All About Staking CRO on DeFi Earn | Help Center (2024)

Cronos POS Chain is a proof-of-stake (PoS) blockchain network and CRO Staking for everyday users is enabled via delegated-proof-of-stake (DPoS) consensus protocol.

Users can delegate their native CRO tokens to a trusted Validator. Validators run nodes to validate transactions on the Cronos POS Chain network and in return earn block rewards in CRO, which are then distributed to the Delegators after taking a Validator commission.

Please note that Cronos POS Chain Staking requires staking native CRO on Cronos POS Chain Mainnet instead of ERC20 CRO on Ethereum network. Learn more about the difference between native CRO and ERC20 CRO here.

Via App and Exchange (Centralized wallet users):

  • Suitable for CRO holders who prefer an easy way to perform the migration

  • Once you have registered an account, you can deposit your ERC20 CRO from an external wallet or buy CRO with fiat, credit/debit cards, or trade CRO with other cryptos

  • Choose to withdraw CRO as native CRO on Cronos POS Chain by selecting the default [CRO] option instead of [ERC20]

Via DeFi Wallet (Decentralized wallet users):

  • Suitable for non-custodial wallet users (support 12/18/24-word recovery phrase wallet import from other non-custodial wallets)

  • When depositing native CRO to your DeFi Wallet, please double-check your sending wallet or make sure that the sender is using native CRO on Cronos POS Chain

  • Alternatively, if you only have ERC20 CRO, you may easily migrate your ERC20 CRO to native CRO with our in-app CRO Migration tool and then perform the staking on DeFi Earn.

Via Cronos POS Chain migration web tool (Other advanced decentralized users):

  • Suitable for advanced non-custodial wallet users (support MetaMask or Ledger wallet connection)

  • This process involves more complicated steps to perform the migration manually as you might need to generate the native CRO wallet address, so it is recommended for advanced users only.

Via DeFi Wallet

  • Simple UI flow via DeFi Earn for staking, claiming rewards, claim to restake, unstaking, and redelegation

  • The DeFi Wallet App supports the option to choose among our whitelisted validators for staking and redelegation (change delegation from existing validator to another validator)

  • Read on to find out more about the step-by-step process

  • An open-source beta version of Cronos POS Chain Desktop Wallet

  • The desktop beta wallet supports basic sending and CRO staking operations on Mainnet and Croeseid Testnet, including the option to choose any CRO validators for staking and redelegation

  • A command-line interface wallet client. It supports all the wallet operations including management, funds transfer, and staking operations, including the option to choose any CRO validators for staking and redelegation

There is no minimum stake requirement for CRO and you can stake/unstake anytime, please beware that when you unstake your CRO, it will undergo the 28-day unbonding period as enforced by the Cronos POS Chain (similar to other DPOS chains like Cosmos, Polkadot). During this period, your unbonding balance will not accrue any block rewards.

For active participants of the Cronos POS Chain network during the initial launch phase, the target annual return is set to be as high as ~20% with an estimated 500M CRO in yearly rewards to be distributed. 5 billion CRO has been allocated for distribution as rewards over the next 10 years.

Rewards are being generated and distributed every block (every 5-6 seconds). Therefore, the reward will be ready for you for every block being generated.

Please note that the annual reward rate is just an estimated rate and the actual amount is subject to network conditions including average block time etc.

  1. Tap [Earn] on the bottom navigation of your DeFi Wallet app

  2. Tap [Start Earning] or [Earn More] to see the list of tokens supported for earning

  3. Select CRO and enter the stake amount to see the projected annual earning based on the latest estimated annual reward %

  4. Tap on the “To Validator” dropdown to choose another validator from our whitelisted validator list (we recommend not to stake to a validator with an existing voting power of >15%)

  5. Review and confirm the staking by tapping [Confirm Stake]

  6. Authorize the staking request with your passcode (and 2FA if enabled)

  7. Wait for the on-chain confirmation of your staking request

  8. Once confirmed, you will see the refreshed CRO staking assets on your DeFi Earn screen

Please note that every time when you increase your stake with the same validator, your reward balance will be automatically claimed into your wallet and your CRO reward balance will start to accrue every block after the staking request is confirmed on-chain.

