A Guide to Amazon's Pricing Strategy | Boardfy (2024)

In the competitive world of e-commerce, having an effective pricing strategy is crucial to achieving success on Amazon. With millions of products available and a wide consumer base, it is essential to understand how pricing strategy can influence online sales. In this guide, we will explore the importance of pricing strategy on Amazon and how it directly affects the performance of your products on this leading platform.

Understanding Amazon’s Pricing Algorithm

Before delving into pricing strategies themselves, it is essential to understand the key factors that influence pricing on Amazon and how its algorithm works. Amazon utilizes a sophisticated algorithm that takes into account various aspects to determine the price of a product. Let’s take a closer look at these aspects:

Key Factors Influencing Pricing on Amazon

  • Market Competition: Direct competition and prices of similar products can have a significant impact on how you should set your prices on Amazon. It is essential to conduct comprehensive competitive analysis and consider how your product positions itself in relation to others in the market.
  • Supply and Demand: The demand and supply of a product also influence its price on Amazon. If a product has high demand and limited supply, its price is likely to be higher. On the other hand, if the demand is low and the supply is high, the price will tend to be lower.
  • Costs and Profit Margins: When setting prices on Amazon, it is vital to consider the costs associated with production, storage, and shipping of the product. Additionally, you should establish a reasonable profit margin that allows you to cover expenses and generate profits.

How Amazon’s Pricing Algorithm Works

Amazon’s pricing algorithm is a fundamental part of its platform and aims to offer customers the best possible prices. Here are some key aspects of how this algorithm works:

  • Continuous Review: Amazon’s pricing algorithm conducts ongoing reviews to adjust product prices based on changes in competition, demand, and other relevant factors. This means that prices can fluctuate regularly, so it is important to monitor and adjust your pricing strategy in a timely manner.
  • Price History: Amazon’s algorithm also takes into account the price history of a product. If significant changes have been made in the past, it can affect how the current price is determined. Maintaining a consistent price history can provide you with some stability and predictability.
  • Customer Behavior: The pricing algorithm also analyzes customer behavior, such as purchasing preferences, search trends, and buying patterns. This information helps Amazon adjust prices according to customer needs and preferences.

In summary, understanding how Amazon’s pricing algorithm works and the factors that influence pricing will enable you to develop a solid and effective pricing strategy for your products on this platform.

Pricing Strategies Applied by Amazon

Amazon is known for its dynamic pricing strategy, which allows it to maintain a competitive position in the market and attract a wide range of consumers. Below are some of the main pricing strategies that Amazon employs:

1. Price Adjustment on Amazon

Amazon uses dynamic pricing, which means it adjusts the prices of its products in real-time based on a variety of factors such as supply and demand, competition, customer behavior, and other market data. This approach allows Amazon to continuously optimize its prices to maximize sales and profit margins.

2. Competitive Pricing on Amazon Products and Prices

The e-commerce giant constantly monitors the prices of its competitors and adjusts its own prices to ensure they are as low or lower than those of the competition. This strategy, known as “match pricing,” is crucial for attracting consumers who are looking for the best deals and for maintaining the perception of Amazon as a platform with low prices.

3. Temporary Offers and Discounts

Amazon also uses temporary offers and discounts, such as flash sales, Prime Day, and Black Friday and Cyber Monday promotions, to attract customers and increase sales volume during specific periods. These offers not only boost sales but also help clear inventory and attract new customers to the platform.

4. Amazon’s Strategy to Stay in the Market with Personalized Pricing

Amazon analyzes customer behavior data, including purchase and browsing history, to personalize the offers and discounts presented to them. This personalized pricing strategy allows Amazon to offer relevant products at attractive prices to each individual customer, thereby increasing the chances of conversion.

5. Subscription and Savings on Amazon Products and Prices

Amazon’s “Subscribe & Save” program offers discounts to customers who subscribe to regular deliveries of certain products. This strategy not only fosters customer loyalty but also provides Amazon with a predictable source of recurring revenue and better inventory planning.

