8 Reasons Why You Should Invest With Mutual Funds Instead Of A Variable Annuity - Physician on FIRE (2024)

Today’s Saturday Selection is a classic post from The White Coat Investor. In the post, he outlines the numerous ways investing in plain old mutual funds beats a variable annuity.

I obviously agree with the good doctor. Half of my investments are in passive index funds in a taxable account. Zero percent of my nest egg is tied up in a variable annuity, or any type of life insurance product for that matter.

As per usual, this post originally appeared at the WCI network partner site The White Coat Investor.

Variable annuities (VA) are an insurance product that is best described as a mutual fund wrapped in an insurance wrapper and covered with fees. They have several advantages over mutual funds (in a fully taxable brokerage account), including tax-deferred earnings, some protection against creditors, and tax-free buying and selling within the account.

But no reasonable person would argue that investing in a VA is a smarter move than investing in an IRA, Roth IRA, or 401K. However, it isn’t uncommon to hear arguments that “a doctor in a high tax bracket should invest in a VA instead of in mutual funds in a taxable account.” That argument, of course, is almost always made by someone who sells VAs for a living. Here are the problems with that argument.

1) Variable Annuity Withdrawals Taxed at Ordinary Income Tax Rates

If the chief upside of investing in a VA is tax-deferred growth (i.e. the investment isn’t taxed each year on its capital gains and dividends), then the chief downside is that when you pull the money out it is taxed at your ordinary income tax rates rather than the lower capital gains/dividends rates a mutual fund would get.

Consider two investments with the exact same after-fee return (stop laughing and just IMAGINE for a minute). One is a mutual fund and the other a VA. How long would it take before the benefit of the tax-deferral would make up for the lower tax rate at withdrawal? Let’s assume a 33% tax bracket, a 15% capital gains/dividends rate, and an 8% after-expense return.

Variable Annuity – Grows at 8% per year, then at the end gains are taxed at 33%

Mutual Fund- Grows at 7.7% per year (assume 2% yield each year is taxed at 15% before being reinvested), then at the end gains are taxed at 15%.*

When does the after-tax return on the VA first exceed the after-tax return on the mutual fund? After 86 years. What? You don’t expect to live another 86 years? Exactly.

Tax-deferral is valuable, but not that valuable. Doctors, as a general rule, are paranoid about taxes because they don’t understand them very well. This causes them to dive into “tax shelters” that they never really needed anyway.

2) Lack of Flexibility in a Variable Annuity

If I own a mutual fund in a taxable account, I can sell it any day the market is open and buy another one or just take the proceeds, pay taxes on them, and purchase a boat.

It takes far more time to surrender an annuity contract, get your money, and move on. If you want to exchange one VA for another, you get to go see another agent, sign another contract, move the money etc. The Etrade baby can’t swap one for another with a couple of clicks of his mouse, like he could with a mutual fund. You can call and make changes WITHIN a variable annuity, but there’s usually a limit as to how often you can do this without paying additional fees.

3) Poor Investment Choices in a Variable Annuity

Most VAs are chock-full of poor investment choices. The “sub-accounts” (mutual-fund like investments within a variable annuity) are often poorly-performing, actively managed funds with little incentive to keep fees low. Although you can get a variable annuity from Vanguard (in cooperation with an insurance company) or other mutual fund house with better choices, most of the VAs sold by annuity salesmen (insurance agents) are composed of inferior sub-accounts.

4) A Variable Annuity Has Surrender Fees

Annuities are supposed to be long-term investments. With a fixed annuity, the insurance company takes your money and puts it into longer-term investments, like stocks and bonds, then pays you each month. In order to allow it to do so, it needs to be able to hold on to your money for a long-term period, so to encourage you to leave the money there they instituted surrender fees.

When they started offering variable annuities, they carried the rather profitable practice over. Surrender fees generally start at about 7%, generally decreasing by 1% a year. Sounds like a load, no? Would you buy a loaded mutual fund? Of course not. So why would you buy a loaded VA? The company has to pay the salesman somehow don’t they?

5) Mortality and Expense Fees in a Variable Annuity

Since a variable annuity is an insurance product, it has to provide some kind of an insurance function. Usually, this is a guarantee that even if you die your heirs will get the greater of the value of the account or the amount you invested in it. This is a nearly worthless guarantee at a high price.

Let’s say you had a VA you’d put $100K into. A typical M&E expense is 1.1%. So if the value of the VA had decreased by 25% to $75K, and you died, your heirs would get $25K from “the policy” (plus the $75K from the annuity.) It’s like a $25K life insurance policy.

You pay 1.1% ($1,100 a year, and you’re covered for $25K or so.) You might ask yourself at this point….how much is a $25K policy worth? Well, for a 60-year-old male, a fiveyear term life insurance policy goes for $249 a year. So you’re paying over four times as much as you should.

