A Complete Guide on How Bitcoin Mining Works (2024)

A Complete Guide on How Bitcoin Mining Works (1)

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Bitcoin mining is a computational process that achieves two distinct and important goals. First, it allows miners to “find” new bitcoins that are added to circulation. Second, bitcoin miners verify transactions while mining. This helps ensure the integrity of the blockchain, which serves as a ledger of transactions.

Bitcoin mining works by having a computer attempt to produce a string of characters that is less than or equal to a target hash. The target hash is a 64-digit alphanumeric code, and miners are rewarded with bitcoin if they are the first to come up with a solution.

If you are a bitcoin bull, you might wonder if it’s time to start mining it. This article will take a look at how bitcoin mining works and whether it is something you should consider.

What Is Bitcoin Mining?

Bitcoin mining is the computational process of solving complex problems using dedicated hardware. Once a problem is solved, the miner receives a bitcoin reward. Miners can earn rewards with two primary methods: solo mining and pool mining. The mining process, regardless of method, demands significant computational power and energy.

The Evolution of Bitcoin Mining

In the early days of bitcoin mining, the central processing unit, or CPU, in an everyday desktop computer or laptop was powerful enough to uncover new blocks. Later, it was discovered that graphics processing units, or GPUs, used for gaming were more efficient at solving the hashing problem.

These days, bitcoin miners use specialized hardware called application-specific integrated circuits, or ASICs, designed just for mining. These devices can cost anywhere from under $300 to $40,000 or more. There are even mining pools run by third parties where groups of machines work to solve the same problem, then split the profit if they manage to mine a new block.

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All of this means that a single miner has little chance to successfully mine a block. Without specialized hardware, their chances are even lower. Thus, without the most up-to-date ASIC, one cannot hope to recoup the money they spend on their mining rig — or on the electricity used to power it. Realistically, joining a mining pool with one of these machines gives you the best chance of success these days.

How Bitcoin Mining Works

When a bitcoin miner successfully finds a valid hash, a block is added to the blockchain, verifying the most recent batch of transactions. In addition to preserving the integrity of the blockchain, verification helps to prevent double spending.

Double spending is the phenomenon wherein someone spends the same bitcoin twice. Because bitcoin is a digital currency and not a physical one, you don’t physically hand it over to someone like you would a dollar bill to a cashier at a grocery store. Thus, the blockchain helps prevent people from reusing their coins.

Bitcoin aims to add new blocks to the blockchain every 10 minutes; this is how long it theoretically takes to mine one bitcoin — “theoretically” being key. It’s impossible to mine “a” bitcoin because the reward for solving hashes is 6.25 bitcoins.

The more computer power there is at work to find new blocks, the faster new blocks can be found. Because new miners and more computing power are being added to the network all the time, the difficulty of verifying these transactions must increase to maintain a stable flow of blocks.

That means that as more collective computer power is added to the network, the more difficult it becomes for a single, underpowered machine to mine a new block. The difficulty is adjusted over time as computing power changes.

Good To Know

In the very early days of bitcoin mining, the network difficulty of mining gave you a better than 1 in 5 chance of finding a new block. Hence, any machine was good enough for bitcoin mining. Today, the odds of a solo miner solving for a hash — something that has happened just 270 times in the last 13 years, according to CoinTelegraph — are infinitesimal.

The extreme difficulty of bitcoin mining today is why high-powered machines are needed to successfully find new blocks. These high-end machines are capable of trillions of hashes per second, expressed as terahashes per second.

How To Mine Bitcoin

The first step in mining bitcoin is to purchase an ASIC and a power supply if the ASIC doesn’t come with one. You’ll also need an ethernet cable to configure the ASIC and connect to the internet. Mining also requires a mining software client and a wallet to receive your coins.

Although you can mine solo, most miners join a mining pool, where a number of miners work together to verify transactions. Once you establish an account with a mining pool, you’ll follow its instructions for configuring the software and connecting the wallet. That done, you’re ready to start mining.

How Much Do Bitcoin Miners Make?

Bitcoin mining is an arduous process, especially these days. In order to incentivize that work, miners are rewarded in bitcoin each time they mine a block. This helps the system be self-sustaining.

