Accessing your apps with SSH | Cloud Foundry Docs (2024)

  • App SSH commands
  • Activate and deactivate SSH access
    • Configuring SSH access at the app level
    • Configuring SSH access at the space level
  • Verify SSH permissions
  • Log in to an application container with cf SSH
    • Common cf SSH flags
  • SSH session environment
  • App SSH access without cf CLI
    • Access app SSH using process GUID
    • Access app SSH using app GUID
  • SSH proxy security configuration
  • Proxy to container authentication

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The Cloud Foundry Command Line Interface (cf CLI) lets you securely log in to remote host virtual machines (VMs) running Cloud Foundry (Cloud Foundry) app instances. The commands that activate SSH access to apps, and activate, deactivate, and verify permissions for such access are described here.

ImportantThe cf ssh command in cf CLI v7+ include the all_proxy environment variable, which allows you to specify a proxy server to activate proxying for all requests. For more information, see ssh in the Cloud Foundry CLI Reference Guide and Use SOCKS5 with cf v3-ssh in Using the cf CLI with a proxy server.

The cf CLI looks up the app_ssh_oauth_client identifier in the Cloud Controller /v2/info endpoint, and uses this identifier to query the UAA server for an SSH authorization code. On the target VM side, the SSH proxy contacts the Cloud Controller through the app_ssh_endpoint listed in /v2/info to confirm permission for SSH access.

App SSH commands

cf CLI command Purpose
cf enable-ssh
cf disable-ssh
cf allow-space-ssh
cf disallow-space-ssh
Activate and deactivate SSH access
cf ssh-enabled
cf space-ssh-allowed
Verify SSH access permissions
cf ssh Log in to an application container with cf SSH
cf ssh-code App SSH access without cf CLI using non-cf SSH tools like ssh, scp, and sftp

Activate and deactivate SSH access

A cloud operator can deploy Cloud Foundry to either allow or prohibit app SSH across the entire deployment. For more information, see Configuring SSH Access for Cloud Foundry.

Within a deployment that permits SSH access to apps, Space Developers can activate or deactivate SSH access to individual apps, and Space Managers can activate or deactivate SSH access to all apps running within a space.

You must restart your app after enabling SSH access.

Configuring SSH access at the app level

cf enable-ssh activates SSH access to all instances of an app:

$ cf enable-ssh MY-AWESOME-APP

cf disable-ssh deactivates SSH access to all instances of an app:

$ cf disable-ssh MY-AWESOME-APP

Configuring SSH access at the space level

cf allow-space-ssh allows SSH access into all apps in a space:

$ cf allow-space-ssh SPACE-NAME

cf disallow-space-ssh disallows SSH access into all apps in a space:

$ cf disallow-space-ssh SPACE-NAME

Verify SSH permissions

cf ssh-enabled verifies whether an app is accessible with SSH:

$ cf ssh-enabled MY-AWESOME-APPssh support is disabled for 'MY-AWESOME-APP'

cf space-ssh-allowed verifies whether all apps running within a space are accessible with SSH:

$ cf space-ssh-allowed SPACE-NAMEssh support is enabled in space 'SPACE-NAME'

Log in to an application container with cf SSH

If SSH access is allowed at the deployment, space, and app level, you can run the cf ssh APP-NAME command to start an interactive SSH session with a VM hosting an app. By default, the command accesses the container running the first instance of the app, the instance with index 0.


When logged into a VM hosting an app, you can use tools like the Cloud Foundry Diego Operator Toolkit (cfdot) to run app status diagnostics. For more information, see the cfdot repository on GitHub and the cfdot CLI section of the Monitoring and Testing Diego Components topic.

Common cf SSH flags

You can tailor cf ssh commands with the following flags, most of which mimic flags for the UNIX or Linux ssh command. Run the cf ssh --help command for more details.

  • The -i flag targets a specific instance of an app. To log in to the VM container hosting the third instance, index=2, of MY-AWESOME-APP, run:

    $ cf ssh MY-AWESOME-APP -i 2
  • The -L flag activates local port forwarding, binding an output port on your machine to an input port on the app VM. Pass in a local port, and your app VM port and port number, all colon-separated. You can prepend your local network interface, or use the default localhost.

  • The -N flag skips returning a command prompt on the remote machine. This sets up local port forwarding if you do not need to run commands on the host VM.

  • The --process flag in cf CLI v7+ allows you to SSH into the container for a specific process running as part of your app.

  • The --request-pseudo-tty and --force-pseudo-tty flags allow you run an SSH session in pseudo-tty mode rather than generate terminal line output.

