9 Reasons Why Retirement Planning is Important (2024)

9 Reasons Why Retirement Planning is Important (1)

A friend of mine, we'll call him John, recently wanted to know why retirement planning is important.

Perhaps you've pondered the same question.

John is well educated and enjoys a successful career. Like many people, John is busy and simply didn't feel like there were enough hours in the day to tackle one of the most important decisions in his life.

A lack of time and a feeling of being overwhelmed is what made him hesitate about tackling retirement planning in the first place.

As John quickly found out, there are a lot of reasons why retirement planning is important for just about everyone - regardless of education or wealth.

Be sure to download our free retirement cheat sheets. These tools are one of the best examples of the importance of retirement planning because they reveal hundreds of considerations for folks who want to maintain their lifestyle in retirement.

For starters, retirement can last a lot longer than you think. According to Money Guide, a 65-year-old married woman today has a 50% chance of living to age 90!

That means it’s entirely possible your post-career phase lasts 25 years or more. Your life expectancy may be a lot longer than you anticipate.

9 Reasons Why Retirement Planning is Important (2)

That’s great news if you’re well prepared. But, if you’re retirement planning is a priority, living longer can be a little terrifying.

The fact is, the average Social Security check in 2022 is only about $1,550 per month, which isn’t nearly enough to maintain pre-retirement standards of living for many individuals. Social security benefits simply don’t provide the income necessary for a comfortable retirement.

Medicare, which is the primary insurer for seniors in retirement, doesn’t cover the healthcare costs many seniors will encounter as they age.

Someone turning 65 this year has a 70% chance of needing long-term nursing care; women, on average, need over three years of supportive care as they approach the end of life. Only 20% of today’s 65-year-olds won’t need long-term supportive care.

It’s more important than ever to have a realistic retirement savings goal and a solid plan for achieving it.

With the help of a free retirement checklist and a fiduciary financial advisor to help guide your decisions, you stand a much better chance of retiring comfortably—and maximizing your sources of income so you can live the life you want.

So why is retirement planning important? Here is an easy to understand infographic to help you see nine powerful reasons why you should consider getting started on your retirement planning.

9 Reasons Why Retirement Planning is Important (3)

Free Download: 15 Free Retirement Planning Checklists [New for 2023] to Help Make Your Money Last

1. You don't know what you don't know

You probably know a lot about many things in life.

But, when it comes to retirement planning, there are literally thousands of factors that can impact your ability to maintain financial security.

Hopefully, you'll only retire once. But, this also means you lack the experience necessary to identify critical questions and answers that can contribute to a successful retirement.

Retirement planning can help fill in the gaps and answer key questions.

Click on any of the links below to gains free access to powerful retirement planning checklists.

  • What important tax, savings, and investment information should I plan around?

  • What accounts should I consider if I want to save more?

  • Am I eligible for social security benefits as a spouse?

  • Should I consider doing a Roth conversion?

  • What issues should I consider during a recession or market downturn?

  • Should i rollover my dormant 401(k)?

  • What financial issues should I consider before the end of the year?

  • When should I take social security?

  • Do I still need life insurance?

  • What's the right mix of mutual funds or investments?

  • Should I take my pension as a lump sum?

  • How much income can I generate from my portfolio when I retire?

  • Which retirement accounts should I draw from first in retirement?

  • How can I reduce volatility in my portfolio?

2. Better health due to lower levels of stress

Money problems are a major source of stress. According to the American Psychiatric Association, over 70% of adults worry about money, and that can take a toll on your physical health.

9 Reasons Why Retirement Planning is Important (4)

Financial stress is linked to physical conditions such as diabetes, heart disease, migraine headaches, and poor sleep. Not only that, money worries can cause anxiety and depression, robbing you of peace of mind to enjoy your life today.

Taking steps today to get your retirement planning on track is an important step in your overall financial wellness—which can only be good for your physical and emotional health.

3. Send less money to Uncle Sam

No one likes paying more taxes than necessary.

Unfortunately, retirement is a period when taxes can destroy a major part of your income and savings if you aren’t careful. Avoiding those taxes is a major reason why retirement planning is important.

Your tax strategy for retirement should start during your working years. But the tax strategies you use while working will change drastically once you retire. Both are important, but how you approach them is very different.

When you are working, your income is relatively stable and you may not have control over your income sources. As a result, finding deductions and tax credits to reduce your taxable income is paramount.

