Airbnb Startup Cost: A Comprehensive Guide for First-Time Hosts (2024)

Airbnb Startup Cost: A Comprehensive Guide for First-Time Hosts (1)

Start an Airbnb

Get a step-by-step guide to estimating your Airbnb startup cost & exactly what you’ll need to spend during your first year as an Airbnb host.

Getting ready to start your first Airbnb?

If so, you probably already scoped out the perfect location and estimated your potential revenue.

Maybe you’re even feeling addicted to Zillow and are non-stop dreaming about the day you’ll find the perfect Airbnb property (and that your offer will actually be accepted which, let’s face it, is half the battle these days.)

And, because you’re a fantastic future Airbnb host, you know that you’re still missing one important thing:

You need to estimate the cost of starting your Airbnb.

Well, you’ve come to the right place.

In this post, you’ll get a step-by-step guide to estimating your Airbnb startup cost. Read on for a breakdown of exactly what you’ll need to spend during your first year as an Airbnb host.

Important: This post is intended to do two things: (1) give you a ballpark estimate of your potential expenses and (2) help you plan for the types of expenses you’ll have in your first year of Airbnb hosting. While this information is incredibly valuable (if I do say so myself), it’s important to note that your expenses will undoubtedly differ from what’s below.[1]

This post may contain affiliate links. If you click a link and make a purchase, I may earn a commission at no additional cost to you. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. I’m not affiliated with Airbnb in any way (other than being an Airbnb host, of course). Read my full disclosure policy here.


  • Airbnb Startup Cost Guide: How Much Does It Really Cost to Start an Airbnb?
    • 2. Pricing Tool
    • 3. Airbnb Host Fees
    • 3. Insurance
    • 5. Homeowner’s Association Fee
    • 6. Utilities
    • 8. Occupancy Taxes
    • 9. Cleaning Fees
    • 10. Renovations
    • 11. Short-Term Rental Permit fees
    • 12. Maintenance
  • Total Airbnb Startup Cost (Annual)
    • Important Things to Note
  • Takeaway

Airbnb Startup Cost Guide: How Much Does It Really Cost to Start an Airbnb?

1. Furniture & Supplies

Airbnb Startup Cost: A Comprehensive Guide for First-Time Hosts (2)

Furniture and supplies – this expense is a big one.

The time it takes to plan, find, and set up all of your furniture and supplies (100+ essential items!) really adds up.

And so does the cost.

Here’s my estimate, based on all the items I would buy today for a one-bedroom, one-bathroom Airbnb:

  • Entryway: $953
  • Kitchen: $1,444 (including cooking supplies, a full dining room setup, and single-use items that guests love)
  • Living Room: $4,105
  • Bedroom: $1,564 (per room)
  • Bathroom: $342 (per bathroom)
  • Miscellaneous Supplies: $349
  • Restock: ~$2,000
    • You’ll need to restock certain items as needed, like linens that get stained, kitchen utensils that are no longer usable, or hand soap when it runs out

Total Furniture & Supplies Cost: $11,402 (incl. 6% sales tax)

2. Pricing Tool

One of the most important factors in determining your overall success is your pricing on Airbnb.

Many hosts (like me) use pricing tools to optimize their nightly rates.

My favorite Airbnb pricing tool is AirDNA.

With AirDNA, you’ll get a forecasted nightly rate for every single available date on your Airbnb listing.

You’ll also be able to see comparable occupancy rates, booking lead times, and seasonality for your area. All of this data helps you make informed pricing decisions for your Airbnb.

AirDNA’s monthly subscription costs as little as $11/month (depending on where your Airbnb is located.)

Read more about how AirDNA helps Airbnb hosts optimize their pricing here.

Pricing Tool Subscription: $40/month*

*Since AirDNA subscription costs vary by location, I’m just using the cost for my Airbnb.

Pro Tip: Pricing is just one of the 50+ ways your listing can be optimized today to start earning you more revenue today!

3. Airbnb Host Fees

Airbnb charges every host an Airbnb host fee of 3% of revenue (revenue being your nightly rate + cleaning fees.)

Airbnb host fees cover the cost of Airbnb customer support, AirCover, and educational resources for hosts.

Since the average Airbnb host earns $924/month (but, don’t worry, you can make much more than that!), the average host fee is $28/month (3% of $924.)

Airbnb Host Fee: $28/month

Recommended: Airbnb Host Fees: Are They Worth It for Airbnb Hosts?

3. Insurance

The good news about listing your short-term rental on Airbnb is that bookings made through the Airbnb platform are covered by AirCover.

