99.97.1 - Booklet | National Museum of Nuclear Science & History (2024)

Scope & Content 40th Anniversary Reunion June 14-16, 1985, Los Alamos, New Mexico. Reunion Attendees:
A -
Charles W. Adkisson, Jr., Harold Agnew, Mr. Brooks B. Aitchinson, Ellen Akin, J.C. Alderson, Robert L. Alldredge, John C. Allred, Mr. & Mrs. Tomey Anaya, Ruth Anderson, Glen Andrews, Lawrence Antos, Leroy J. Arkin, Ernest L. Arterburn.

B -
Charles Bagley, John Balagna, Douglas W. Ballard, Charles R. Barncord, Albert A, Bartlett, John M. Baudino, Ernestine S. Baumann, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Baxter, George Beichl, Iris Y. Bell, Thomas H. Benoit, Norman T. Benson, Gen. A.W. Betts, Mr. & Mrs. Clement J. Bevan, Robert W. Birge, Jack H. Blackwell, Letha L. Blair, Mr. & Mrs. J. Blauzvern, Mr. & Mrs. E.W. Boettcher, Victor Bond, Zenas Boone, Martha L. Borah, Louise Bowen, John E. Bowerbank, Jack Bowling, Mr. & Mrs. Norris E. Bradbury, Mrs. Lorene Bradley, Albert Brehm, Polly Brennan, Dr. Herbert Bridge, Arthur C. Briesmeister, William C. Bright, Raymond L. Brin., Dr. Jack E. Brooks, H. Frank Brown, Ivan L. Brown, George Bryan, William F. Burditt, Richard Burke, Dian Burrell.

C -
Louis Caldarelli, William E. Caldes, Gilbert L. Campbell, Charles Canfield, Dean Carlson, C.W. Christenson, Clarence Churchman, Frank Cleland, Anthony Coca, J.H. Coon, Cora Cooper, Mr. & Mrs. Roger Corbett, Marian Long Cox, Cora Stephenson Cragin, Mr. & Mrs. Bob Crozier.

D -
Al D'agostino, Winston L. Dabney, Philip H. Dailey, Keith Dalrymple Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Myron Daly, Samuel P. Davalos, Dr. Merton L. Davis, Neil Davis, R. W. Davis, Terry Davis, Marvin Davis Sr., William De Alva, Ben J. De Corso, C.H. De Selm, L.B. Della Moretta, Keith Devers, Rev. Robert Dinegar, Ben C. Diven, Edward W. Doty, John V. Downs, Robert W. Drake, Mrs. Frances S. Dubberly, Walter J. Dudek, Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth J. Dunahugh, Frances Dunne.

E -
Ralph Edelman, Mr & Mrs James Edmonds, Betsy Evans Elder, John Enders, Kenneth G. Englar, William R. Everett.

F -
George W. Farwell, Louis J. Fasulo, William Fead, Edward H. Fieder, George T. Fike, Harold T. Fishbine, Leon & Phyllis K. Fisher, Charles Fisk, John F. Flanigan, Joe Fleisher, Mr. & Mrs J. C. Flores, Mr. & Mrs. W.R. Foley, Stuart Forbes, Caswell Forrest, Martyn & Ann Foss, Hannibal Fraga, Edwin Franz, Eugene Freeman.

G -
Harley C. Gabrielson, James D. Gallagher, James L. Gallant, Stanley Galler, Edward Galvin, Louis Garbrecht, Eddie Garcia, Guadalupe Garcia, Ross Garcia, William C. Gardner, Willie D. Gardner, Wray B. Garn, Clifford S. Garner, Harold P. Garner, Donald E. Garrett, Tom Gaslin, Valarie Gault, Hebert G. Gee, R.K. Genteman, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Geoffrion, Sherman George, J.B. Gergen, Mr. & Mrs. Ward F. Gerhardt, Billy B. Gerry, Robert J. Gibson, William B. Gibson, William C. Giegold, Bob Giffen, Beverly Gifford, M.A. Gilbert, Norman R. Gilbert, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur H. Gilcrease, Daniel C. Gillespie, Jo Anne Gillespie, Phyllis Gillespie, Blanche L. Gilman, James S. Gilmore, Mary Gilmore, Robert Gilmore, Mr. & Mrs. A.L. Giorgi, A.J. Giustetto, Samuel Glasstone, Ed Gleason, James Glore, Anthony Glowacki, Joe Gluth, Dorothy Stokes Godwin, John W. Goff, Maxwell Goldblatt, Irving Goldfarb, Kenneth M. Goldman, Stanley Goldsmith, Mr. & Mrs. Max Goldstein, Bences Gonzales, Mary M Gonzales, Mr. & Mrs. Ray Gonzales, Severo E. Gonzales, Cecil L. Gooch, Charles Goodlin,Dr. Leon Goodman, Mr. & Mrs. Carroll Gordon, Pearl Leach Gordon, Mrs. James K. Gore, Charlotte Gould, John S. Grady, Eloise Emrich Graef, Charles Graf, Barrie Graham, Shirley Graham, Clinton A. Grant, Patricia Grant, Marguerite & Donna Gravitt, Ray Gray, Ruth Gray, Bruce H. Green, Charles E. Green, Mr. & Mrs. Crockett Greene, Charles W. Greenwood, Mrs. Margaret Greenwood, Harry Gregersen, Matthew J. Gress, Dr. Robert S. Grier, Bobbie A. Griffin, Sr., James D. Griffin, Edward Grilly, John Grinnell, Jr., Milton Grissom, Edward T. Grogan, Ralph T. Gruber, Mrs. Thurman Gunter, David Gurinsky, Houston, Gurley, Art Gurney, Lennart C. Gustafson, Vernon Gutman, John W. Guyon