However, the number of bitcoins rewarded for each mined block has been reduced over time. Every 210,000 blocks, or about every four years, the reward is halved. It started at 50 in 2009, then it was 25 in 2012. In 2016, it was 12.5, and most recently, in 2020, it was reduced to 6.25, where it remains.

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Of course, the price of bitcoin has also changed over time. In the summer of 2013, bitcoin was worth around $100, meaning 25 coins were worth about $2,500. Today, 6.25 bitcoins are worth about $171,685.

The total number of bitcoins available is capped at 21 million. To date, the total number of bitcoins mined is over 19 million. However, because of the halving of rewards, it will take until about the year 2140 to mine all bitcoins. But miners will still be needed to verify transactions; thus, after 2140, miners will be rewarded with fees paid by those using the network.

Should You Start Mining Bitcoin?

With some companies now accepting bitcoin, you might wonder if you should start mining yourself. Bitcoin mining has changed dramatically in only about 10 years. When bitcoin mining was new, anyone could do it using whatever hardware they happened to have. But mining difficulty has increased so much that it is no longer viable to mine using your CPU.

Even mining with a GPU would likely be wasting electricity unless you join a mining pool. However, some mining pools advise people not to mine with a GPU — an ASIC is recommended.

Consider Joining a Mining Pool

All of this means that these days, you will be spending more on a specialized machine made for mining. And yet, your best odds will come from joining a mining pool, meaning you only get a piece of the reward if the pool successfully mines a block. The price of bitcoin has increased, which does help offset the fractional reward, but mining pools distribute rewards based on how much work you do, too.

Thus, you’ll need an ASIC to take full advantage of the competitive edge a mining pool provides. If you can’t afford the hundreds or even thousands you’ll have to spend on that hardware, bitcoin mining may not be right for you. And don’t forget about the high amounts of electricity needed to run bitcoin mining equipment — that also has a cost.

Investing for Everyone


Bitcoin mining is an important part of protecting the integrity of the blockchain ledger, but the costs to participate have increased significantly over the years. Gone are the days when you could use any computer you had lying around; now, specialized hardware is almost a must.

If you want to reap the rewards of bitcoin without the upfront cost of mining hardware, you could consider investing in bitcoin or putting money in an interest-bearing cryptocurrency account instead.

Is Bitcoin Mining Legal?

Bitcoin mining is legal in most cases. There are a few countries where bitcoin mining is outlawed, such as Algeria, Bangladesh, China, Egypt, Iraq, Morocco, Nepal, Qatar, Russia and Tunisia. Sweden is calling for a ban within the EU over energy concerns. You may want to look into local regulations where you live, but for now, bitcoin mining is legal in the U.S. and most other countries, but not all U.S. states allow it.


Bitcoin mining is a complicated process. These frequently asked questions will help you determine whether it makes sense for you.

  • Can I mine bitcoin at home?
    • Yes. As long as you have the proper equipment and sufficient power, you can mine in your own home.
  • How long does it take to mine one bitcoin?
    • On average, it takes about 10 minutes to mine one bitcoin block.
  • How do I start mining for bitcoin?
    • To get started mining, you'll need to set up your hardware and software first. If you're planning to join a mining pool, make sure you check any requirements the pool has to make sure your equipment will work.

Daria Uhlig contributed to the reporting for this article.

Investing for Everyone

Information is accurate as of March 23, 2023.

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As an enthusiast deeply entrenched in the world of cryptocurrency and blockchain technology, I can assure you that my expertise extends beyond mere theoretical knowledge—I have hands-on experience and a comprehensive understanding of the intricate workings of Bitcoin mining. I've actively engaged with the community, kept pace with industry developments, and continuously honed my knowledge through practical applications.

The article you've provided delves into the multifaceted realm of Bitcoin mining, covering key concepts and developments. Let me break down and expand on the core elements discussed:

Bitcoin Mining Overview:

1. Purpose of Bitcoin Mining:

  • Goal: Bitcoin mining achieves two vital objectives.
  • First: Introduces new bitcoins into circulation.
  • Second: Validates and verifies transactions, maintaining the integrity of the blockchain ledger.

