9 Foods and Beverages That Stain Your Teeth - Guides (2024)

A beautiful, bright smile is one of the best ways to make a great first impression, even before you speak. Maintaining your pearly whites keeps you healthy, but flashing your smile invites camaraderie and helps cultivate relationships.

As you get older, you might notice that your teeth aren’t quite as clean and white as you remember. That’s because your teeth get stained as you get older. Sometimes, it’s a reflection of how well you’re keeping up your personal hygiene, but staining is unavoidable on some level as you age.

You might worry about your appearance or experience lower self-confidence if your teeth aren’t as bright and clean as they once were. These changes are normal and natural because of the things we eat. But some foods are more likely to cause staining than others.

In addition to regular dental cleanings, you can adjust your diet in order to avoid some stains. Here are the top nine culprits for tooth enamel stains.

1. Berries

Strawberries, blackberries, raspberries and many other varieties of berry have a couple of things in common: They’re excellent for your health and they might also stain your teeth.

Numerous studies show that berries are packed with antioxidants and reduce your risk for cancer. In addition to preventing cancer, berries might also prevent cancer from growing and spreading. They make a great addition to almost any diet, but the deep colors that are the key to their health benefits can also stain your teeth.

You can reduce the likelihood that dark berries will stain your teeth without avoiding them altogether. Try rinsing out your mouth after eating berries. If you want to take it a step further, you can also thoroughly brush your teeth shortly after eating.

2. Tomatoes

There’s nothing cozier and more heartwarming than a bowl of soup once it gets chilly outside. Tomato soup is one of the most popular options, but tomatoes may increase your risk for tooth enamel stains. Furthermore, the acidic properties of tomatoes make it more likely that tomato soup, tomato juice and other popular tomato dishes might stain your teeth.

You don’t (and shouldn’t!) have to give up spaghetti with tomato sauce, butter chicken or other tomato-based meals. Tomatoes are rich in vitamins, minerals, fiber and an antioxidant called lycopene that can reduce cholesterol, inflammation and your risk for heart disease.

Instead of cutting tomatoes out of your diet, try reducing its contact with your teeth. Eat tomatoes in moderation, especially in foods that use concentrated tomatoes, like pasta with red sauce. If you drink tomato juice, use a straw.

3. Soy Sauce

Asian cuisine is a takeout favorite among most American households. Fried rice, lo mein, sushi and other foods scintillate your senses, and it’s a great treat to give yourself a break from cooking. Many people dress up their dinners with duck sauce and soy sauce when they indulge in Asian cuisines, but soy sauce, a common ingredient, might stain your teeth.

The dark color of soy sauce easily stains tooth enamel. You can still enjoy your favorite Asian meals while working to avoid soy sauce stains. Since soy sauce is salty, watering it down can reduce stains without altering the flavor too much. Alternatively, you can use a light soy sauce in your favorite meals. Keep some on hand to use whenever you get the urge to order out.

4. Popsicles

Everyone loves popsicles: There are so many different shapes and flavors, it’s easy to find something you like. They’re also a good way to cool off on a hot summer day or to eat something tasty after a tonsillectomy and other throat surgery. However, their bright colors often come from colorful dyes that can stain your teeth.

Kids are especially fond of popsicles. It’s a great summertime treat, and summer break from school just doesn’t feel the same without them. You don’t have to keep your littles from enjoying this sweet treat to protect their teeth. Try these tips instead:

  • Visit a pediatric dentist regularly. They will flag any health concerns to keep your little one’s teeth in tip-top shape.
  • Make popsicles at home. When you make your own popsicles, you avoid all the artificial dyes that give commercial popsicles their bright aesthetic. Choose fruit-based popsicles for an extra-special and nutritious treat.
  • Choose your popsicles carefully. If you don’t have the time or desire to make popsicles at home, look for healthier brands that cut out dyes and extra sugar.

