9 Stellar FAQ Page Examples That Answer Burning Questions (2024)

Humans are full of questions, big and small. It’s how we find our way to the best possible decisions.

Buying stuff requires lots of little decisions, which themselves are informed by lots of little answered questions.

It makes sense then that the stores that do the best job answering the questions are the stores that reap the rewards.

If your shoppers can’t find the answers they need from you, it’s pretty easy for them to just go somewhere else. You don’t want that.

So, you create a page on your store dedicated to answering the questions your customers most commonly ask, and you call it something like ‘Frequently Asked Questions’ so it’s obvious to visitors where the answers lay.

In this post, we’ll briefly talk about why you need this page then go straight into some enviable examples of FAQ pages in action.

Some brands are just doing it really well, and you gotta see them.

Table of Contents

First, the why.

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Why FAQ pages are essential for your store

Your FAQ page is a testament to how well you understand your customer base.

It shows that you did the research on what their frequently asked questions are and set out to answer them in full.

Some FAQ pages will contain just a handful of questions because that’s all that was needed. Others may have dozens of questions. It entirely depends on the brand and product.

Typical areas of interest for FAQ pages are shipping and return policies, product materials, sustainability, payment methods, etc.

The benefits of a great FAQ page are many. A few stand out:

  • They decrease the burden on customer service by answering questions before they get that far.
  • They build trust with your shoppers by showing you understand their needs and concerns.
  • They help boost your SEO efforts by explicitly asking and answering questions that your shoppers might search on Google and other search engines.

In another post, we covered some of the best practices for your FAQ pages, including categorization, a search function, great design, clever use of internal linking, regularly updating your page, and more.

Plus, we laid out exactly how to create an FAQ page on your Shopify store, both from scratch and by using some Page Builder FAQ page templates.

How Shopify designs their FAQ page

Speaking of Shopify, let’s look at their pretty stellar FAQ page before we move on to our ecommerce examples.

9 Stellar FAQ Page Examples That Answer Burning Questions (1)

You knew before you saw it that it would be good. They are a company at the top of their game. But, what is it that this page does so well?

  • Categorization. They make everything easy to find with clear categories that represent the biggest stages in their customers’ journey.
  • Scrollable table of contents. Supporting the categories is a TOC that moves as you scroll, so you can also get to another category in a flash.
  • Internal linking. The answers are quick but provide links out to larger resources on the site and makes it easy for visitors to find exactly what they need. Plus, it’s great for SEO.
  • Great design. With a great illustration at the top, defined boxes for the categories, and splashes of on-brand color, the page is a great experience for visitors.
  • Lead capture. At the bottom of the page, they make it easy to sign up with just an email capture.
  • Optimized for search. The questions and their short answers are perfectly built for ranking on search engines for these same queries.

Think about these features as we look at some examples from ecommerce brands and as you build your own FAQ page.

#cta-visual-pb#Start building your FAQ page smarterCreate a totally custom FAQ page in just a few clicks using the Shogun Page Builder—completely code-free and with the help of generative AI.Start building for free

9 FAQ page examples from top ecommerce brands

While you can learn a lot from how all types of brands build their FAQ pages, it’s best to look at the businesses that most closely match your own.

So, here we’ll look at a variety of ecommerce brands from several different industries to see what they did so well.

Snug Sofa

This FAQ page from Snug is excellent.

They stay on brand with subtle splashes of color on the tabs and CTAs that match the header and footer.

9 Stellar FAQ Page Examples That Answer Burning Questions (2)

The page is short, but it packs in a lot of information. This is accomplished through the clever dual use of tabs and accordions, so that content can be condensed both horizontally for categories and vertically for questions.

It ends with two side-by-side CTAs—one for scheduling an appointment for virtual shopping and the other for contacting support for any unanswered questions.


Brands are the best at knowing the questions that are at the top of their customers’ minds.

Sometimes simple is best. This FAQ page from skincare brand whind shows that you can answer questions without stating them outright.

9 Stellar FAQ Page Examples That Answer Burning Questions (3)

By invoking the high-level categories and answering in bullet points, they check all the boxes and finish up with ways to contact them if you still have questions.

In fact, they give multiple ways to contact them (two email addresses, live chat, and Instagram DM) throughout the page, giving customers the feeling that they are well supported by the brand.

Coral & Tusk

Home textiles brand Coral & Tusk use their FAQ page to cover as much ground as possible.

Knowing how important it is to let customers know about deadlines for holiday ordering, they’ve added a temporary block at the top of the page that is hard to miss.

This is a key addition to reduce the burden on their support team during this busy time.

9 Stellar FAQ Page Examples That Answer Burning Questions (4)

They’ve created clear categories and couched answers in handy accordions so as not to overwhelm visitors with text.

Beyond the typical questions, they’ve even included a question for their Japanese customers.