William Haag, Edward Haase, George Hackbarth, Mrs. Edith Haehn, Dibbon Hagar, H. Tom Hahn, Carrel Keith Hale, J. E. Halifax, Al Hall, Allen J. Hall, Dr. David Hall, Mrs. Russell Hall, Robert H. Hall, Roy Hall, Stanley W. Hall, Ed Halluska, Robert Ham, Edgar E. Hamilton, Ira Hamilton, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Hamilton, Mrs. Hazel Hamilton, Roger Hamm, Melvin Hamma, Edward Hammel, Lowell R. Hammonds, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Hand, Jane Haney, Arthur H. Hannes, William Hannon, Ernest J. Hansen, Alfred O. Hanson, Mr. & Mrs. Gordon E. Hanson, Donald W. Hardwick, James E. Harlow, Mrs. Evelyn Harlow, Thomas H. Harlow, Vernon Harper, Luella Hillis Harrington, Mr. & Mrs. Rex Harris, Robert L. Harris, William Harrison, Helen Harroyd, David J. Hart, Richard Hart, Robert E. Hartje, Eugene Hartley, Jo Hasson, James Hastings, Mr. & Mrs. Howard E. Hathaway, Frank A. Hauser, Fred Hauser, Mrs. R. W. Hauser, Annie Hawkins, Dr. David L. Hawkins, Frank H. Hawkins, Leslie & Avis Hawkins, Robert W. Hawley, George Hawthorne, Raymond Hayes, Len Hays, Ben Hayward, Shirley Loft Hazeltine, E. L. Head, Mr. Jennie T. Heckert. Magel Brown Hedback, William G. Heinze, Harold Held, Lindsay Helmkolz, Dr. Louis H. Hempelmann, Mrs. Birchen P. Henc, R. W. Henderson, Cecil W. Hendricks, Leo F. Hengstenberg, Arthur L. Henicksman, Dorothea Hermann, John Hermann, William C. Hermann, Joe H. Herrera, Bob Herrington, Alan U. Hershey, John K. Herzog, Mr. Louis Hesch, Cecelia Hester, Wayne D. Hiatt, Patricia Hayden Hicks, Ewell E. Higginbotham, William A. Higginbotham, Earle D. Hightower, Robert C. Hill, Mrs. Dorothy Hillhouse, Elmer L. Hilton, William H. Hinch, Paul D. Hinderer, Mrs. Tommy Hines, Dr. Donald F. Hirsch, Joseph D. Hirschfelder, Joseph Hirt, Allen C. Hirtle, Glen E. Hitchco*ck, Joseph Hlay, Mrs. Helen Hobart, Grady Hodges, Edith Gilmore Hoehn, Boyd B. Hoff, Mrs. Jean Hoffman, Norman Hoffman, Ruth B. Hoffman, S. B. Hoke, Stanley Holbrook, Dr. & Mrs, Tom Holland, H. Robert Holland, Charles Holley, Marshall Holloway, Dean Holman, Harold W. Holman, Mr. Robert E. Holman, Vanner Holmes, Catherine Holtz, Homra Jack, Joe Honest, J. C. Hoogterp, Col. & Mrs. Philip L. Hooper, Jack C. Hopkins, Fred Horina, Robert N. House, Ed. Houston, P. A. Howard, P.A. Howard, Roy L. Howard, Weldon Howard, Robert I. Howes, Elmer Huber, Gerald E. Huber, William G. Hudgins, Walter L. Huebner, T. F. Huene, Gordon V. Hughes, Ronald Hughes, William F. Hughes, E. V. Hughey, Jr. Dr. M. H. Hull, Chester T. Humeniuk, Guy L. Humphrey, Donald F. Hunt, Robert P. Hunter, Melvin Hurlbut, Jim Hush, Mr. & Mrs. F. F. Hutchinson, George L. Hutton

Eugene Igel, John T. Iles, Matthew Imrie, David R. Ingles, George E. Irwin, Howard Irwin, James C. Irwin, Mr. Wally Ives