If you are still building your retirement savings, contributions to your employer’s 401(k) plan can lower your taxable income, saving you money right off the top. If you don’t have an employer plan, you may be able to deduct your qualifying IRA contributions up to the annual limit ($6,000 in 2022, or $7,000 if you’re age 50 or over).

9 Reasons Why Retirement Planning is Important (5)

If you'd like to download additional important tax, savings, and investment information for 2023, click here.

You may also want to consider building a tax-free savings bucket with a Roth IRA, back-door Roth IRA, or even a Mega-Back Door Roth IRA.

Lower earners may even qualify for the Saver’s Credit to further reduce your tax bill. Depending on your adjusted gross income and filing status, you could earn a tax credit of between 10% and 50% of your retirement savings contributions.

You’ll also want to know how to reduce your Virginia income tax or your respective state income tax.

Upon retirement, the more control you have over your income sources, the more likely you will be able to reduce your taxes. If planned appropriately, you’ll want to have three buckets or sources of income in retirement from a tax standpoint:

  • Tax Deferred - Includes pension plans, social security, 401 (k)s, and pre-tax IRAs.

  • Tax Free - Includes Roth IRAs, Health Savings Accounts (HSAs), and Municipal bonds.

  • Tax Managed - Includes standard brokerage accounts with tax-efficient investments like index funds.

Since it’s impossible to predict tax policy in the future, diversifying your income sources in retirement could save you tens of thousands of dollars in taxes upon retirement.

As you can see, reducing taxes is an excellent reason why retirement planning is important.

4. Big-picture context helps you make better career and financial decisions

Life hands you a lot of important questions as you get older. More often than not, the answers aren’t always black and white.

For example:

  • Should you stay with your company or start your own?

  • Does it make sense to pursue a new degree or professional path late in your career?

  • Should you pay for your child’s college or fund it another way?

  • Can you afford to buy a vacation home at the beach?

These life decisions have a major impact on your finances and can’t—or shouldn’t—be made in a vacuum. Knowing where you are with your retirement plan gives you essential context to make big decisions with confidence.

Making better financial and life decisions is another major reason why retirement planning is important.

5. Enjoy a happier marriage

It’s no surprise that money issues are a leading cause of divorce.

Mismatched financial priorities, high levels of debt, and the inability to work toward a common financial goal all cause marital strife.

When you and your spouse are on the same page with retirement planning, you eliminate some major sources of discord in your marriage.

Take money out of the retirement equation and you can focus your efforts on more exciting decisions—such as where you want to retire.

Hiring a financial advisor who can provide objective, non-emotional counsel may do wonders for your marriage. Maintaining a healthy relationship with your spouse can be a great reason for why retirement planning is important.

6. Forced early retirement won’t be so scary

Retiring at 55 is great when it’s part of your plan; being forced out of your job early isn’t. Unfortunately, nearly half of all current retirees aren’t retired by choice. Most were laid off or forced to leave their jobs, and a smaller number had to leave work prematurely to care for an ill or aging parent or spouse.

If you have to leave work before you’re expected retirement age, you’ll be in a much better position if your retirement plan is already in place.

You might not have your nest egg completely built up, but having money set aside for retirement gives you more options and time to adjust your plans if you need to retire early.

7. You won’t worry about being a burden to your kids

Have you heard of the “sandwich generation?”

That’s the name for the group of people who are simultaneously supporting their children and one or both parents.

About 44% of middle-aged adults with children at home have at least one living parent who could potentially need care; 15% are full-fledged members of the sandwich generation who financially support both parent(s) and children.

A comprehensive retirement plan includes saving for medical costs and potential long-term care costs. When you know your expenses are covered, you won’t have to rely on your family to fill the gap.

8. You can be a really cool grandparent

A good retirement plan not only keeps you from being a burden to your kids, it gives you the resources to be an amazing grandparent.

Wouldn’t it be nice to take the entire brood on an annual trip or host your whole family at your spacious vacation home every year?

Even if your grandparenting goals are a bit more modest, having adequate income means you can visit more often and be present for all their milestones and special events.

It gives you the resources to buy those special birthday gifts or help cover the costs of their college tuition. Money won’t be an obstacle to a close relationship with your grandchildren.

9. Continue your legacy of charitable giving

Most people cut their living expenses in retirement but continue their habits of charitable giving, according to a recent study. We see this a lot with our clients.

If you’ve been a generous giver during your working years, it’s probably important to you to continue supporting your church and favorite charities once you leave your job.

Financial planning for retirement can optimize your charitable giving three ways:

  • It helps provide the income you need for charitable giving throughout your life

  • It ensures your estate plan aligns with your legacy goals.

