A Penny Doubled Every 30 Days or One Million Dollars (2024)

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";}if('penny-doubled' != 'contact'){let latest = [{"tags": "basics", "updated": "2024-06-17T20:04:08+00:00", "desc": "We explore how we can transform one number into another with multiplication. For example, we have a number 42 and we want to transform it into 64, so how do we do it?", "title": "How to multiply x to get y", "title_image_alt_text": "How to multiply x to get y", "slug": "multiply-to-transform", "primary_tag": "basics"}, {"tags": "basics", "updated": "2023-08-11T16:32:45+00:00", "desc": "Percentages are reversible. We learn how to take advantage of this trick, and why it works.", "title": "Percentages Are Reversible", "title_image_alt_text": "Percentages Are Reversible", "slug": "percentages-are-reversible", "primary_tag": "basics"}, {"tags": "basics,interactive", "updated": "2023-07-12T22:04:55+00:00", "desc": "We discover the key takeaways from unit conversion with our interactive experience.", "title": "How to Convert Units Interactive", "title_image_alt_text": "How to Convert Units Interactive", "slug": "convert-units", "primary_tag": "basics"}, {"tags": "interactive,basics,finance", "updated": "2023-05-13T20:56:04+00:00", "desc": "We examine the question of if we would rather have a one thousand every week or a million dollars with our interactive experience.", "title": "A Million Dollars or a Thousand Dollars Every Week", "title_image_alt_text": "A Million Dollars or a Thousand Dollars Every Week", "slug": "million-dollars-or-a-thousand-every-week", "primary_tag": "basics"}, {"tags": "basics,interactive", "updated": "2023-02-21T03:42:41+00:00", "desc": "An interactive tool for learning about finding the factors of an integer. We learn why factoring an integer is an essential tool for everyone interested in learning.", "title": "What Are Factors and How Do We Find Them", "title_image_alt_text": "finding the factors of integers", "slug": "factors", "primary_tag": "basics"}, {"tags": "basics,interactive", "updated": "2023-01-13T23:44:46+00:00", "desc": "An interactive tool for learning about the Greatest Common Factor (or divisor) of an integer. We learn why finding the GCF is an essential tool for everyone interested in learning.", "title": "Interactive Greatest Common Factor (or Divisor)", "title_image_alt_text": "Greatest Common Factor", "slug": "greatest-common-factor", "primary_tag": "basics"}, {"tags": "programming,basics", "updated": "2022-11-29T14:59:54+00:00", "desc": "We see how a binary tree stores data with an interactive experience.", "title": "Interactive Binary Tree", "title_image_alt_text": "Interactive Binary Tree", "slug": "binary-tree", "primary_tag": "programming"}, {"tags": "trigonometry,geometry", "updated": "2022-11-29T02:00:00+00:00", "desc": "We demonstrate the law of sines with an interactive experience.", "title": "Interactive Law of Sines", "title_image_alt_text": "Interactive Law of Sines", "slug": "law-of-sines", "primary_tag": "trigonometry"}, {"tags": "geometry,basics", "updated": "2022-10-24T16:25:43+00:00", "desc": "We explore a visual/interactive proof of the sum of naturals (Gaussian Sum).", "title": "Sum of naturals (Gaussian Sum)", "title_image_alt_text": "Sum of naturals (Gaussian Sum)", "slug": "sum-of-naturals", "primary_tag": "geometry"}, {"tags": "geometry,interactive,basics", "updated": "2022-08-22T14:17:52+00:00", "desc": "We look at the intersecting chords theorem using an interactive experience.", "title": "Intersecting Chords Theorem", "title_image_alt_text": "Intersecting Chords Theorem", "slug": "chords-theorem", "primary_tag": "geometry"}];let related = [{"tags": "interactive,basics,finance", "updated": "2023-05-13T20:56:04+00:00", "desc": "We examine the question of if we would rather have a one thousand every week or a million dollars with our interactive experience.", "title": "A Million Dollars or a Thousand Dollars Every Week", "title_image_alt_text": "A