AirCover provides Airbnb hosts with $1MM in liability insurance and $1MM in damage protection. It’s great coverage at no additional cost to hosts or guests.

That said, I don’t recommend relying solely on Airbnb’s insurance coverage. It might not cover your specific needs.

If you own your Airbnb property, you’ll have to pay for homeowner’s insurance. So, see if that policy covers short-term rentals. If not, consider purchasing a separate policy that does.

For the sake of putting together a thoughtful budget, let’s use the 2019 U.S. Census Bureau’s nationwide average for insurance coverage:

Insurance Coverage: $107/month[2]

To get a more accurate estimate based on your property’s location, you can access the Census data here.

4. Mortgage & Property Taxes

Just like everything else on this list, mortgage payments differ from host to host.

Your mortgage payment depends on many factors, including your purchase price, downpayment, interest rate, and mortgage term.

Not to mention, if you’re renting out a room in your home or own your property outright, you might not have any mortgage payments at all (lucky you!)

So, let’s use the 2019 U.S. Census Bureau’s nationwide averages again:

Mortgage Payments: $1,297/month[2]

Property Taxes: $298/month[2]

Important: for simplicity, this estimate does not include your down payment and closing costs. You can choose whether or not to include those costs in your own estimate.

5. Homeowner’s Association Fee

Not all properties have a homeowner’s association (HOA). Of those that do, the HOA dues can vary widely.

If you have an Airbnb property in mind, you can often find the cost of HOA dues on the property listing; if it’s not there, ask the listing agent.

HOA Dues: $170/month[2]

Airbnb Startup Cost: A Comprehensive Guide for First-Time Hosts (3)

6. Utilities

Utilities include things like water, sewage, electricity, gas, trash, and internet.

To get the most accurate estimate for your Airbnb, research local utility providers.

Utility Costs: $266/month[2]

Pro Tip: High-speed internet matters to guests. Before you’re fully set on an Airbnb property, confirm you can get high-speed internet there.

8. Occupancy Taxes

Guests pay occupancy taxes when booking (how much they pay depends on your Airbnb location.)

Airbnb remits payment to the appropriate taxing authorities on your behalf, so you don’t need to worry about paying occupancy taxes or including them in your Airbnb startup cost estimate.

That said, you should double-check that they’re collecting the correct amount for your area and that there aren’t any additional STR-related taxes that need to be paid.

Occupancy Taxes: $0/month

9. Cleaning Fees

First of all, you should know that you specify the cleaning fee for your listing, and it can be any amount you choose.

Learn how to set a cleaning fee that maximizes profits.

When guests book, they’ll pay that cleaning fee in addition to your nightly rate.

And, just like your nightly rate, Airbnb will include the cleaning fee in your payout for that booking.

You’ll then pay your cleaning crew directly.

So, your cleaning fee is a total pass-through and not an expense you need to account for.

That said, you’ll likely pay for a few cleanings yourself throughout your first year as an Airbnb host.

At my Airbnb, I paid for cleaners once before I took listing photos, once before my first guest checked in (because I was living there at the time), and every time I visited for a property maintenance check.

All in all, I paid my cleaners four times in the first year. At $195 per cleanning, that’s a total of $780.

Cleaning Costs: $780/year (paid by you as a host, not your guests)

10. Renovations

Renovating your property before you list it on Airbnb is totally optional, but highly recommended.

When looking at listing photos, guests want an Airbnb that looks light, bright, and well taken care of.

While staying at your Airbnb, guests want it to feel clean, spacious, and comfortable.

Make sure your Airbnb really wows guests by investing in thoughtful renovations.

To ensure my Airbnb achieved this, I invested in three impactful upgrades:

  1. White walls (a major upgrade from the multiple shades of cream it previously had)
  2. Laminate flooring (goodbye carpet, hello durable, hardwood-looking floors)
  3. Recessed lighting throughout (making the whole property light, bright, and modern)

Total Renovation Cost: $30,038

11. Short-Term Rental Permit fees

Depending on where your Airbnb is located, you might be required to follow specific short-term rental regulations, such as getting a permit.

The cost of receiving a permit varies, of course. My short-term rental permit cost $621.

STR Permit Fee: $621/year

12. Maintenance

I recommend setting aside a maintenance budget for anything unexpected that comes up.

Here are a few unexpected maintenance expenses that came up during my first year as an Airbnb host:

  1. Replacement keyless entry

A few months after I started my Airbnb, I decided to replace my original keyless entry (which never worked well) after a guest got locked out at 3 AM. Don’t buy that one. Buy this fantastic Kwikset keyless entry

Replacement Cost: $195

  1. Plumbing maintenance and a new water heater

When I bought my property, I didn’t realize the water heater was way past its typical life expectancy.