In conclusion, Amazon’s pricing strategies are complex and designed to be highly adaptable to market conditions and consumer needs. Understanding Amazon’s pricing strategy can help you align your own prices more effectively to maximize your sales and stay competitive in the Amazon marketplace.

Research the Market and Analyze Your Competition

In the competitive world of e-commerce, it is crucial for any Amazon seller to understand the market and analyze the competition. This initial step is key to developing an effective pricing strategy. Below, we will explore how to conduct market research and a comprehensive analysis of direct competitors.

Identify Similar Products on Amazon

Before determining the price of a product on Amazon, it is important to identify other similar products within the same niche or category. To do this, we can use various tools and techniques, such as:

  • Using relevant keywords for the product in the Amazon search.
  • Exploring related categories and subcategories.
  • Analyzing recommended and related products that appear on listing pages.

By identifying similar products, we can gain an overview of current prices in the market and evaluate how other sellers are positioning themselves.

Evaluate Competitors’ Pricing

Once we have identified similar products, it is time to analyze the prices of our direct competitors. This information will allow us to understand the pricing strategies they are using and how we might differentiate ourselves.

It is advisable to visit competitors’ pages and carefully observe the prices of their products. Additionally, we can use price tracking tools like Boardfy to obtain a more comprehensive and up-to-date view of the competition. For example, for competitor price monitoring.

Determine Your Price Objectives

Pricing should be supported by clear and measurable objectives. Before deciding on a price for our products on Amazon, we must consider two fundamental aspects: profitability goals and brand positioning.

Define Profitability Goals

Determining profitability goals will help us establish a price that is profitable and sustainable in the long term. To do this, it is necessary to calculate the costs associated with production, distribution, and sale of the product, as well as consider desired profit margins.

It is important to note that prices should cover costs and generate profits for the seller. By setting realistic profitability goals, we can avoid setting prices that are too low and not profitable.

Consider Brand Positioning

Brand positioning also plays an important role in determining prices. Depending on the image we want to convey and the target market segment, we can opt for higher or lower prices.

If our brand positions itself as a high-quality and exclusive option, we can set higher prices to reflect that perceived value by customers. On the other hand, if we aim to reach a broader audience and compete on prices, we can consider low-price strategies.

Pricing Strategies

Once we have conducted market research and established our pricing objectives, it is time to select the most suitable pricing strategy for our products on Amazon. Below, we will explore four common strategies used in e-commerce.

Low Pricing Strategy

The low pricing strategy involves setting prices lower than the competition. This strategy can be effective in attracting customers looking for deals and competitive prices. By setting low prices, we can generate higher sales volume and increase our market share.

However, it is important to consider that this strategy may reduce our profit margins. Therefore, it is crucial to carefully analyze costs and ensure that the prices are low enough to be attractive but still profitable.

High Pricing Strategy

In contrast to the previous strategy, the high pricing strategy involves setting prices higher than the competition. This strategy is based on conveying a sense of exclusivity and superior quality.

By setting high prices, we can position our products as premium and attract customers willing to pay more for special features or a differentiated shopping experience. However, it is important to support these prices with attributes that justify the perceived value by customers.

Competitive Pricing Strategy

The competitive pricing strategy involves setting prices similar to those of direct competitors. This strategy aims to stay in line with the market and avoid significant deviations.

By setting competitive prices, we can attract customers who compare prices and seek the best available deal. This strategy is especially effective when we do not want to compromise our profit margins and desire to maintain a strong position in the market.

Dynamic Pricing Strategy

The most profitable of all. Dynamic pricing involves adjusting prices in real-time based on various factors such as demand, product availability, or competition. This strategy relies on algorithms and automated tools that constantly monitor the market and make price adjustments.

By using this strategy, Boardfy helps maximize the profits of eCommerce businesses that have their store on Amazon by adapting prices to changing market conditions. For example, we can increase prices during periods of high demand and lower them when competition is more intense.

