90 Deep Aesthetic Quotes, Captions, and Sayings For Instagram (2024)

These aesthetic quotes will inspire you to appreciate the wonder and beauty in art and everything around you.

Collins dictionary defines aesthetic as something that is used to talk about beauty or art and people’s appreciation of beautiful things.

Aesthetics is often tied in with beauty and art but I believe that aesthetic is so much more than that.

It is not only appreciating the beauty that appeals to our eyes but it also refers to the beauty beyond what we can see. Aesthetics can also be found in love, pain, joy, sadness, and imperfections.

It’s not only limited to art and literature but it also refers to the natural beauty of everything around us.

We have gathered the best aesthetic quotes from various sources perfect for Instagram captions and to remind you to stay present so that you may learn to see and appreciate the beauty of everything surrounding you.

May these quotes help you find the beauty in the world and even in the most unexpected places.

90 Deep Aesthetic Quotes, Captions, and Sayings For Instagram (1)

Aesthetic Quotes and Sayings

Beauty is how you feel inside, and it reflects in your eyes. It is not something physical.

— Sophia Loren

A concerted effort to preserve our heritage is a vital link to our cultural, educational, aesthetic, inspirational, and economic legacies – all of the things that quite literally make us who we are.

— Steve Berry

Color directly influences the soul. Color is the keyboard, the eyes are the hammers, the soul is the piano with many strings. The artist is the hand that plays, touching one key or another purposively, to cause vibrations in the soul.

— Wassily Kandinsky

A garden is a complex of aesthetic and plastic intentions; and the plant is, to a landscape artist, not only a plant – rare, unusual, ordinary or doomed to disappearance – but it is also a color, a shape, a volume or an arabesque in itself.

— Roberto Burle Marx

Behind every exquisite thing that existed, there was something tragic.

— Oscar Wilde

I always loved aesthetics. Not particularly fashion, but an idea of beauty.

— Miuccia Prada

In so far as the mind sees things in their eternal aspect, it participates in eternity.

— Baruch de Spinoza

If you are living a life that feels right to you, if you’re willing to take creative chances or a creative path that feels like it’s mostly in keeping with your sensibilities, you know, aesthetic and artistic, then that’s what matters.

— Tracy Chapman

Nothing’s perfect, the world’s not perfect. But it’s there for us, trying the best it can; that’s what makes it so damn beautiful.

— Hiromu Arakawa

Our culture’s obsession with vintage objects has rendered us unable to separate history from nostalgia. People want heart. They want a chaser of emotion with their aesthetics.

— Sloane Crosley

Rules of taste enforce structures of power.

— Susan Sontag

My aesthetic is pretty classic. I like to keep things simple but appreciate the details.

— Jessica Jung

Art is the imposing of a pattern on experience, and our aesthetic enjoyment is recognition of the pattern.

— Alfred North Whitehead

Nature holds the key to our aesthetic, intellectual, cognitive and even spiritual satisfaction.

— E. O. Wilson

Pleading with those eyes, it’s obvious what I’m meant to do. I embrace the beauty and kiss it deeply.

— Patrick Bryant

Needing to have reality confirmed and experience enhanced by photographs is an aesthetic consumerism to which everyone is now addicted. Industrial societies turn their citizens into image-junkies; it is the most irresistible form of mental pollution.

— Susan Sontag

I do not create a fashionable aesthetic… I create a style based on life.

— Issey Miyake

Deep Aesthetic Quotes about Life

Refinement creates beauty everywhere: it is the grossness of the spectator that discovers nothing but grossness in the object.

— William Hazlitt

How convenient it is to declare that everything is totally ugly within the habit of the époque, rather than applying oneself to extract from it the dark and cryptic beauty, however faint and invisible it is.

— Charles Baudelaire

I find beauty in the continual shaping of chaos which clearly embodies the primordial power of nature’s performance.

— Iris Van Herpen

My well-known aesthetic sense, which is so obvious and personal, spontaneously spurs me to challenge myself with different disciplines.

— Giorgio Armani

With the plundered people transferring their energies into relaxed and receptive thoughts, degradation and lust for power produced art.

― Peter Weiss

I became an artist because I wanted to be an active participant in the conversation about art.

— Kamand Kojouri

Aesthetics have substantial political consequences. How one views oneself as beautiful or not beautiful or desirable or not desirable has deep consequences in terms of one’s feelings of self-worth and one’s capacity to be a political agent.

— Cornel West

Our hearts are drunk with a beauty our eyes could never see.

— George W. Russell

We all appreciated a certain aesthetic, and with that appreciation came a certain stylized presence.

— Amber Heard

Writing is a series of verbal suggestions designed to provoke a psychological reaction and an aesthetic experience.