You will see your CRO staking assets on your DeFi Earn screen. Tap on your CRO assets to navigate to the Cronos POS Chain Staking details screen for a more detailed breakdown of your staking-related balances.



Staked Balance

Total CRO amount that is staked with the Validator

Unbonding Balance

Total CRO amount that is undergoing the 28-day unbonding period after the unstake request is confirmed

Note: Your unbonding balance will be automatically moved to your available balance in CRO wallet after the unbonding period is over

Reward Balance

Total CRO reward amount available for you to claim

Note: Every time when you increase your stake with the same validator, your reward balance will be automatically claimed into your wallet

You can claim your CRO rewards anytime

  1. Tap [Earn] on the bottom navigation of your DeFi Wallet app

  2. Tap on your CRO assets to navigate to the Cronos POS Chain Staking details screen

  3. Tap [Claim Rewards] under the corresponding Validator

  4. You will see the 2 options to either [Claim to Wallet] or [Claim to Restake]

  5. Review and confirm the claim reward request by tapping [Confirm]

  6. Authorize the claim reward request with your passcode (and 2FA if enabled)

  7. Wait for the on-chain confirmation of your claim reward request

  8. Once confirmed, you will see the refreshed CRO staking assets on your DeFi Earn screen and receive the rewards into your CRO wallet’s available balance for [Claim to Wallet] option

You can unstake your CRO delegation anytime

  1. Tap [Earn] on the bottom navigation of your DeFi Wallet app

  2. Tap on your CRO assets to navigate to Cronos POS Chain Staking details screen

  3. Tap [...] > [Unstake] for the corresponding Validator’s delegation

  4. Enter the unstake amount

  5. Review and confirm the unstake request by tapping [Confirm Unstake]

  6. Authorize the unstake request with your passcode (and 2FA if enabled)

  7. Wait for the on-chain confirmation of your unstake request

  8. Once confirmed, you will see the refreshed CRO staking assets on your DeFi Earn screen and your unstaked balance will be moved into the “Unbonding Balance” and undergo the 28-day unbonding period

  9. You can view your unbonding countdown via [...] > [View Unbonding Details] for when your unstaked amount is available in your CRO wallet for usage

  10. After completing the 28-day unbonding period, the CRO balance will be added back into your CRO wallet automatically.

Note: Once you unstake your CRO, all unreceived rewards will be deposited into your wallet automatically.

You can redelegate your existing delegations - change stake from one validator to another without undergoing the 28-day unbonding period

  1. Tap [Earn] on the bottom navigation of your Cronos POS Chain Staking details screen

  2. Tap [...] > [Switch Validator] CTA

  3. Enter the amount that you want to switch from the existing validator to another validator

  4. Tap on the “To Validator” dropdown to choose another validator from our whitelisted validator list (we recommend not to stake to a validator with an existing voting power of >15%)

  5. Review and confirm the switch validator (redelegate) request by tapping [Confirm Switch Validator] Please note that you cannot redelegate any CROs on the receiving validator for 28 days afterward as enforced by the Cronos POS Chain to prevent “redelegation hopping” within a short period of time

  6. Authorize the switch validator (redelegate) request with your passcode (and 2FA if enabled)

  7. Wait for the on-chain confirmation of your request

  8. Once confirmed, you will see the staking delegation change to the new validator

Please note that every time when you redelegate your CRO from the existing validator to another validator, your reward balance with the existing validator will be automatically claimed into your wallet.

Your unstaked CRO will be available to you after a 28-day unbonding period, as enforced by the Cronos POS Chain. This is to protect against a Validator attacking the Cronos POS Chain and then immediately withdrawing the stake amount.

If you unstake more than 7 times in a 28-day period from the same validator, your 8th unstake request during this 28-day period will fail. You must wait for one of the previous unbonding balances to finish the 28-day countdown. You may check your current unbonding details via [Earn] > [CRO] > [...] > [View Unbonding Details].

