8 Science-Backed Tips and Tricks for At-Home Teeth Whitening - VeryWell Cosmetics (2024)

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8 Tips to Naturally Whiten Your Teeth at Home

Below are simple, affordable, and effective at-home teeth whitening solutions to naturally brighten your smile:

Tip #1: Brush Teeth Gently After Meals

One of the simplest ways to keep teeth pearly white is to maintain excellent oral hygiene. Be sure to brush gently after each meal for 2 minutes using circular motions. This prevents stains from setting in by removing food debris and plaque buildup before they harden into stubborn tartar.

Opt for a soft or extra-soft toothbrush to avoid wearing down enamel over time with overly abrasive brushing. If you have taken acidic foods or beverages, wait at least 30 minutes before brushing. Acidic items soften your teeth enamel, and brushing right after taking them can erode your enamel or cause sensitivity.

Tip #2: Floss Thoroughly Once Per Day

While brushing cleans tooth surfaces, don’t neglect flossing. Daily flossing helps remove food debris and plaque between teeth and below the gumline. Allowing plaque to remain in these areas feeds bacteria and can lead to gum disease, which can cause receding gums and even tooth loss.

Tip #3: Limit Staining Foods/Drinks

Beverages like coffee, black tea, cola, and red wine are notorious for staining teeth due to their dark pigments called chromogens. Other culprits include dark berries, tomato sauce, soy sauce, curry, and artificial colors/dyes.

When possible, use a straw to drink staining beverages to minimize their contact with teeth. Be sure to clean your teeth shortly after consumption before stains set in. Wait for at least 30 minutes to brush if you have taken acidic items. Rinsing with water immediately helps as well.

Tip #4: Don’t Smoke Cigarettes

Aside from the major health risks, tobacco smoke is very staining due to its tar and nicotine content. Smoking causes brownish intrinsic discoloration inside the tooth structure itself, making stains very hard to remove or clean. Such stains related to lifestyle factors like smoking, drinking wine, or drinking coffee are entirely preventable by making better choices for your oral and overall health.

Tip #5: Protect Teeth from Acids

Acidic foods and abrasive products wear down tooth enamel, allowing the underlying yellowy dentin to become exposed. Foods and beverages high in acids include citrus fruits, vinegar, pickles, sodas, and sour candies. Stomach acid from conditions like acid reflux or bulimia can also erode your teeth enamel, causing stains.

When enjoying acidic foods/drinks, use a straw to minimize contact with teeth. Be sure to rinse with plain water afterward. Also, wait at least 30 minutes before brushing after exposure, as softened enamel is temporarily vulnerable to abrasion.

Tip #6 Eat teeth-whitening Fruits and Vegetables

Some fruits and vegetables contain vitamins and minerals that help protect and remineralize tooth enamel or gentle fruit acids that lift stains. Apples, pears, carrots, and celery act as natural stain-removing scrubs. Strawberries, pineapples, oranges, and lemons have mild whitening fruit acids and vitamin C. Greens like spinach provide calcium and magnesium for healthy enamel.

Tip #7: Try Oil Pulling with Coconut Oil

Oil pulling is an ancient Ayurvedic practice that involves swishing oil around the mouth for up to 20 minutes to draw out toxins. Coconut oil contains lauric acid with antimicrobial effects to reduce stains and break down plaque.

Sesame and sunflower oils also work, but coconut oil has the most oral health benefits. Just swish 1-2 teaspoons around your mouth first thing in the morning on an empty stomach, then spit out the oil.

Tip #8: Brush Teeth with Baking Soda

Baking soda is another remedy for removing surface teeth stains thanks to its abrasive nature. It also neutralizes acids in the mouth and discourages bacteria growth, promoting a healthier smile.

Make a paste by mixing one teaspoon of baking soda with a bit of water. Gently brush for 1-2 minutes, being careful not to scrub aggressively as baking soda is abrasive. Limit use to 1-2 times per week. Regular use can erode your enamel, resulting in dental issues like sensitivity and cavities.


With excellent oral care techniques and lifestyle adjustments, you can gradually brighten your smile over time without damaging enamel or gums. Follow these tips to keep your pearly whites clean, healthy, and sparkling!

8 Science-Backed Tips and Tricks for At-Home Teeth Whitening - VeryWell Cosmetics (2024)


How can I whiten my teeth scientifically proven? ›

Using hydrogen peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide is a mild bleach that can help to whiten stained teeth . For optimal whitening, a person can try brushing with a mix of baking soda and hydrogen peroxide for 1–2 minutes twice a day for a week.