Nondice Jackson, Fred M. Jacobson, Standford Jacobson, Mr. & Mrs. Louis F. Jacot, Morris L. Jaeger, C. E. Jakielski, Charles J. Jakobiak, Very Rev. A. J. Kakobiak, Wm. Jamieson, Joe L. Jaramillo, Grace Rich Jarboe, A. J. Jarman, Donna Jarman, George Jarvis, Ann Jensen, Gilbert R. Jensen, Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Jensen, Leo M. Jercinovic, Floyd Jesse, Herbert I. Jewett, Robert N. Jewett, Mrs. John T. Jezek, Allen M. Johnson, Bernice Z. Johnson, Charlotte Johnson, Elvin S. Johnson, Hilda Johnson, J. R. Johnson, Mildred Johnson, Miss Margaret L. Johnson, Mrs. Ellwood P. Johnson, Nels W. Johnson, Ward W. Johnson, John D. Johnston, Prof. Larry Johnston, Wilbur L. Johnston, Stanley Johnstone, Allen L. Jones, Harmon R. Jones, Lois Jones, Martin C. Jones, Mr. & Mrs. R. P. Jones, Mrs. Gilbert Jones, Roberta Harvey Jone, Roy Jones, Thomas O. Jones, W. M. Jones, Mrs. Ralph E. Jones Jr, Clyde E. Jordan, J. W. Jordan, Anker Jorgensen, Vernal Josephson

William B. Kadow, James Kalil, Robert Kamm, Lt. Col. Frank Kanak, Louise E. Kant, Lucille Clark Kaps, Emil Karas, James Karo, H. J. Karr, Stephen Kasunic, Arthur Katz, Daniel Kaufman, Walter J. Kauzmann, William E. Keating, Jeanette Keeney, Floyd M. Keeports, David Kelch, Bert L. Kelchner, Fred Kellam, Keaton Keller, Rex Keller, Doris E. Kelley, Harry Kellog, Bernice Kelly, Daniel E. Kelley, H. T. Kelly, Lloyd M. Kelly, Mr. & Mrs. R. W. Kelly, Virginia E. Kemp, W. R. Kennedy, D. G. Keough, Hal Kerr, Rose Wilman Ketz, Clair J.Khien, James M. Kier, Shirley Kilborn, Jr. Harold J. Kilburg, Ethel D. Kimberly, Curtis A. Kincer, Jo Tinsley King, L. D. P. King, Pat King, William A. King, John C. Kinker, Ross L. Kinnaman, Lewis K. Kinne, Bob Kinson, Mr. & Mrs. John A. Kircher, William K. Kirk, E. E. Kirkpatrick, Walter Kisenick, Anne Kissel, Althea B. (Lee) Klein, John Klein, Margaret Klein, Roger Kleinschmidt, Dr. Ernest D. Klema, Evelyn Kline, Robert A. Knapp, J. H. M. Knight, Gordan Knobeloch, Emma Knowles, Vincent B. Koetter, Ms. Mary Kohl, Milton Kohn, Dr. Morris Kolodney, Michael Komich, Prof. Emil J. Konopinski, P. D. Korzaan, Henry Kowalczyk, William C. Kraft, Arnold Kramish, Charles R. Krantz, Myron B. Kratzer, Paul F. Kreizenbeck, D. Norman Krieger, N. H. Krikorian, Robert Krohn, Claude Kron, Allen E. Krueger, Robert E. Krueger, Milton C. Krupka, Stella Kubasch, Mrs. Ted Kulczewski, Charles G. Kunz, Dieter Kurath, Harley D. Kuster, John C. Kyriacopulus, Cuggie Kyzer

Vertil A. Lady, Herb Lamb, John Lamb, Tom & Mary Lanahan, Rolf Landshoff, Mary Lane, Ann Durham Lang, Ernest Lang, Harold J. Lang, Lawrence M. & B. Langer, Ruby Langham, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur L. Langhorst, Dr. & Mrs. Larry Lango, Dr. Alfred M. Large, Marjorie Lark, John Larned, Ruth Larsen, E. C. Larson, Angelo Laserto, Homer D. Laube, Ronald Laurenzo, Leo Lavatelli, Hallye M. Lawrence, William H. Lawrence, William H. Lawson, Dr. Pete Lax, Robert Leachman, Joseph A. Leary, Bernard P. Leber, John W. Lebourveau, James N. Leduke, Mr. & Mrs. William Lee, Bernard P. Leher, Mr. & Mrs. Joe Lehman, Ruby Leimbach, Lucille Lemons, Mr. Ocie Lemons, Mrs. Walter Lenoff, Ms. Gladys Moore, Joseph Leotta, Leon Leventhal, Sy Levin, Mort Levine, Phil Levine, Leonard S. Levinson, Earl B. Levitt, Sam Jr Levy, M. M. Lewis, James Lilienthal, Henry Linschitz, David Lipkin, Denver D. Littleton, George G. Loddy, Warren Lodholz, Dan B. Loeb, Louis H. Lohman, Ted Lombard, Harold W. Long, Loris G. Long, Alberto Lopez, Tom N. Lopresto, James A. Loughridge, Leo S. Lovatelli, Donald E. Lovelace, William W. Lowe, Jerold M. Lowenstein, John Lucas, Mr. & Mrs. E. A. Lucke, Mrs. F. A. Lucy, Warren Ludholz, Albert Ludwig, Alexander V. D. Luft, Chester A. Luhman, Bernard Lujan. Mrs. Teofila Lujan, Rafael M. Lujan, Edward Lynch, Buford C. Lyon, Raymond R. Lyons, James E. Sr. Lyons.

