear combining of the received array signals results in narrowband beamforming. Wideband signals, however, necessitate the use of additional processing dimensions for efficient operation, such as tapped delay lines or the recently suggested sensor delay lines, which result in a wideband beamforming system.

The vast majority of wireless communication applications today still prioritize narrowband beamforming. For narrowband signals, the needed temporal shifts in the mapping matrix have an exceptionally straightforward form. This is based on the finding that changing a narrowband signal’s phase closely resembles changing time. High-resolution beamforming and determination of direction-of-arrival are made possible by the resultant equations.

2. Wideband beamforming

Spatial filtering is applied to wideband signals during wideband beamforming. Due to 5G requirements regarding high-frequency band transmissions for reaching an extraordinarily high data rate, wideband beamforming has become a crucial topic for future wireless communication applications.

Mm-wave beamforming is the best illustration of wideband beamforming that may be used in 5G to establish exceptionally high speeds and massive capacity. With the expansion of ultra-wideband (UWB) technology and the expansion of wireless communication bandwidth, wideband beamforming has evolved. A fixed design, such as a frequency invariant beamformer, or an adaptive design are both used in the beamforming techniques for wideband signals.

3. Zero Forcing (ZF)

Wireless devices with many antennas use zero-forcing (ZF), a spatial signal processing technique. The ZF algorithm enables a transmitter to deliver data to desired users while nulling out directions to unwanted users during the downlink. During the uplink, ZF receives from selected users while nulling out directions from interfering users.

Information potentially equivalent to unwanted users in the broadcast mode are interference users in the receive mode. It’s a linear precoding approach that manages full spatial multiplexing and multiuser diversity advantages while having a manageable computing cost. Due to its straightforward construction, zero-forcing is a standard class of linear beamforming.

4. Analog beamforming

Amplitude/phase variation is applied to the analog signal during analog beamforming at the transmitting end. Before the ADC conversion, analog beamforming at the receiving end sums up the data from several antennas. The simplest method is analog beamforming, which uses an analog-domain single-phase adjustment.

The output of a single RF transceiver is divided into many routes with analog beamforming corresponding to the array’s number of antennas. Before reaching the antenna element, each signal is amplified and phase-shifted. The least amount of hardware and software overhead makes this the easiest and most economical beamforming system.

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5. Switched beamforming

It is dependent on a fixed beamforming network that produces established predetermined beams. A beamforming network with P beams receives its input from the signals from the N antenna elements. P > N in general. A beamforming network that generates P = N beams is the Butler matrix.

Each beam’s highest signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) is calculated for each user. The beam corresponding with the highest SNR is picked for additional processing. All users have access to all channels assigned to the cell that this array is now servicing. Therefore, a single beam may be used by numerous people.

6. Adaptive beamforming

An adaptive beamformer uses an array of transmitters or receivers to perform adaptive spatial signal processing. Adaptive beamforming presupposes that the base station (BS) updates the mobile station’s location. Many real-time mobile stations could overwhelm the algorithm, making proper localization a challenging task.

For wireless communication systems, determining the Direction-of-Arrival (DOA) of received signals impinging on an antenna array is the key challenge. The implementation of an adaptive beamforming system is much more challenging than that of a switched-beamforming system. Perfect adaptive beams strive to decrease user interference and significantly increase the available power resources.

7. Digital beamforming (DBF)

Before digital-to-analog (DAC) conversion at the transmitting end, the digital signal is subjected to amplitude/phase variation in digital beamforming. The reverse process follows analog-to-digital (ADC) and DAC operations. Before summing, digital down converters and ADC converters pass the received signals from antennas.

The key benefits of DBF obtained in the receive mode are: enhanced adaptive pattern nulling, closely spaced multiple beams, array element pattern correction, ultralow sidelobes, superresolution, and adaptable radar power and time management. Although several others are being tested, West Germany’s ELRA phased-array radar is the first and most ambitious DBF system to date.

8. Hybrid beamforming

This beamforming method uses the benefits of both analog and digital beamforming. Thus, hybrid beamforming is so named. Precoding is used for analog and digital domains, for example, baseband and RF precoding and beamforming. The same procedure is applied at the receiving end to construct the required receiver pattern.

As a result, millimeter wave radio-based fifth-generation mobile networks have incorporated it. Hybrid beamforming is an affordable substitute that can dramatically lower hardware costs and power usage. Precoding and the associated combining procedures are carried out over baseband and RF in a hybrid beamforming system.