Plus, the chances of you actually needing the policy aren’t that good. If the account is worth MORE than you paid into it (and it darn well should be after a few years, it’s an investment after all), it doesn’t pay anything.

It’s interesting to compare a Vanguard Variable Annuity to a similar Vanguard Mutual Fund. Keep in mind that Vanguard runs these things essentially at cost, so this likely reflects the true cost of that policy.

The ER for the Vanguard Total Stock Market Mutual Fund is 0.18%**. The total ER for the Vanguard Total Stock Market VA is 0.50%. So Vanguard (and the associated insurance company) can do it for about 0.32%. Why would anyone pay 1.1%, over 3 times as much? Looks like insurance company profit to me. I won’t even go into the other fees commonly detailed in the very fine print within the prospectus.

8 Reasons Why You Should Invest With Mutual Funds Instead Of A Variable Annuity - Physician on FIRE (3)Learn how to better manage your student loan debt, and explore refinancing to a lower rate with cash back offers up to $1,000!Student Loan Resource Page

6) No Step-up In Cost Basis Like You Get With a Mutual Fund

When you die with a mutual fund, your heirs get a step-up in basis. That means, for tax purposes, that it’s as though they bought the mutual fund themselves on the day you died. They can immediately sell it and owe no capital gains taxes. When you die with a VA, all those earnings that have been deferred for years are fully taxable to your heirs, and not at the favorable capital gains rates either. I can tell you which one I’d prefer to inherit.

8 Reasons Why You Should Invest With Mutual Funds Instead Of A Variable Annuity - Physician on FIRE (4)

7) Rebalancing Isn’t A Big Issue For Mutual Funds

Proponents of VAs frequently cite the fact that you can rebalance your portfolio without any tax consequences if you’re invested in a VA. While that is true, the tax consequences of rebalancing can be minimized or even eliminated pretty easily.

8 Reasons Why You Should Invest With Mutual Funds Instead Of A Variable Annuity - Physician on FIRE (6)First, you can do all your rebalancing within your IRAs, 401Ks or other tax-protected accounts. Second, within a taxable account, you can use distributions of dividends and capital gains to rebalance. Third, you can always use new contributions to rebalance.

In fact, studies show that it’s best to only rebalance every 1-3 years. So far, after 8 years of investing, I’ve never paid taxes in order to rebalance. I don’t anticipate EVER having to. That might not be the same for everyone, but it is pretty easy to minimize the tax hit for most.

Also, keep in mind that it takes pretty serious market fluctuation to actually generate a need to rebalance. Consider that you have a 50/50 stock/bond portfolio and wish to rebalance it if it gets off more than 5%. How much more does the stock portfolio have to outperform the bond portfolio in a year for you to need to rebalance? By about 25%. What percentage of the time are your stock and bond returns more than an absolute 25% different? Not very often.

8) You Shouldn’t Be Market Timing Anyway

Proponents also argue that being able to swap funds around within the VA without tax consequences is a huge advantage for an aggressive investor. While ignoring the fact that most mutual fund investors have enough assets within tax-protected accounts to do plenty of tax-free market timing, the truth is that the less jumping around between investments, chasing performance and timing the market you do, the better your returns are likely to be. Buying and holding a static asset allocation takes the emotions out of investing, and produces better returns over time. You’re not Warren Buffett. Get over it.

In short, variable annuities are for the most part an investment made to be sold, not bought. There may be a role for one in a few, very limited circ*mstances, primarily for those who mistakenly bought an expensive one and wish to transfer into a less expensive one or for those with little tax-protected space who wish to invest in very tax-inefficient assets such as TIPS or REITs. You will likely be better off not mixing insurance with investing. Don’t be so afraid of taxes that you let the tax tail wag the investment dog. There are far worse ways to invest than in tax-efficient asset classes within a taxable account.

[PoF: *My tax drag is about 0.58% as opposed to 0.3%. In addition to the 15% capital gains tax, I also pay a state income tax of 9.85% and the ACA surtax of 3.8%. Assuming a 2% dividend, I’m paying nearly 29% of the dividend in taxes. It will drop when my income drops.

** Since this post was originally published, the Admiral fund (minimum $10,000 investment) version of Vanguard’s Total Stock Market Fund has dropped to 0.04%.

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Readers, have you purchased a variable annuity or other “product that is best described as a mutual fund wrapped in an insurance wrapper and covered with fees”? Any qualms with the assertions?

Commissioned salespeople need not respond. As Upton Sinclair famously said,“It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends on his not understanding it.”

