9 Hobbies to Boost your Happiness in Retirement | 2020 Financial (2024)

9 Hobbies to Boost your Happiness in Retirement | 2020 Financial (1)

Whilst we all know that a balanced diet and exercise can help to keep us healthier for longer in retirement, did you know thatparticipating in hobbies and staying socially active is equally as important when it comes to quality of life and longevity?Certain hobbies can improve your health and mental wellbeing and increaseyourhappiness in retirement.

Studies of elderly people and social isolation concluded thatthose without adequate social interaction were twice as likely todie prematurely, with the increased mortality riskcomparable to that from smoking. Loneliness is in fact about twice as dangerous as obesity¹.So your hobbies in retirement could have far-reachinghealth benefits beyond simply filling your time and staving off boredom,they could,in fact, save your life.

To celebrateWorld Mental Health Day, we’ve put together a list of our favourite health-promoting hobbies to boost your happiness in retirement.

9 Hobbies to Boost your Happiness in Retirement | 2020 Financial (2)

1) Photography

Research reported by theU.S. Department of Health & Human Serviceslooked at the social benefits of photography and found that “when community members photograph their daily lives, they may find that the bigger picture begins to emerge”. Through this, a camera can be a gateway to healthy habits, lifestyles and communities.

For retirees, who can often report feeling isolated once they are outside of the workforce, photography offers a creative way to connect with and contribute to the communities they live within. And what’s great is that you no longer need to invest in expensive camera equipment, these days anyone with a smartphone already carries an impressive, highly portable camera in their pocket.

There have been anumber of articleslinkingphotography to mindfulness, which thanks in partto apps such asHeadspaceand growing body of researching promoting its benefits, has seen a rise in popularity in the UK.

In their book Mindfulness: A Practical Guide to Finding Peace in a Frantic World, Mark Williams and Dr Danny Penman describe Mindfulness as ‘observation without criticism’. It is easy to see then how Photography and Mindfulness can go hand in hand: Photography offers an opportunity for the photographer to observe a situation, item or subject through their unique perspective. A picture, they say, tells a thousand words – but beauty is in the eye of the beholder. The photographer merely frames the subject without judgement.

If you’re wondering where to start, try the #100happydays project, which challenges participants to post one photo a day of something that made them happy. It’s a great way to experience the benefits of therapeutic photography, mindfulness and gratitude all in one. Find out more athttps://100happydays.com

Learn from the pros. Our friends atJulian Porter Photographyoffer one-to-one workshops for portrait, landscapes or wildlife. Visit their website for full detailsJulianporter.com

9 Hobbies to Boost your Happiness in Retirement | 2020 Financial (3)

2) Singing

Singing is beneficial forimproving breathing, posture and muscle tensionandreleases endorphins, which may be why it has also shown to beeffective inpain relief.Group singingholds even more benefits.According to the University of Oxford³ group singing not only helpsforge social bonds, it acts as anexcellent icebreaker. Community singing iseffective for bonding large groups, making it an ideal hobby toimprove our broader social networksand reduce loneliness in retirement.

With the surge in popularity of choirs, there’s much more choice than your traditional church choir, you’ll find Rock, Soul, Gospel, Barbershop and Classical choirs, have a look in your local area and see what’s about, you might be surprised. Many offer ‘no audition’ sign up, meaning you can join whatever your singing standard.

9 Hobbies to Boost your Happiness in Retirement | 2020 Financial (4)


Gardening has long been a favoured hobby of retirees but a meta-analysis of over 22 case studies² has shown a wide range of associated health benefitssuch asreductions in depression, anxiety, andbody mass index, as well asincreases in life satisfaction, quality of life, and sense of community.

If you don’t have your own outdoor space, find an allotment or volunteer at a local community garden to enjoy the benefits yourself.

9 Hobbies to Boost your Happiness in Retirement | 2020 Financial (5)

4) Forest Bathing

Did you know that just five minutes spent around trees or in green spaces mayimprove your health¹⁷? The benefits of walking or even just being in nature were highlighted in the 1980s by the Japanese Ministry of Agriculture who named them“shinrin-yoku” orForest Bathing. Apparently, the benefits have something to do with ‘phytoncides’, airborne chemicals produced by plants that when breathed in cause our bodies to produce more of a certain type of white blood cells. The proven health benefits of Forest Bathinginclude:

  • Improved immune function
  • Lower blood pressure
  • Reduced stress
  • Improved mood
  • Increased ability to focus, even in children with ADHD
  • Accelerated recovery from surgery or illness
  • Increased energy levels
  • Improved sleep

You don’t need to be hiking to enjoy the benefits either, just a gentle stroll through your local park, gardens or forest will bestow these benefits. Plus if you’re spending a couple of days at a time in the forest, the benefits can last up to 30 days.

