9 High Intensity Exercises to Get 11-Line Abs in 2 weeks | Fit Millenial (2024)

11-line abs is a term used to refer to a well-defined abdomen that has only the vertical lines of definition, but no bulging 6-pack muscles. This means two lines by each side of your abdomen and one line down the middle.

For a lot of people, 11-line abs can be quite tricky to achieve. But one thing to know is that with a consistent workout routine over time, you will be able to achieve the 11-line abs of your dreams.

This is why in this article, we will be sharing high-intensity workout routines you can do from the comfort of your home for the best results.

In the body of this article, you will findworkout illustrationsandworkout notesyou can print out to save in your workout binder or tape to your wall for a faster workout routine. This way, you don’t have to go online or turn on any electronic devices before working out. You can simply grab the workout note you would like to work on for that day and get started!

If you’re ready to get started, here are9 high-intensity exercisesyou can get started on. For more exercises, I have included afull workout videotowards the end of this article which has more exercises. You will also be able to see how each exercise is done in a visual manner.

9 High Intensity Exercises to Get 11-Line Abs in 2 weeks | Fit Millenial (1)

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Table of Contents

9 Exercises to Help You Build 11 Line Abs From Home

While we’ve only highlighted nine exercises in this post, you can scroll down towards the end of this post for the entire 16 exercises in the routine. Even though the workout video is less than 15 minutes, you can repeat the workout sets so that you get a longer workout routine.

To get the most out of this workout, you will need comfortable workout clothes, running shoes, a workout mat and water to stay hydrated.

1. Tuck V-Up – 1 set, 40 secs

The Tuck V-Up is a great way to start your routine. Remember to engage your core and pay close attention to your form.

  • Start by sitting on the floor and lean backward at a 45° angle with the floor by lifting your feet slightly off the ground.
  • Place your weight on your sit bones and use your arms as supports by placing them by your sides with your palms pressed to the floor.
  • While inhaling steadily, engage your core and smoothly extend both legs almost fully and flex them back towards your chest while exhaling.
  • Repeat this exercise for 40 seconds.
9 High Intensity Exercises to Get 11-Line Abs in 2 weeks | Fit Millenial (2)

2. Hip Raise Twist – 1 set, 40 secs

This exercise is super effective because it targets the abs primarily.

  • Lie down with your back flat against the ground, your arms by your sides, and your legs fully extended and raised slightly off the floor.
  • Contract your core muscles and slowly lift your legs and hips off the ground and straight in the air.
  • At the top of this motion when your legs are straight in the air twist your hips slightly to one side, then the other.
  • Return to the starting position.
  • Repeat this exercise for 40 seconds.
9 High Intensity Exercises to Get 11-Line Abs in 2 weeks | Fit Millenial (3)

3. Crossbody Climber – 1 set, 40 secs

Remember to keep your core engaged throughout this exercise.

  • Start with a high plank position with your back straight and core fully engaged.
  • Bring your right knee forward underneath you as close to your left arm as possible.
  • Return to the starting position and repeat the process with your left knee and right arm.
  • Repeat this exercise for 40 seconds.
9 High Intensity Exercises to Get 11-Line Abs in 2 weeks | Fit Millenial (4)

4. Roll Up – 1 set, 40 secs

Roll-ups are an amazing exercise for building your 11-line abs.

  • Start by laying with your back flat against the floor and your legs straight with your arms extended fully above your head.
  • In one fluid motion bring your arms straight up over your head while you perform a sit-up by flexing your knees at the same time.
  • Reach for your toes while keeping your core engaged.
  • Return to the starting position.
  • Repeat this exercise for 40 seconds.
9 High Intensity Exercises to Get 11-Line Abs in 2 weeks | Fit Millenial (5)

5. Plank Hop and Jack – 1 set, 40 secs

Roll-ups are an amazing exercise for building your 11-line abs.

  • Start by lying with your back flat against the floor and your legs straight with your arms extended fully above your head.
  • In one fluid motion, bring your arms straight up over your head while you perform a sit-up by flexing your knees simultaneously.
  • Reach for your toes while keeping your core engaged.
  • Return to the starting position.
  • Repeat this exercise for 40 seconds.
9 High Intensity Exercises to Get 11-Line Abs in 2 weeks | Fit Millenial (6)
9 High Intensity Exercises to Get 11-Line Abs in 2 weeks | Fit Millenial (7)

6. Plank Leg Raise and Tuck – 1 set, 40 secs

This is another great exercise to engage your core and tone your hamstrings.

  • Start in a low plank position with your back straight and your core engaged.
  • From this position, perform a knee tuck by bringing one knee forward to the side.
  • Return the leg to the starting position.
  • Raise the leg about a foot off the ground and then return to the starting position.
  • Perform the same set of motions in the other leg.
  • Repeat this exercise for 40 seconds.
9 High Intensity Exercises to Get 11-Line Abs in 2 weeks | Fit Millenial (8)

7. Flutter Kick – 1 set, 40 secs

Next up are the Flutter Kicks. This exercise doesn’t only exercise your core, but also your legs.