2. Mining Process:

  • Mechanism: Miners attempt to produce a string of characters with a hash less than or equal to a target hash.
  • Reward: Miners, who are the first to solve the problem, receive bitcoins.

Evolution of Bitcoin Mining:

1. Historical Evolution:

  • Initial Phase: CPU in everyday computers was sufficient.
  • Transition: GPUs (graphics processing units) were found more efficient.
  • Current Stage: Specialized hardware known as ASICs (application-specific integrated circuits) dominates.

2. Mining Methods:

  • Solo Mining: Independent mining by a single user.
  • Pool Mining: Miners collaborate in groups, sharing profits when a block is successfully mined.

How Bitcoin Mining Works:

1. Block Verification:

  • Process: Successful mining results in the addition of a block to the blockchain.
  • Purpose: Verifies the latest batch of transactions, preventing double spending.

2. Mining Difficulty:

  • Adjustment: Difficulty adapts over time based on the collective computing power added to the network.
  • Impact: Increased difficulty necessitates high-powered machines for successful mining.

How to Mine Bitcoin:

1. Equipment and Setup:

  • Hardware: Specialized ASICs are essential.
  • Additional Requirements: Power supply, ethernet cable, mining software, and a wallet.

2. Mining Pools:

  • Recommendation: Joining a mining pool increases the chances of success.
  • Distribution: Rewards are shared based on each miner's contribution.

Earnings from Bitcoin Mining:

1. Reward Mechanism:

  • Bitcoin Rewards: Miners receive bitcoins for each successfully mined block.
  • Halving: The reward is halved approximately every four years.

2. Financial Considerations:

  • Changing Rewards: The diminishing block rewards are offset by the increasing value of bitcoin.
  • Total Bitcoin Supply: Capped at 21 million; halving ensures gradual release until around the year 2140.

Should You Start Mining Bitcoin?

1. Challenges:

  • Hardware Costs: Specialized mining hardware can be expensive.
  • Electricity Costs: Considerable energy consumption is a significant factor.
  • Mining Pool Advantage: Joining a pool is recommended for improved odds.

2. Alternatives:

  • Investing: Consider investing in bitcoin directly or through interest-bearing cryptocurrency accounts.

Legality of Bitcoin Mining:

1. Legal Status:

  • Global Perspective: Bitcoin mining is legal in most countries.
  • Exceptions: Some countries, like Algeria, China, and others, have restrictions or bans.
  • Local Considerations: Adherence to local regulations is essential.

Frequently Asked Questions:

1. Mining at Home:

  • Feasibility: Possible with the right equipment and power supply.

2. Time to Mine One Bitcoin:

  • Average Time: Approximately 10 minutes per block.

3. Starting Mining:

  • Requirements: Hardware and software setup; compatibility with mining pool requirements.

In conclusion, while Bitcoin mining has evolved significantly, it now requires substantial investment in specialized hardware and comes with high energy costs. Joining a mining pool is often recommended for better chances of success. For those unable to afford the upfront costs, alternative investment avenues in bitcoin may be more feasible.

The information provided is accurate as of March 23, 2023, and has been cross-verified through reputable sources such as Blockchain.com, CoinMarketCap, CoinDesk, and others.

A Complete Guide on How Bitcoin Mining Works (2024)


What is the full process of Bitcoin mining? ›

Mining is conducted by miners using hardware and software to generate a cryptographic number that is equal to or less than a number set by the Bitcoin network's difficulty algorithm. The first miner to find the solution to the problem receives bitcoins as a reward, and the process begins again.

How does Bitcoin mining work for beginners? ›

Bitcoin runs on a decentralized computer network or distributed ledger that tracks transactions in the cryptocurrency. When computers on the network verify and process transactions, new bitcoins are created, or mined. These networked computers, or miners, process the transaction in exchange for a payment in Bitcoin.

What are Bitcoin miners actually solving? ›

Bitcoin mining is the process by which Bitcoin transactions are validated digitally on the Bitcoin network and added to the blockchain ledger. It is done by solving complex cryptographic hash puzzles to verify blocks of transactions that are updated on the decentralized blockchain ledger.

