8 ways to smash your 10km personal best (2024)

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Wings for Life World RunThe global race benefiting spinal cord injury research returns for another inspiring edition.8 Tour StopsView Event Calendar


  1. 11. Increase your weekly mileage by 10-20 percent
  2. 22. Spend more time training at threshold pace
  3. 33. Build your speed and running economy with intervals
  4. 44. Practise your goal race pace
  5. 55. Do a long run each week to build stamina
  6. 66. Pick a racing environment that suits your mindset
  7. 77. Think about the terrain
  8. 88. Make sure you are mentally and physically prepared for race day

There’s no doubt that 10km is a popular running target. In the Wings for Life World Run, where the moving finish line means that everyone can choose their own goals, one of the distances that participants most often aim for is 10km.

And in fact, with the motivation of a good cause and the pursuit of the iconic Catcher Car, many participants are surprised to find that they exceed their expectations: the average distance covered is about 13km.

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Ready to chase down your own new personal best in the 10km? Running coach and personal trainer Laura Fountain has some tips...


1. Increase your weekly mileage by 10-20 percent

"How much mileage you do each week in training for a fast 10km will differ from runner to runner and will depend on what your average week looks like right now. But if you’re about to embark on a fresh training cycle, one thing is true for all: don’t up the mileage or frequency of your training by too much, too soon," Fountain recommends.

"Aim for around a 10-20 percent increase in weekly mileage, spread evenly throughout your runs, and schedule a couple of ‘down weeks’ when you mileage is lower, to help your body to recover," Fountain adds.

"If you’re doing three or four runs per week, that’s enough to get some quality mileage in. These should include some form of speed work, a tempo run and a longer run to build endurance. If you’re comfortably doing more than four sessions a week, your schedule should also include some nice easy runs," Fountain concludes.


2. Spend more time training at threshold pace

As Fountain explains, your lactate threshold is the point at which lactic acid is produced in the muscles faster than it’s able to be used for fuel, and therefore begins to build up, causing you to slow down. "You would need a treadmill hooked up to some serious lab equipment and blood tests to determine your true lactate threshold. Instead you can estimate it," she says, laying out the following:

"For experienced runners it’s somewhere between 10km and half-marathon pace. Add 10-15 seconds per mile (1.6 km) to your (current) 10km pace, or 20-30 seconds per mile to your 5km pace, and you’ll be close enough.

Build up the amount of time you train at your threshold pace for during your training cycle. Over the course of three weeks, your progression might look something like this:

1) 3x 8mins @threshold with 3mins recovery jog

2) 2x 12mins @threshold with 4mins recovery jog

3) 2x 15mins @threshold with 4mins recovery jog

Include at least one mile of easy running before and after the sessions above."


3. Build your speed and running economy with intervals

"Running short, fast intervals improves your top speed, but can also improve your running form and even your running economy (how fast you can run at a given amount of oxygen). By asking your body to run fast, you’re challenging it to find ways to do that. Some of the adaptations might also be biomechanical, including a faster stride rate and a longer stride," Fountain describes.

"There are mental benefits to be gained from interval training, too. Convincing yourself to run another rep when you want to give up, or to hold your pace for one more lap of the track is going to build grit, which you can draw on come race day."

Fountain emphasises that you should make sure you’re properly warmed up before any interval training. Here's her advice:

"You should include at least one mile (1.6 km) of easy running before and after the sessions below, as well as some dynamic stretches and drills to work on your running form.

Here are some example sessions you can try:

1) 6x 800m @5km pace with 400m easy recovery

2) 8x 200m @mile pace with 200m jog recovery

3) 5x 2mins @5km pace + 4x 4mins @5-10km pace, with 90secs recovery between reps, 3mins recovery between sets.


4. Practise your goal race pace

"Training yourself to run at a set pace for 10km is both a mental and physical process. Your body needs to be fit enough to run the time you’re aiming for, and your mind needs to believe you can hold on when it gets tough," Fountain says. "But you also need to be able to judge your speed and know you’re on pace without having to look at your watch every few seconds. Practicing your goal pace in training will help with all of these elements."