  • Lay on the floor with your legs fully extended but not quite touching the floor.
  • Raise one leg about a foot off the ground.
  • Return your leg to the floor while raising the other leg off the floor. Remember to keep your core engaged.
  • Repeat this exercise for 40 seconds.
9 High Intensity Exercises to Get 11-Line Abs in 2 weeks | Fit Millenial (9)

8. Bicycle Crunch – 1 set, 40 secs

Bicycle crunches are great because they combine several functional movements, while actively working out your abs.

  • Lie down with your back flat against the ground, your arms behind your head, and your feet shoulder-width apart.
  • Engage your core and lift both legs off the floor while extending your hips and flexing your knees slightly.
  • Bring your right knee to your chest by flexing your right hip and knee while at the same time lifting your left shoulder blade off the floor until your elbow and knee almost meet.
  • Alternate this step by using your left leg and right arm.
  • Repeat this exercise for 40 seconds.
9 High Intensity Exercises to Get 11-Line Abs in 2 weeks | Fit Millenial (10)

9. Up and Down Jacks – 1 set, 30 secs

Alternate quickly between a high and low plank to add some variety to your routine.

  • Start in a high plank with your core engaged.
  • Descend into a low plank position by placing your right elbow against the floor and then your left elbow.
  • Return to the high plank position and repeat this process starting from the left side.
  • Repeat this exercise for 40 seconds.
9 High Intensity Exercises to Get 11-Line Abs in 2 weeks | Fit Millenial (11)

For video instruction on how to effectively perform this workout, please take a look at Chloe Ting’s popularAbs in Two Weeks Workout Challengeworkout video.

6 Tips to Get the Most Out of Your 11-Line Abs Workout

Getting 11-line abs is definitely not easy, but here are a few helpful tips.

1. Your Diet Plays a Big Role

No matter how many sets or repetitions you do, nobody can see your abs through a layer of fat. Pay attention to maintaining a healthy weight with a fat percentage of 14-20%. Avoid fast food, eat lots of fibre and stay hydrated.

2. Add Variety To Your Workout

Your abs are just a part of your core muscles, and it’s much easier to build strong abs by building a strong core. Add some variety to your workout by incorporating exercises that involve other important core muscles like your obliques and back muscles.

3. Get the Most Out of Each Workout Set

Building abs are difficult, so you probably want to get it right the first time. Make each set count by paying close attention to your form throughout the workout. Not only does this make the workout more effective, it also helps to prevent injury. Remember to keep your core engaged by tightening your core throughout the workout.

You can also add some light weights such as a dumbbell or kettlebell to your workout for more resistance.

4. Don’t Be Afraid to Challenge Yourself

Just like any muscle, abs grow by muscle hypertrophy. Hypertrophy is a term used to describe the increase in tissue size due to a stimulus such as an exercise routine.

One of the fastest ways to stimulate muscle hypertrophy is through progressive overload. Progressive overload simply means gradually increasing the difficulty of your workout. You can do this by slowly increasing the number of repetitions and sets, adding free weights, increasing the intensity, or shortening your rest time between workouts.

5. Get Enough Sleep

Ab workouts are tiresome, and your body needs all the rest it can get when it comes to recovery. Getting enough sleep is very important for any workout plan; it´s recommended that you sleep for six to eight hours every night so that your body can get enough time to recover and repair itself.

6. Protect Your Lower Back

When done wrongly or with poor form, ab exercises can lead to serious consequences like pain and even injury. The first rule of core strengthening is that if you feel too much discomfort in your lower back, stop immediately and reassess your form.

Please don’t hesitate to see a chiropractor or physical therapist if you start to notice discomfort.
You can also use back braces such as this one, so that you can keep the right posture while you workout.

9 High Intensity Exercises to Get 11-Line Abs in 2 weeks | Fit Millenial (12)


  • Is it possible to get 11-line abs through sit-ups only?

Sit-ups aren’t the most effective ab exercises, and they can be harmful to your lower back. Focus on various exercises that strengthen different parts of your abs.

  • What if I want to develop 11-line abs without developing 6-packs?

Most women with 11-line abs usually have some form of 6-packs. However, it is unlikely that you can develop bulging 6-packs without significant strength and dietary training. Be sure to keep a balance of a healthy eating and exercise routine.

  • How often should I train my abs?

While the ideal answer for this question may differ from person to person, exercising your abs three to four times a week is adequate. Remember that just like any other muscle, the abdominals need some time to recover as well.

  • What are the advantages of ab exercises?

Abdominal exercises help you build a strong core which is great for your balance, posture, and lower back. It also help you keep a flat stomach, tight core and feel good in your clothing.


Developing 11-line abs is great for more than just bragging rights. A strong core helps to improve your posture and balance, as well as protects you from lower back issues later in life.

If you’re into longer workouts, you can repeat this workout set about two more times so that you can get a longer workout session. Be sure to stretch before and after your workout routine, so you don’t end up with muscle pain.