9 Stellar FAQ Page Examples That Answer Burning Questions (5)

They wrap up the page with three options for contacting them if their extensive FAQ page didn’t address their question.

No doubt their influx of support questions is smaller than it could be if it weren’t for the great FAQ page.


This page from Rumpl is pretty simple but does the job.

Doing such a good job of describing their innovative “sleeping bag blankets” throughout their product pages, their FAQ page doesn’t have to do as much work.

They start the page off with a simple lifestyle photo of their product in action, a simple on-brand design choice.

9 Stellar FAQ Page Examples That Answer Burning Questions (6)

Using great categorization and collapsible accordions, answers are easy to find and easy to hide. They also utilize internal linking to pages that can answer certain questions more fully, particularly for product-related questions.

This page also serves as their Contact Us page, dedicating a whole question to the various emails you can use to get in touch.

Buddy & Lola

You don’t see a lot of FAQ pages that are as lively and fun as this one from Buddy and Lola.

As a dog supplement brand, their questions are almost completely centered around canine health and product effectiveness.

The visual addition of a questioning dog livens up the page with a brand-aligned aesthetic.

9 Stellar FAQ Page Examples That Answer Burning Questions (7)

They answer the most important questions while keeping the page fairly short.

The last question in the first section invites visitors to contact them if they still have questions, allowing them to support the customer without going too long with questions.


This FAQ page from natural fertilizer subscription service instead is extensive yet easy to peruse.

The design is simple but very brand-aligned with the subtle grassy header image.

The brand comes through in the copy as well, with conversational answers that are fun and sound like they come from a friend.

9 Stellar FAQ Page Examples That Answer Burning Questions (8)

For instance, for a question about if it’s safe for dogs after applying the fertilizer, they say:

“We’ve always got dogs on our mind, but especially when we created instead. As soon as you apply, let your dog have his yard back, he’s probably got all kinds of business to get to out there.”

9 Stellar FAQ Page Examples That Answer Burning Questions (9)

Finally, while the page is quite long, it has clear categories so that you can find exactly what you are looking for and ignore the rest. It acts as an effective question library.

#cta-visual-pb#Your FAQ page could look this goodTry Shogun for free and start building out your perfect store to create a totally unique customer experience.Start building for free

Harlem Candle Company

Simplicity reigns in this FAQ page from Harlem Candle Company.

They only have a handful of questions but have built a structure that can handle a lot more as they grow.

With categories breaking up the questions, accordions that expand to reveal answers, and a scrolling table of contents along the side, they’ll be able to add as many questions as they need while maintaining the simple design.

9 Stellar FAQ Page Examples That Answer Burning Questions (10)

They wrap it up with how to contact them with any other questions.

As their customer support collects more common questions, they can add them to this page to improve their customer experience.


Another quite long FAQ page, this time from SNOW, a brand that sells teeth whitening products.

The questions aren’t split up like many FAQ pages, but rather by product type. For visitors who are interested in or have purchased a particular product, they can easily find all questions in one section.

Even before you encounter the questions, they include a CTA for a quiz to find out what product is best for you.

The accordions contain a ton of valuable information, not only in the form of detailed textual answers but also demonstration videos that do a great job of answering particular questions.

9 Stellar FAQ Page Examples That Answer Burning Questions (11)

From their vast number of questions, they have likely done a lot of customer research to build out this page. The answer to your question is probably here!

9 Stellar FAQ Page Examples That Answer Burning Questions (12)

They go beyond just answering questions on this page. It also serves to drive sales.

They round out the page with some powerful customer reviews, a best sellers featured collection, a video of their product on Ellen, and an email capture form.

9 Stellar FAQ Page Examples That Answer Burning Questions (13)

It goes to show that a FAQ page doesn’t have to have just one job.


This one from tights brand Sheertex is different from any that we’ve covered here.

Their main FAQ page doesn’t actually answer any questions but serves as an intersection for the different FAQ categories—General, Product Features, Sizing & Style, Billing, Order Changes, Shipping & Returns.

By doing this, they can include all the questions they want to answer without creating a single super long page that could overwhelm their visitors.

Despite being a simple page, they don’t miss the chance to drive visitors to their product and collection pages with a selection of products and their top benefits.

9 Stellar FAQ Page Examples That Answer Burning Questions (14)

When you click into a category, you get the questions neatly lined up and themselves categorized. Click the plus icon to expand the answer hidden in the accordion.

9 Stellar FAQ Page Examples That Answer Burning Questions (15)

Beyond the better customer experience created by splitting up the major categories, it also allows for more ranking opportunities on search engines for the long tail queries.

With a form built into their footer, every page includes an email capture opportunity.

FAQs about FAQ pages!

How often should I update my FAQ page?

To ensure that your customers have the most up-to-date information, you should update your FAQ page regularly. This could range from monthly to quarterly depending on how often your products change or questions arise.

