8 Marvel Gods Who Are Stronger Than Thor (& 7 Who Are Way Weaker) (2024)

There are few who would dare challenge the awesomeness of the God of Thunder.However, while Thor Odinson's log-sized biceps might be some of the most epic this side of Asgard, they still have a few reps to go before they can come out on top in a match like Thor vs Zeus.

This Asgardian prince may literally be heralded as a god,but there are a few other Marvel deities presiding out there who could put him in his place should theChitauri hit the fan. That said, some of the MCU's weakest gods have tried tooutmatch his swagger despite being far punier in comparison, though that doesn't stop them from trying over and over.

Marvel Gods Who Are Stronger Than Thor


8 Marvel Gods Who Are Stronger Than Thor (& 7 Who Are Way Weaker) (1)

It should come as no surprise that, in a one-on-one battle of Zeus vs Thor, Zeus would easily triumph. In fact, Zeus vs Thor probably wouldn't be much of a fight at all—Thanos, who knows a little bit about power himself, placed the Greek Skyfather at the same level as Galactus, who coincidentally enough Zeus has beaten.


Super strength, super speed, and super durabilitymake up all of the requisites of being a super god.However, what really sets Zeus apart is his ability tocall uponthe powers of other Greek gods to power himselfand then kick things up a notch byusing the powerof the universe.


8 Marvel Gods Who Are Stronger Than Thor (& 7 Who Are Way Weaker) (2)

In a Zeus vs Thor scenario, Zeus would probably end up the victor, but the same goes for his son, Hercules. Technically speaking, he's only a demigod, but, if any biceps could outsize Thor's, then it is the Herculators.

He might not be able to shoot lightning boltsfrom the sky or have the advantage of a magically imbued hammer, but Hercs brute strength is off the charts. He once towed the entire city of Manhattan, held up the planet so Atlas could take a breather and tossed Godzilla around like a newt. Luckily, he's a member of the Avengers and more likely to fight alongside Thor than against him.


8 Marvel Gods Who Are Stronger Than Thor (& 7 Who Are Way Weaker) (3)

This one is a no-brainer; Hela crushed the mighty Mjolnir as if it were some styrofoam movie prop inThor: Ragnarok? Obviously, Thor's older, wiser, more demonic sister has a thing or two to teach him about power. Don't let her form-fitting leather get-up be a distraction, as the Goddess of Death is packing some serious heat. After all, one doesn't come to be the ruler ofHel and all of thedeceased withoutsome serious antlered chops.

While she possesses all the same powersof a normalAsgardian god, she also has a few far more impressive tricks up her sleeves that send her soaring well beyond the capabilities of Thor and his incredibly good hair. When worn, her cloak boosts her strength exponentially. She has the ability to create illusions and devastatingly life-ending mystical energy bolts. Also, most powerful of all, Hela can snuff out someone with just a single touch of her bare hand, an ability gifted to her by none other than Death herself.


Atum has a résumé longer than Thor's hair of wiping the galaxy clean of deities. It's pretty much his sole purpose in life. On one particularly terrifying occasion, he slew all of the Elder Gods by sucking their powers for himself, converting their bodies into energy and absorbing them through orifices on the palms of his hand. Worse still, he's the reason why the dinosaurs went extinct.

Atumoverpowers Thor in almost every way, especially when one considers that the beastcan manipulate energy on par with Zeus and Odin. Thanks to his constant feeding sprees, going up against Atum is like fighting a litany of gods all at once. Thor's good, but he's not an Elder God apex predator.


8 Marvel Gods Who Are Stronger Than Thor (& 7 Who Are Way Weaker) (5)

Given what we saw in the MCU's firstDoctor Strangefilm,the fact that Dormammu can consume an entire universe kind of makes Mjolnir a moot point. To make things worse for Thor, the Black Baron is even more powerful in the comics. He is essentially theDark Dimension's version of the Sorcerer Supreme, and he dwarfs anything Doctor Strange can pull out of his hat.

For his part, Strange counts Dormmamu as his most dangerous enemy, declaring that, at full strength, no one can defeat him—not even chiseled Viking gods.


8 Marvel Gods Who Are Stronger Than Thor (& 7 Who Are Way Weaker) (6)

Odin is basically Thor and all the other Asgardians rolled into one—though he's even wiser, more experienced, and minus one eye. As the default King of Asgard,Odin is easily the most powerful being in his realm.Throw in the Odin Force for good measure—the tremendous magical energy the All-Father draws his power from—andhe can easily destroy a galaxy with a mere passing thought.

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In the Marvel Universe, Odin is basically the Superman of Asgardians. Whatever Thor can do, he can do better—there's a reason it's not called the "Thor Force."


8 Marvel Gods Who Are Stronger Than Thor (& 7 Who Are Way Weaker) (7)

Galactus is a God unlike any other, though he's not technically a god.His powers are immeasurable and totally beyond compare, and they're matched only byhis size. Though some might have the likes of Zeus and Odin on the same level, even they have proven unable to take down the giant on their own.