Duncan P. MacDougall, Frank Macera, A. B. Machen, Mrs. Julian E. Mack, Edward N. MacMann, Donald P. Mac Millan, Veron MacNeil, Mr. & Mrs. John W. Jr. Macy, William D. Madwell, Irma Dowd Maeder, Bennie Maes, Felix Maestas, John Magee, Ted Magel, Arthur Magnuson, J. H. Maguire, Robert Mainhardt, Richard Manganetta, John and Kay Manley, Ed Mann, William Maraman, Mary Marchi, Mrs. Edward T. Marcum, Philip O. Marenberg, Mr. & Mrs. Carson Mark, Dr. and Mrs. Robert Marshak, George L. Marshall, James D. Marshall, P. P. Marshall, Mrs. W. E. Marshman, Genevieve Martel, Robert Martin, Bentura Martinez, Elizardo and Cleo Martinez, Jose A. Martinez, Victoriano Martinez, Miss Ethel Marvick, William Masterson, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph W. Mather, Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert Mathis, Mrs. Gilbert, Everett E. Matthews, Melvin T. Mattison, George H. Mauldin, James A. Maxim, Drs. Chas. and Elizabeth Maxwell, Bertram May, Albert Mayer, James Mayers, Robert R. Maynes, Col. J. M. McCaeve, William McCall, William McCann, Mrs. John McCaque, Guy W. McCarty, Lucille McCleskey, A. P. McCloat, Chester A. McConaghy, Mr. & Mrs. W. E. McConnell, Mr. & Mrs. John W. McCormick, Willard McCormick, Charles T. McCreary, Charles F. McCullough, Mary Halley McCune, Boyce D. McDaniel, Beatrice Hardy McDonald, William A. McDonald, John McDougall, Richard F. McFadden, Clarence H. McFatridge, David McFerren, James S. Jr. McGee, J. E. McGovern, F. H. McGowen, John J. McGurn, Archie W. McKechnie, C. D. McKee, Susan J. McKee, J. L. McKibben, Dorothy S. McKibbin, Lee B. McKinney, Robert E. McKinney, Dr. And Mrs. Edwin M. McMillan, Charles R. McNeely, Ruth McPherson, Grace McWhirter, E. M. Meader, Frank Medina, Harry O. Mefford, Lucille Mehas, Tiny Meier, Mitchell A. Melnick, John Melody, John D. Mench, Charles Menefee, H. E. Menker, H. E. Menker, Charles Menz, Joseph L. Menzel, Roy G. Merryman, J. Jan Mestrovich, Glen Metcalf, R. Metro, Charlie Metz, Sid Metzgers, Jim And Dorothy Meyers, Walter H. Meyers, Mrs. L. J. Michelet, John J. Michnovicz, Clifford Micker, John H. Midney, Frank Mieszczak, Homer C. Milford, Charlotte Miller, Clifford L. Miller, Mary Whidden Miller, Mrs. Wendell L. Miller, Ralph G. Miller, Raymond Miller, Russell Miller, Morris Milligan, Sybil A. Milligan, Charles A. Mills, Jesse T. Mills, A. E. Miner, Russell Mingo, Carl Minkkinen, John A. Miskel, Blanca Mock, G. E. Moerschell, Jack W. Mohr, Walter F. Mohr, Dr. Seymour Monat, Franklin R. Montour, Tony J. Montoya, Julin C. Moody, Louis Collin Moore, Mrs. Jessie Moore, Manuel Morales, Loretta Moran, George E. Morford, Douglas W. Morgan, Elmo Morgan, J. C. Morgan, Myrtle Weilding Morgan, Ted R. Morgan, Philip Morrison, Reynold L. Morrow, Mr. & Mrs. John R. Mosley, Leonard L. Motichko, George Moulton, Tom Muehlenkamp, Don and Fran Mueller, Mr. and Mrs, Eugene Mueller, Harry Mullett, Mr. & Mrs. Larry J. Mullins, Joe W. Murphy, Melvin R. Murphy, Mr. & Mrs. Emmet Murphy, Arthur Murray, James P. Murray, Mr. & Mrs. Joe Murray, Sam A. Musser, Dotty (Corbitt) Myers, Robert G. Myers.