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8 Reasons Why You Should Invest With Mutual Funds Instead Of A Variable Annuity - Physician on FIRE (2024)


Why mutual funds are better than annuities? ›

Mutual funds, especially those focused around stock investments, play a potential role by offering a path to greater returns than annuities might provide, with more flexibility.

What are two main reasons you would invest in a mutual fund? ›

There are several specific reasons investors turn to mutual funds instead of managing their own portfolio directly. The primary reasons why an individual may choose to buy mutual funds instead of individual stocks are diversification, convenience, and lower costs.

What is the #1 reason investors prefer mutual funds for investing? ›

Because mutual funds hold a basket of investments, they provide instant diversification, which can minimize portfolio risk and volatility. For example, a balanced fund would hold a mix of stocks and bonds, based on the theory that stock and bond prices don't often decline (or increase) in tandem.

Why should variable annuities be avoided? ›

Overall cost: A variable annuity's biggest disadvantage is its cost. Variable annuities can charge high fees. These include administrative fees, fees for special features and fund expenses for the mutual funds you invest in. And then there are the sales commissions.

Which is safer mutual funds or annuities? ›

Annuities are insurance products with contracts. On the other hand, mutual funds are investment products designed to grow assets over time. Annuities are a safe option compared to mutual funds. If you compare fees between annuities vs mutual funds, mutual funds tend to have hidden fees.

What is the difference between a mutual fund and a variable annuity? ›

Annuities are more conservative, as insurance companies look to preserve your principal amount and provide guaranteed returns. Mutual funds may offer more flexibility in withdrawal and settlement options, while many traditional annuities charge penalties for early withdrawals above a specified amount.

Which 3 are advantages to investing in mutual funds? ›

Mutual funds have plenty of advantages, including diversification, professional management, low costs, and convenience.

What are the pros and cons of mutual funds? ›

One selling point is that they allow you to hold a variety of assets in a single fund. They also have the potential for higher-than-average returns. However, some mutual funds have steep fees and initial buy-ins. Your financial situation and investment style will determine if they're right for you.

What are the three main advantages of mutual funds? ›

Why invest in mutual funds?
  • Diversification. Mutual funds give you an efficient way to diversify your portfolio, without having to select individual stocks or bonds. ...
  • Low cost. ...
  • Convenience. ...
  • Professional management.

What are the advantages of mutual funds? ›

Mutual funds offer several benefits to investors, including professional management, diversification, liquidity, low cost, tax benefits, affordability, safety, and transparency. However, investors need to consider several factors before investing in mutual funds.

What mutual fund has the highest return? ›

Best-performing U.S. equity mutual funds
TickerName5-year return (%)
FGRTXFidelity Mega Cap Stock16.52%
STSEXBlackRock Exchange BlackRock16.27%
USBOXPear Tree Quality Ordinary16.13%
FGLGXFidelity Series Large Cap Stock16.08%
3 more rows
Mar 29, 2024

Is it good time to invest in mutual funds now? ›

There is no better time to start investing. It is very difficult to time the markets and although the markets are due for a correction, it would not be wise to wait further. Also, when it comes to SIPs, there is not much merit in timing the markets. We would suggest you invest in different mutual fund categories.

Why do financial advisors hate annuities? ›

‌They don't want their army of advisors pushing Immediate Annuities, Deferred Income Annuities, QLACs, and Qualified Longevity Annuity Contracts. Why? You can't charge a fee on those, and those are irrevocable lifetime income products, which means that money in the firm's eyes is gone.

What is a disadvantage of variable annuities? ›

Cons of Variable Annuities. They can end up generating significant taxes. They usually come with high fees. They are so complex that many who own them don't understand them.

What is better than a variable annuity? ›

Considered a lower risk product than variable annuities, fixed annuities help investors protect their capital and receive income payments from their retirement savings while avoiding the rollercoaster of the stock market.

What is the biggest disadvantage of an annuity? ›

High expenses and commissions

Cost is one of the biggest drawbacks of annuities.

What investment is better than an annuity? ›

There are a variety of options that are better than an annuity for retirement depending on your financial situation and goals. These include deferred compensation plans, such as a 401(k), individual retirement accounts, dividend-paying stocks, variable life insurance, and retirement income funds.

Why do financial advisors push annuities? ›

With an annuity—especially a fixed annuity—they know what their monthly income will be (and can budget accordingly). This saves them the task of managing their retirement portfolio, a plus for those who worry they aren't capable of managing their own portfolio.

Do the rich invest in annuities? ›

Much like an IRA or 401(k) plan, annuities offer tax-deferred growth, meaning you don't have to pay any tax on income or gains until you withdraw them. This can be of particular interest to the wealthy.

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Name: Stevie Stamm

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Introduction: My name is Stevie Stamm, I am a colorful, sparkling, splendid, vast, open, hilarious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.