What whitens teeth the fastest at home? ›

Use Baking Soda and Hydrogen Peroxide

When you mix these two together, you'll create a paste-like substance. Brush your teeth with this mixture for an excellent and natural way to whiten your teeth.

What is the most effective product to whiten teeth? ›

The Crest Whitening Emulsion with LED Light stands out as the best overall teeth whitening product due to its ease of use, effectiveness, and comfort. Its simple, straightforward process, coupled with the ability to carry on with normal activities during treatment, makes it highly convenient and user-friendly.

What is the best thing to whiten teeth at home? ›

Brush with baking soda and hydrogen peroxide paste:

Baking soda has teeth whitening properties; that's why it's prevalent in toothpaste commercials. It helps in rubbing off stains from the tooth surface due to its mildly abrasive nature. Hydrogen peroxide, on the other hand, is a natural bleaching agent.

What active ingredient whitens teeth? ›

Most tooth whiteners use one of two chemical agents: carbamide peroxide or hydrogen peroxide (the same stuff that will bleach your hair).

What is the gold standard for teeth whitening? ›

In spite of the popularity of over-the-counter teeth whitening products, professional whitening in a dentist's office still remains the gold standard for results.

What whitens teeth in one day? ›

Apply whitening strips

Most whitestrips are intended for use over a few weeks, but some Crest Whitestrips can whiten teeth at home in one day. Because peroxide and the adhesives in most whitestrips can damage or irritate sensitive gum tissue, it's best to cut the strips down before use.

How can I get super white teeth overnight? ›

Hydrogen peroxide is an effective bleaching agent that can whiten your teeth overnight. You may find it in many household items like mouthwashes and whitening strips. To use it, mix equal parts of 3% hydrogen peroxide with water, dip a cotton swab into the solution, then apply directly onto teeth for 1-2 minutes.

How do I whiten my teeth ASAP? ›

Studies have shown that toothpaste that contains 1% hydrogen peroxide and baking soda which can whiten teeth significantly. Further studies also show that brushing with toothpaste that contains hydrogen peroxide and baking soda twice in a day can whiten your teeth by 62% in just six weeks.

What is the number one way to whiten teeth? ›

In-office bleaching provides the quickest way to whiten teeth. With in-office bleaching, the whitening product is applied directly to the teeth. These products can be used in combination with heat, a special light, or a laser. Results are seen in only one, 30- to 60-minute treatment.

How can I make my teeth super bright white? ›

  1. Visit the dentist on a regular basis. Regular visits to the dentist are the number one routine that you should adopt to improve and maintain your dental health. ...
  2. Using toothpaste with fluoride. ...
  3. Brush your teeth after meals. ...
  4. Brush with hydrogen peroxide. ...
  5. Avoid foods and drinks that stain and discolor the teeth.

What whitens teeth really fast? ›

One option for quick teeth whitening is to brush your teeth with baking soda. It's commonly used in toothpaste because of the natural whitening properties it offers. Baking soda also has a mildly abrasive texture that can help to rid your teeth of stains.

What actually whitens teeth at home? ›

Hydrogen Peroxide

It's the bleaching agent found in most home whitening kits. It actually changes a tooth's color. One study found that painting an over-the-counter gel with 6% hydrogen peroxide on teeth made a noticeable difference after 2 weeks.

What is the fastest home remedy to whiten your teeth? ›

Combine 2 teaspoons (10 ml) of hydrogen peroxide with 1 teaspoon (6 grams) of baking soda and gently brush your teeth with the mixture. Limit the use of this homemade paste to a few times per week, as overuse can erode your tooth enamel.

Is it possible to make your teeth really white? ›

Professional whitening treatments typically use stronger concentrations of hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide, clarifies Dr. Clemens. As you might expect, that brings faster and more dramatic results. A 30-minute session with your dentist may be all you need to increase the wattage of your smile.

Can yellow teeth really be whitened? ›

Many people consider a bright, white smile attractive and it can boost one's self-confidence. Fortunately, if your teeth are stained or yellowed, professional teeth whitening can help restore their natural colour.

How can I get 100% white teeth? ›

There are several methods to make teeth whiter, including:
  1. Brushing regularly.
  2. Using whitening products at home.
  3. Avoiding things that stain teeth.
  4. Getting professional teeth whitening.
  5. Opting for veneers.

Does anything naturally whiten teeth? ›

Apples, Pineapples, Strawberries

Malic acid in apples boosts saliva to wash away acids. Toothpastes with bromelain, a compound in pineapple, help whiten teeth.

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