Norman H. Nachtrieb, Gilbert R. Naranjo, Sara D. Girolamo Naughton, A. C. Nauman, Melvin J. Naus, William F. Naus, James E. Nause, Richard C. Neal, Seth H. Neddermeyer, Mr. & Mrs. Nelson Neeley, Art Nelson, Eldred Nelson, Roy C. Nelson, Sylvester K. Nemec, Norris and Jean Nereson, Fred C. Neubauer, Mr. & Mrs. Edwin Neubauer, Lt. Col. Sidney Newberger, John F. Newell, Gene C. Newlin, Iona M. Newman, John Newman, Mrs. Henry W. Newson, Eulah Quintana Newton, Alfred W. Neyens, Bruce K. Nichols, Wesley S. Nichols, David Nicodemus, Mrs. Clifford E. Nilsson, Harold Niger, Ralph Nobles, Mr. & Mrs. Martin Noland, Eugene Nooker, Clifford E. Nordeen, Lester R. Norman, Carl G. Normann, Harvey S. North, Thelma Northrup, Mrs. W. L. Norton, William I. Norwood, Carl G. Nottrott, Opal Null, Paul Numerof, Madie Nunn, Raymond I. Nusink, Warren E. Nyer, Leland Nyholm.

Dr. William Oakes, John Oatout, Patrick A. Obenhaus, J. R. Jr. Obryan, Twil Odell, Walter Ogilvie, Minnie Ogle, Matthew J. Okeefe, Kenneth A. Olds, James Y. Oldshue, Mrs. Paul Olivas, Charles A. Oliver, Mrs. T. H. Olmsterad, Jim Olsen, Arnold Olson, Michael Olson, Paul Olum, Edward F. Omara, Charles Oneil, Edward Onstott, Mr. & Mrs. Olof H. Orgen, John Orndorff, Howard Orndorff, Abelino Ortiz, Willie V. Ortiz, Mr. & Mrs. James W. Osborn, Maurice Ostroth, L. W. Otoski, Bill Overman, Robert D. Owen, Phillip R. Owens.

Mr. & Mrs. Charles Pacheco, Fay Palmer, Mr. & Mrs. Eugene O. Palmer, T. O. Jr. Palmer, Delora Norwood Parfait, Mattie Parks, Charles Passage, Julian Patenaude, Richard Patton, Elza Paul, N. K. Payne, John F. Peckumn, Mabel Peek, Sir Rudolph & Mrs. Peirles, Joe Pellet, Wm. (Col.) Penly, Frank W. Pepe, Reynolds Perez, Miss Anne Perley, Morris L. Perlman, Ted Perlman, Leo & Helen Perry, Murray Peshkin, Evelyn Pippen Peters, Peter M. Petersen, Bernard M. Peterson, Carl E. Peterson, Eric Peterson, Lyle J. Peterson, Ray Petty, Dan & Charlotte Pfaff, Robert Phelps, Donald Phillips, James Phillips, Mr. & Mrs. Dick Phillips, Mr. & Mrs. William Phillips, Elsie H. Pierce, Robert G. Pierce, Mr. & Mrs. C. W. Piltingsrud, Carrol M. Plageman, Mr. & Mrs. Harold Ploppe, William Plummer, Bernard Pohlmann, George Ponton, Al Popolato, Phil B. Porter, Robert Y. Porton, Mr. & Mrs. I. L. Post, Robert M. Potter, John G. Povelites, George H Powell, Mr. Charles E. Powers, Mr. & Mrs. Vance W. Pratt, Rene J. Prestwood, Robert C. Prewitt, Glenn A. Price, Charles Prochaska, Mr. & Mrs. Charles L. Proctor, Dr. Charles S. Prosser, Alyce Pulliam, George H. Pustejovsky, A. E. Putnam, Frank Pysson.

Betty Bryant Quammen, Leonard Quartarao, Carl A. Quillin, Maxine Quimby.

