Ah Sh*t, I lost my Ethereum Wallet (2024)

Recovery for Ethereum wallets

Have you ever left your credit card at a restaurant or bar? No problem! You can typically call up the business the next day and retrieve your card from them. Even in the case of a completely lost card, you can call up the issuing company, ask them to close out the lost card, and mail you a new one — easy!

Ever lost your Ethereum wallet? Different story, right?

Ah Sh*t, I lost my Ethereum Wallet (1)

At this point in time, if you lose your Ethereum wallet, you’re effectively out of luck. This is due to the fact that there is no ‘continuity of identity’ in the blockchain space. What this means, effectively, is that once you lose something, it’s gone… forever. And this is the nature of decentralization, individuals are 100% responsible and accountable for their own security without any sort of insurance or safety net.

Naturally, a lot of coins / tokens have been taken out of circulation as a result of this. In fact, out of the 21 million bitcoins that will ever exist, between 2.8–4 million (14–20% of the total supply) have already been lost. And with the recent spike in price last year, we have seen more and more stories of people accidentally throwing away their Bitcoin wallets surfacing.

Ah Sh*t, I lost my Ethereum Wallet (2)

We can do better. Here, I’ll be describing some of the cryptographically sound methods for wallet recovery in the cryptosphere. But before I get into that, I want to provide a bit of background on what exactly an Ethereum wallet is.

Warning — this section contains a bit of technical jargon.

Public Key Cryptography

Under the hood, Ethereum relies on public-key cryptography for the security guarantees it provides to its users. This is a system that relies on a pair of keys (referred to as a private and public key) that can be likened to a username (public key) and password (private key). The public key is derived from the private key through some function specified by each protocol. In terms of a basic equation, we can think of it as the following.

pk = f(sk)

Where pk is the public key, sk is the private key (secret key), and f is some function.

Private Keys

In Ethereum, private keys are simply 64 hexadecimal characters (64 characters of 0–9 and A-F, in a row). This means that there are 16⁶⁴ private keys that we can create — or roughly just as many private keys are there are atoms in the entire universe.

So, when you pick one at random, you can be pretty confident that nobody (even with all the computing power we have today) else is going to be able to guess it without seeing it. In fact, here’s some simple math to give you an idea of how long it would take the entire bitcoin network (with a recent peak hash rate of 50 trillion sha256 hashes per second).

16⁶⁴ / 5e13 / 3600 / 24 / 365.25 = 7.3384598e55 years

Which is well beyond the life of the entire universe — so that should provide some good assurance that your private key will be hard to reproduce!

Public Keys

In order to derive the public key, Ethereum uses what is known as Elliptic-curve cryptography — which allows someone to graph a special kind of function and then get a point along it (this is typically carried out through the multiplication of the private key by a set generator point). Let’s take a simple example:

Imagine you have the function:

f(x) = x + 3

Let’s pick some random point g (our generator point) on that function that we will multiply with our private key:

g = 2.5432

We can use the equation from the private keys section to derive our public key. We’ll take a private key (sk) equal to 2 (preceded by 63 0's) and use this to arrive at our public key:

sk = 00000000…000000000000000000000000000000002

pk = f(g * sk)

pk = 2 * 2.5432 + 3

pk = 8.0864

Note: This it not 100% accurate and is meant chiefly to demonstrate the idea. For more information on Elliptic-curve cryptography, please check out this article.

Ethereum Wallets

The function f that we presented above would typically be represented by an elliptic curve. There are many kinds of elliptic curves that are named and known to the world — the one which was used by Bitcoin (and subsequently Ethereum) is known by the name of Secp256k1. This is the function that allows us to derive public keys from private keys.

Now, in Ethereum, there is a bit of extra work to be done after generating the private key as well as some rules that need to be followed — I won’t get too much into all of that, but the main thing here is that your private key must not begin with ‘00’ to become a valid Ethereum wallet. In terms of the additional math used to get from a public key to an Ethereum ‘address’, the following steps occur:

  • A hashing function known as Keccack-256 is applied to the public key
  • The last 20 bytes of that hash are taken and then prepended with ‘0x’

For more information on how these Ethereum wallets addressed are generated, take a look at this StackExchange post.

Now that we have a firm understanding of what a wallet is, let’s get back to handling the case of a lost or compromised wallet.