Million Dollars or a Thousand Dollars Every Week", "slug": "million-dollars-or-a-thousand-every-week", "primary_tag": "basics"}, {"tags": "basics,finance,interactive", "updated": "2021-07-19T00:38:19+00:00", "desc": "The power of compound interest can drown you in exploding debt or raise you to incredible wealth. Let's see how it works.", "title": "Interactive Compound Interest", "title_image_alt_text": "The Power of Compound Interest", "slug": "compound-interest", "primary_tag": "basics"}, {"tags": "basics,interactive", "updated": "2023-07-12T22:04:55+00:00", "desc": "We discover the key takeaways from unit conversion with our interactive experience.", "title": "How to Convert Units Interactive", "title_image_alt_text": "How to Convert Units Interactive", "slug": "convert-units", "primary_tag": "basics"}, {"tags": "basics,interactive", "updated": "2023-02-21T03:42:41+00:00", "desc": "An interactive tool for learning about finding the factors of an integer. We learn why factoring an integer is an essential tool for everyone interested in learning.", "title": "What Are Factors and How Do We Find Them", "title_image_alt_text": "finding the factors of integers", "slug": "factors", "primary_tag": "basics"}, {"tags": "basics,interactive", "updated": "2023-01-13T23:44:46+00:00", "desc": "An interactive tool for learning about the Greatest Common Factor (or divisor) of an integer. We learn why finding the GCF is an essential tool for everyone interested in learning.", "title": "Interactive Greatest Common Factor (or Divisor)", "title_image_alt_text": "Greatest Common Factor", "slug": "greatest-common-factor", "primary_tag": "basics"}, {"tags": "geometry,interactive,basics", "updated": "2022-08-22T14:17:52+00:00", "desc": "We look at the intersecting chords theorem using an interactive experience.", "title": "Intersecting Chords Theorem", "title_image_alt_text": "Intersecting Chords Theorem", "slug": "chords-theorem", "primary_tag": "geometry"}, {"tags": "programming,basics,interactive", "updated": "2021-07-17T14:40:32+00:00", "desc": "We explore for loops with an interactive that shows us how they work.", "title": "Interactive For Loop", "title_image_alt_text": "For Loop Interactive", "slug": "for-loop", "primary_tag": "basics & programming"}, {"tags": "basics,interactive,algebra,programming", "updated": "2022-07-09T18:02:08+00:00", "desc": "We discover how to calculate the size of a screen using some basic math and an example interactive application.", "title": "How to Calculate the Size of a Screen", "title_image_alt_text": "How to Calculate the Size of a Screen", "slug": "calculate-screen-size", "primary_tag": "basics"}, {"tags": "basics,interactive", "updated": "2021-02-05T03:01:24+00:00", "desc": "We look at what fractions are. With an interactive, we see what the numerator and denominator represent.", "title": "Interactive Fractions (Division)", "title_image_alt_text": "Image Demonstrating Division and Fractions", "slug": "fractions", "primary_tag": "basics"}, {"tags": "basics,interactive", "updated": "2020-12-31T16:52:00+00:00", "desc": "We explore the number line with an interactive that shows addition and subtraction.", "title": "Interactive Number Line", "title_image_alt_text": "The number line", "slug": "number-line", "primary_tag": "basics"}];const rte = document.getElementById("rght_col");rte.innerHTML= makesidePanel([{"tags": "basics", "updated": "2023-08-11T16:32:45+00:00", "desc": "Percentages are reversible. We learn how to take advantage of this trick, and why it works.", "title": "Percentages Are Reversible", "title_image_alt_text": "Percentages Are Reversible", "slug": "percentages-are-reversible", "primary_tag": "basics"}, {"tags": "basics,interactive", "updated": "2023-07-12T22:04:55+00:00", "desc": "We discover the key takeaways from unit conversion with our interactive experience.", "title": "How to Convert Units Interactive", "title_image_alt_text": "How to Convert Units