Wings for Life World Runners have two key tools for practicing their goal pace.

The event’s Goal Calculator tells you the pace you’ll need to achieve a 10km goal – or any distance you choose. Just enter your target in kilometres or miles and the calculator will not only display the pace you’ll need to stay ahead of the Catcher Car, but also how long you’ll be running before the moving finish line catches you.

You can put that information to use by training with the Wings for Life World Run app. With its virtual Catcher Car, you can train anywhere you want and build up to a pace that will see you reach your goal.


5. Do a long run each week to build stamina

The biggest run of your week is there to build your endurance," Fountain says. "For a 10k, a long run of 11 miles (17.7 km) is a good amount. Your body adapts to endurance training in a combination of ways, including increased capillary density in your muscles, greater glycogen storage and an increase in the number and size of the mitochondria in your muscles. But to fully reap the rewards of your long runs, you need to run them at the right pace. The error a lot of runners make is to run their long runs too fast. You want to be aiming for a pace around 20-30 percent slower than your 10km pace."


6. Pick a racing environment that suits your mindset

Fountain notes that taking part in a big city location can offer “the benefit of more runners around your speed, which you can use to pace yourself and pull you along,” while on the other hand, “smaller, local races can offer you more room to run your own pace.”

When it comes to the Wings for Life World Run, you can choose to run with others in a big city Flagship location or a localised app run, or – if you really want some room – you can run completely on your own using the app. No matter where you start, you’ll be connected with all the participants around the world, and your name will appear on the Global Results List.


7. Think about the terrain

It goes without saying that when you’re aiming for a personal best, the conditions make a difference. Running at a high altitude is going to be tougher than at sea level and steep climbs won’t give you the same numbers as flats. Fountain notes that even knowing what side of the road you need to be on for any bends can help to attain an optimum time.

While most Wings for Life World Runners are participating for fun and because 100 percent of all entry fees and donations goes to help find a cure for spinal cord injury, the ability to run anywhere with the app means that you can also select the perfect course for your aims.

8 ways to smash your 10km personal best (9)

1 min

The Wings for Life World Run app means you can join in from any location

Download the Wings for Life World Run app and take your training up a gear.



8. Make sure you are mentally and physically prepared for race day

If you’re really going for your best 10km ever, it won’t feel easy every step of the way, but Fountain has encouragement. “This is exactly where you’ll gain the benefit of practising your goal pace in training and working hard in your interval sessions,” Fountain says. “You can take confidence from knowing that you’ve run this pace in training.”

And don’t forget to do an equipment check, making sure your water bottle is filled to the brim, you’ve packed enough race nutrition and you’re wearing the right kit for the weather. You’ve got this!

Inspired to lace up your running shoes? Sign up for the Wings for Life World Run here.

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Part of this story

Wings for Life World RunThe global race benefiting spinal cord injury research returns for another inspiring edition.8 Tour StopsView Event Calendar
8 ways to smash your 10km personal best (2024)


What is a good time for a 10 km run? ›

Slow, less athletic runners or beginners will generally run a 10K in over 1h15. Athletic people or those with a little more training should aim for an average 10K time of between 45 min and 1h15. Trained and experienced athletes will go for times under 45 min.

How do I pace myself for a 10km race? ›

If you're aiming to finish in just under an hour, then you need an average pace of 5:59 minutes per km. If you're aiming for a 50-minute 10k, then this is an average pace of 5:00 minutes per km. If you're aiming for a 45-minute 10k, that's an average pace of 4:30 minutes per km.