— Stewart Stafford

My aesthetic is pretty classic. I like to keep things simple but appreciate the details.

— Jessica Jung

I don’t need to be so full of myself that I feel I am without flaw. I can feel beautiful and imperfect at the same time. I have a healthy relationship with my aesthetic insecurities.

— Lupita Nyong’o

I have been using art as a means to the emotions of life and reading into it the ideas of life.

— Clive Bell

The line of beauty is the line of beauty. It doesn’t matter if it’s been through the Xerox machine a hundred times.

— Donna Tartt

It’s better to have a hunger and appreciation for beauty than to be merely beautiful. In the end, life is richer that way. She may learn that.

— Susan Vreeland

Aesthetics is both politics and philosophy, a series of agreements and disagreements between subjective minds.

— Jimenez Lai

To the man who loves art for its own sake, it is frequently in its least important and lowliest manifestations that the keenest pleasure is to be derived.

— Arthur Conan Doyle

90 Deep Aesthetic Quotes, Captions, and Sayings For Instagram (2)

Beauty of whatever kind, in its supreme development, invariably excites the sensitive soul to tears.

— Edgar Allan Poe

Aesthetic sense is the twin of one’s instinct for self-preservation and is more reliable than ethics.

— Joseph Brodsky

The darkening of the world makes the irrationality of art rational: radically darkened art.

— Theodor W. Adorno

For you to sleep well at night, the aesthetic, the quality, has to be carried all the way through.

— Steve Jobs

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Short Aesthetic Quotes

I’m attracted to the rag & bone aesthetic – classic and effortless with an edge.

— Haley Bennett

Pleasure is by no means an infallible critical guide, but it is the least fallible.

— W. H. Auden

Design can be art. Design can be aesthetics. Design is so simple, that’s why it is so complicated.

— Paul Rand

Ethics and aesthetics are one.

— Ludwig Wittgenstein

It is a mistake to let aesthetics drive your rational decision making.

— Cory Doctorow

The eye is the painter and the ear the singer.

— Ralph Waldo Emerson

Show me what a people admire, and I will tell you everything about them that matters.

— Jack McDevitt

Aesthetics is for the artist like ornithology is for the birds.

— Barnett Newman

Refinement creates beauty everywhere: it is the grossness of the spectator that discovers nothing but grossness in the object.

— William Hazlitt

Art is an invention of aesthetics, which in turn is an invention of philosophers… What we call art is a game.

— Octavio Paz

A rich poet from Harvard has no sense in his mind, except the aesthetic.

— Beatrice Wood

Creating is about sharing ideas, sharing aesthetics, sharing what you believe in with other people.

— Shepard Fairey

I find beauty in the continual shaping of chaos which clearly embodies the primordial power of nature’s performance

— Iris van Herpen

The aesthetics aren’t merely a side note, they’re as important as anything else.

— Sylvain Neuvel

Art is the imposing of a pattern on experience, and our aesthetic enjoyment is recognition of the pattern.

— Alfred North Whitehead

I always loved aesthetics. Not particularly fashion, but an idea of beauty.

— Miuccia Prada

…the line of beauty is the line of beauty. It doesn’t matter if it’s been through the Xerox machine a hundred times.

— Donna Tartt

I believe that one of the most powerful things of all is aesthetics.

— Kalle Lasn

Inspirational Aesthetic Quotes

To me there is an intimate relationship between austerity and more lush aesthetics. They’re two faces of the same coin.

— Sally Potter

Sometimes your joy is the source of your smile, but sometimes your smile can be the source of your joy.

— Thich Nhat Hanh

It’s hard to combine a simple life with a love of aesthetics.

— Marty Rubin

Everything that is, must appear, and nothing can appear without a shape of its own; hence there is in fact no thing that does not in some way transcend its functional use, and its transcendence, its beauty or ugliness, is identical with appearing publicly and being seen. By the same token, namely, in its sheer worldly existence, everything also transcends the sphere of pure instrumentality once it is completed.

— Hannah Arendt

Just because something causes you to have a feeling of aesthetic beauty does not make it a work of art.

— Fred Ross

He had never believed that spirituality had to be anemic or aesthetic.

— Irving Stone

I think that’s what art is: art is communication made in the hope that interesting miscommunications will arise.

— Misha Glouberman

Desire for beauty will endure and undermine the desire for truth.

— Richard O. Prum

Life without love is like a tree without blossoms or fruit.

— Kahlil Gibran

Even a colour-sense is more important, in the development of the individual, than a sense of right and wrong. Aesthetics, in fact, are to Ethics in the sphere of conscious civilisation, what, in the sphere of the external world, sexual is to natural selection. Ethics, like natural selection, make existence possible. Aesthetics, like sexual selection, make life lovely and wonderful, fill it with new forms, and give it progress, and variety and change.

