9 Money-Saving Holiday Baking Substitutes (2024)

If you’ve decided to lean into making your own baked goods to cut costs, you’re in for a rude awakening. Supply chain issues and other shortages mean some baking ingredients are either missing from grocery store shelves or are much more expensive.

While American households aren’t facing the widespread shortages of pandemic days, the high cost of baking supplies can still be frustrating. Fortunately, there are low-cost substitutions for most in-demand ingredients that can make your recipes healthier and, in some cases, less expensive.

Why Baking Ingredients Are Out of Stock or More Expensive

In August, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported that grocery prices had risen 13.5% over the last year. Of particular note were two categories of dairy products feeling the pinch: butter and eggs.

Dairy farmers face higher operating costs due to labor shortages and are struggling to increase production to meet seasonal demand. U.S. storage facilities reported cold butter stores were down 22% last summer.

Due to the conflict in Ukraine, flour and oil supplies were also affected, spelling the potential for a perfect storm. However, bakers can still find thrifty substitutions for common ingredients.

9 Baking Substitutions for Ingredients in Short Supply

The following ingredients promise to be in short supply for various reasons, from climate change to labor shortages. Fortunately, plenty of inexpensive substitutes work well in baked goods.

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Note: In the substitution tables below, a 1-to-1 ratio means you can keep the measurements in the recipe exactly the same — i.e., 1 cup butter to 1 cup coconut oil — and count on a similar texture or rise. Flavor profiles may vary.

1. Best Substitutes for Butter in Baking

At $4.72 per pound, butter prices are higher than they’ve been since 2018. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reports a tub of butter costs up to 26% more than it did a year ago.

Fortunately, lactose-intolerant folks have proved that plenty of ingredients provide the richness of butter called for in recipes without dairy. In addition to obvious butter substitutions like coconut oil and shortening, bakers can get creative with yogurt, banana and even applesauce in place of unsalted butter.

Butter Baking Substitutes

SubstituteRatioCost per pound

Coconut oil






Greek yogurt



Unsweetened applesauce



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A word of warning that applesauce results in denser baked goods and doesn’t contain as much fat as other butter substitutes. If you opt for applesauce as a substitute for recipes with melted butter, consider adding a tablespoon or two of oil to improve flavor and texture.

2. Best Substitutes for Eggs in Baking

Substituting eggs is a tricky endeavor for bakers. However, it may be necessary as shortfalls, a bird flu epidemic and record prices have come home to roost. Eggs have seen steep increases, with prices going from $1.45 a dozen a year ago to over $4 per dozen in many areas of the country.

Some ingredients provide the same lift to baked goods as eggs, notably baking powder and baking soda. But getting the ratio correct is complicated. Surprisingly, foodies concur that carbonated water is the best egg substitute for baked goods like cakes and muffins.

Egg Baking Substitutes

SubstituteRatioCost per dozen

Carbonated water (club soda)

¼ cup = 1 egg

69 cents (24 oz.)

Water, oil and baking powder

2 Tbsp. water + 2 tsp. BP +1 tsp. oil = 1 egg


Mashed banana

¼ cup = 1 egg


Nut butter

3 tablespoons = 1 egg


If you don’t have baking powder, you can use a third of the same amount of baking soda.

Keep in mind that using bananas creates a different flavor profile as well as a gummier texture. But for some baked goods, the additional moisture in bananas can be a boon for your taste buds.

3. Best Substitutes for Sugar in Baking

Don’t panic just yet, but there have been reported shortages of granulated sugar. Most are localized due to shipping delays combined with high demand. But it makes sense to stock up where you find a sale as sugar is currently running close to its historic high of 70 cents per pound.

While you can substitute brown sugar for granulated sugar in a 1-to-1 ratio, you should use 1¾ cups of powdered sugar for every cup of regular sugar.

Many health-conscious bakers are old hat at finding the best ingredients to add a little sweetness without the sugar high. Some unconventional sugars and syrups fit the bill, like honey, agave and even maple syrup, but cost significantly more per pound.