SSH session environment

To make the environment of your interactive SSH session match the environment ofyour buildpack-based app, with the same environment variables and working directory, runthe following command after starting the session:


After running the previous command, the value of the VCAP_APPLICATION environment variable differsslightly from its value in the environment of the app process, because it does not have the host,instance_id, instance_index, or port fields set. These fields are available in otherenvironment variables, as described inVCAP_APPLICATION inCloud Foundry Environment Variables.

App SSH access without cf CLI

In addition to cf ssh, you can use other SSH clients such as ssh, scp, or sftp to accessyour app, if you have SSH permissions.

Follow one of these procedures to securely connect to an app instance by logging in with aspecially-formed user name that passes information to the SSH proxy running on the host VM. For thepassword, use a one-time SSH authorization code generated bycf ssh-code.

  • Access app SSH using process GUID
  • Access app sSH using app GUID

Access app SSH using process GUID

  1. Query the /v2/info endpoint of the Cloud Controller in your deployment. Record the domain nameand port number of the app_ssh_endpoint field, and the app_ssh_host_key_fingerprint field. Youcan compare the app_ssh_host_key_fingerprint with the fingerprint returned by the SSH proxy onyour target VM. For example:

    $ cf curl /v2/info{ ... "app_ssh_endpoint": "", "app_ssh_host_key_fingerprint": "a6:14:c0:ea:42:07:b2:f7:53:2c:0b:60:e0:00:21:6c", ...}

    In this example:

    • The domain name is
    • The port number is 2222.
    • The fingerprint is a6:14:c0:ea:42:07:b2:f7:53:2c:0b:60:e0:00:21:6c.
  2. Run:

    ssh -p PORT-NUMBER cf:$(cf curl /v3/apps/$(cf app APP-NAME --guid)/processes | jq -r '.resources[] | select(.type=="web") | .guid')/0@SSH-ENDPOINT


    • PORT-NUMBER is the port number of the app_ssh_endpoint field that you recorded in an earlier step.
    • APP-NAME is the name of your target app.
    • SSH-ENDPOINT is the domain name of the app_ssh_endpoint field that you recorded in an earlier step.

    For example:

    ssh -p 2222 cf:$(cf curl /v3/apps/$(cf app my-app --guid)/processes | jq -r '.resources[] | select(.type=="web") | .guid')/
  3. Run cf ssh-code to obtain a one-time authorization code that substitutes for an SSH password.You can run cf ssh-code | pbcopy to copy the code to the clipboard. For example:

    $ cf ssh-codeE1x89n
  4. When the SSH proxy reports its RSA fingerprint, confirm that it matches theapp_ssh_host_key_fingerprint recorded previously. When prompted for a password, paste in theauthorization code returned by cf ssh-code. For example:

    $ ssh -p 2222 cf:abcdefab-1234-5678-abcd-1234abcd1234/0@ssh.MY-DOMAIN.comThe authenticity of host '[]:2222 ([]:2222)' can't be established.RSA key fingerprint is a6:14:c0:ea:42:07:b2:f7:53:2c:0b:60:e0:00:21:6c.Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yesWarning: Permanently added '[]:2222 []:2222' (RSA) to the list of known's password:vcap@ce4l5164kws:~$

    You have now securely connected to the app instance.

Access app SSH using app GUID

  1. Display the GUID of your target app by running:

    cf app APP-NAME --guid`

    Where APP-NAME is the name of the app.

    For example:

    $ cf app my-app --guidabcdefab-1234-5678-abcd-1234abcd1234
  2. Query the /v2/info endpoint of the Cloud Controller in your deployment. Record the domain nameand port number of the app_ssh_endpoint field, and the app_ssh_host_key_fingerprint field. You can compare the app_ssh_host_key_fingerprint with the fingerprint returned by the SSH proxy on your target VM. For example:

    $ cf curl /v2/info{ ... "app_ssh_endpoint": "", "app_ssh_host_key_fingerprint": "a6:14:c0:ea:42:07:b2:f7:53:2c:0b:60:e0:00:21:6c", ...}

    In this example:

    • The domain name is
    • The port number is 2222.
    • The fingerprint is a6:14:c0:ea:42:07:b2:f7:53:2c:0b:60:e0:00:21:6c.
  3. Run cf ssh-code to obtain a one-time authorization code that substitutes for an SSH password. You can run cf ssh-code | pbcopy to copy the code to the clipboard. For example:

    $ cf ssh-codeE1x89n
  4. Run your ssh or other command to connect to the app instance.