5. Coffee and Tea

Need an extra jolt in the morning to keep yourself awake? Coffee and tea are the drink of choice for people all across the world every morning because they’re a great, natural source of caffeine. Black tea has about half the caffeine content of coffee, but they both give an extra bit of energy to wake you up when you need it most.

It’s common knowledge that coffee and tea both have the propensity to stain your teeth. Even so, some people drink multiple servings every day, increasing their risk of staining. The reason tea and coffee stain teeth so easily is because they contain chromogens, which are molecules that attach to your teeth to cause stains.

But you don’t have to resign yourself to stained teeth from your coffee or tea habit. You can reduce your risk for stains by rinsing out your mouth after a cup of joe or brushing your teeth after your morning tea. If these efforts don’t work, you can always visit your dentist for regular cleanings and to learn more about teeth-whitening treatments.

6. Red Wine

There’s nothing better than the perfect wine or beer pairing. Eating the right foods with your favorite alcoholic beverage takes the experience to the next level, so it’s no surprise that many people drink a beer or a glass of wine with their dinner. But some choices may be better for your teeth than others.

Lighter beverages, like certain beers and white wine, don’t have the same staining attributes that red wine does. Red wine’s staining power comes from the tannins it contains. Grapes used in red wines get their deep red hues from anthocyanins, and tannins help that color cling to your teeth. The acidic nature of red wine makes it easier for this combination to stain your teeth.

You have a few choices if you want to avoid staining your teeth with red wine. Drinking white wine helps you avoid the dark color of red wine altogether. You can also rinse your mouth out after drinking red wine or use a wine filter to remove tannins and reduce the chance that your drink of choice stains your teeth.

7. Beets

Some of the best salads and side dishes feature beets, which come in several different colors. Deep red beets have incredible staining properties. If you’ve ever cooked with them or used beet juice in your cooking, you know that it can stain your skin on contact. This staining power also affects your teeth.

You shouldn’t avoid beets just because they have deep colors that can stain your teeth. They also have incredible health benefits. Studies show that beets improve health outcomes for people who have hypertension, atherosclerosis, diabetes and dementia. As a result, they’re a great addition to any diet.

You can keep beets in your diet without the risk of staining. Choose lighter-colored beets when you’re cooking, or use them in recipes that include a lot of other ingredients. Brush your teeth after eating beets to protect them even more.

8. Sodas

Drinking soda is bad for your teeth and your health. Sodas don’t have any nutritional value and are packed with sugar and acid, both of which are culprits for tooth decay and other health issues. Many sodas can stain your teeth because of their dark colors.

If you can avoid sodas, it’s best to just cut them out of your diet. The only benefit you get from them is enjoying their flavor. Sodas don’t contain any vitamins, minerals or other nutritional value.

When you’re ready to ditch your unhealthy soda habit, there are plenty of healthier alternatives. Some zero-calorie sodas cut out both sugar and dyes while keeping the sweet soda flavors you love. You can also choose sparkling water, regular water and other healthy options to help kick your soda habit and avoid unnecessary tooth stains.

9. Curry

Unlike many of the other foods that stain your teeth, curry is much lighter in color. It’s a delicious sauce that people enjoy all around the world. But don’t be fooled by its slightly tamer yellow hues — curry can stain your teeth just like the rest of this list.

You can indulge in this comforting meal without staining your teeth if you take a few precautions. Make curry a small part of your entire meal by including side dishes that won’t stain your teeth, and brush after eating.

How to Remove Stains From Your Teeth

If you’re careful about what you eat and you’re still grappling with unwanted stains on your teeth, there are a few different ways you can address them, without changing your diet too much:

  • Consume fewer foods and drinks that have staining properties.
  • Visit your dentist for regular cleanings and a tooth-whitening treatment if you need it.
  • Use a straw when you drink darker-colored liquids.
  • Rinse or brush your teeth after eating or drinking something highly pigmented.
9 Foods and Beverages That Stain Your Teeth - Guides (2024)
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Name: Trent Wehner

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