What elements should I include in my FAQ page

An effective FAQ page should include a clear and concise introduction, questions and answers divided by categories, links to additional resources, and a search function to help visitors quickly find the answers they are looking for.

What are the benefits of an ecommerce FAQ page?

An ecommerce FAQ page can help streamline customer service inquiries, provide helpful resources for customers, and reduce friction in the buying process.

Should I include a search function on my FAQ page?

Absolutely. A search function can be a game-changer, allowing visitors to quickly find the information they’re seeking without having to scroll through endless questions.

How can an FAQ page improve my SEO?

An FAQ page can improve your SEO by providing valuable content that answers common queries related to your industry or product. This can increase your page’s visibility on search engines and drive more organic traffic to your site.

How can I measure the effectiveness of my FAQ page?

You can measure the effectiveness of your FAQ page by tracking metrics like page views, time spent on the page, and click-through rates for any links included. This data can help you understand how well the page is performing and where improvements can be made.

How should I prioritize the questions on my FAQ page?

Prioritize questions based on their relevance and frequency. The most commonly asked questions should be at the top, making it easier for visitors to find what they’re looking for.

Create more impressive FAQ pages for happier customers

Obviously, there are many ways to do a FAQ page right.

You can go long or keep it short. You can stick to answering questions or add in conversion optimizing elements. You can go with a simple design or make it splashy.

However you do it, you should prioritize adding a FAQ page to your store. The success or failure of your ecommerce business depends on the customer, so you need to center their experience on your store.

By answering their questions, you can build trust, reduce support tickets, and drive sales. With these examples as guides, you are certain to build something great.

#cta-visual-pb#Start building a better FAQ pageCreate a totally custom FAQ page in just a few clicks using the Shogun Page Builder—completely code-free and aided by AI.Start building for free

9 Stellar FAQ Page Examples That Answer Burning Questions (2024)


What questions should be on a FAQ page? ›

Your FAQ page should address the most common questions customers have about your products, services, and brand as a whole. The best way to identify those questions is to tap into your customer service data and see which problems customers are consistently reaching out to you with.

How do you write FAQ answers? ›

Short, straightforward answers are the most effective way of relaying information to customers so try to keep it brief. Try not to write more than a paragraph or two for each question. Consider the customer journey. Think about what the customer is asking about and why then tailor your answer to respond to it.

What are some common FAQs? ›

Defining FAQ

Some common examples include questions about service hours, shipping and handling, product details, return policies, etc., depending on the industry. You can have different FAQ sections for different pages of your website.

What is frequently asked in an FAQ? ›

A frequently asked questions (FAQ) list is often used in articles, websites, email lists, and online forums where common questions tend to recur, for example through posts or queries by new users related to common knowledge gaps.

What questions to ask during a Q&A? ›

Questions to ask to get to know someone FAQs
  • What's your favorite way to spend a weekend?
  • Do you enjoy what you do for a living?
  • What's a book that you'd recommend?
  • Are you a morning person or a night owl?
  • What's your dream job?
  • Do you have any pets?
  • What's your favorite type of cuisine?
  • Do you have any siblings?
Dec 7, 2023

How to make a searchable FAQ? ›

Make it searchable

Include a search bar on your FAQ page to help users quickly find the answers they need. Plus, include relevant keywords and phrases throughout the page to optimize it for SEO.

How many questions should be in FAQ? ›

Once customers reach the page, make sure your FAQs are well organized and intuitive. The whole point is to let your customers serve themselves, so the page must be simple to navigate. If you have more than 20 questions and answers to post, you should also include a search bar.

What is General FAQ? ›

What is General FAQ? It is a collection of common questions and answers not specific to a product, feature, or service. They usually cover payment policies, how to contact customer support, and refund policies.

What is an example of FAQ? ›

FAQ stands for Frequently Asked Questions. It is a compilation of common questions and their corresponding answers that are often asked by customers or users. Having a FAQ section on a website, after a product description or in any customer support platform is crucial for various reasons.

How to design a good FAQ page? ›

Here's what should be included in an FAQ page:
  1. Include common questions that are frequently asked by your customers or visitors. ...
  2. Provide clear, concise, and easy-to-understand answers to each question. ...
  3. Organize questions into categories to make it easier for users to find the information they're looking for.

How do I optimize my FAQ page? ›

Here's another great tip on how to optimize FAQ pages: use header tags like H1, H2, H3, and so on throughout your page. Not only does this help organize the questions into FAQ categories, but it also helps search engines better understand your content. And that helps you boost search performance.

What is FAQ format? ›

An FAQ page (short for Frequently Asked Question page) is a part of your website that provides answers to common questions, assuages concerns, and overcomes objections. It's a space where customers can delve into the finer details of your product or service, away from your sales-focused landing pages and homepage.

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Author: Allyn Kozey

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Name: Allyn Kozey

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Introduction: My name is Allyn Kozey, I am a outstanding, colorful, adventurous, encouraging, zealous, tender, helpful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.