    • SSH into the container hosting the first instance of your app by running:



      • SSH-PORT is the port number recorded in earlier steps.
      • APP-GUID comes from earlier steps.
      • APP-INSTANCE-INDEX is the index of the instance that you want to access.
      • SSH-ENDPOINT comes from the earlier steps and is in the form

      For example:

      $ ssh -p 2222 cf:abcdefab-1234-5678-abcd-1234abcd1234/
    • Or you can use scp to transfer files by running one of the following commands:

    • Or you can use ssh piped with cat to transfer the file:

      cat local_file_path | cf ssh MY-AWESOME-APP -c "cat > remote_file_path"
  5. When the SSH proxy reports its RSA fingerprint, confirm that it matches the app_ssh_host_key_fingerprint recorded previously. When prompted for a password, paste in the authorization code returned by cf ssh-code, for example:

    $ ssh -p 2222 cf:abcdefab-1234-5678-abcd-1234abcd1234/0@ssh.MY-DOMAIN.comThe authenticity of host '[]:2222 ([]:2222)' can't be established.RSA key fingerprint is a6:14:c0:ea:42:07:b2:f7:53:2c:0b:60:e0:00:21:6c.Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yesWarning: Permanently added '[]:2222 []:2222' (RSA) to the list of known's password:vcap@ce4l5164kws:~$

You have now securely connected to the app instance.

SSH proxy security configuration

The SSH proxy has these SSH security configuration by default:

Security parameter Values
Ciphers [emailprotected]
MACs [emailprotected]
Key exchanges [emailprotected]

The cf ssh command is compatible with this security configuration. If you use a different SSH client to access apps over SSH, you can ensure that you configure your client to be compatible with these ciphers, MACs, and key exchanges. For more information about other SSH clients, see App SSH access without cf CLI.

Cloud Foundry deployment operators can also change these default values in the SSH proxy configuration. Changing these default values might require a change to the SSH client configuration.

Proxy to container authentication

A second layer of SSH security runs within each container. When the SSH proxy attempts to handshake with the SSH daemon inside the target container, it uses the following fields associated with the diego-ssh key in its route to the app instance. This inner layer works invisibly and requires no user action, but is described here to complete the SSH security picture.


container_port indicates which port inside the container the SSH daemon is listening on. The proxy attempts to connect to host side mapping of this port after authenticating the client.


When present, host_fingerprint declares the expected fingerprint of the SSH daemon’s host public key. When the fingerprint of the actual target’s host key does not match the expected fingerprint, the connection is stopped. The fingerprint must only contain the hex string generated by ssh-keygen -l.

USER (optional)

user declares the user ID to use during authentication with the container’s SSH daemon. While this is not a required part of the routing data, it is required for password authentication and might be required for public key authentication.

PASSWORD (optional)

password declares the password to use during password authentication with the container’s SSH daemon.

PRIVATE_KEY (optional)

private_key declares the private key to use when authenticating with the container’s SSH daemon. If present, the key must be a PEM encoded RSA or DSA public key.

Example app process

{ "process_guid": "ssh-process-guid", "domain": "ssh-experiments", "rootfs": "preloaded:cflinuxfs3", "instances": 1, "start_timeout": 30, "setup": { "download": { "artifact": "diego-sshd", "from": "", "to": "/tmp", "cache_key": "diego-sshd" } }, "action": { "run": { "path": "/tmp/diego-sshd", "args": [ "-address=", "-authorizedKey=ssh-rsa ..." ], "env": [], "resource_limits": {} } }, "ports": [ 2222 ], "routes": { "diego-ssh": { "container_port": 2222, "private_key": "PEM encoded PKCS#1 private key" } }}

ImportantTo avoid security exposure, migrate your apps and custom buildpacks to use the cflinuxfs4 stack based on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS (Jammy Jellyfish). The cflinuxfs3 stack is based on Ubuntu 18.04 (Bionic Beaver), which reaches end of standard support in April 2023.

Daemon discovery

To be accessible through the SSH proxy, containers must host an SSH daemon, expose it through a mapped port, and advertise the port in a diego-ssh route. If a proxy cannot find the target process or a route, user authentication fails.

 "routes": { "diego-ssh": { "container_port": 2222 } }

The Diego system generates the appropriate process definitions for Cloud Foundry apps to reflect the policies in effect.

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Accessing your apps with SSH |
    Cloud Foundry Docs (2024)
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Name: Pres. Carey Rath

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