In fact, I didn’t find that out until six months after opening my Airbnb, when I happened to be there for a property maintenance check. That’s when, to my total surprise, my hot water heater completely stopped working.

I got really, really lucky by being there at just the right time. It would have been a much more expensive (not to mention stressful) issue if a guest had been staying there when the water heater went out.

All that’s to say, regular property maintenance checks are crucial. And unexpected plumbing needs come up from time to time.

Unexpected Plumbing Costs: $3,778

  1. Handyman

If you manage your Airbnb remotely, you might need to hire a handyman from time to time to fix small issues your guests tell you about.

A few months after opening my Airbnb, I hired a handyman to fix a door that kept falling off the tracks, an interior door handle that accidentally got locked, blinds that completely stopped working, and towel rods that constantly fell off the wall.

Even though I lived at my property before listing it on Airbnb, I still wasn’t able to catch all these unexpected issues myself!

Hiring a handyman to fix these things cost $246 (and…honestly… their work wasn’t great so I ended up redoing almost all these things myself…ugh.)

Handyman Cost: $246

Major Unexpected Maintenance Expenses: $4,219

Airbnb Startup Cost: A Comprehensive Guide for First-Time Hosts (4)

Pro Tip: If you’re managing your Airbnb remotely, don’t forget to include travel expenses for regular property maintenance checks.

Total Airbnb Startup Cost (Annual)

  • Furniture & Supplies: $11,402
  • Pricing Tool: $288 (including a 40% discount with AirDNA’s annual subscription)
  • Insurance: $1,284
  • Airbnb Host Fees: $336
  • Mortgage & Property Taxes: $19,140
  • Homeowner’s Association Fee: $2,040
  • Utilities: $3,192
  • Occupancy Taxes: $0
  • Cleaning Fees: $780
  • Renovations: $30,038
  • Short-Term Rental Permit Fees: $621
  • Unexpected Maintenance Costs: $4,219

Total Estimated Airbnb Startup Cost: $73,313

Important Things to Note

[1] While I did my best to provide you with accurate estimates, your costs WILL be different than what’s captured in this post. Here’s why:

  • You’re not going to buy exactly what I used in my estimate at exactly the same price
  • You can (and should!) try to reduce costs by using items you already have (IF they’re in great shape)

That’s why each section of this post explains how I got to that estimate and how you can calculate a more accurate number for yourself.

Additionally, this post doesn’t include everything you might buy for your Airbnb. Some additional things to consider:

  • Non-essential items like decorations and special amenities
  • Additional costs associated with having more than one bedroom and bathroom
  • Downpayment and closing costs of buying your Airbnb property
  • Additional fees and taxes specific to your property
  • Costs specific to owning a single-family home, such as lawncare
  • Other things I’m probably forgetting

[2] To estimate property-related expenses (i.e. mortgage, homeowner’s insurance, property taxes, and utilities) I’m using the U.S. Census Bureau’s nationwide averages based on 2019 census data from the American Housing Survey (try saying that 10 times fast!) To get a more accurate estimate based on your property’s location, you can access the AHS data here.


I hope I didn’t scare you away with the total cost!

(Honestly, seeing that number all totaled up in one place even scares me a little…)

Remember, your personal costs are going to fluctuate depending on your individual property and what makes sense for your business.

Don’t just look at this big number and change your mind about starting your first Airbnb.

Instead, use my free profitability calculator – which takes both your expected revenue and costs into consideration – before deciding whether or not becoming an Airbnb host is right for you:

Save this post for later:

Airbnb Startup Cost: A Comprehensive Guide for First-Time Hosts (5)

Any feedback or questions? Let me know in the comments.

Disclaimer: All content on this website is for informational purposes only. You are taking all provided information at your own risk. We are not financial, real estate, legal, investment or other professionals. Nothing on this website should be construed as professional advice. We will not be liable for any loss or damage of any nature. For more information, read our disclaimer.

Airbnb Startup Cost: A Comprehensive Guide for First-Time Hosts (2024)


What are the start-up costs for Airbnb? ›

How much does it cost to start an Airbnb? An Airbnb costs, on average, $6k to start — assuming you already own the property. Putting everything together, Airbnb costs include: Cleaning and maintenance (e.g., supplies, cleaner fees)

How much should I spend on my first Airbnb? ›

Then your Airbnb startup cost can be about $3,000. But if you want to rent out your house or apartment, you'll need to consider upfront costs of redecorating and furnishing your home to make it perfect for your potential guests.