I. I. Rabi, Marianne Mullenhour Raeside, James D. Ragsdale, Henry Raich, William Raies, Norman F. Ramsey, Joseph W. Ranftl, Bob Rappaport, William Rarita, Mr. & Mrs. Roger Rasmussen, Earl D. Rau, Earl E. Raub, Mr. & Mrs. P. B. Jr. Rawley, Jack E. Ray, Richard F. Recker, Matthew B. Redman, Cynthia Biedron Redtke, Carroll Reeves, Van Reid, Geraldine P. Reimer, Dr. Frederick Reines, Carroll A. Rendell, Grace Renton, Mrs. Clyde E. Reum, Verner Rexroth, Charles A. Reynolds, Conrad Rhose, Donn E. Rice, Hugh T. Richards, Laura Richards, Hoards Richardson, Mr. & Mrs. Lee Richardson, Vaughan E. Jr. Richardson, Dr. Robert Richtmeyer, L. D. Rickerson, Frazier Riddlesperger, Mr. & Mrs. John R. Riede, Glenn Rigg, Mr. & Mrs. Albro Rile, Porfirio Rios, Everette Risley, Mrs. Ernest Ritchie, Bill Rives, Ida Rizzoli, Frederick J. Roach, James P. M. Roach, Mr. William W. Robbins, Dr. John E. Roberts, James Roberts, Mr. Charles F. Robinson, Mrs. E. S. Robinson, Paul B. Robinson, William Robinson, Ms. Grace Roche, Gabriel J. Rodriguez, Mollie Rodriguez, K. O. Roebuck, Mr. & Mrs. Arno P. Roensch, Conrad Roeschke, Joe Roestenburg, Benjamin T. Rogers, Charlie M. Rogers, Fran & Laverne Rogers, John D. Rogers, Wilma Spangler Rogers, Mrs. Anne Rogers & Family, Aurora (Flo) Romero, Jose A. Romero, Paul Romero, Procopio Romero, Victor Romero, Wally Romero, Dr. David Rose, Jesse T. Rose, Dr. Louis Rosen, Bernie Rosenman, Herman E. Roser, Peter Rospopo, Bruno Rossi, Fred Rossiter, Dr. & Mrs. Lloyd Roth, Glendon Roush, W. C. Roussel, James Les Rowe, Wm. H. Rowen, John A. Roy, Max Roy, Addie Roybal, Jose E. Roybal, Thomas W. Royman, Jack H. Ruder, David P. Rudolph, Henry B. Rudolph, Charles E. Runyan, James Runyon, Mrs. Louis Ruotolo, Harlow W. Russ, Mr. & Mrs. John H. Russell, Juanita G. Rutledge, E. A. Ryan, Edgar B. Rynd.

Mr. & Mrs. Frank L. Salamone, A. M. R. (Rita) Salazar, Phillip R. Salazar, Winfield W. Salisbury, Louie Sampson, Thomas Sandenaw, Josephine Sandoval, Vidal Sandoval, Matthew L. Sands, Frank J. Sanzo, F. F. Satterlee, James E. Sattizahn. Burton P. Sauer, Edward Sauer, George A. Saunders, Mr. & Mrs. Vern Sawyer, Mr. & Mrs. Joe Sayeg, Mr. Arthur R. Sayer, Mable Scarcy, Manual J. Schafer, William Dey Schafer, Joe Schaffer, Wilbur F. Schaffer, Robert Schaich, David Schauffler, Jerome Scheiderich, Art Schelberg, Donald H. Schell, Arnold Schempp, Prof. R. Scherr, Edmund J. Scheuer, Archie D. Schiavo, Anthony J. Schiavone, Hal Schiltz, Tiny Schlachter, Henry P. Schlacks, Fred H. Schmidt, A. J. Schmitt, Paul H. Schneider, Raymond G. Schofield, K. F. Schooley, Raemer E. Schreiber, Vernon W. Schroeder, Chris F. Jr. Schroeder, William Schruiff, Robert Schuch, Florence Pachter Schulkin, Dr. John Jr. Schulman, Harry F. Schulte, Bill Schultz, Raymond H. Schultz, Heri F. Schulze, Catherine Schwartz, Mrs. Mortimer Schwartz, Raymond A. Schwartz, Sylvia Galuskin Schwartz, Robert L. Schwerin, Glen Seaborg, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas R. Seaman, Charles A. Seay, Clark Seay, Glenn E. Seay, Joe Sedlacek, Leslie B. Seeley, Mort Seeley, Mr. L. E. Seeman, Emilio G. Segre, Robert Serber, Franklin J. D. Serduke, James T. Serduke, Martin Serena, Bernard C. Sesko, Curtis Jr. Sewell, David E. Shaad, Dr. Charles Shafer, Mary M. Shanklin, Jean B. Shannon, Maurice M. Shapiro, John P. Shea, Haskell Sheinberg, Dr. Raymond Sheline, Joseph F. Sherlock, Abe Sherman, George B. Sherman, W. A. Sherman, Leroy D. Shoemaker, Harl H. Shoopman, Marge & Art Shopp, William Showers, Byron Shull, Clarice Scharing Shuping, Mrs. Jessie Siglow, Oliver R. Simi, J. T. Simmons, William T. Simmons, Sanford L. Simons. Lloyd B. Singleton, Santiago Sisneros, Lola W. Sissel, Mary Alice Sitney, Mrs. Bill Siverly, Dr. Lester Skaggs, Dick skan*e, H. R. Skinner, Harvey Slatin, Raymond F. Slavik, Florence Small, Harris Small, Claude Smead, Alex Lee Smith, Chester W. Smith, Cyril S. Smith, Frank E. Smith, Georgia Waters Smith, Gerald S. Smith, Harold H. Jr. Smith, Jack C. Smith, L. C. Smith, Leon Smith, Lt. Col. Clark Smith, Lt. Col. Ralph C. Smith, Robert C. Smith, Ruby Smith, Tom Smith, William A. Smith, John T. Jr. Smith, Wilson C. Jr. Smith, Alan Smythe, Aaron W. Snader, Irene Becker Snapp, John Snoddy, Harry P. Snowden, Evan S. Snyder, Thomas M. Snyder, Barbara F. Soberinsky, Bertha Soisson, Zygmund E. Sojka, Robert S. Sommers.