Sugar Baking Substitutes

SubstituteRatioCost per pound


¾ cup = 1 cup sugar



⅔ cup = 1 cup sugar


Maple syrup

¾ cup = 1 cup sugar


It is recommended when using thinner syrups such as agave and maple to reduce the other liquids in the recipe by 3 to 4 tablespoons to achieve the same consistency. You may also want to reduce the oven temperature by up to 25 degrees to prevent premature browning.

4. Best Substitutes for All-Purpose Flour in Baking

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, flour prices are up 44.8% compared with the previous year, averaging about 55 cents per pound. Inflation combined with shortages from the Ukraine crisis mean the cost of flour won’t see relief anytime soon.

Although all-purpose flour is the cheapest way to make baked goods, many alternative flours exist. Knowing that cake flour is simply flour combined with cornstarch might save you a bundle at the grocery store. And if you’ve got a bag in the back of your cupboard you need to use, chickpea, rice and almond flour all make acceptable flour substitutes in baked goods.

All-Purpose Flour Baking Substitutes

SubstituteRatioCost per pound

Chickpea flour

¾ cup = 1 cup flour


Rice flour

⅞ cup = 1 cup flour


Almond flour



If you decide to use rice flour, add a binding agent such as cornstarch and xanthan gum to hold baked goods together. Almond flour can be used interchangeably with all-purpose flour but may require an extra egg for binding and rising.

5. Best Substitutes for Chocolate in Baking

Chocolate shortages aren’t new, but climate change means they’re here to stay. Chocolate hovers between $3 and $10 per pound depending on cocoa content, but lack of fertilizer and severe storms may mean you’ll pay more at the register this year.

Fortunately, substitutes for chocolate in recipes abound. Certainly, cocoa powder is less expensive (add some butter or oil with it), but that will work well only in recipes that use chocolate chips. Carob chips, chopped nuts or even raisins may do the trick and add a little something extra to your favorite treats.

Chocolate Baking Substitutes

SubstituteRatioCost per pound

Carob chips









6. Best Substitutes for Yeast in Baking

Pandemic breadmaking caused a serious run on yeast a few years back. This year, yeast supplies are expected to be disrupted by the ongoing conflict in Ukraine. Currently, buying yeast in bulk is the best money saver and allows bakers to spend about 69 cents per ounce.

If you cultivated a sourdough starter months ago, pat yourself on the back because you’re all set. For the rest of us, however, there are a few yeast substitutes that’ll do in a pinch and act as low-cost leavening agents.

Yeast Baking Substitutes

SubstituteRatioCost per ounce

Lemon juice and baking soda


11 cents

Double-acting baking powder


31 cents

Buttermilk and baking soda

½ t buttermilk + ½ t baking soda = 1 t yeast

14 cents

When using yeast substitutes that involve buttermilk or lemon juice, you’ll need to slightly reduce the liquid in your recipe by a teaspoon or two to account for the additional moisture.

7. Best Substitutes for Milk in Baking

The same transportation and labor issues affecting butter supply are also slowing milk production. While widespread milk shortages are not anticipated, there may be some intermittent lag between demand and supply.

The U.S. Department of Agriculture indicates whole milk prices are averaging $4.41 per gallon, or about 28 cents per cup. Fortunately, several milk substitutes are relatively inexpensive and have a longer shelf life.

Milk Baking Substitutes

SubstituteRatioCost per cup

Evaporated milk

½ cup water + ½ cup evaporated milk = 1 cup milk

44 cents

Plain yogurt


59 cents

Sour cream



If you’re desperate, you can use water as a 1-to-1 replacement for milk in baking recipes. Water as a milk substitute has the bonus of being free, but be sure to put in a little extra fat for flavor.

If you have a can of sweetened condensed milk handy, you can use it as a milk substitute the same way you would use evaporated milk, but be sure to cut back on the sugar in the recipe.

