Agile Methodology in Testing: 5 Examples for the Agile Tester | Perforce Software (2024)

Agile testing is software testing that follows the best practices of the Agile development framework.

Agile development takes an incremental approach to development. Similarly, Agile testing includes an incremental approach to testing. In this type of software testing, features are tested as they are developed.

While the Agile methodology is fairly common at this point, many organizations – particularly organizations in regulated industries that require more formal documentation and traceability – still use waterfall or hybrid development frameworks. And some teams are in the process of transitioning to Agile.

Regardless of where you are in your Agile journey, this article will help you better understand the basics of Agile testing and how to easily transition to an Agile testing methodology. And we’ll show you the best way to create and implement an Agile testing strategy.


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Table of Contents

  1. What is an Agile Testing Methodology?
  2. Agile Testing Supports Continuous Testing
  3. What Does an Agile Tester Do?
  4. Agile TestingMethodology: 5 Examples
  5. Agile Testing Strategy
  6. Benefits of Agile Testing
  7. How to Manage Agile Testing
  8. Transition to Agile Testing

Is your organization in a highly regulated industry? Learn how to transition to Agile without losing traceability. Download the white paper: Transitioning to Agile in a Safety-Critical Environment >>

Agile Methodology in Testing: 5 Examples for the Agile Tester | Perforce Software (1)

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What is an Agile Testing Methodology?

Just as the Agile development methodology breaks down larger elements of feature development into smaller, more manageable pieces (such as user stories, tasks, and technical requirements), an Agile testing methodology breaks down larger testing elements into smaller, more specific tests with a narrower focus on a specific user story, task, technical requirement, etc.

By breaking testing down into these “bite-size” blocks, Agile testing allows testing to happen in a more timely and efficient manner.

Want a deep dive on Agile testing? Watch our on-demand webinar on Test Management in an Agile Reality >>

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Agile Testing Supports Continuous Testing

The Agile testing methodologysupports DevOps and continuous testing. And continuous testing is important to improving product quality.

In Agile development, testing needs to happen early and often. So, instead of waiting for development to be finished before testing begins, testing happens continuously as features are added. This is also referred to as "shift left" testing.

Tests are prioritized just like user stories. Testers aim to get through as many tests as they can in an iteration. Adding automated testing tools can help testers get through more of the testing backlog.

How does Agile testing and continuous testing help improve product quality? For starters, by testing earlier in the development process, issues and bugs can be discovered sooner. So you don’t end up with costly last-minute surprises that can delay your time to market. And it’s easier to fix bugs when they’re still fresh in the developers’ minds.

Continuous testing can also improve test coverage, and better test coverage results in better product quality and product safety.

Learn about using tools to find code vulnerabilities, ensure standards compliance, and reduce time-to-market early in the development process with Perforce's Shift Left 101 >>

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What Does an Agile Tester Do?

Testing and QA is everyone’s responsibility in Agile. So testers and developers working in an Agile environment need to work closely together. Communication and collaboration are key.

Agile development is often driven by tests. Developers use Agile testing methods like test-driven development (TDD) to write the test first. Then they write the code that will be verified by the test. And developers and Agile testers should collaborate before user stories (e.g., requirements) are set.

Once development and testing are underway, close communication and collaboration remain important. Agile testers should be testing as developers write code. Plus, developers will probably do some testing. And Agile testers will probably do some coding.

Understanding the Definition of Done

In Agile development, the definition of done is a shared, standardized understanding among the team that a particular user story has been completed. The acceptance criteria in a user story are what will help drive the definition of done. If the user story passes the acceptance criteria, it can be considered done. This includes testing or validating the acceptance criteria. So, a test verifies that you’ve completed the user story.

It’s important that both Agile testers and developers know what has been tested and what defects still need to be resolved. Jump to the "How to Manage Agile Testing" section below to learn how to ensure visibility and alignment around testing and the definition of done.

Agile Development Methodologies for Testers

Learn how to transition to Agile testing.


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Agile TestingMethodology: 5 Examples

Tests come first in Agile development. When you create a user story, you need to define the acceptance criteria. This drives testing and validation of the user stories.

It doesn’t matter which Agile test methodology you use —Scrum, XP, Kanban, or even hybrid Agile. The followingtesting methods are typically used in Agile testing.

Test-Driven Development (TDD)

Test-driven development (TDD) starts with tests. This type of development begins by discussing what you want to test and then creating a user story. So, you start by writing a unit test. Then you write the user story. Finally, you write the code until the unit test passes.

Test-driven development is typically used on unit and component tests — which can be done with automated testing tools. TDD makes sure the features are working as they should be.

