8 Best Dumbbell Exercises to Target Your Glutes | BOXROX (2024)

Check out the 8 best dumbbell exercises to target your glutes in this comprehensive and detailed list below.

In recent years, the obsession with building well-defined and strong glutes has taken the fitness world by storm. Social media platforms are flooded with images and videos dedicated to achieving the perfect posterior.

Countless programs promise to deliver a bigger and firmer butt, attracting both men and women eager to enhance their curves. However, with the plethora of options available, it’s essential to question the effectiveness of these programs and understand whether they truly hold the secret to successful glute training.

The person who decided to list the 8 best dumbbell exercises to train your glutes with is Marcus Filly. Marcus Filly is the creator, founder, and CEO of Functional Bodybuilding. He is a six-time CrossFit Games athlete (2016, 12th fittest) with decades of experience coaching and designing individual and group training programs.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into the world of glute training, exploring various movements and principles that can help you achieve remarkable results. Moreover, we’ll focus on utilizing minimal equipment—just a couple of dumbbells and a band—to demonstrate that you don’t need fancy machines to sculpt a strong and shapely backside.

8 Best Dumbbell Exercises to Target Your Glutes | BOXROX (1)Source: Ruslan Khmelevsky on Pexels

9 Best Exercises For A Nice Butt – Included Free Glutes Workout

Before we dive into the specific movements, it’s crucial to establish a foundation by understanding the principles that guide effective glute training. To shed light on these principles, we’ll draw inspiration from the expertise of Bret Contreras, renowned in the fitness industry as the “Glute Guy.”

  1. Exercise Selection

Not all exercises are created equal, especially when it comes to glute training. Different movements target specific aspects of the glute muscles, and incorporating a diverse range of exercises is key to comprehensive development. It’s essential to find a variety of movements that work for your body, considering factors such as your unique anatomy and personal preferences.

  1. Mind-Muscle Connection

Building a strong mind-muscle connection is crucial, particularly for the glutes. Unlike muscles that are easily visible in the mirror, the glutes can be challenging to activate without a solid connection. Slow tempos, pauses, and intentional verbal cues can aid in establishing and strengthening this essential connection, ensuring that you feel and engage your glutes during each exercise.

  1. Time Under Tension

Time under tension is a powerful tool in resistance training, dictating the duration during which your muscles are actively engaged with the weight. Rather than fixating on the number of reps or sets, focusing on the tempo of each movement can significantly impact muscle hypertrophy and strength gains. By manipulating the tempo, especially through slow eccentric contractions, you can enhance mind-muscle connection and induce metabolic stress.

  1. Metabolic Stress

In situations where access to heavy mechanical loads is limited, metabolic stress becomes a valuable alternative for promoting muscle growth. Metabolic stress occurs when local muscles work intensely over a short duration, leading to the release of metabolites, changes in local pH, and a sensation of burning in the muscles. This stress, achieved through factors like longer time under tension, increased repetition volume, supersets, and shortened rest periods, can be a crucial element in minimal equipment workouts.

Now that we’ve established the foundational principles let’s explore eight effective movements that leverage functional bodybuilding principles to target and sculpt your glutes using just a couple of dumbbells and a band.

He divided the 8 exercises into four primary movements and four supplementary exercises. Also, each exercise comes with a tempo guideline followed by four digits. This is what each digit means:

  • 1st digit – lowering phase
  • 2nd digit – time at the bottom
  • 3rd digit – upward phase
  • 4th digit – time at the top
8 Best Dumbbell Exercises to Target Your Glutes | BOXROX (2)Source: Sandra Seitamaa on Pexels

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Primary Movements: Enhancing the Foundations

1. Rearfoot Elevated Split Squat (Bulgarian Split Squat)

The rearfoot elevated split squat is a powerhouse movement for targeting the glutes. To maximize its effectiveness:

  • Set up with your rear foot on a bench, taking three steps away.
  • Choose whether to place the top of your foot on the bench or your toe down, based on comfort.
  • Lower smoothly with a 3-1-X-0 tempo (3 seconds down, no rest at the top, brief pause at the bottom).
  • Focus on a slight backward lean as you descend to activate the glutes.
  • Embrace the mind-muscle connection with slow tempos and a brief pause at the bottom.

2. Single Leg Hip Thrust

The single leg hip thrust is a fantastic movement to isolate and strengthen the glutes. Follow these tips for optimal execution:

  • Use an elevated surface such as a low bench or medicine ball.
  • Keep the heel of the working foot connected to the ground.
  • Drive through the heel to elevate your hips.
  • Maintain a 4-0-X-1 tempo, pausing at the top to fully contract the glutes.
  • Avoid overarching the back; focus on keeping the rib cage down.