It is hard to compete with a guywho devours planets and possesses the Power Cosmic. When Galactus has hissight set on something, it takes an entire brigade of the universe's strongest beings to stop him. Given that he's practically unkillable, heroes can only hope to distract him or to shift his attention elsewhere.


The One-Above-All is God of the Marvel Universe, second perhaps only to Stan Lee.This is why, when it comes to power, the discussion begins and ends here. Take every other god in the MCU, mash them up into a ball, and then place that ball into a pinball machine, and the One-Above-All is the guywho holds an unbreakable high score on that machine.

Also known as Jack the Bartender, the One-Above-All is the demiurge of the Marvel multiverse. Luckily for everyone, the One-Above-All does not interfere with the comings and goings of the multiverse. He might make a rare appearance here and there to comfort a lost soul or make sure comic sales don't fall, but, for the most part, he is off in whatever realm divine beings hang out in, sipping margaritas and watching the tenth season ofSeinfeld.

Marvel Gods Who Are Weaker Than Thor


8 Marvel Gods Who Are Stronger Than Thor (& 7 Who Are Way Weaker) (9)

Skurge the Executioner is an Asgardian god, and he has made a career out of doing the dirty work of far more powerful bad guys—most memorably as the henchman/plaything of the Enchantress. Yet, despite the big axe he carries, he's not all that formidable of a foe compared to Thor.

RELATED:10 Reasons Why Thor Is The Most Powerful Avenger In The MCU

Sure, Skurge is significantly stronger than most Asgardians, canwork the Hel out of a Shake Weight, and is really good at naming his assault rifles, that will do him little good when Mjolnir's is flying at his face at a gazillion miles per hour.


8 Marvel Gods Who Are Stronger Than Thor (& 7 Who Are Way Weaker) (10)

Pluto is the God of the Dead and ruler of the Underworld.In Greekmythology, Pluto goes by another name, that being Hades. His reputation should precede him, but, unfortunately, his comic counterpart is a lot less cool.

First appearing in the '60sinThor #127,Pluto isreally strong and can unleash massive energy blasts, but that's par for the course among Marvel deities. Pathetically, a lot of Pluto's abilities have to do with protecting himself from harm rather than inflicting it, bolstered by his signaturemystical flame. Of its many unimpressive capabilities, it is perhaps best used in temporarily paralyzingsomeone. Lame.


8 Marvel Gods Who Are Stronger Than Thor (& 7 Who Are Way Weaker) (11)

Also known also as Bastet, Baast, and Baset, this cat goddess of warfare commands the oddly specific regions of Lower Egypt and the Nile River delta region. She is in fact the daughter of Ra and a member of an interdimensional race called the Ennead who are worshiped by ancient Egyptians in Marvel's version ofStargate. By geographic association, Bast is also most notably theprimary god of Wakanda and whom the source of the Black Panther's powers come from.

Roughly ten thousand years before T'Challa clawed his way on the scene, a dude named Bashengaprayed to Bast to help defeat a tribe of Vibranium mutants, thereby becoming the very first Black Panther. Ever since then, one must get the nod of approval fromBast in order to take up the mantle.However, as far as gods go, Bast isn't all that much of a threat. She certainly hassome crazy magical feline powers, butit's nothing Thor can't handle.


8 Marvel Gods Who Are Stronger Than Thor (& 7 Who Are Way Weaker) (12)

Balder the Brave is another noble Asgardianwho just so happens to also be Thor's older half-brother. As any younger sibling can attest when it comes to power, there are noother adversaries who are more formidable than a half-brother. Yet, although he is one of the bravest of all Asgardian warriors and has been gifted with invulnerability to all things except mistletoe, Balder doesn't do anything that his younger brother can't do even better.

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He did spend some time as the King of Asgard, but it was short-lived and forgettable. He was also prophesied to cause Ragnarok, but that really did not pan out as everyone hadthought it would—so, even in that regard, Balder was a bit of a letdown.


8 Marvel Gods Who Are Stronger Than Thor (& 7 Who Are Way Weaker) (13)

Asgardian goddess, sibling to Heimdall, valiant shield maiden, and occasional lover of Thor, Lady Sif is a fierce warrior that few could best in a no-holds-barred fight.However, all of that is mostly thanks to millenniaof hard work and training rather than natural godliness.

As far asdeities go, she is a run-of-the-mill Asgardian, conventional in herpowers and routine in her abilities. She might make a puny mortal human look like atroglodyte, but, when put beside the likes of her on-again, off-again beau Thor, she pales in comparison.


8 Marvel Gods Who Are Stronger Than Thor (& 7 Who Are Way Weaker) (14)

Loki is proof that relying on magic and trickery will only get a person—or a god—so far. Even whenhe cheats, he somehow ends up losing.

As the adopted son of Odin and Frigga, Loki has always lived in the shadow of Thor. The fact that this God of Mischief is not even an Asgardian just makes himfall all the shorter. If it were not for Tom Hiddleston's enigmatic smile and Loki's emergence as a breakout star of the MCU, the character likely wouldn't have been all that relevant.

Peter Quill

8 Marvel Gods Who Are Stronger Than Thor (& 7 Who Are Way Weaker) (15)

The MCU's version of Peter Quillhas him as the offspring of the Celestial planet Ego. Celestials are basically space gods. Ergo, Peter Quill is also a space god.