Psychological Pricing and Rounding Strategies

Psychological pricing and rounding strategies are effective techniques used to influence customer perception and maximize sales. On Amazon, it is important to apply these strategies intelligently to make the most of their impact.

Use prices ending in .99 or .95

One of the most common approaches in pricing is to use figures ending in .99 or .95 instead of rounding to the whole number. For example, instead of setting a price of $10, consider setting it at $9.99 or $9.95.

This approach is based on the idea that customers perceive prices ending in .99 or .95 as more attractive and lower, despite the small difference. This is known as the “left-digit effect.” By leveraging this effect, we can increase the conversion rate and achieve more effective sales.

Upward or Downward Rounding Strategy

Another pricing strategy is upward or downward rounding. In this case, instead of using prices ending in .99 or .95, we adjust the prices to the nearest whole number.

Downward rounding can convey the perception of a lower and more affordable price, while upward rounding can indicate higher quality or exclusivity. The choice between these strategies will depend on the product, the target market, and the brand image we want to convey.

Promotions and Discounts

Promotions and discounts are powerful tools for increasing sales and generating interest in our products on Amazon. Below, we will explore different types of promotions and how to effectively use discounts.

Types of Promotions on Amazon

On Amazon, there are several ways to promote your products and attract customers. Some of the most common promotions include:

  • Limited-time discounts: Offering a special discount for a specific period can create a sense of urgency in customers and motivate them to make a quick purchase.
  • Quantity-based deals: Setting promotions that incentivize the purchase of multiple units, such as “Buy 2 and get 10% off,” can increase the order value and encourage impulse buying.
  • Discount coupons: Offering exclusive discount coupons through affiliate programs, newsletters, or social media can generate interest and attract new customers.

Utilizing Discounts to Increase Sales

Discounts are an effective tool for boosting sales and attracting customers. However, it is important to use them strategically to avoid negative impacts on profitability.

Some best practices for effectively using discounts include:

  • Setting discounts based on profit margin: Calculate the discount based on your cost structure and target profit margin. Ensure that the discount does not significantly impact your margins.
  • Promoting discounts at strategic times: Identify periods of low demand or seasons when competition is lower and use discounts to capture customer attention.
  • Segmenting discounts for specific customers: Use customer data and segmentation techniques to offer personalized discounts. This can help foster loyalty and increase conversion rates.

Long-Term Pricing Strategies

In addition to short-term pricing strategies, it is important to consider long-term approaches to optimize your prices on Amazon. Here, we will explore how to leverage data and historical analysis, as well as adapt prices to market trends.

Harnessing Data and Historical Analysis

Collecting and analyzing historical data can provide valuable insights into the performance of your products in terms of sales and pricing. By examining this data, you can identify patterns and trends that can inform informed pricing decisions.

Consider variables such as seasonal demand, past promotional events, and competitor behavior. By understanding how your products have performed in the past, you can more effectively adjust your pricing strategies.

Adapting Prices to Market Trends

The online market is dynamic and constantly evolving. To maintain a competitive position, it is important to adapt your prices to market trends.

Regularly monitor the prices of your competitors and analyze how they fluctuate. Use price tracking and automation tools to adjust your prices in real-time and ensure that you remain competitive.

Additionally, stay informed about new trends and changes in customer demand. If you perceive an increase in demand for a particular product or category, consider strategically adjusting your prices to capitalize on that opportunity.