8. Best Substitutes for Oil in Baking

Sunflower oil shortages in Ukraine pressure the rest of the world’s oil supplies. So you may discover that many of the oils you might commonly use for baking, such as canola or vegetable oil, are more expensive this year. Current consumer prices for canola oil are about 7 cents per ounce or 60 cents per cup.

If you find oil in short supply on the grocery shelves during your next shopping trip, consider one of these baking oil replacements that substitute half of the oil with fruit purees. The fact that your baking will be healthier is just a bonus.

Oil Baking Substitutes

SubstituteRatioCost per cup


½ cup applesauce + ½ cup oil = 1 cup oil

78 cents

Pureed pears

½ cup pears + ½ cup oil = 1 cup oil

67 cents

Mashed bananas

½ cup bananas + ½ cup oil = 1 cup oil

46 cents

Professionals recommend cutting baking time by a fourth when you use fruit purees for part of the oil in baking recipes.

9. Best Substitutes for Vanilla in Baking

The world’s vanilla supplies track closely to the success of crops and harvests in Madagascar. Weak flowering promises a lackluster vanilla season. While the mass shortages of vanilla extract several years ago are unlikely, vanilla bean problems are here to stay. Current prices for vanilla extract are more than $2 per ounce.

Vanilla is a pervasive flavor, but there are several other ways to add some zing to baked goods. You could use something like pumpkin pie spice, but many spices have distinct tastes that might not jibe with your recipe. Consider instead maple syrup, citrus zest or a splash of bourbon, rum or even coffee to perk up the flavor profile of your favorite treats.

Vanilla Baking Substitutes

SubstituteRatioCost per ounce

Maple syrup


40 cents

Citrus zest

Zest of one orange = 1 tsp. vanilla extract

99 cents

Bourbon or rum


80 cents

Coffee or espresso powder

One pinch = 1 tsp. vanilla extract

99 cents

Save Money With More Baking Substitutes

As supply chains shift and climate change creates different challenges, you may find ingredients that were once plentiful in short supply at your grocery store. Learning how to adapt recipes to accommodate what’s in season and in store can be a money-saving skill that keeps your budget trim for years to come.

Kaz Weida is a senior writer at The Penny Hoarder.

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9 Money-Saving Holiday Baking Substitutes (2024)


What are the substitutions used for the ingredients in baking pies and pastries? ›

Baking Substitutions Chart
Baking powder1 teaspoonCombine ¼ teaspoon baking soda and ½ teaspoon cream of tartar. Bake immediately.
Baking soda¼ teaspoon1 teaspoon baking powder
Bread crumbsGround rolled oats or crushed cereal
Bread flourAll-purpose flour
16 more rows
Jul 28, 2023

What is an alternative to baking? ›

A grill works quite well, I usually roast meats on one type of grill or another and don't use the oven. The key thing to baking/roasting on a grill is to not cook directly over the coals. So on a basic kettle grill have a pile of coals on either side of the grill and put the food in the center, off of the fire.

What are the most common food substitutions in recipes? ›

Common Ingredient Substitutions
Allspice1 teaspoon1/2 teaspoon cinnamon plus 1/8 teaspoon ground cloves
Molasses1 cup1 cup honey or dark corn syrup
Mustard, dry1 teaspoon1 tablespoon prepared mustard less 1 teaspoon liquid from recipe
Oat bran1 cup1 cup wheat bran or rice bran or wheat germ
53 more rows
Mar 21, 2024

What is a cheap ingredient substitute? ›

You can use cheap vegetable oils and margarine to a similar effect, and if you wanted to get really creative you could even try using bananas. Other pantry staples that can be easily substituted are fresh lemons and limes (opt-in for bottled juice) and mayonnaise (try blending soy milk and vinegar).

What is the best substitute for pie crust? ›

  • Crispy Rice Cereal. A little peanut butter is all it takes to morph crunchy cereal into a moldable mix for a playful pie crust. ...
  • Waffle Cones. Scooping ice cream cones for a crowd might leave you wiping sweat (and ice cream drippings) off your brow. ...
  • Brownies. ...
  • Butter Crackers. ...
  • Shredded Coconut. ...
  • Puff Pastry.