Acceptance Test-Driven Development (ATDD)

Acceptance test-driven development (ATDD) is similar to test-driven development. But acceptance test-driven developmentstarts with customer input on functionality. This type of development begins by discussing how the product will be used. So, you write a user acceptance test (UAT). And then you write the code until it passes the test.

Acceptance test-driven development is typically used for acceptance tests. It verifies that the product functions as users would expect.

Behavior-Driven Development (BDD)

Behavior-driven development (BDD) often stems from test-driven development and acceptance test-driven development. In behavior-driven development, the purpose of development needs to be tied to a business outcome. So you’ll have a user story —but the user story needs to answer why, in business terms, this feature is being developed. And in BDD, tests are included in user stories as scenarios or specifications.

Behavior-driven development is also used for acceptance tests. It verifies that the product functions are necessary for the desired business outcome.

Exploratory Testing

Exploratory testing is a style of testing that lets testers follow their intuition,rather than a predefined path. It’s typically manual. Testers record what they’re doing and save it as a test. They then figure out what exactly it is that they’re testing as they go.

Exploratory testing is typically used to find hidden risks within a product. These would be bugs that are missed in functional tests done in test-driven development.

Session-Based Testing

Session-based testing has some similarities to exploratory testing. But there’s a little more structure in session-based testing. Instead of testers figuring out what they’re testing as you go, they start with a mission in mind.

Session-based testing is also used to find hidden bugs within a project.

Learn how to reduce risk with exploratory testing. Get the white paper >>

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Agile Testing Strategy

Testing in traditional development typically includes a test plan. But a well-documented test plan is not common in Agile development. Instead, Agile testers need to be flexible and ready to respond to shifts in requirements.

So there needs to be an Agile test strategy, rather than an Agile test plan.

There are many ways to outline your Agile test strategy. You may simply outline the strategy in a document. You might create a test matrix. Or, you might use a Kanban board.

No matter which Agile testing methodologyyou use, your strategy should include:

  • Purpose (defined by the user story).
  • Objectives (test cases).
  • Scope (what needs to be tested).
  • Methods (how tests will be run).

Creating an Agile test strategy can be tricky. But it's easy when you’re using the right testing tools,such as Helix ALM.

Here’s how you create an Agile test strategy in Helix ALM:

  • Start with a purpose.
  • Decide what you want to test.
  • Write a user story, including acceptance criteria (your definition of done).
  • Create a test case from that user story. This happens automatically in Helix ALM.
  • Generate a test run to validate the user story.

Want to see Helix ALM in action? Watch this free 20-minute demo >>

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Benefits of Agile Testing

Agile testing improves product quality and enables development teams to release software on shorter cycles. And effective test case management helps Agile testers.

You’ll find and fix errors faster. So you’ll lower the risk of finding a bug at the very end of testing —and missing a release deadline.

You’ll make customers happy by delivering reliable products and regular, stable releases. And you'll be able to better manage the scope of each release. That helps you prioritize features for each iteration and deliver the most important ones first. All of which will improve customer satisfaction and retention rates.

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How to Manage Agile Testing

As mentioned above, the definition of done is a key element of Agile testing. It’s critical for everyone on your team - Agile testers, developers, project managers and other stakeholders - know the current status of what is complete and what issues or defects still need to be resolved. The best way to achieve this essential visibility and alignment is to use a dedicated test case management tool like Helix ALM.

With Helix ALM, you can easily create, execute, and track all types of tests in a single tool, for single pane of glass visibility across your entire Agile testing strategy. So everyone on your team will always know how much testing is complete and how much remains. And you can easily report your current test status to stakeholders at any time.

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Transition to Agile Testing

Helix ALM makes the transition to Agile testing easier. And you can try it out for free. Take advantage of our 30 day trial to see how Helix ALM’s Test Case Management module can help you reap the benefits of Agile testing and achieve a holistic Agile testing strategy.

Try Agile Testing free

Editors Note: This blog first appeared on June 5, 2018. It has been substantially updated with additional content as of March 19, 2023.

More on Transitioning to Agile and Agile Testing

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Agile Methodology in Testing: 5 Examples for the Agile Tester | Perforce Software (2024)


What is Agile Methodology in software testing with an example? ›

In Agile development, testing needs to happen early and often. So, instead of waiting for development to be finished before testing begins, testing happens continuously as features are added. This is also referred to as "shift left" testing. Tests are prioritized just like user stories.

Which is a five step Agile Methodology? ›

The Agile development lifecycle thrives on fostering a high-performing development team. Here are five key areas that act as pillars for propelling speed and agility within your Agile environment: Methodology, Architecture, Automation, Infrastructure, and Technology.