Interactive", "slug": "convert-units", "primary_tag": "basics"}, {"tags": "basics,interactive", "updated": "2023-02-21T03:42:41+00:00", "desc": "An interactive tool for learning about finding the factors of an integer. We learn why factoring an integer is an essential tool for everyone interested in learning.", "title": "What Are Factors and How Do We Find Them", "title_image_alt_text": "finding the factors of integers", "slug": "factors", "primary_tag": "basics"}, {"tags": "basics,interactive", "updated": "2023-01-13T23:44:46+00:00", "desc": "An interactive tool for learning about the Greatest Common Factor (or divisor) of an integer. We learn why finding the GCF is an essential tool for everyone interested in learning.", "title": "Interactive Greatest Common Factor (or Divisor)", "title_image_alt_text": "Greatest Common Factor", "slug": "greatest-common-factor", "primary_tag": "basics"}, {"tags": "programming,basics", "updated": "2022-11-29T14:59:54+00:00", "desc": "We see how a binary tree stores data with an interactive experience.", "title": "Interactive Binary Tree", "title_image_alt_text": "Interactive Binary Tree", "slug": "binary-tree", "primary_tag": "programming"}, {"tags": "trigonometry,geometry", "updated": "2022-11-29T02:00:00+00:00", "desc": "We demonstrate the law of sines with an interactive experience.", "title": "Interactive Law of Sines", "title_image_alt_text": "Interactive Law of Sines", "slug": "law-of-sines", "primary_tag": "trigonometry"}, {"tags": "geometry,basics", "updated": "2022-10-24T16:25:43+00:00", "desc": "We explore a visual/interactive proof of the sum of naturals (Gaussian Sum).", "title": "Sum of naturals (Gaussian Sum)", "title_image_alt_text": "Sum of naturals (Gaussian Sum)", "slug": "sum-of-naturals", "primary_tag": "geometry"}, {"tags": "geometry,interactive,basics", "updated": "2022-08-22T14:17:52+00:00", "desc": "We look at the intersecting chords theorem using an interactive experience.", "title": "Intersecting Chords Theorem", "title_image_alt_text": "Intersecting Chords Theorem", "slug": "chords-theorem", "primary_tag": "geometry"}, {"tags": "basics", "updated": "2024-06-17T20:04:08+00:00", "desc": "We explore how we can transform one number into another with multiplication. For example, we have a number 42 and we want to transform it into 64, so how do we do it?", "title": "How to multiply x to get y", "title_image_alt_text": "How to multiply x to get y", "slug": "multiply-to-transform", "primary_tag": "basics"}, {"tags": "programming,trigonometry,game dev", "updated": "2022-04-23T19:49:54+00:00", "desc": "We make a ball bounce off walls with a little math and Javascript.", "title": "Make a Ball Bounce off Walls", "title_image_alt_text": "Make a Ball Bounce off Walls with Javascript", "slug": "ball-bounce", "primary_tag": "programming"}], latest, related);const tabs = rte.getElementsByClassName('side-title');const options = rte.getElementsByClassName('ftrd-option-ui');for(var i=0; i -1){ POSTS_UIS[lselndx].classList.remove("search-result-ui-hl");} if(cselndx > -1){ POSTS_UIS[cselndx].classList.add("search-result-ui-hl");}//console.log("updatehl", lselndx, cselndx); lselndx = cselndx;}si.onkeydown = function(e){if(e.keyCode==40)// downarrow{e.preventDefault();//console.log('down arrow ', cselndx, lselndx, cndxs[cndxs.length - 1]);if(cselndx == cndxs[cndxs.length - 1]){cselndx=cndxs[0];}else{for(var i=0; i < cndxs.length-1; ++i){if(cselndx == cndxs[i]){cselndx = cndxs[i+1];break;}}}updatehl();}else if(e.keyCode == 38)// uparrow{e.preventDefault();console.log('up arrow ', cselndx, lselndx, cndxs[0]);if(cselndx == cndxs[0]){cselndx = cndxs[cndxs.length-1];}else{for(var i = cndxs.length-1; i > 0; --i){if(cselndx == cndxs[i]){cselndx = cndxs[i-1];break;}}}updatehl();}}si.onkeypress=function(e){if(e.keyCode == 13){if(cselndx > -1){window.location.href = '/' + POSTS[cselndx].slug;}}}si.oninput = function(e){ if(sui){srch_inpt_chngd();}//console.log(e);if(!hassearched){hassearched = true;//fetch(url).then(a => a.json()).then(b => posts_loaded(b));var ui = "