However, he's only half space god, and Quill'spowers have been stripped from his soul.All ofthis points tohim being one of the weakest gods in Marvel lore. Plus, while Peter Quill may be skilled with his pistols, Thor is packing some actual guns.

NEXT: 9 Underrated MCU Superhero Powers And Abilities

8 Marvel Gods Who Are Stronger Than Thor (& 7 Who Are Way Weaker) (2024)


Which god is stronger than Thor? ›

As the default King of Asgard, Odin is easily the most powerful being in his realm.

Who is stronger than Thor's? ›

Odin. Even at the time of his MCU debut, Thor wasn't the MCU's strongest character. That title, at that time, belonged to Anthony Hopkins' Odin. The patriarch of the Norse pantheon and the King of Asgard, Odin possessed an incalculable degree of power in the MCU, even at his advancing age.

Who in Marvel is stronger than Thor? ›


Hercules is considered the physically strongest character in the whole marvel universe. Literally the strongest, even over characters such as Thor, Hulk, and the Destroyer.

Who can defeat God Thor? ›

Steve Rogers is one of the few mortals able to not only lift Mjolnir, but wield its full power, making him someone who legitimately could defeat Thor. Assuming the reason for their battle is due to Thor being deceived, possessed, or otherwise out of his mind, Cap would be able to use Mjolnir against him.

Can Thor beat Loki? ›

Rune King Thor effortlessly killed Mangog and defeated Loki with his Rune Magic. Loki had siphoned some of Mangog's magics, who is a being comparable to…

Can Odin beat Zeus? ›

So while Zeus' best feat is defeating a mountain-sized monster, Odin's best feat is defeating a monster as big as nine worlds. Odin outclasses Zeus in intelligence, versatility, strength, and weapons. Zeus simply can't compete. The winner is Odin, All-Father of the Æsir.

Who is strongest Thor or Thanos? ›

But here's what we DO know. He got up IMMEDIATELY after being blasted with lightning from Stormbreaker. And from all of Thor and Thanos' feats and their direct confrontations with each other, we know that Thanos is: A) Physically stronger than Thor.

Who is the strongest Thor or Superman? ›

While Thor is one of the mightiest gods in the Marvel Universe, he is still no match for the unparalleled power of Superman. However, even the Man of Steel admitted that Thor could be almost at his same level. Maybe the outcome of their battle would be different in other circ*mstances.

Who is stronger Hulk or Thor? ›

Putting it all together, Thor can win against the Hulk, even if he can't kill the Jade Giant. Hulk is practically immortal and has unlimited reserves of strength and stamina, so he can keep fighting forever. Thor's endurance, while godly, is not limitless, so he will eventually lose a prolonged battle.

Who is stronger, Thor or the Scarlet Witch? ›

In the MCU, The Scarlet Witch is far more powerful than Thor.

Can Thor defeat Odin? ›

In Norse mythology, Thor is not more powerful than Odin since both of his parents are Asgardian. Because Odin had been around thousands of years longer than Thor, he has the advantage of experience in addition to his reality manipulation.

What kills Thor? ›

Like almost all of the Norse gods, Thor is doomed to die at Ragnarök, the end of the world and twilight of the gods, but falls only after killing the great serpent with his powerful hammer Mjollnir, dying to its poison; his sons Magni and Modi survive Ragnarök along with a small number of other gods and inherit his ...

Who can defeat Odin? ›

If you are talking about movies, Old Odin can be defeated by Surtur, Dormammu, Hela, Strange, Ancient One and IW Thanos. But Odin in his prime was undefeated, unchallenged throughout the nine realms and beyond. This is been confirmed by Hela, Loki, Frigga, Laufey and Thor.

Which Greek god can beat Thor? ›

Zeus is a sky-father and is the equal of Odin, Thor's own father. And Odin would beat the jeebus out of Thor in a heartbeat. So naturally, Zeus would win the battle.

Who is stronger than Thor Norse god? ›

Thor, Odin, and Vidar are among the most powerful gods in Norse mythology, but there is some debate over which is the single most powerful deity. Some key points: Odin is the king of the gods and the ruler of Asgard, the home of the Aesir tribe of gods.

Is Thor or Odin stronger? ›

Vidarr represents the strength of resilience and vengeance, showcasing his power through his actions during Ragnarok. So, who is the strongest Norse god? If we consider physical strength, then Thor takes the crown. However, if we consider mental strength, and magic abilities, then Odin is the strongest.

Who is the most powerful Marvel God? ›

That is Galactus at his PEAK. He is the famed "Devourer of Worlds" in the Marvel Universe. His powers are nearly omnipotent. He has appointed a number of entities as his Heralds, imbuing them with the Power Cosmic.

Who is the most powerful God Norse? ›

Since Thor was given the responsibility of keeping the stronghold of the Æsir safe, he was often regarded as the strongest of all the Norse deities. His incredibly powerful hammer, known as the Mjölnir, was believed to have the strength to crush mountains and slay enormous giants.

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