You did it! You’ve reached the end of the Amazon Pricing Strategy Guide. Here are the key takeaways:

  • Competitive Pricing: Setting prices that make the competition tremble is the key to standing out on Amazon. Be bold and offer prices that leave customers speechless.
  • Psychological Pricing, the Magic is in the Air: Using prices like £9.99 or £19.95 is like casting a spell on customers. Make them feel drawn to your products.
  • Hunt Down the Competition: Don’t rest on your laurels, track your competitors on Amazon. Investigate their prices, rankings, and customer feedback.
  • Metrics to the Rescue: Keep a close eye on metrics that will indicate whether your pricing strategy is working. Profit margin, inventory turnover, customer acquisition cost, conversion rate… they are your secret weapons.
  • Reputation, That Touch of Distinction: Offer quality products at fair prices, and you’ll be the king of reputation on Amazon. Build your good reputation and conquer the hearts of customers.
  • The Dance of External Factors: Don’t worry, we know the world changes. Adjust your strategy according to market demand, economic conditions, and competition’s moves. Be a pricing chameleon, we’ll tell you how.
  • The Optimal Price, Like Finding a Treasure: Seeking the perfect price to maximize your profits is like searching for hidden treasure. Analyze costs, demand, perceived value, and experiment… until you find your treasure.

In summary, prices are the soul of Amazon. With a solid strategy, competitive prices, and a vigilant eye for market changes, you can succeed in this online shopping jungle. Embark on the adventure and conquer the world of prices on Amazon.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Here are answers to the most frequently asked questions, without missing a beat!

  1. What is the difference between a low pricing strategy and a competitive pricing strategy?
    Oh, my friend! The difference lies in the attitude. Low prices are like a warm hug, but competitive prices are like a whirlwind of emotions that captivate customers and make them choose you.
  2. Is it possible to automatically change the prices of my products on Amazon?
    Absolutely! With the right tools, you can make your prices dance to the beat of the music. Set rules and let the rhythm guide you. Automate and amaze!
  3. How can I identify competition in my market niche on Amazon?
    Investigate your rivals, analyze their prices, their feedback, and their style. Use the competitor price monitoring tool and become the Sherlock Holmes of Amazon.
  4. What metrics should I monitor to evaluate the performance of my pricing strategy?
    Stay vigilant, my friend. Profit margin, inventory turnover, customer acquisition cost, and conversion rate are your allies. Keep your eyes on them, and you’ll be the master of prices.
  5. What are the advantages of using psychological prices in my Amazon products?
    Beware of the magic of psychological prices. With those magical prices, customers will be attracted to your products more than if you used other prices. Truly.
  6. How can I determine the optimal price to maximize my profits?
    You can do it manually, recording the performance of each price, or you can implement software that optimizes your prices in real-time.
  7. What external factors can influence the effectiveness of my pricing strategy on Amazon?
    The world is full of surprises, but fear not. Market demand, economic conditions, and competition’s movements are just some of the waves that can affect your strategy.
  8. What is the relationship between pricing strategy and brand reputation on Amazon?
    Prices and reputation are like two inseparable siblings. Offering quality products at fair prices will make you the hero of e-commerce. Build a legendary reputation, and you’ll be the king of Amazon.
  9. Should I adjust my prices based on seasonal demand?
    In times of high demand, you can turn up the volume and slightly increase prices to capitalize on the consumer spirit. In quieter times, you can give prices a rest and offer promotions.
  10. Are there any free tools for price tracking on Amazon?
    Yes, my friend, there are several free tools that can help you track prices on Amazon. Keepa, CamelCamelCamel, and AMZBase are some of the gems you can use. Even Boardfy offers 7 days of free premium access.
A Guide to Amazon's Pricing Strategy | Boardfy (2024)


What type of pricing strategy does Amazon use? ›

Dynamic Pricing Strategy

Amazon is known for its dynamic pricing or what is also known as repricing strategy. In this strategy, the prices of products don't remain constant but change often depending on competitor prices, demand and supply, and market trends.

What is the Amazon List Price rule? ›

Except for books, Amazon will only display a List Price if the product was purchased by customers on Amazon or offered by other retailers at or above the List Price in the past 90 days for non-seasonal products (like TVs and headphones) and in the past 180 days for seasonal products (like ski jackets and shoes).

What is Amazon dynamic pricing strategy? ›

Dynamic pricing is a way to set pricing automatically and in real time to keep products competitive. Benefits to dynamic pricing include a higher chance of Amazon Buy Box wins, increased revenue, cultivation of customer loyalty, and maintaining and improving BSR.