We have ‘forgot password’ with internet websites, so why can’t we have this with wallets? Well, that’s because when you reset your password on some website, you are asking some company to modify your account for you —which shows that they have complete control over your account. But that can’t be applied to blockchain wallets, because the users are left to manage their own security, leaving them with no safety net. So, what can we do to provide similar functionality?

Recovery Keys

Let’s take a modern day example of something that allows users to bail themselves out if they are every in trouble — backup verification codes. If you’ve ever used two-factor authentication with your gmail account, you may be familiar with these. If you lose your phones or otherwise can’t get codes via text, voice call, or Google Authenticator, you can use your backup codes to sign in.

Ah Sh*t, I lost my Ethereum Wallet (3)

We can accomplish the same sort of functionality with what is known as a ‘proxy wallet’ — this is a smart contract that acts as a multisig wallet (a contract that holds funds but requires sign-off from one or multiple parties to deploy them). In our case, this multisig wallet will have only one account, but will have a recovery account specified at creation.

Note: We’ll be referring to wallet addresses as ‘accounts’ for familiarity purposes

When the first account is lost or compromised, the second account can call a function on the multisig with a new recovery account specified where the first account will be discarded, the second account will become the new signer of the multisig, and the new recovery account will be used in place of the old recovery account. This would something like the following:

Ah Sh*t, I lost my Ethereum Wallet (4)

At this point, Alice can use the sendEth function to send Ether from her multisig wallet. So, she uses this contract to send Ether until one day she loses her account… but it’s okay! Alice just goes back to that recovery account she specified and calls the recoverAccount function where she specifies a new recovery account.

Ah Sh*t, I lost my Ethereum Wallet (5)

This will update her wallet contract to discard the old primary account and make her recovery account the new primary account. A new recovery account will also be specified by Alice when she calls this function.

In sum, recovery keys allow users to recover from a lost or compromised Ethereum wallet without having to depend on some company or trusted third party.

Ah Sh*t, I lost my Ethereum Wallet (6)

Social Recovery

Now, if you don’t trust yourself to be able to keep your recovery information in a safe place, you can source the information from your friends, family, or anyone you trust. A popular method for doing this in the community is known as Shamir’s Secret Sharing.

When you are creating a recovery account, you can effectively split the account into a bunch of pieces and hand those pieces out to a bunch of people. When you need to recover, you go to a specified threshold of those people (Ex: 3 / 10) and can then combine those pieces to recover your original wallet.

Ah Sh*t, I lost my Ethereum Wallet (7)

So, what exactly does it mean to get a threshold of pieces from your friends to recreate your recovery account? This is actually hard to describe accurately without the math to back it, but we’ll try it with colors. The reason I choose colors is that the process of mixing colors closely resembles the properties of a one-way function. This means that I can mix red and yellow to get orange, but I can’t start with orange and separate it out to get red and yellow — hence, the process is one-way.

Imagine your recovery account is thus represented by the color orange and that you know that this orange is exactly 50% red and 50% yellow (and you’re 100% sure of this because you made the recovery account — requiring these colors in the process). With these red and yellow, you keep the yellow, and hand out red to three friends. Now, if you ever wanted to remember what your recovery account was, you just need to get red from one of your friends and voila — you have your orange recovery account!

For those wanting to learn about and understand the process of doing this mathematically and with code, I urge you to read about Shamir’s Secret Sharing.

To date, a lot of cryptocurrency has fallen out of circulation due to the loss or compromising of cryptocurrency wallets. By leveraging what are known as ‘proxy wallets’, we provide a recovery mechanism for lost Ethereum accounts. These wallets serve as a wallet with a primary account and a recovery account that is specified upon creation. When the primary account is compromised or lost, the recovery account can be used as the new primary account (invalidating the old one) and to specify a new recovery account (in round-robin fashion).

Recovery accounts can either be kept by the user or spread out in multiple pieces amongst a group of individuals that they trust. Companies creating products which follow this sort of precedent will be providing an enhanced user experience to their customers by helping to prevent additional Ether from being locked in accounts where the credentials cannot be recovered.

If you have any projects leveraging proxy wallets, I’d love to see your implementation and how you’re approaching things. And if there’s something about this that I can improve, please don’t hesitate to let me know in the comments section, here. Lastly, if you’ve gained something from this article, I am but a social media noob and would greatly appreciate you sharing this to your network.

Find me on Twitter or Github!