Julius Tabin, Robert W. Taft, Frank & Lois Talmadge, M. J. Tamarelli, James S. Tamer, Lewis Tandy, R. F. Taschek, Mr. & Mrs. James Taub, E. M. Taylor, Gerald Taylor, R. A. Taylor, Raymond Taylor, Raymond Taylor, Robert G. Taylor, James Teare, Lewis E. Teetor, Dr. & Mrs. Edward Teller, Mrs. Gerold H. Tenney, Ferne Theis, Raymond F. Thill, W. P. Thomas, Charles C. Jr. Thomas, Frederick L. Thompson, Mikkie Thompson, C. W. Jr. Thompson, George W. Thompson, Lincoln Thomson, John D. Thorne, Gunnar Thornton, Mona Thorpe, Robert L. Thrap, Mildred Tice, Bernard Ticich, George B. Tillotson, Jean Margoles Timian, Joe Tinneran, Ms. Ellen Tinsley, Sir Ernie & Mrs. Titterton, Walter W. Todoran. Lee Tolliver, Rex A. Tophigh, Shirley Gustafson Tophigh, Charles D. Townsend, Grace Townsend, Walter E. Treibel, Buford G Truett, T. T. Trujillo, Theodore S. Trujillo, Edith C. Truslow, Frank J. Tucci, H. B. Tucker, John L. Tucker, Mr. & Mrs. A. M. Tucker, Rita Kelly Tucker, H. N. Tufts, Dorothy Joslin Tully, Mr. & Mrs. Antonio Turkevich, George Tuner, Mr. & Mrs. W. A. Turner, Ilo M. Turpin, E. R. Twining, J. C. Twombly, Cleland R. Tyler, Frank O. Tyler, Mrs. G. R. Tyler.

Frankie J. Southard, William Spack, A. H. Spano, Mr. Ralph Sparks, Wallace Sparks, Robert F. Jr. Spaulding, Lyda Speck, Edward Spencer, Roderick Spence, Myrna Miller Spencer, Marland W. Spicher, Gilbert Spillert, Dr. William Spindel, W. C. Spindler, Mr. & Mrs. Allan Spooner, Mrs. Maxine Spradling, Onel Sprague, E. V. Springer, Mr. & Mrs. Clarence Sproul. Raymond E. Squires, Francis E. Stack, Irene L. Stacy, John G. Stam, Adolph L, Stanavage, Edwin R. Stang, Mr. & Mrs. W. N. Stark, Richard H. Stark, John W. Starner, Hans H. Staub, James G Stearns, Clayton J. Stebbins, Frances Steele, Clifford Steiger,. Ellsworth F. Stein, Paul Stein, William Stein, Meyer Steinberg, Marion Stein Stern, Alma Stevens, Emma Stevens, Richard Stevens, William R. Steward, Adrian Stewart, June Stone, Laura Stone, John F. Jr. Streib, William L. Strohecker, Lt. Col. James F. Strother, Mrs. Vernon D. Streubing, Major Betty L. Stuk, Mildred Sturdivant, Robert G. Sturgess, Mrs. Bud Sturm, James A. Sugden, Hubert C. Sullivan, John H. Sullivan, Mrs. Mary Sullivan, Claude K. Summers, Delbert Sundberg, John P. Suttman, Gail Sutton, Margaret Swank, Arnold Swanson, Dura W. Sweeney, Lorraine Littleton Sweeney, Clayton Swenson, D. F. Swinehart, Steve & Stephanie Sydoriak, James P. Sytsma, Eugene G. Szklarz.

H. L. Uber, Mrs. Stan Ulam, Robert J. Ullrich, Lloyd K. Umberhind, Walter A. Unger, Thomas B. Upchurch, Margaret Morton Upshaw.

Mr. & Mrs. Danny Valdez, Robert H. Valker, Joe & Pita Vallejo, William Van Buskirk, Robert Van Gemert, Jr. Bob Van Gemert, John R. Van Horn, Mrs. Robert Van Lyssel, Alvin D. Van Vessem, Richard Van Vleet, M. L. Vanbuskirk , Roger Veatch, Mrs. Dolores Vegeli, Rudolph Velasco, Rudy Vergoth, Violet Kissee Vest, Mrs. Bernice Vickio, Dwayne Vier, Emily Vigil, Ernest E. Vigil, Robert F. Visel, Mr. & Mrs. Fred Vogel, William K. Vogel, Joseph Vollmer, Elmer Vonderheide,