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Applications of Beamforming

Beamforming is a versatile and widely used networking technology applied in several sectors. Here are its top six applications that are most relevant for enterprises today:

1. Beamforming in 5G

5G can employ beamforming to get around common problems like interference and range restrictions. More targeted signals can be supplied to a receiving device, like a smartphone, thanks to 5G beamforming. The method reduces interference between individual beams. Massive MIMO and hybrid beamforming are frequent contenders for 5G.

For instance, massive MIMO may employ spatial multiplexing and multi-antenna arrays to transmit numerous independent signals. One of the fundamental 5G techniques is beamforming, which uses cutting-edge antenna technologies on mobile devices and network base stations to direct a wireless signal in a particular direction rather than broadcasting over a large region.

2. Beamforming in Wi-Fi

Instead of having the wireless signal spread out in all directions, as it would from a broadcast antenna, beamforming concentrates the signal towards a single receiving device. The resulting direct link is quicker and more dependable than it would be without beamforming.

When beamforming is enabled, signal strength can improve in previously difficult-to-reach areas, such as the edge of the house or next to the closet. Using beamforming, your router may create a stronger signal for your mobile devices. Wi-Fi must feature multiple-input multiple out (MIMO) technology to transmit the many overlapping signals required for beamforming.

3. Beamforming in radio astronomy

The beamforming process combines signals from several antennas to efficiently synthesize a single aperture and beam. Since the discovery of the first radio waves from space, beamforming (the linear combining of signals from various sensors) has been utilized for radio astronomy.

Instead, tens of thousands of fixed, omnidirectional antennas are used by the largest radio telescope in the world, LOFAR, in an innovative design that promises to advance astronomical research. LOFAR employs software to process signals in real time instead of the specialized networking hardware used by conventional telescopes. Signal processing includes the crucial technique of beamforming.

4. Beamforming in healthcare

An essential technology that establishes the resolution of the ultrasonic system is beamforming. Beamforming is a technique for producing a high-quality ultrasound image of the chosen field of interest by carefully activating the transducer array elements during the transmission of ultrasound beams and the reception of reflected echoes.

Beamforming enables healthcare professionals to swiftly adapt, monitor, and modify patient treatments by condensing bandwidth over a targeted area, such as mobile hospitals.

5. Beamforming in seismic data processing

As part of the extraction process, adaptive beamforming estimates the signal and noise properties. Seismic processing aims to improve the seismic section’s signal-to-noise ratio and eliminate artifacts in the signal brought on by the seismic method. A more understandable section ought to be the end outcome.

Some very subjective aspects of the procedure exist. Data-adaptive beamforming outperforms Radon transform techniques in attenuating multiples in prestack common midpoint seismic data, as evidenced by actual data samples. The benefits of beamforming are best demonstrated on data with a good signal-to-noise ratio, similar to other prestack multichannel procedures.

6. Acoustic beamforming

An important method for localizing and measuring acoustic sources is acoustic beamforming. It enhances a signal of interest while eliminating sources of competing and background noise. Both near-field and far-field hands-free communication systems can use audio beamforming.

By enhancing the signal flow from the talk of interest to specific individuals while allowing background noise to occur, an acoustic beamformer offers the possibility to record the individual speech of each talker and generate independent voice streams. The front end of voice quality enhancement algorithms and a pre-processor for speech recognition engines can be achieved with microphone array acoustic beamforming.

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Beamforming is an essential technology that improves the performance of wireless networks. It uses insights from the field of electromagnetic interference study to increase the precision of WiFi and 5G connections. As IT infrastructure evolves to rely less on legacy technology and more on wireless systems, the knowledge of beamforming and how it works will be instrumental in making the most of new-age systems.

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8 Beamforming Techniques to Know in a Wireless World (2024)


8 Beamforming Techniques to Know in a Wireless World? ›

Beamforming is a technique used to improve the signal-to-noise ratio of received signals, eliminate undesirable interference sources, and focus transmitted signals to specific locations. Beamforming is central to systems with sensor arrays, including MIMO wireless communications systems such as 5G, LTE, and WLAN.

What are beamforming techniques? ›

Beamforming is a technique used to improve the signal-to-noise ratio of received signals, eliminate undesirable interference sources, and focus transmitted signals to specific locations. Beamforming is central to systems with sensor arrays, including MIMO wireless communications systems such as 5G, LTE, and WLAN.

What are the types of beamforming in wireless communication? ›

There are three main types of beamforming: analog and digital and hybrid. Analog beamforming is typically used in simple wireless systems, while digital beamforming is more commonly used in modern communication systems.