Ah Sh*t, I lost my Ethereum Wallet (2024)


How do I recover my lost Ethereum wallet? ›

If you've backed up your ETH Wallet, you can recover access to it by importing/adding it within the app.
Cloud Backup
  1. Reinstall the app.
  2. From the home screen, tap on Settings <INSERT ICON> in the bottom-right corner.
  3. Sign in with Google or Apple.
  4. Enter the master password you created when you backed up your Wallet.

How can I recover my lost Ethereum without being scammed? ›

A transaction sent on Ethereum is irreversible.

Unless you know the address owner and can convince them to send you your fund back, there will be no way for you to retrieve your funds.

Can you recover your Ethereum account after losing your private key? ›

If the user loses their private key, the seed value can be used to recover the keys. The seed value can be transformed into a mnemonic phrase containing twelve common English words to improve storability.

How do I recover my Ethereum wallet without private key? ›

If you've lost your keystore you won't be able to recover your account. The public key is generated from the private key, and then encrypted into a json (keystore) file with your passphrase and something called salt, which is a randomly generated value. Without the json (keystore) file, it's gone.

Can you get a lost wallet back? ›

When you find a lost wallet, you can return it by trying to reach the owner through a driving license, ID card, or debit card found in the wallet. You can also drop it inside a mailbox for the national post to return the lost wallet. You can also use a security camera if present to know the owner of the wallet.

Do lost wallets get returned? ›

Researchers conducted a three-year-long study in 40 different countries that involved several thousand people and found that people are more likely to return a lost wallet if there's money inside. In total, 17,303 wallets were 'lost' in 355 different cities and potential finders were given 100 days to return it.

How do I recover money from a scammer? ›

Contact the company or bank that issued the credit card or debit card. Tell them it was a fraudulent charge. Ask them to reverse the transaction and give you your money back.

How do I get my crypto back from a scammer? ›

Report The Scam To The Law Enforcement Authorities

Typically, when you report a scam, the government will track down the criminals and get your funds back for you. Hence, don't hesitate to work with your government.

Can you recover ETH sent to wrong address? ›

Due to the irreversible nature of cryptocurrency protocols, transactions can't be cancelled or reversed once initiated. If you sent funds to the wrong address, you'll need to contact the receiving party and ask for their cooperation in returning the funds.

How do I find my private ETH key? ›

Retrieving your Private Key using MetaMask

Step 1: Log into your MetaMask account. Step 2: On your Main Ethereum Network page, click the Details button. Step 3: Click the Export Private Key button. Step 4: Enter your MetaMask password and then click Confirm.

How do I find my Ethereum account? ›

  1. Head to Etherscan.io.
  2. In the search bar, enter your Ethereum public address, (0x…..).
  3. You will be taken to a wallet overview. At the top, you will see the checksummed version of your address. Read our article about the differences between checksummed and non-checksummed addresses.

How do I recover my stolen crypto assets? ›

Your best chance to recover your scammed or lost crypto assets is to file a report with: Report Scammed Bitcoin (RSB). Like their name implies, RSB assist individuals or businesses that want to recover their lost or stolen cryptocurrencies. They also assist with recovering forgotten passwords and lost private keys.

How can I recover my crypto wallet without saying? ›

Unfortunately, if you do not have the 12-word backup phrase there is no way to recover your wallet or the funds should anything happen to the device you have the wallet downloaded to. Bitcoin.com has no control over your private keys or any transactions made; we can not restore your wallet for you.

How do I access my lost crypto wallet? ›

Four Ways to Access a Lost Bitcoin Wallet
  1. The Wallet Password and Wallet. dat File. ...
  2. The Passphrase. The secret recovery phrase (also called a seed phrase) is randomly generated during the creation of your wallet. ...
  3. The Private Key. ...
  4. Cryptocurrency Exchange Passwords.
May 31, 2022

How do I recover a lost seed phrase? ›

If you lose your seed phrase, you can still use your blockchain wallet to recover your crypto. In this situation, you should transfer all your funds out of that blockchain wallet immediately. Send them either to a crypto exchange where you have an account or another wallet that you use.

What are the chances of finding a lost wallet? ›

On average, 40 percent of people in the study were likely to report a lost wallet with no money inside to its owner. When roughly $13 of cash was in that wallet, subjects were 51 percent more likely to return the wallet, across 38 of the 40 countries studied in this analysis.

What do thieves do with stolen wallets? ›

Let the police know

In severe cases, thieves will use the information in wallets to take out a loan in your name, for which you will be responsible for repaying. The best way — and sometimes the only way — to fight back against this is with a police report verifying that you were a victim of a crime.

