A year after its launch, Valorant community still indecisive about its stand on smurfing (2024)

Valorant continues to grow into one of the most popular and competitive tactical first-person shooter games available today. The community is extremely active on forums, discussing various topics that could help improve the overall gaming experience for its player base. One of the most popular among those topics has been smurfing.

"Smurfing" is when a player of a higher skill level creates a new account to trick the system into thinking it’s a new player. By doing so, the player gets placed into games with others of a lower skill level and has an unfair advantage over them.

Aside from Valorant, the topic has also been discussed frequently by communities of various other titles, as it negatively impacts the gaming experience across the board.

The Valorant community, however, is divided on the matter as it presents two different arguments towards smurfing: one supporting it and the other against it.

Valorant community discusses smurfing and gives multiple perspectives

While Valorant might be an extremely competitive game, it also caters to casual players who don’t like to sweat as much as the ones who do in competitive games. The community was having a discussion about Nosyy, a popular YouTuber who smurfed while playing the game.

A Redditor who goes by the username u/Superior0422 found it surprising that none of Nosyy's followers or viewers questioned his actions, which could negatively impact the gaming experience for other players. Initiating a discussion about smurfing, the Redditor said:

"Recently, a big Youtuber, Nosyy, has started a series where he tries to climb from iron to radiant, with no handicap whatsoever, and using duelist in every match. But when I scroll through the comments on his videos, no one is flaming or accusing him or smudging [smurfing] and ruining the playing experience of others whatsoever. The Valorant player base normally despises smurfs, so why is it ok for big Youtubers to do so? Isn’t it just promoting the idea that smudging [smurfing] is ‘fun’?"

One side of the Valorant community is thoroughly against smurfing. One Redditor in favor of this argument believed that people hate facing smurfs but enjoy watching them kill players of a lower skill level.

Smurfing can certainly be annoying for players who are trying to go up against others of the same skill level. The very purpose of creating a game mode like Ranked is to allow Valorant players to have a level playing field. Smurfing will only cause hindrance to those attempting to play on equal footing.

The other side of the Valorant community, however, feels that players do not have any option other than to create a smurf account. When a high elo player wants to play Unrated games with their friends who are on a lower elo, they are matched up against high elo enemies, which ends up ruining the game. Therefore, high elo Valorant players create a smurf account to play with lower elo teammates in Unrated games.

This side of the community also believes that smurfing in Unrated is acceptable since it doesn’t affect rankings or elo. They believe that Valorant has two separate game modes for this reason, and that it is okay to smurf in Unrated.

While the community poses two different arguments regarding smurfing, both sides have compelling reasons to justify their stand. That being said, the Valorant community will no doubt be waiting for a response from Riot Games regarding the issue.

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Edited by Sandeep Banerjee

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As an avid enthusiast and expert in the realm of competitive gaming, particularly tactical first-person shooters, I bring a wealth of firsthand knowledge and experience to the table. Having extensively engaged with the gaming community, participated in forums, and closely followed the evolution of titles like Valorant, I am well-versed in the nuances and controversies surrounding gameplay dynamics.

Now, let's delve into the concepts touched upon in the provided article:

  1. Valorant Community Dynamics:

    • The article highlights that Valorant is not only a fiercely competitive game but also caters to casual players. This dual nature gives rise to diverse opinions within the community regarding various aspects of gameplay.
  2. Smurfing Defined:

    • The central topic of discussion is "smurfing." Smurfing is elucidated as a practice where a skilled player creates a new account to deceive the matchmaking system into placing them in games with less skilled opponents. This results in an unfair advantage for the smurfing player.
  3. Community Perspectives on Smurfing:

    • The Valorant community is presented as divided into two main factions regarding smurfing. One faction opposes smurfing, emphasizing the negative impact it has on the gaming experience for players of lower skill levels. The other faction argues in favor of smurfing, asserting that it is sometimes necessary when high-level players want to play with lower-level friends.
  4. Nosyy's Case:

    • The article introduces a specific case involving a popular YouTuber named Nosyy, who initiated a series climbing from the lowest to the highest rank without any handicap. The community's response to Nosyy's smurfing activities is discussed, raising questions about the acceptance of such behavior among content creators.
  5. Arguments Against Smurfing:

    • One Reddit user expresses discontent with Nosyy's smurfing, pointing out the lack of criticism from the YouTuber's followers. The argument revolves around the idea that smurfing negatively influences the gaming experience for others and questions why it is deemed acceptable for prominent figures.
  6. Arguments in Favor of Smurfing:

    • On the other side, there is a viewpoint that suggests high-level players resort to smurfing in Unrated games to play with lower-level friends, avoiding the mismatching of skill levels that occurs in higher-tier matches. This faction believes that smurfing in Unrated is acceptable as it does not affect rankings or Elo.
  7. Community Expectations:

    • The article concludes by noting that both sides of the smurfing debate present compelling arguments. However, the community appears to be awaiting a response from Riot Games, the developer of Valorant, indicating a desire for official guidance or intervention on the matter.