What are the basic principles of beamforming? ›

Its main principle lies in providing each antenna the right delay and weight and then adding the signals, that is, pointing the antenna array and shaping the beam. Although the term “forming beam” seems to indicate the radiation of energy, beamforming can be used for radiation as well as the reception of energy.

What is wireless beamforming? ›

Beamforming technology focuses radio signals towards wireless stations (STAs) in specific directions, thereby comprehensively improving the received signal strength indicators (RSSIs) of STAs and also increasing STA throughput. This technology is introduced to the Wi-Fi (also known as WiFi) field in Wi-Fi 4 (802.11n).

What are the different beamforming algorithms? ›

Conventional and Adaptive Beamformers

Apply three beamforming algorithms to narrowband array data: the phase shift beamformer, the minimum variance distortionless response (MVDR) beamformer, and the linearly constrained minimum variance (LCMV) beamformer.

What is the basic of beamforming? ›

Basic principles of Beamforming

A beamforming antenna uses multiple antenna elements to control the direction of a wave-front. By changing the phase of the individual signals in an antenna array the beam can be formed at an angle. The plane wave can then be directed in the desired direction.

Which types of beamforming are used in 5G NR? ›

There are 3 types of beamforming in 5G NR:
  • Firstly, Eigen based beamforming (EBB) - SRS Based. ...
  • Secondly, Grid of beams (GOB) - SSB/PBCH Beams or beamformed CSI. ...
  • Third, Grid of beams (GOB) - non-beamformed CSI RS:
Jan 20, 2024

Is MIMO the same as beamforming? ›

Massive MIMO can be considered as a form of beamforming in the more general sense of the term, but is quite removed from the traditional form. Massive simply refers to the large number of antennas in the base station antenna array.

Which is better MU-MIMO or beamforming? ›

Without beamforming, signals are sent in every possible direction. Beamforming and MU-MIMO work together. Since the signal is more efficiently used, MU-MIMO can help increase WiFi range and speed on a WiFi network.

What is another name for beamforming? ›

Beamforming or spatial filtering is a signal processing technique used in sensor arrays for directional signal transmission or reception.

What are the features of beamforming? ›

Beamforming Overview

Beamforming is used with phased array antennae systems to focus the wireless signal in a chosen direction, normally towards a specific receiving device. This results in an improved signal at the user equipment (UE), and also less interference between the signals of individual UE.

What is the adaptive beamforming technique? ›

In adaptive beamforming, the antenna systems are designed to optimize antenna patterns. In fixed-beamforming, or Grid of Beam (GoB) approaches, a certain number of pre-defined beams are used and the beamforming problem reduces to beam selection, which requires less feedback information than adaptive approaches.

What are the two types of beamforming? ›

Beamforming can be divided into two categories depending on the signal bandwidth: narrowband beamforming and wideband beamforming. Narrowband beamforming is achieved by an instantaneous linear combination of the received array signals.

Should I enable MU-MIMO and ofdma? ›

OFDMA is the best choice for low-bandwidth applications while MU-MIMO better serves high-bandwidth applications. Both technologies work together in Wi-Fi 6 to optimize network performance. Depending on specific goals and network demands, users can choose the most suitable one in Wi-Fi networks.

Does LTE use beamforming? ›

Multiple input multiple output (MIMO) technology is an integral part of 3GPP E-UTRA long term evolution (LTE). As part of MIMO, beamforming is also used in LTE.

Should beamforming be enabled? ›

The advice for “General Usage” applies to both Explicit Beamforming and Implicit Beamforming. With the understanding that Beamforming typically improve your medium-long range performance. You should only consider to enable beamforming when you have medium-big sized house.

Is beamforming good or bad? ›

Depending on how it is done correctly, layering the signal waves creates interference that can be either beneficial or harmful. If beamforming is done correctly, your signal will be powerful and tightly directed in the direction you want it to go. Interference and lost signals can occur if it isn't done correctly.

What is beamforming in layman's terms? ›

Beamforming is a radio frequency technique that helps optimize signal strength and minimize interference by targeting wireless signals towards a specific endpoint or receiving device using an array of sensors and antennas.

What is beamforming in 5G technology? ›

Beamforming is a traffic-signaling system for cellular base stations that identifies the most efficient data-delivery route to a particular user, and it reduces interference for nearby users in the process. Depending on the situation and the technology, there are several ways to implement it in 5G networks.

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