9 Hobbies to Boost your Happiness in Retirement | 2020 Financial (6)

5) Learning an instrument

Learning an instrument is agreat brain training exerciseto keep your brain active in retirement. According to 2013 research⁴ not only doeslistening to music give your brain a feel-good dopamine hit, but music can alsoboost the body’s immune system,lower levels of stressandeasedepression. It is also proven to bemore effective at decreasing anxiety than prescription drugs.

You don’t even have to pay out for expensive music lessons, YouTube.com has thousands of hours of free tutorial videos available for every instrument imaginable.

Did you know? American business magnate Warren Buffet plays the Ukelele.

9 Hobbies to Boost your Happiness in Retirement | 2020 Financial (7)

6) Painting and Drawing

Art therapy has been used clinically for more than a century to alleviate stress and anxiety and offer a safe outlet for participants to express their feelings.

But according to a recent US study⁸ Being creative couldalsoprotect against dementia. The research showed that painting, drawing and sculpting in old age lowers the risk of developing the first signs of dementia by up to 73 per cent. Researchers have also found that 45 minutes of free artistic activity, using materials such as marker pens and clay,reduced cortisol levelsin 75% of participants⁹.

Painting has also been found to

  • Offer stress relief
  • Promote an optimistic attitude
  • Foster creative growth
  • Nurture emotional growth
  • Strengthen memory
  • Help build motor skills

Try searchingmeetup.comfor classes and events near you

9 Hobbies to Boost your Happiness in Retirement | 2020 Financial (8)

7) Creative Writing and Journaling

Do you struggle with sleep or poor memory?Writing has been linked to a number of mental and physical health benefits, includingimprovements in memory and sleep, plus a reduction instresslevelsamong other things.

Several studies, for instance, have found that writing about their experienceshelps cancer patients to come to terms⁵ with their illnesses, helping the patients towithstand stressand potentially contributing toimproved physical outcomes⁶.

In her book ‘The Artist’s Way’ Julia Cameron suggests a practice she calls ‘Morning Pages’ where you sit down every morning and write 3 pages of longhand, stream of consciousness writing in a journal. Alternatively, you can buy dedicated journals with prompts or why not tryPixar’s free story writing courseto get you started.

9 Hobbies to Boost your Happiness in Retirement | 2020 Financial (9)

8) Reading

Reading canslow cognitive decline,improve sleep,enhance social skills and boost intelligence¹². Plus Neuropsychologists at the University of Sussex have discovered that being engaged in a good book for just 6 minutes canreduce stress levels by more than two-thirds. Why not reacquaint yourself to your local library or combine the therapeutic benefits of reading with the social benefits of joining a book club or start your own.

9 Hobbies to Boost your Happiness in Retirement | 2020 Financial (10)

9) Volunteering

Acting on altruism improves your chances of leading a long, healthy life. Volunteeringreduces the risk of loneliness,strengthens social ties and helps to give people a sense of purpose. The Journal of Health Psychology found that “volunteerism reduced mortality rates more than exercising four times weekly and attending churchregularly. Subjects who volunteered for two or more causes had a63 percent lower rate of mortalitythan people who didn’t volunteer during the study period.”

Find a causeto match a skill or a passion you have. There are a million different ways to volunteer – try an animal shelter, Scout group, local theatre or community centre, soup kitchen or teaching assistant. The possibilities are endless.

About World Mental Health Day

World Mental Health Day is observed on 10 October every year, with the overall objective of raising awareness of mental health issues around the world and mobilizing efforts in support of mental health.

The Day provides an opportunity for all stakeholders working on mental health issues to talk about their work, and what more needs to be done to make mental health care a reality for people worldwide.

If you are suffering from social isolation or are suffering from depression and need someone to talk to, here are some useful contacts:

Sane.org.uk– Provides emotional support, guidance and information to anyone affected by mental illness, including families, friends and carers.

Mind.org.uk– Find information and advice on a huge range of mental health topics. Also offers helpwith practical suggestions for what you can do and where you can go for support if you are suffering from loneliness.