9 High Intensity Exercises to Get 11-Line Abs in 2 weeks | Fit Millenial (13)


9 High Intensity Exercises to Get 11-Line Abs in 2 weeks | Fit Millenial (2024)


Is it possible to tone abs in 2 weeks? ›

Can I really get abs in two weeks? It depends on a number of factors. The leaner you start out this challenge the higher the chances you'll be able to see strong definition in the ab area. Most people won't get the shredded defined abs look in 2 weeks, but this does not mean you won't develop your ab muscles.

How do you get 11 line abs fast? ›

The #1 Core Workout To Get "11 Line" Abs
  1. A1) Dead Bugs, Sets: 3, Reps: 6 each side, Rest: 0 seconds.
  2. A2) Kneeling Kettlebell Halos, Sets: 3, Reps: 6 each direction, Rest: 30 seconds.
  3. B1) Ab Wheel Rollout, Sets: 3, Reps: 10, Rest: 30 seconds.
  4. B1) Anti-Rotational Cable Chop, Sets: 3, Reps: 8 each direction, Rest: 30 seconds.
Aug 23, 2023

How long does it take to get 11 line abs? ›

So if your current body fat is 25%, you can estimate it'll take around 6 months to get visible abs. If your body fat is nearer to 30%, your journey to getting abs would likely take nearer a year.

What creates 11 line abs? ›

The “number 11” ab is created by the muscles along the waist line creating two parallel lines. The abdominal muscles are toned just like the men, but much more slim and attractive. To sharpen the “number 11” lines, the girls need to have a regular training schedule.

How to lose belly fat and get abs in 2 weeks? ›

  1. Eat more fiber. Foods that are high in refined carbs and sugar don't actually tame your hunger, so you end up reaching for more. ...
  2. Walk every day. If you don't have an established exercise routine, “walking is a pretty good entry point for people,” says Gagliardi. ...
  3. Begin strength training.
Oct 24, 2023

Can you see abs in 30 days? ›

Although possible, achieving six-pack abs in 30 days is simply not doable for the vast majority of people. One of the most typical workout goals is to get abs in 30 days. Although it is theoretically possible, it is just not doable for the vast majority of people, especially those who are new to fitness.

At what bodyfat do abs show? ›

10 to 14 percent. This range of body fat is still lean, which means your abs will be visible.

What is the absolute fastest way to get abs? ›

Strength training your abs will surely help in building the muscles and sharpening them, but the key to having them be visible abs is lowering overall body fat through proper diet (caloric intake) while exercising (caloric expenditure). In other words, the fastest way to get abs is to lose body fat.

What body fat percentage for 11 line abs? ›

For men, if you're around six to 17 percent body fat, your abs should be noticeably visible. For women, the range is 14 to 24 percent body fat. Definition will start to show on the higher end (17 percent for men, 24 percent for women), and your abs will become more sculpted as that number lowers.

How to get V in abs? ›

  1. Hanging leg raises. Share on Pinterest. ...
  2. Boat Pose. Share on Pinterest.
  3. Mountain skater.
  4. Supine leg lifts. Share on Pinterest. ...
  5. Reverse crunches. Share on Pinterest. ...
  6. Farmer's walk. This exercise helps works your abdominals and helps to stabilize your hips and torso.
  7. Cable crunches. ...
  8. Ab wheel rollouts.
Jul 24, 2019

What is the rarest amount of abs? ›

Approximately 20% instead have four of these intersections, which make up eight distinctive abs. In rarer cases, a person may have fewer abs: about 15% of people max out at a four-pack and around 2% top out at a two-pack.

Can you get a toned stomach in 2 weeks? ›

While it's impossible to lose all of your belly fat in 2 weeks, you can lose some of it quickly by losing weight and body fat all over. All you have to do is eat the right foods (cutting calories in the process), amp up your exercise routine, and make a few lifestyle changes for the next 2 weeks.

How long will it take to tone my abs? ›

Depending on your current body weight, genetics and approaches to nutrition and exercise, burning that fat may take 6 months or more than 1-2 years even if you follow a strict diet and exercise routine. Most people need to lose at least 50% of their body fat for their abs to be visible.

Is it possible to get a toned body in 2 weeks? ›

No workout is going to turn you into the G.O.A.T. in two weeks, but with the right moves, you can feel noticeably stronger, says Pete McCall, trainer and exercise physiologist with the American Council on Exercise.

How to tighten your core in 2 weeks? ›

7 Best Ab Exercises
  1. Isometric Tabletop Press.
  2. Double Leg Circles.
  3. Sprinter Crunch.
  4. High Plank With Knee to Elbow.
  5. Side Plank Knee to Chest.
  6. Plank Reach.
  7. Standing Woodchop.
Jul 14, 2024

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Name: Gregorio Kreiger

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Introduction: My name is Gregorio Kreiger, I am a tender, brainy, enthusiastic, combative, agreeable, gentle, gentle person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.