How do I improve my 10km? ›

  1. Don't up your mileage by too much, too soon. ...
  2. Florian Neuschwander. ...
  3. Practising holding onto a fast pace will help you to develop mental grit. ...
  4. Aim to run around 11 miles during your long runs. ...
  5. Bigger races allow you to run with other runners at the same pace as you. ...
  6. Location choice can be key to a good 10k time.
Aug 7, 2024

How to run your best 10K? ›

  1. Increase your weekly mileage by 10-20 percent.
  2. Spend more time training at threshold pace.
  3. Build your speed and running economy with intervals.
  4. Practise your goal race pace.
  5. Do a long run each week to build stamina.
  6. Pick a racing environment that suits your mindset.
  7. Think about the terrain.
Aug 7, 2024

Is running 10K impressive? ›

10k is a decent distance

Moreover, completing a 10k provides a sense of accomplishment and boosts confidence in beginner runners. It instills a belief that they can take on more challenging running goals in the future.

What percentage of population can run 10K? ›

It's about an hour running, and any exercise taken for that long without a break is not nothing. The fact that that only 27% of people can run (or will train enough to run) a 10k proves it.

What is a realistic goal for a 10K? ›

If you want a “good” time to target as an intermediate runner, you might set 1:10:00, or 70 minutes, as your goal for a 10K. This comes out to 7:00 per km or 11:16 per mile — a respectable pace that will take some training to accomplish.

How much harder is 10K than 5K? ›

10K might be double the distance of a 5K, but it's not all that different. With a few tweaks to your training, you can easily cover 10K and step up to this new race distance. 10K is challenging and rewarding, but the training won't take over your entire weekend.

How fast should I run 10km for my age? ›

Most runners who are reasonably fit and clock 15–30 miles per week can expect to finish a 10K race in 50–70 minutes. More advanced runners will usually finish in 43–50 minutes. Exceptionally fit runners can average a mile every 7 minutes, whereas more casual runners can expect to run a mile every 10–14 minutes.

How to run 10km without stopping? ›

Start as you mean to go on

If you start the run or race without even thinking about walking or allowing yourself to stop, you are far more likely to succeed. Focus on keeping a steady pace and run slower than you think you need to at first so that you don't over exert yourself too early and end up forced to walk.

How should a 10K race feel? ›

A 10k effort should:
  1. Feel relatively easy for the first several minutes, like you're holding back.
  2. Start feeling harder by the 3k mark.
  3. Be difficult between 3k and 9k as you breathe hard and feel the burn in the muscles, but feel like “controlled speed” with your running form staying smooth.

What is a good time for first 10K? ›

Therefore a good 10k time for beginner runners is anywhere around 1 hour - 1 hour 20. However, just achieving the distance deserves much celebration alone! For more details on average times depending on age and gender visit Running Level.

How do I pace myself for a 10K? ›

The ideal pacing plan is a negative split (running the second half slightly faster than the first half). You should start steady, hold your pace, and build up after the halfway point. If you feel you have the energy to really push the pace, leave this until the 8K or 9K marker.

How do you peak for a 10K? ›

The 10K pace intervals can range from ½ mile to 2 miles at your goal pace, progressing as the race approaches. Begin with shorter intervals covering 4-5 miles total and build up to longer intervals covering 5-6 miles. Some 10K pace workouts include: 8-10 x 1K at 10K pace with 2 minutes easy in between.

How long should it take to run 10 km? ›

Most runners who are reasonably fit and clock 15–30 miles per week can expect to finish a 10K race in 50–70 minutes. More advanced runners will usually finish in 43–50 minutes. Exceptionally fit runners can average a mile every 7 minutes, whereas more casual runners can expect to run a mile every 10–14 minutes.

What is a good 10K time for a beginner? ›

Therefore a good 10k time for beginner runners is anywhere around 1 hour - 1 hour 20. However, just achieving the distance deserves much celebration alone! For more details on average times depending on age and gender visit Running Level.

Is a 45 minute 10K good? ›

Average times for a 10k race

Elite male runners should be able to run a 10k in under 38 minutes, while elite female runners should aim for under 45 minutes. The world record fastest 10k time for men is 26:11, and for women is 29:01.

Is 10 km an hour a fast run? ›

Generally, from a base endurance (sometimes called zone 2) development perspective, men run between 8 and 10km/h. Good runners can run up to 12km/h in this training zone. Very good runners run up to 15km/h. Elite runners above 15km/h up to about 17km/h.

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