Samaritans.org– Offera safe place for you to talk any time you like, in your own way – about whatever’s getting to you.

Sources :1.http://www.slate.com/articles/health_and_science/medical_examiner/2013/08/dangers_of_loneliness_social_isolation_is_deadlier_than_obesity.html?via=gdpr-consent2.https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S22113355163014013.http://www.ox.ac.uk/research/choir-singing-improves-health-happiness-–-and-perfect-icebreaker4. https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/258383.php5.https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/releases/234492.php6.https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/releases/280538.php7. https://www.bbc.com/news/health-276349908.https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/science/science-news/11522730/Painting-drawing-and-sculpting-in-old-age-may-protect-against-dementia.html9.https://doi.org/10.1080/07421656.2016.116683210.https://www.womanandhome.com/health-and-wellbeing/10-hobbies-that-will-improve-your-health-105036/11.https://www.health.com/mind-body/art-stress-relief12.https://www.huffingtonpost.com/healthline-/five-ways-reading-can-imp_b_12456962.html13.https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/320715.php14.https://www.womanandhome.com/health-and-wellbeing/10-hobbies-that-will-improve-your-health-105036/15.https://www.cdc.gov/healthypets/health-benefits/16.https://schooledbyscience.com/10-hobbies-with-health-benefits/17.http://www.dec.ny.gov/lands/90720.html18.https://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/entry/benefits-of-fishing_n_575440819.https://www.eigca.org/Articles/21696/7-health-benefits-of-golf-why-golf-is-good-for-body-and-mind20.https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3609166/21.https://www.countryliving.com/uk/wellbeing/news/a723/the-benefit-of-bees/

9 Hobbies to Boost your Happiness in Retirement | 2020 Financial (2024)


What can I do in retirement with no hobbies? ›

10 Ideas for Hobbies After Retirement
  • Travel. There's no time like now to see the world around you. ...
  • Get Outside. ...
  • Have a Second Career Doing Something You Love. ...
  • Give Back. ...
  • Learn a New Skill. ...
  • Get Outside Your Comfort Zone. ...
  • Meet New People. ...
  • Leave Behind a Financial Legacy.

What do retirees enjoy most? ›

Choose something new that you enjoy — learn how to play an instrument, regularly visit the library to pick up new books or take classes from a senior center or community college. In fact, many colleges offer free (or cheap) college for seniors and retirees.

What if I have no money when I retire? ›

Many retirees with little to no savings rely solely on Social Security as their main source of income. You can claim Social Security benefits as early as age 62, but your benefit amount will depend on when you start filing for the benefit. You get less than your full benefit if you file before your full retirement age.

How can I retire without being bored? ›

  1. Learn a new language. If you plan to visit foreign countries or retire abroad, take time now to learn the lingo. ...
  2. Join a sports league. ...
  3. Nurture a hobby. ...
  4. 'Make good art' ...
  5. Work on a business plan. ...
  6. Search for a fun part-time job. ...
  7. Dip your toes into volunteering. ...
  8. Get an education.
Apr 17, 2024

What can I do if I have no hobbies? ›

Otherwise just lightly try out different things, say a couple of hours every week/ months / whatever suits your timings. Meet-up groups can be good for that, or just plain old Googling lists of hobbies and see if something appeals a little and give it a try.

What do people who don't save for retirement do? ›

Individuals who have not saved for retirement and who still own homes can turn to their homes as a source of income. For some, this could mean renting a portion of their space as a separate apartment. Another option is to take a reverse mortgage on a home, although doing so can be costly and complicated.

How to keep yourself busy when retired? ›

What Do the Happiest Retirees Do?
  1. Travel the World. One of the most popular things to do when retired and bored is to travel the world. ...
  2. Get a Rewarding Part-Time Job. ...
  3. Exercise More. ...
  4. Be a Mentor. ...
  5. Take Classes. ...
  6. Read. ...
  7. Learn a Second Language. ...
  8. Volunteer.

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Author: Stevie Stamm

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Author information

Name: Stevie Stamm

Birthday: 1996-06-22

Address: Apt. 419 4200 Sipes Estate, East Delmerview, WY 05617

Phone: +342332224300

Job: Future Advertising Analyst

Hobby: Leather crafting, Puzzles, Leather crafting, scrapbook, Urban exploration, Cabaret, Skateboarding

Introduction: My name is Stevie Stamm, I am a colorful, sparkling, splendid, vast, open, hilarious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.