Jim & Santy Waber, Joseph S. Waber, Donald B. Wade, Arthur C. Wahl, John P. Wahlen, Charles F. Wahlig, Jane Wainwright, Bernard Waldman, Andrew A. Walker, Dr. Harvey Walker, Dr. Robert J. Walker, Thomas J. Walker, E. J. Walko, Walter J. Wallawender, Betty Kelbley Walsh, K. A. Walsh, Betty S. Walters, William C. Ward, Avery L. Warner, Keith R. Warner, Stanley C. Warner, Stephen Warniak, Marty Warren, Ralph E. Wascher, Mrs. Patricia P. Washington, Robert E. Waterman, Dr. Peter Watkins, Mr. & Mrs. Bob Watt, Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Watts, Otis G. Webb, Joseph L. Weber, Betty Beaver Webster, Robert O. Webster, Jacob J. Wechsler, John M. Weil, George M. Weiner, Mr. & Mrs. John Weingart, Larry Weintraub, Victor Weisskopf, Sam I. Weissman, William W. Wellborn, Blythe C. Wemple, jack Wendell, Kitty Wentworth, Lorraine Wentz, Jack Wernick, Edward T. Wessel, Evelyn West, Mr. & Mrs. Roger Westcott, Solomon Wexler, Willis C. Whitaker, Dr. William C. White, Herbert White, Joel White, John W. White, Mr. & Mrs. Roger White, Roy & Ebbie White, Mrs. C. H. Whitehead, Mary Whiting, Ivan L. Whitmore, Sam Whitmore, Douglas & Shirley Whyte, Mr. Neil Whyte, John W. Wicklund, Clyde E. Wiegand, Mr. & Mrs. E. J. Wiewandt, Mr. & Mrs. Howard Wilcox, George H. Wilder, Edward Jr. Wilder, Bernard S. Wildi, Mr. & Mrs. K. F. Wiley, Mrs. Richard Wilhelm, Brig.gen E. E. Wilhoyt, Prof. Marvin Wilkening, William Wilkerson, Aubrey Willard, Miles J, Willard, Dr. & Mrs. Arthur Williams, Dr. Dudley Williams, James M. Williams, Mrs. Vera Williams, Prof. R. Williams, Roger W. Williams, Virginia Brooks Williams, Wendell R. Williams, Willard E. Williams, Dr. Frank Willig, Miss Mary Wills, Esther Wilmoth, Albert Wilson, James R. Wilson, Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth R. Wilson, Mr. & Mrs. Norman G. Wilson, Robert R. Wilson, Walter W. Wilson, William A. Wilson, Duane C. Winburn, Lee Windsor, Rose Wininger, John G. Winston, Glenn D. Winton, Harry D. Wise, Herbert L. Wiser, John Withrow, Willard G. Witteman, Clarence P. Woleslagel, Alfred P. Wolf, Dexter L. Wolfe, Dr & Mr. James E. Woods, William M. Woodward, Mrs. Kermit Worthington, Ed Wortmann, Bonnie & Ed Wright, O. L. Wright, Marvin Wyman,

Joe Yaeger, Sid Yenny, John H. Yerkes, Edwin N. York, Hal York, Marvin F. York, John V. Young, Mr. Eugene Young, William S. Young,

Carroll Zabel, Edmund J. Zachewicz, Alfred W. Zachmann, Joseph J. Zampettei, Alfred H. Zeltmann, Doris Coleman Zifferer, Dr. Alex Zuckleraum, Eugene G. Zukas.

Steering Committee:
W. L. Dabney
A. D. Van Vessem

Secretary & Correspondence:
Annette Weintraub
Charlotte Dailey

Phil Daily
Elsie Pierce
Becky Diven

Finance Committee:
Roy Merryman
Don Schell
Haskell Sheinberg

Public Relations:
Bob Porton
William Caldes

Pat Krikorian
Jane Spack
Louis Jacot
Marion Jacot

Hospitality & Food:
Jean Dabney
Helen Van Vessem

Program Committee:
John Mench
Neil Davis
Ed MacMann
John Michnovicz

Facilities Committee:
Harold Fishbine
Roger Rasmussen
Danny Valdez

Housing, Reservations, & Transportation:
Ed Rynd
Eddie Wortmann

Publications & Commemorative Booklet:
Joe Leary
Jim Lilienthal

8.5 x 11", 60 pages

99.97.1 - Booklet | National Museum of Nuclear Science & History (2024)
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Author: Jamar Nader

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Author information

Name: Jamar Nader

Birthday: 1995-02-28

Address: Apt. 536 6162 Reichel Greens, Port Zackaryside, CT 22682-9804

Phone: +9958384818317

Job: IT Representative

Hobby: Scrapbooking, Hiking, Hunting, Kite flying, Blacksmithing, Video gaming, Foraging

Introduction: My name is Jamar Nader, I am a fine, shiny, colorful, bright, nice, perfect, curious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.