Which of the following is the example of Agile Methodology? ›

The most popular and common examples of agile are scrum, extreme programming (XP), feature driven development (FDD), dynamic systems development method (DSDM), adaptive software development (ASD), Crystal, and lean software development (LSD).

How to explain agile methodology in an interview? ›

The Agile methodology doesn't tell you to stick to a set of prescribed steps or processes. It emphasizes adapting to the needs of your team, customer, and the changes in your environment and project requirements. The goal of Agile is to produce working results in a way that's repeatable and continuous.

What is agile methodology answer? ›

What is the Agile methodology? The Agile methodology is a project management approach that involves breaking the project into phases and emphasizes continuous collaboration and improvement. Teams follow a cycle of planning, executing, and evaluating.

What are the 5 phases of Agile? ›

What are the 5 phases of Agile project management?
  • Envision: You define goals and project scope.
  • Speculate: You prioritize tasks and create user stories.
  • Explore: You develop and test prototypes.
  • Adapt: You review progress and make necessary adjustments.
  • Close: You reflect on outcomes and prepare for the next iteration.
Mar 5, 2024

What are the 5 principles of Agile methods? ›

5 Key Principles of Agile Methodology and How to Apply Them
  • Prioritize customer satisfaction through continuous delivery. ...
  • Embrace change. ...
  • Focus on teamwork and collaboration. ...
  • Deliver working software frequently. ...
  • Build projects around motivated individuals.

Which Agile methodology is best? ›

So, here are some examples of the most popular Agile methodologies.
  1. Kanban Method (Agile or Lean) Kanban is a workflow method developed by Toyota engineer Taiichi Ohno for Lean production. ...
  2. Scrum. ...
  3. Extreme Programming (XP) ...
  4. Feature-Driven Development (FDD) ...
  5. Crystal Methodology. ...
  6. Lean (Bonus)

What are real life examples of an agile model? ›

Agile Case Studies: The Real-Life Examples Of Agile
  • IBM and its Recruitment. Using the Agile work model is not anything new for IBM. ...
  • Learning and Development Team of Sky. ...
  • Lonely Planet's Legal Team. ...
  • VistaPrint's Marketing Tactics.
Jul 10, 2024

What are the 4 Agile methodology? ›

4 values of Agile

Individuals and interactions over processes and tools. Working software over comprehensive documentation. Customer collaboration over contract negotiation. Responding to change over following a project plan.

What is a simple example of Agile methodology? ›

Examples of Agile Methodology

One of the most popular examples is Scrum, which is a framework that emphasizes iterative development and daily stand-up meetings. Another example is Extreme Programming (XP), which emphasizes testing and continuous integration.

What is Agile methodology in testing with an example? ›

Agile testing focuses on ensuring quality throughout the Agile software development process. Continuous integration and continuous delivery are two important aspects of agile testing. In continuous integration, developers integrate their code changes into a shared mainline several times a day.

How to write test cases in Agile methodology? ›

Test Cases for Agile Development
  1. Understand the User Story. ...
  2. Break Down User Story into Smaller Parts. ...
  3. Define Test Scope and Coverage. ...
  4. Write Test Cases with Clear Objectives. ...
  5. Include All Possible Scenarios. ...
  6. Use Test Data Effectively. ...
  7. Automate Tests Where Possible. ...
  8. Collaborate with the Development Team.
Mar 27, 2023

What is an example of agile methodology being used? ›

With the help of agile methodology, IBM started off by identifying their goals. After the goal was defined, they created cross-functional, self-selected teams instead of the management-assigned team. This helped with employee empowerment. Now, who wouldn't want to work with an organization that empowers its employees?

What is an example of Agile work? ›

Your agile working environment can accommodate different working styles. Think flexible furniture, technologies, and workplace policies. For example, you may choose hot desking as a key feature in your agile work environment. This means employees can book their desks when they plan to be on-site.

What is agile methodology in software development in simple words? ›

In other words, Agile development focuses on creating working software quickly, collaborating with customers frequently, and being able to adapt to changes easily. This methodology is especially beneficial for projects that are complex or have uncertain requirements.

How to write test cases in agile methodology? ›

Test Cases for Agile Development
  1. Understand the User Story. ...
  2. Break Down User Story into Smaller Parts. ...
  3. Define Test Scope and Coverage. ...
  4. Write Test Cases with Clear Objectives. ...
  5. Include All Possible Scenarios. ...
  6. Use Test Data Effectively. ...
  7. Automate Tests Where Possible. ...
  8. Collaborate with the Development Team.
Mar 27, 2023

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Author: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

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Name: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

Birthday: 2001-01-17

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Introduction: My name is Gov. Deandrea McKenzie, I am a spotless, clean, glamorous, sparkling, adventurous, nice, brainy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.