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A Penny Doubled Every 30 Days or One Million  Dollars (2024)


A Penny Doubled Every 30 Days or One Million Dollars? ›

On the very first day, the penny you have doubles to $0.02. Then it doubles again, and again, for 30 straight days. On the 29th day that it doubles, the penny grows to $5,368,709.12, much more than a million dollars. By day 30, it grows into an astonishing $10,737,418.24!

Is a million dollars or penny doubled for 30 days? ›

Now that you've read the fable, you can see the choice is pretty clear: it's better to have a single penny that doubles everyday for a month, versus $1 million up front. This is because of the power of compound interest. If you took a single penny and doubled it everyday, by day 30, you would have $5,368,709.12.

How much is $1 a day doubled for 30 days? ›

You start with $1 and then $2, $4, $8, $16…. By the end of the 30th day, you end up with $1,073,741,824! This is the power of compounding in action, and in this case, the rate is 100%, leading to staggering returns.

Would you rather have $1000000 or 1 penny doubled every day for one month? ›

Ultimately, choosing the penny doubling daily leads to more than five times the million-dollar alternative. Many consider this a lesson of the power of investing and long-term monetary growth, showing just what could happen if you commit to regular investing so that your money is working for you.

How much is 1 penny doubled everyday for a year? ›

Clearly, the answer is one penny doubling in value every day for one year is worth more than $1 million. Had it been a leap year, compound interest would have doubled the value of the pennies one last time. Logan is absolutely amazed when he learns the answer, while Madison feels as smart as Albert Einstein.

What happens if you double a penny for 365 days? ›

If you double a penny every day for 365 days, you're essentially performing the operation 2^365 / 100. That's 2 to the power of 365. Then divide by 100 to get dollar amount. This results in an un-imaginable amount that is 1 followed by 107 zeroes.

How much is 5 cents doubled for 30 days worth? ›

5 cents after 5 days would reach a dollar (1.6), but on day 21 is around 105k and after 30 days is a bit over 500M. Very good!

How much is 10 cents a day for a year? ›

Ten cents a day is 36.50 in a year's time. A million dollars at only 1% interest is $10,000 in a year. This reminds me of a great Sesame Street scene.

How much money would you have if you saved a penny a day for three years? ›

Josh Takes Care Of U - Saving 1 penny a day is $365,000 at the end of 3 years!

How much is 2 pennies a day for 30 days? ›

How much money will I have if I double a penny for 30 days? At the end of 30 days, if you double a penny every day, you will have $5,368,709.12.

How much is 5 million pennies worth? ›

Answer and Explanation:

As each penny is $0.01, we need 100 pennies to equal a single dollar. This means we can find our answer by dividing 5 million by 100 to convert 5 million pennies to dollars. This means that we have $50,000 U.S. dollars when we have 5 million U.S. pennies.

What happens if you double a penny for 50 days? ›

So, if you plug in the values, the total amount at the end of 50 days would be: 1 cent * 2^(50-1). So at the end of 50 days, you would have 562949953421312 cents or roughly around $5,629,499,534,213.12 . Remember, this is under the assumption that the penny value doubles and not the quantity of pennies.

What if you start with one penny and double your money every day? ›

Starting with just one cent, the power of compounding results in exponential growth. If a penny is doubled each day, the total rapidly escalates, reaching over $5 million by the end of the month. This concept underscores the importance of patience and the compounding effect in trading.

What happens if you save a penny every day? ›

Each day, you increase the number of pennies you save by one until day 365, where you will save $3.65. By the end of the year, you'll have saved a total of $667.95!

How much is a penny a day for 365 days? ›

By the end of a 365 challenge, you will have saved over $667.00! For the very first day, you have to save 1 penny in a specific jar that you assign to your Penny Challenge. On the second day, you have to put two pennies in the same jar, and so on.

Would you rather take a one-time payment of $1 million or $0.01 on day 1, $0.02 on day 2, $0.04 on day 3 and so on for 1 month? ›

Would you rather take 1 million dollars right now or one penny doubling everyday for thirty days? The mathematical answer is easy — it's the doubling penny, which reaches $10.7M by the end of 30 days. But people never seem to consider what they'd do with over a billion actual, physical pennies!

What is 1p doubled every day for 31 days? ›

However, many readers will be aware that a chess board has more than double the amount of squares (64) than a month has in days. So how would much would 1p doubled over 31 days be? Here are the calculations. The final figure after 31 days of doubling is £10.7m!

What is 1 dollar doubled 20 times? ›

Let's see…Take a dollar and double it 20 times, and you'll get a million dollars plus. BUT there is no tax on this sequence. What happens if you tax the dollar at a 40% tax rate (federal plus state)?

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Author: Annamae Dooley

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Author information

Name: Annamae Dooley

Birthday: 2001-07-26

Address: 9687 Tambra Meadow, Bradleyhaven, TN 53219

Phone: +9316045904039

Job: Future Coordinator

Hobby: Archery, Couponing, Poi, Kite flying, Knitting, Rappelling, Baseball

Introduction: My name is Annamae Dooley, I am a witty, quaint, lovely, clever, rich, sparkling, powerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.