  • It allows you to reduce your tax burden, if appropriately structured.

While beyond the scope of this article, a qualified charitable distribution strategy can be a powerful strategy to help maximize your charitable donations and reduce taxes!

Download Now: Essential retirement checklist for more helpful tips and considerations to retire with confidence - new for 2023!

Bonus: Avoid running out of money in retirement

Few things are more frightening than the thought of outliving your resources. Even a seemingly adequate portfolio can be inadequate for your needs if it’s not managed properly, especially if market conditions change.

Retirement planning is important because it can help you avoid running out of money in retirement.

Your plan can help you calculate the rate of return you need on your investments, how much risk you should take, and how much income you can safely withdraw from your portfolio.

Working with a financial advisor who specializes in retirement income planning means you’ll have the right amount saved when you finally leave work—and that your assets will be managed in a way that protects you against the unexpected so you’re never caught short in a downturn.

That’s the ultimate peace of mind.


As you can see, there are many reasons why retirement planning is important.

Achieving your retirement goals takes a proactive approach. If you start planning for retirement early, the better off your retirement will be in the future. If you are nearing retirement, there literally dozens of strategies available to help you make the most of your next 25 years or more.

At Covenant Wealth Advisors, we believe retirement planning is an essential part of your financial wellness. Working together, we help you clarify your expenses, prioritize your goals, and build a portfolio of assets that sustains a long and fruitful retirement. We are independent, fee-only Certified Financial Planners, which means you get unbiased advice and recommendations that align with your values.

We are independent Certified Financial Planners who operate on a fee-only basis; meaning we never receive commissions for product sales. Additionally, we serve as a fiduciary which means we are required by law to always put your best interests and objectives at the forefront. We can help you find the right retirement strategies to conserve your wealth and the right investments to achieve your goals.

We specialize in helping individuals age 50 plus with retirement income planning and investment strategies.

If you’re not sure where you are when it comes to retirement—or want to refocus your efforts — Schedule a free retirement assessment to see how we can help make your life better.

9 Reasons Why Retirement Planning is Important (6)

About Mark Fonville, CFP®

Mark specializes in help individuals aged 50+ plan, invest, and enjoy retirement with confidence.

He a Certified Financial Planner with Covenant Wealth Advisors has been featured in the New York Times, Kiplinger Magazine, and the Chicago Tribune. Forbes ranked Mark as one of the Best-In-State Wealth Advisors in Virginia.

Schedule a free retirement assessment

Disclosures: Covenant Wealth Advisors is a registered investment advisor. Past performance is no guarantee of future returns. Investing involves risk and possible loss of principal capital. The views and opinions expressed in this content are as of the date of the posting, are subject to change based on market and other conditions. This content contains certain statements that may be deemed forward-looking statements. Please note that any such statements are not guarantees of any future performance and actual results or developments may differ materially from those projected. Please note that nothing in this content should be construed as an offer to sell or the solicitation of an offer to purchase an interest in any security or separate account. Nothing is intended to be, and you should not consider anything to be, investment, accounting, tax or legal advice. If you would like accounting, tax or legal advice, you should consult with your own accountants, or attorneys regarding your individual circ*mstances and needs. No advice may be rendered by Covenant Wealth Advisors unless a client service agreement is in place.

The RVA25 is an annual survey performed by Richmond BizSense. Companies profit and loss statements were reviewed by an independent accounting firm, Keiter CPA, and analyzed for three year revenue growth end December 31st, 2019. The top 25 fastest growing companies were chosen as recipients of making the RVA25 list. No fee or compensation was provided to Richmond BizSense or Keiter CPA for participation in the survey.

Registration of an investment advisor does not imply a certain level of skill or training.

9 Reasons Why Retirement Planning is Important (2024)


Why is planning for retirement so important? ›

Retirement planning is important for creating a financial buffer that allows you to maintain your lifestyle without the need for regular employment income. It involves setting aside a portion of your current income through savings and investments to fund your future needs.

What is the $1000 a month rule for retirement? ›

The $1,000 per month rule is designed to help you estimate the amount of savings required to generate a steady monthly income during retirement. According to this rule, for every $240,000 you save, you can withdraw $1,000 per month if you stick to a 5% annual withdrawal rate.

Why is it important to contribute to a retirement plan? ›

Retirement accounts are intended to provide you with income when you stop working and are an extremely valuable asset. Without a retirement plan, you will have no other option other than to keep working past the “traditional” retirement age, as it is unlikely Social Security will provide you with enough income.