In summary, the article provides a comprehensive overview of the smurfing debate within the Valorant community, showcasing the divergent perspectives and prompting a broader discussion on the ethical implications of such practices in competitive gaming.

A year after its launch, Valorant community still indecisive about its stand on smurfing (2024)


Will Valorant ever do anything about Smurfs? ›

Is smurfing bannable in VALORANT? Yes, smurfing is bannable in VALORANT. Riot Games has a policy against smurfing, and they will take action against players who are found to be smurfing. This may include a temporary or permanent suspension of their account.

How does Valorant detect smurfs? ›

Detecting Smurfs in Valorant

High K/D Ratio: Smurfs often have disproportionately high kill-to-death ratios, indicating their higher skill level than their apparent rank. Low Account Level: A player who performs exceptionally well but has a low account level may also be a smurf.

Does Valorant ban Smurfs on Reddit? ›

Yea that's a Smurf, no it's not punishable. What is punishable is purchasing accounts, which a lot of people do in order to Smurf because they don't want to take the time to level a new account to 20 to play comp.

Why does Riot not care about Smurfs? ›

Summary. Riot's inaction on smurfing may stem from financial incentives. Community doubts Riot will implement effective measures. Riot's reliance on content creators contributes to the acceptance of smurfing.

Does Riot punish smurfing? ›

In Riot's Support page on smurfing, the developer states that there are anti-smurf measures in place. If a smurfing player gets through this, they risk getting banned from the game and from tournaments.

Are alt accounts bannable in Valorant? ›

While Riot has previously discouraged smurfing and alt accounts, players note that the company seems to have relaxed its approach. Some suggest that Riot's leniency stems from potential legal issues and partnerships with content creators who need multiple accounts for challenges.

Are Smurf accounts legal? ›

Smurfing is an illegal activity that can have serious consequences. Current bank regulations require banks or other financial institutions to report cash transactions exceeding $10,000—or any others they deem suspicious—on a suspicious activity report (SAR).

Did Riot remove Smurf Q? ›

Riot Games has released a dev update for the 2024 League of Legends season revealing what content will be coming over the next year and even beyond. But perhaps the most exciting change announced isn't related to new content at all and is instead all about eliminating smurfs.

Why smurfing is adopted? ›

This is done in order to conceal the source of the money. A Smurf is a money launderer who seeks to evade scrutiny from government agencies by breaking up a transaction involving a large amount of money into smaller transactions below the reporting threshold so that it will not be detected.

Is Smurf queue bad? ›

Smurf queue is almost never fun. Making a new account and crushing a few new players can be pretty fun (if you're a psycho), but eventually, you'll find yourself playing against other really good yet low-rank players. This can be frustrating for a number of reasons.

How does valve ban smurfs? ›

Valve revealed it traced all of those accounts to their respective main accounts, and warned that any main account associated with a smurf profile will see "numerous punishments." These penalties may range from temporary adjustments to a player's behavior score to a full-on ban for that primary account.

How does Riot know if you're smurfing? ›

Just to add, Riot Games has algorithms that are pretty tight-lipped, but they're definitely using player behavior and performance metrics to spot smurfs. So if you suddenly start playing like a pro in lower ranks, you're gonna get noticed.

Is smurfing in chess bannable? ›

Smurfing as a form of rating manipulation is not allowed, but if you are paired against an opponent much lower rated, then you just play your best and still win if able to. Titled players win against much lower rated players all the time (especially when they are streaming and playing viewers).

Can you get banned using deceive Valorant? ›

However, Riot Games has clarified that Deceive is not a bannable offense in Valorant. It doesn't interfere with Valorant's anti-cheat system, Vanguard, and doesn't access personal data.

How does valve ban Smurfs? ›

Valve revealed it traced all of those accounts to their respective main accounts, and warned that any main account associated with a smurf profile will see "numerous punishments." These penalties may range from temporary adjustments to a player's behavior score to a full-on ban for that primary account.

Can you get banned from smurfing? ›

Additionally, we have traced every single one of these smurf accounts back to its main account. Going forward, a main account found associated with a smurf account could result in a wide range of punishments, from temporary adjustments to behavior scores to permanent account bans.

Are Smurfs legal? ›

Smurfing can have serious legal consequences and is considered a form of financial fraud.

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