What is the competitive price rule by Amazon? ›

The definition of "Competitive Price Threshold" or CPT:

Per Amazon's documentation: "A price is based on competitive prices from other retailers (excluding other Amazon sellers). The offer may be ineligible for the Buy Box if the seller's price + shipping (minus Amazon Points) is greater than this competitive price."

What is Amazon's main strategy? ›

Customer loyalty is achieved by its world-class delivery service. Amazon's main strategy is to differentiate itself by developing products and services that meet the needs of its customer segments. The four pillars of Amazon's growth strategy include customer-centricity, innovation, corporate agility, and optimisation.

How can Amazon be so much cheaper? ›

By having third-party sellers in our store, we increase selection and price competition for customers. When it comes to pricing, we do the work to compare and match Amazon's retail prices to competing physical and online competitors' stores to keep our prices low.

What time of day are Amazon prices lowest? ›

Time-wise, we spotted that morning sales aren't the best as the lowest product prices typically occur between 4 am and 12 pm. If you want something more specific than time ranges, check the graph below.

What is the Amazon pricing threshold? ›

The Competitive Price Threshold is based on competitive prices from other retailers (excluding other Amazon sellers). Your offer might be ineligible for the Buy Box if your total price (price + shipping) is greater than this competitive price.

What is price hidden on Amazon? ›

Obviously, if you add a supplier with a hidden price to the inventory link, the system will not be able to display the price, and consequently the availability of such a product. In most cases, the reason for the hidden price is the MAP (minimum advertised pricing) policy.

Does Amazon do surge pricing? ›

According to professor of digital marketing, Arnd Vomberg, price changes on Amazon occur as frequently as every ten minutes. This drives surge pricing, where periods of high demand can see prices increasing by as much as 240%.

Are Amazon prices the same for everyone? ›

Amazon uses customer data, such as location, browsing history, and purchase behavior, to tailor prices to individual customers.

How often does Amazon change prices? ›

Why do amazon prices change so quickly? Amazon has a dynamic pricing model. Its algorithm tracks millions of prices on Amazon and beyond and changes them around every 10 minutes. Amazon does it to keep vendors competitive and offer the best prices for shoppers.

What is the Amazon 3x rule? ›

The “Rule of Three”s goes like this: You should only list something for sale on Amazon if you'll get a minimum of 3x what you paid for it, and your payout is at least $3.” Minimum ROI: 3x.

What is the Amazon pricing controversy? ›

In a lawsuit, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) said Amazon used a secret algorithm(opens in new window) to determine how much to raise prices in a way competitors would follow and that brought the company $1 billion in revenue. Amazon insists the project had a benign aim and was scrapped.

Does Amazon do predatory pricing? ›

According to the allegations, they have been using anticompetitive and predatory strategies to illegally exploit their market power to the detriment of consumers and third-party providers that depend on these platforms.

Does Amazon use cost or differentiation strategy? ›

Low-Cost Leadership. Amazon's low-cost leadership strategy is a key element of its competitive advantage. By focusing on operational efficiency, cost minimization, and economies of scale, Amazon is able to offer competitive prices to its customers while still maintaining healthy profit margins.

What sales strategy does Amazon use? ›

Amazon often uses a pricing strategy called "competitive pricing," in which it looks at the prices of its competitors and bases its prices on those. It helps keep costs low and gives customers a lot of choices. Amazon also uses the following methods to set prices: Promotional pricing.

What is Amazon psychological pricing strategy? ›

Psychological Pricing: Amazon uses psychological pricing tactics like pricing products just below a round number, e.g., $29.99 instead of $30. This strategy makes prices appear cheaper and can encourage more sales.

Is Amazon a low-cost strategy? ›

Everything You Should Know About Amazon Pricing Strategy

Its business model is based on low-cost sourcing of goods and selling them at the lowest possible price to the end consumer.

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