What are the hidden costs of running an Airbnb? ›

One of the biggest hidden costs of renting your home on Airbnb is cleaning costs. You'll need to either clean the property yourself or hire a professional cleaner after each guest. If you hire a professional cleaner, expect to pay $100-$200 per clean.

How to host Airbnb for beginners? ›

How to start an Airbnb business
  1. Find out if you need permission. ...
  2. Prepare your Airbnb rental. ...
  3. Set your price. ...
  4. List your Airbnb property. ...
  5. Hire or enlist some help (a co-host) ...
  6. Host an Airbnb experience.
Feb 27, 2024

Is it worth it to start an Airbnb? ›

An Airbnb short-term rental can be more profitable than renting out your property on a long-term basis. You set your prices and Airbnb nightly rates are usually higher than for longer rentals. According to AllTheRooms, an Airbnb host in the U.S. earned an annual average of $44,235 in 2021.

What is the first service fee on Airbnb? ›

Most guest service fees are under 14.2% of the booking subtotal (the booking subtotal includes the nightly price and any additional fees charged by the Host, but excludes the guest service fee and taxes). The guest service fee varies based on a variety of factors and may be higher or lower depending on the booking.

What can I write off on my taxes for Airbnb? ›

9 Airbnb Tax Deductions to Write Off
  • Depreciation. ...
  • Cost Segregation. ...
  • Furniture. ...
  • Cleaning/Maintenance Fees. ...
  • Marketing. ...
  • Home Office Deduction. ...
  • Commissions and Fees. ...
  • Mortgage Interest, Insurance, and Taxes.

What is the income potential for Airbnb? ›

Airbnb host income potential

While there's no single answer, estimates suggest the average annual earnings for U.S. hosts are around $14,000 based on recent data. However, earnings can vary dramatically depending on a number of elements such as location, property type, expenses, and more.

How much do Airbnb hosts make on average per month? ›

What Is the Average Airbnb Host Salary by State
StateAnnual SalaryMonthly Pay
North Carolina$37,432$3,119
46 more rows

How do I avoid Airbnb commission? ›

How Do You Avoid Airbnb Fees?
  1. book direct.
  2. use another booking platform.
  3. stay at a hotel.
Feb 11, 2024

What are the two huge complaints Airbnb is addressing? ›

This story has been updated. One of Airbnb's most-derided features — fees that can cause rental prices on the platform to balloon from the figures initially shown in search results — will be hidden no more.

What are the fees associated with owning an Airbnb? ›

Most Hosts pay a flat service fee of 3% of the booking subtotal. The subtotal is your nightly price plus any optional fees you charge guests, like a cleaning fee, and doesn't include Airbnb fees and taxes. Guests typically pay a service fee of around 14% of the booking subtotal.

How much money do you need to start your first Airbnb? ›

The average cost to start an Airbnb sits between $3,000 to $6,000. This cost will significantly vary depending on the following items: Property purchase price. Home Loan Down Payment.

What is the downside of owning an Airbnb? ›

Expenses May Be Higher

You'll only need to step in to perform property maintenance or handle the occasional emergency. An Airbnb property is likely to be more work-intensive because it will fall on you, the owner, to ensure that it is in tip-top shape all the time.

Where do I start when starting an Airbnb? ›

Follow these steps to start an Airbnb business:
  1. Consider and research locations. ...
  2. Take a look at other sites nearby. ...
  3. Budget appropriately and know your investing options. ...
  4. Make a business plan and purchase property. ...
  5. Determine your property management strategy. ...
  6. Create a name. ...
  7. Create an LLC. ...
  8. Know who you're marketing to.
Jul 10, 2023

How much do owners have to pay Airbnb? ›

How much does Airbnb charge hosts? This fee amounts to 3% of the booking subtotal for most hosts. However, it's essential to note that there are exceptions to this rule. Some hosts may incur a slightly higher fee, especially if they fall into specific categories.

What fees do Airbnb charge owners? ›

Airbnb charges hosts a service fee for each booking. What percentage Airbnb takes can vary, but it's typically around 3% for most hosts. However, Airbnb's commission can go up to 14% or more for hosts who have a Super Strict cancellation policy.

How much capital do you need to start an Airbnb business? ›

How Much Does It Cost to Start an Airbnb Business? The average cost to start an Airbnb business is $6,000.

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Author: Terrell Hackett

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Name: Terrell Hackett

Birthday: 1992-03-17

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Hobby: Board games, Rock climbing, Ghost hunting, Origami, Kabaddi, Mushroom hunting, Gaming

Introduction: My name is Terrell Hackett, I am a gleaming, brainy, courageous, helpful, healthy, cooperative, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.