3. Banded Sumo Romanian Deadlift

The banded sumo Romanian deadlift targets the glutes while incorporating resistance from a band. To perform this movement effectively:

  • Set your feet just outside shoulder-width apart.
  • Add band resistance to emphasize the top of the lift.
  • Maintain a 4-0-X-0 tempo, with slow eccentrics for optimal muscle engagement.
  • Keep a slight bend in the knees (up to 20 degrees) to protect the joints.
  • Emphasize the stretch at the bottom while preventing vulnerability.

4. Hand Supported Single-Leg RDL

The hand-supported single leg RDL ensures proper form and engages the glutes. Here’s how to execute it correctly:

  • Find support from a wall, squat rack, or chair.
  • Hold a dumbbell in the hand opposite your working leg.
  • Push your hips back as you lean forward to activate the glutes.
  • Follow a 4-0-X-1 tempo, with a brief pause at the top for balance.
  • Focus on the mind-muscle connection by pushing hips back and feeling the glute stretch.
8 Best Dumbbell Exercises to Target Your Glutes | BOXROX (3)

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Supplementary Supersets: Maximizing Efficiency

To maximize efficiency and induce metabolic stress, consider incorporating these supplementary supersets into your glute-focused workout.

5. Dumbbell Side Plank

The dumbbell side plank targets the outer glutes and enhances the mind-muscle connection. Follow these guidelines:

  • Place a dumbbell on the side of your top hip during the side plank.
  • Drive both knees apart forcefully at the top.
  • Implement a 1-0-X-1 tempo, emphasizing a pause at the top for glute activation.

6. Seated Dumbbell Good Morning

The seated dumbbell good morning adds variety to your workout, targeting the glutes from a seated position. Ensure proper execution:

  • Sit at a height where your hips are at a 90-degree angle or slightly above.
  • Hinge forward, focusing on bringing the belly towards the floor.
  • Choose between behind-the-neck or dumbbells below the shoulders for loading.
  • Follow a 2-1-0-1 tempo, staying controlled on the way up to protect the low back.

7. Curtsy Drop Lunge

The curtsy drop lunge provides a unique angle to target the lateral glutes. Execute it with precision:

  • Use a box or step that is 6-8 inches in height.
  • Step back and behind your working leg to feel the stretch in the lateral glute.
  • Follow a 1-0-X-1 tempo for 15-20 reps, focusing on the lateral glute area.

8. Hand Supported Russian Step Up

The hand-supported Russian step-up adds a dynamic element to your glute workout. Execute it effectively:

  • Find a box or bench slightly lower than your standing knee.
  • Use hand support for balance, avoiding excessive pulling or pushing.
  • Drive the opposing knee up at the top for full glute contraction.
  • Follow a 1-0-X-0 tempo, maintaining a steady pace without pauses.

Also Try: The Most Effective 100 Rep Glute Workout on the Planet

Putting It All Together: The Why Behind the Workout

As we wrap up the exploration of these eight movements, it’s essential to understand the rationale behind effective glute training. Bret Contreras, the “Glute Guy,” has been a pioneer in glute training, emphasizing three key principles for success:

  1. Get Strong: Building strength is foundational to glute development. Focus on progressive overload and consistently challenge your glutes with increasing resistance.
  2. Train Sufficient Volume: Adequate volume is crucial for hypertrophy. Ensure that your training includes enough sets and reps to stimulate muscle growth effectively.
  3. Vary Movement Patterns: The glutes, like any muscle group, respond well to variety. Incorporate a diverse range of movements to target different aspects of the glute muscles and promote overall development.

Understanding the “why” behind your training allows for a more informed and purposeful approach to glute workouts. It’s not just about performing exercises; it’s about strategically selecting movements, establishing a strong mind-muscle connection, incorporating time under tension, and inducing metabolic stress to drive hypertrophy and strength gains.

Building strong and sculpted glutes doesn’t require an array of specialized equipment. With just a couple of dumbbells and a band, you can implement functional bodybuilding principles to effectively target and develop your glutes. By incorporating the movements and principles outlined in this comprehensive guide, you can create a well-rounded glute training program that delivers results.

Don’t know how to perform one of the exercises mentioned above, or simply you want a deeper, more detailed explanation of each exercise and why they feature in this list of the best dumbbell exercises to target your glutes? Watch the video below in which Marcus Filly does all that and more.

Are looking beyond how to train your glutes with dumbbells? Read our Ultimate Guide for Bigger and Stronger Glutes

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8 Best Dumbbell Exercises to Target Your Glutes | BOXROX (2024)
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