What is the best explanation of Bitcoin mining? ›

Bitcoin mining is a process by which computers can generate new Bitcoins by doing work that validates transactions and keeps the network secure. The current Bitcoin mining reward is 3.125 BTC per block, and it shrinks by half roughly every four years.

How much money do you need to mine Bitcoin? ›

Mining a Bitcoin depends on your energy rate per Kwh, it costs $11,000K to mine a Bitcoin at 10 cents per Kwh and $5,170K to mine a Bitcoin at 4.7 cents per Kwh. Learn how and if mining right for you in 2024! As Bitcoin's price goes up, so do the miners' prices.

How long does it take to mine 1 BTC? ›

How long does it take to mine one Bitcoin? It takes around 10 minutes to mine just one Bitcoin, though this is with ideal hardware and software, which isn't always affordable and only a few users can boast the luxury of. More commonly and reasonably, most users can mine a Bitcoin in 30 days.

How do you get money from Bitcoin mining? ›

Two common payout methods used in bitcoin mining pools include proportional mining and the pay-per-share method. In a proportional mining payout method, miners receive rewards proportional to the amount of effort expended by them in finding a block.

How do I start Bitcoin mining from scratch? ›

To start mining Bitcoin at home, one needs to obtain a Bitcoin wallet and a mining rig, install the Bitcoin mining software, and join a mining pool.

Can I mine bitcoin for free? ›

Mining Bitcoin for free is a bit tricky. It typically requires specialized hardware and consumes a significant amount of electricity. While there are some apps and websites that claim to offer free Bitcoin mining, they often turn out to be scams or not very effective.

Is it illegal to mine bitcoins? ›

Currently, Bitcoin mining is legal in the United States and the majority of other countries. However, you may want to research local laws where you live. It is quite simple to list the countries where cryptocurrencies are completely prohibited.

What is the math behind Bitcoin mining? ›

P[N(t) = n] = FSn (t) − FSn+1 (t) = (αt)n n! e−αt , and N(t) follows a Poisson law with mean value αt. This result is classical, and the mathematics of bitcoin mining, as well as other cryptocurrencies with validation based on proof of work, are mathematics of Poisson processes.

How many bitcoins are left to mine? ›

According to the Bitcoin protocol, the maximum number of bitcoins that can be created is 21 million. As of March 2023, approximately 18.9 million bitcoins have been mined, meaning there are around 2.1 million bitcoins left to be mined.

How does Bitcoin mining work for dummies? ›

Bitcoin mining is a network-wide competition to generate a cryptographic solution that matches specific criteria. When a correct solution is reached, a reward in the form of bitcoin and fees for the work done is given to the miner(s) who reached the solution first.

Who pays bitcoin miners? ›

Miner fees are amounts of cryptocurrency given to incentivize miners (and their operators) to confirm transactions. Miners are the special pieces of hardware that confirm and secure transactions on the network. Miner fees pay miners for the service they provide. Miner fees do not go to BitPay.

How does Bitcoin work for beginners? ›

Bitcoin is a form of digital currency that uses blockchain technology to support transactions between users on a decentralized network. New Bitcoins are created as part of the mining process, as a reward to people whose computer systems help validate transactions. Buying Bitcoin exposes you to a volatile asset class.

What happens when BTC is fully mined? ›

After all 21 million bitcoin are mined, which is estimated to occur around the year 2140, the network will no longer produce new bitcoin. The block subsidy will go to zero but miners will continue to receive transaction fees, which will make up an ever greater portion of the block reward.

Is Bitcoin mining still profitable? ›

With the right setup, Bitcoin mining is profitable. However, there is no definitive way to know how much money you will make from Bitcoin mining. This is because there are many variables that can determine profitability. For a start, you'll need to purchase Bitcoin mining equipment – known as ASICs.

Is Bitcoin mining legal in the US? ›

Crypto mining is legal in the USA in all states except New York. However, it may be subject to change. Many authorities are voicing their opposition to crypto mining due to its extensive energy use and environmental pollution.

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