Can a lost wallet be tracked? ›

How Can I Track My Lost Wallet? You can track just about anything with a wallet-tracking device. Tile offers a wide range of products, but we typically recommend the Tile Slim for card wallets and billfolds.

Will the police do anything about a stolen wallet? ›

If your wallet is lost or stolen, visit your local police department and file a police report to document that your wallet is missing. You'll get a case number and documentation to show creditors as evidence if you experience fraud.

Where are wallets usually lost? ›

3) Check Only the Most Likely Places Your Wallet Could Have Run Off To. If you usually keep your wallet on top of your dresser, check your dresser (or underneath the pile of clothes on top of it.) If your wallet is usually in your gym bag or in your car's center console, check those places.

Can scammed money be returned? ›

If you've bought something from a scammer

Your card provider can ask the seller's bank to refund the money. This is known as the 'chargeback scheme'. If you paid by debit card, you can use chargeback however much you paid.

Can scammed money be recovered? ›

You should get your money back if the payment was within the last 13 months, the bank can't prove that you authorised the payment and that the bank does not believe that you acted with gross negligence. The process here is exactly the same as in step one above.

Can you track a scammer? ›

IP tracing

An IP address can be used to trace the location of the scammer if the IP address is not hidden using a VPN or other means. There are a variety of ways to obtain someone's IP address.

Can crypto be traced back? ›

Yes, Bitcoin is traceable. Here's what you need to know: Blockchain transactions are recorded on a public, distributed ledger. This makes all transactions open to the public - and any interested government agency.

Can you claim lost crypto? ›

Reporting crypto losses using form 8949 and 1040 Schedule D is required by the IRS. Claiming crypto losses on your tax return may allow you to deduct them from your income or offset capital gains, lowering your tax liability.

What can you do if you get scammed out of crypto? ›

But if you've fallen victim to a crypto scam, here are four key steps you should take:
  1. Find your transaction IDs. ...
  2. Write your narrative. ...
  3. Prepare to prove ownership. ...
  4. Contact law enforcement and report.
Oct 18, 2022

Can ETH transactions be reversed? ›

Can Ethereum transactions be reversed? Ethereum wallets can not revert already completed Ethereum transactions. When Ethereum users accidentally send funds to the wrong address or send the wrong amount of ETH, they may cancel the transaction while it is still pending.

Can ETH wallet address be traced? ›

Yes, Ethereum transactions are traceable, but not so quickly. Ether transactions are classified as pseudo-anonymous because tracing the identity of the Ethereum wallet owner or recipient of the funds requires extensive chain analysis and data mining.

Will Coinbase refund if scammed? ›

With an active Coinbase One subscription, you may be eligible to receive a one-time reimbursem*nt for up to $1,000,000 (U.S. Dollars) of actual losses (or the U.S. Dollar equivalent thereof, in the case such losses were in the form of Digital Currency) that you sustain due to a compromise of your Coinbase Account login ...

What is my Ethereum public key? ›

The public key is generated from the private key using the Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm. You get a public address for your account by taking the last 20 bytes of the Keccak-256 hash of the public key and adding 0x to the beginning.

What is my wallet private key? ›

On the other hand, your Private Key is the set of numbers and letters that allows you to access your wallet. This will be needed to recover your wallet in case you lose or change your phone, so it's extremely important you store it well to guarantee no one can access your wallet.

How long is Ethereum private key? ›

More precisely, a private key can be any nonzero number up to a very large number slightly less than 2256—a huge 78-digit number, roughly 1.158 * 1077. The exact number shares the first 38 digits with 2256 and is defined as the order of the elliptic curve used in Ethereum (see “Elliptic Curve Cryptography Explained”).

Can you recover lost Ethereum? ›

To recover funds, customers must provide their Ethereum transaction identification for the lost assets and the contract address of the lost asset. The recovery tool only works for select ERC-20 tokens sent into Coinbase.

How do you restore ETH wallet with seed phrase? ›

(Steps applicable for both iOS and Android)
  1. Open the MEW wallet app.
  2. Click on 'Restore'.
  3. Select 'Use Recovery phrase'. Private key and Keystore file access are not supported on the MEW wallet app. ...
  4. Enter in your Recovery phrase. ...
  5. Create your PIN and then re-enter it to complete wallet recovery.
  6. You're all done!

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Name: Prof. An Powlowski

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Introduction: My name is Prof. An Powlowski, I am a charming, helpful, attractive, good, graceful, thoughtful, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.