What can I substitute for 1 teaspoon of baking soda? ›

If you don't have baking soda, you can use baking powder, at three times what the recipe calls for. So if a recipe calls for one teaspoon of baking soda, you can use three teaspoons of baking powder. Baking powder also contains a little bit of salt, so it's also a good idea to halve the salt the recipe calls for.

What is a good substitute for sour cream in baking? ›

Yogurt is your best substitute for sour cream. Whether you're baking or making a dip or sauce, yogurt is a 1:1 sub. That means if your recipe calls for 1 cup of sour cream, you can replace it with 1 cup of yogurt. Full-fat Greek or natural yogurts work best, but low-fat or even nonfat can be used, too.

What do you need for Christmas baking? ›

Holiday Baking Checklist
  • Salt. A pinch does wonders for flavor and texture in baked sweets and breads. ...
  • Flour. ...
  • Sugar, brown sugar, and powdered sugar. ...
  • Baking powder, baking soda, and yeast. ...
  • Ground cinnamon. ...
  • Cocoa powder. ...
  • Vanilla extract and food coloring. ...
  • Butter.
Nov 10, 2020

What can replace eggs in a cake? ›

Substitutes like vinegar and baking soda, plain yogurt or buttermilk can help keep cake light, airy and structurally sound. Replace each egg with 1 teaspoon of baking soda combined with 1 tablespoon of vinegar, ¼ cup of plain yogurt or ¼ cup of buttermilk.

What is the healthiest substitute for baking powder? ›

Since baking powder is baking soda with an acid and a stabilizer added, one of the best substitutions for baking powder is to use baking soda plus an acidic ingredient, such as plain yogurt, buttermilk, lemon juice, or vinegar.

What can replace baking soda in cookies? ›

If you don't have baking soda on hand, you can use triple the amount of baking powder instead. Alternative substitutions include potassium bicarbonate, baker's ammonia, or self-rising powder. Baking soda is a staple ingredient found in the cupboards of both seasoned and amateur bakers.

What ingredient to avoid in baking powder? ›

Choosing a baking powder that doesn't contain aluminum will eliminate the possibility of any unwanted metallic tastes, and the tiny catch is an easy one.

What are the examples of food substitutes? ›

Tips for healthy food substitutions
  • Use applesauce instead of oil when baking. ...
  • Eat brown rice instead of white rice. ...
  • Use egg whites instead of whole eggs. ...
  • Choose multigrain or whole wheat pasta instead of white pasta. ...
  • Select low-fat cheese over full-fat cheese. ...
  • Use fat-free yogurt instead of sour cream.
Jan 17, 2023

What are the 7 basic ingredient categories used when baking? ›

9 Essential Ingredients That Every Baker Needs
  • Flour. Basic Flour. ...
  • Leaveners. Eggs, Yeast, Baking Powder, Baking Soda | Photo by Meredith. ...
  • Sugar. Syrup, Honey, Molasses, White Sugar, Brown Sugar, Powdered Sugar | Photo by Meredith. ...
  • Salt. Basic Salt. ...
  • Dairy. Basic Dairy. ...
  • Fats: Oil and Shortening. ...
  • Extracts and Flavorings. ...
  • Spices.
Jun 28, 2022

What is a substitute for 1 cup of flour? ›

Substitute with 1/2 tablespoon cornstarch, potato starch, rice starch or arrowroot starch; or 1 tablespoon quick-cooking tapioca. All-purpose flour, 1 cup sifted. Substitute with 1 cup unsifted all-purpose flour minus 2 tablespoons; or 1 cup plus 2 tablespoons cake flour.

What are substitutions that can be made in baked goods if you have a gluten intolerance? ›

Possible single-ingredient substitutes for 1 cup of wheat flour include:
  • 7/8 cup rice flour.
  • 7/8 cup garbanzo bean (chick pea) flour.
  • 3/4 cup potato starch.
  • 1-1/3 cups ground rolled oats.
  • 1 cup tapioca flour.

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