What are the benefits of a retirement plan? ›

  • Tax on employee and employer contributions is deferred until distributed.
  • Investment gains in the plan are not taxed until distributed.
  • Retirement assets can be carried from one employer to another.
  • Contributions can be made easily through payroll deductions.
  • Saver's Credit is available.

What are 3 things to consider when planning for retirement? ›

Whatever your situation, we've got a retirement planning checklist to help you prepare.
  • Figure out when you might have enough money to retire.
  • Learn about health care costs in retirement.
  • See how your retirement age affects your Social Security benefits.
  • Make a plan to pay off your debts.

What are the pros and cons of retirement planning? ›

Many Americans plan to retire early, before the proverbial age of 65. Pros of retiring early include health benefits, opportunities to travel, and starting a new career or business venture. Cons of retiring early include a strain on savings, and a depressing effect on mental health.

How long will $500,000 last year in retirement? ›

Retiring with $500,000 could sustain you for about 30 years if you follow the 4% withdrawal rule, which allows you to use approximately $20,000 per year. However, retiring at a younger age will likely reduce the amount you receive from Social Security benefits.

Can you live on $3,000 a month in retirement? ›

You can retire comfortably on $3,000 a month in retirement income by choosing to retire in a place with a cost of living that matches your financial resources. Housing cost is the key factor since it's both the largest component of retiree budgets and the household cost that varies most according to geography.

Can you retire at 60 with $300 000? ›

The short answer to this question is, “Yes, provided you are prepared to accept a modest standard of living.” To get an an idea of what a 60-year-old individual with a $300,000 nest egg faces, our list of factors to check includes estimates of their income, before and after starting to receive Social Security, as well ...

What are the four basic steps in retirement planning? ›

4 Steps to Planning for Retirement
  • Identify Your Sources of Income.
  • Estimate Your Expenses.
  • Outline Your Retirement Goals.
  • Determine What your Existing Portfolio Can Generate.
Jul 30, 2024

What are the consequences of not planning for retirement? ›

Real-Life Examples of What Happens When you Fail to Save Enough for Retirement
  • #1: You need to keep working until you die. ...
  • #2: You drown in debt instead of planning for the future. ...
  • #3: You leave your family with financial and emotional stress. ...
  • #4: You reach retirement age with $300 in the bank.

Are retirement plans worth it? ›

The value of 401(k) plans is based on the concept of dollar-cost averaging, but that's not always a reliable theory. Many 401(k) plans are expensive because of high administrative and record-keeping costs. Nonetheless, 401(k) plans are ultimately worth it for most people, depending on your retirement goals.

What is the main purpose of retirement planning? ›

A retirement plan has lots of benefits for you, your business and your employees. Retirement plans allow you to invest now for financial security when you and your employees retire. As a bonus, you and your employees get significant tax advantages and other incentives.

What are the three main types of retirement plans? ›

To help you navigate your options, here's a comparison of five of the most common types of retirement plans:
  • 401(k)
  • Traditional IRA.
  • Roth IRA.
  • SEP IRA.
  • Solo 401(k)
Nov 30, 2023

What is the best age to retire at? ›

67-70 – During this age range, your Social Security benefit, if you haven't already taken it, will increase by 8% for each year you delay taking it until you turn 70. So, if your benefit will be, say, $2,500/month if you start at your full retirement age, it would be more than $3,300/month if you can wait.

Why is financial planning for retirement critically important? ›

Financial planning for retirement is essential to maintain your financial security, preserve your quality of life, and help you achieve your personal goals during your well-earned retirement years.

Why is it important to start a retirement plan early? ›

Compound interest is likely the greatest benefit of investing early in retirement. Though there's no guaranteed set rate of return, when you start saving for retirement earlier, you'll end up with more money with a smaller capital investment than if you wait until later in your career to start.

Why is it important that a retirement plan be qualified? ›

Qualified retirement plans are employer-sponsored plans that meet the requirements of the Internal Revenue Code (IRC) and the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) and are eligible for certain tax benefits, such as tax deductions for contributions and tax deferral of investment gains.

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Author: Cheryll Lueilwitz

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Name: Cheryll Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1997-12-23

Address: 4653 O'Kon Hill, Lake Juanstad, AR 65469

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Job: Marketing Representative

Hobby: Reading, Ice skating, Foraging, BASE jumping, Hiking, Skateboarding, Kayaking

Introduction: My name is Cheryll Lueilwitz, I am a sparkling, clean, super, lucky, joyous, outstanding, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.