— Oscar Wilde

At last everything was satisfactorily arranged, and I could not help admiring the setting: these mingled touches betrayed on a small scale the inspiration of a poet, the research of a scientist, the good taste of an artist, the gourmet’s fondness for good food, and the love of flowers, which concealed in their delicate shadows a hint of the love of women

— August Strindberg

When you’re happy you enjoy the music, but when you’re sad you understand the lyrics.

— Frank Ocean

The local is the only universal, upon that all art is built.

— John Dewey

Behind every exquisite thing that existed, there was something tragic.

— Oscar Wilde

In the life of the individual, an aesthetic sensibility is both more authentic and more commendable than a political or religious one.

— Tom Robbins

In the world there exists no aesthetic plane, not even the aesthetic plane of goodness.

— Clarice Lispector

If the only tool you have is a hammer, you tend to see every problem as a nail.

— Abraham Maslow

Every saint has a past, and every sinner has a future.

— Oscar Wilde

The more people explore the world, the more they realize in every country there’s a different aesthetic. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

— Helena Christensen

The flower is strong in its beauty as it can be forgotten, set aside, or destroyed. The ambitious do not know beauty. The feeling of essence is beauty.

— Jiddu Krishnamurti

Fascism is fundamentally and at bottom an aesthetic conception, and . . . it is your function as creators of beautiful things to portray with the greatest efficacy the sublime beauty and inevitable reality of the Fascist ideal.

— Louis de Bernières

More Aesthetic quotes and quotes about aesthetics

Aesthetic detachment will not stop the suffering of desire nor will the agonies of the boudoir cure the desire of suffering.

— David Hosford

Let architects sing of aesthetics that bring Rich clients in hordes to their knees; Just give me a home, in a great circle dome Where stresses and strains are at ease.

— R. Buckminster Fuller

If you add something to a painting, never let it be for aesthetic reasons. Only let it be for reasons of expression.

— Asger Jorn

In so far as the mind sees things in their eternal aspect, it participates in eternity.

— Baruch de Spinoza

While we kept on dancing

our souls delicately embraced.

— Laura Chouette

The starry sky began to shine,when assigned night spread with its ‘moon lamp’ for all of the wistful thoughts,lay below the tormented Earth’s nocturnal light and those splendid visions caught my pounding spirits.

— Nithin Purple

Aesthetic pleasure is not to be taken lightly; it’s very important for the spirit and therefore the health.

— Robert Bateman

Nothing is beautiful, only man: on this piece of naivete rests all aesthetics, it is the first truth of aesthetics. Let us immediately add its second: nothing is ugly but degenerate man – the domain of aesthetic judgment is therewith defined.

— Friedrich Nietzsche

Life is not always perfect. Like a road, it has many bends, ups, and downs, but that’s its beauty.

— Amit Ray

With the plundered people transferring their energies into relaxed and receptive thoughts, degradation and lust for power produced art.

— Peter Weis

Back then, I was still just a fan of music. And to be a fan of music also meant to be a fan of cities, of places. Regionalism—and the creative scenes therein—played an essential role in the identification and contextualization of a sound or aesthetic.

— Carrie Brownstein

But neither art nor aesthetics is alone in being doomed to this melancholy destiny of living not beyond their means, but beyond their ends.

— Jean Baudrillard

Ethics, like natural selection, make existence possible. Aesthetics, like sensual selection, make life lovely and wonderful, fill it with new forms, and give it progress, and variety and change.

— Oscar Wilde

The machine aesthetic bought something familiar to modern experience, but remote from architecture, to bear on modern architecture.

— Robin Evans

The darkening of the world makes the irrationality of art rational: radically darkened art.

— Theodor W. Adorno

After a certain high level of technical skill is achieved science and art tend to coalesce in aesthetics, plasticity, and form. The greatest scientists are artists as well.

— Albert Einstein

The historical division between the beautiful and the sublime indicates that an aesthetic experience is not necessarily linked to beauty, but can also be induced by the unpleasant, unbalanced, distorted, or even hideous.

— Kristine H. Harper

The ability to live a sensual lifestyle signals that an individual has become adept at overcoming the constraints of daily life and has entered into a privileged world where the key to entry is no longer the functional, but the aesthetic, the decadent, the passionate.

— Lebo Grand

You are imperfect, permanently and inevitably flawed. And you are beautiful.

— Amy Bloom

Which of these aesthetic quotes inspired you the most?

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90 Deep Aesthetic Quotes, Captions, and Sayings For Instagram (2024)
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