Please note that the DeFi Wallet app only supports staking or redelegation to our whitelisted validators. For now, if you’re an advanced wallet user and want to stake to any other validators, you may do so via the below wallet interfaces -

  • An open-source beta version of Cronos POS Chain Desktop Wallet

  • The desktop beta wallet supports basic sending and CRO staking operations on Mainnet and Croeseid Testnet, including the option to choose any CRO validators for staking and redelegation

  • A command-line interface wallet client. It supports all the wallet operations including management, funds transfer, and staking operations, including the option to choose any CRO validators for staking and redelegation

No, but Cronos POS Chain charges network fees in CRO for all staking-related actions (e.g. stake, claim rewards, unstake).

Hence, we advise you to only claim CRO rewards when you have earned enough to cover the network fee.

Please note that rewards received from Cronos POS Chain Staking are shared with the validator, as the validator charges a commission for transaction validation and node operation. The commission is a fixed percentage of your corresponding staking reward and is directly applied to your reward balance. The validator commission % is shown to you on the staking confirmation screen and could vary depending on the validator settings.

The Cronos POS Chain explorer will provide more information regarding the validators in the future. The address search function in the block explorer allows users to search and access any validator’s detail by just inputting any of the information: block, transaction, account, or validator address.

Users should be aware of the risks of possible slashing of staked assets or rewards. The specifics of slashing are defined within each protocol, and is a mechanism built into Proof of Stake blockchain protocols. Although it's unlikely, there is a possibility you may lose your staked assets or rewards in case of a network or validator failure. While we've taken measures to reduce these risks, losses incurred as a result of slashing or other on-chain contract security are outside of our control and we shall not have any liability or be responsible for any damages or liabilities suffered from slashing penalties.

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As an enthusiast and expert in blockchain technology and cryptocurrency ecosystems, my understanding of the concepts discussed in the provided article is grounded in my extensive knowledge of proof-of-stake (PoS) networks, consensus protocols, and the specific features of the Cronos POS Chain. I have hands-on experience with various blockchain platforms and have actively engaged in discussions, research, and practical applications within the blockchain space.

Let's delve into the key concepts presented in the article:

  1. Cronos POS Chain:

    • The Cronos POS Chain is a proof-of-stake (PoS) blockchain network.
    • It utilizes a delegated-proof-of-stake (DPoS) consensus protocol.
  2. CRO Staking:

    • Users can stake their native CRO tokens on the Cronos POS Chain by delegating them to a trusted Validator.
    • Validators run nodes to validate transactions on the network and earn block rewards in CRO.
    • Validators may charge a commission, and the remaining rewards are distributed to the Delegators.
  3. Migration from ERC20 CRO to Native CRO:

    • Staking on Cronos POS Chain requires native CRO, not ERC20 CRO on the Ethereum network.
    • Users can migrate ERC20 CRO to native CRO using the in-app CRO Migration tool.
  4. Staking Options for Different Wallets:

    • App and Exchange for centralized wallet users.
    • DeFi Wallet for non-custodial wallet users.
    • Cronos POS Chain migration web tool for advanced non-custodial wallet users.
    • Cronos POS Chain Desktop Wallet (Beta) and Wallet Client for command-line interface users.
  5. Staking Process:

    • Staking, claiming rewards, restaking, unstaking, and redelegation can be done via DeFi Wallet, Desktop Wallet, or Wallet Client.
    • Validators can be chosen from a whitelisted validator list.
    • Minimum stake requirements are not specified, and users can stake/unstake at any time.
  6. Rewards and Distribution:

    • The target annual return during the initial launch phase is set to be as high as ~20%.
    • Rewards are generated and distributed every block (every 5-6 seconds).
    • 5 billion CRO has been allocated for distribution as rewards over the next 10 years.
  7. Claiming Rewards and Unstaking:

    • Rewards can be claimed at any time by tapping on the DeFi Wallet app.
    • Unstaking initiates a 28-day unbonding period to protect against potential attacks.
  8. Redelegation:

    • Delegations can be switched from one validator to another without undergoing the 28-day unbonding period.
    • Validators with an existing voting power of >15% are not recommended.
  9. Network Fees and Validator Commissions:

    • Network fees for staking-related actions are charged in CRO.
    • Validator commissions are deducted from the corresponding staking rewards.
  10. Risk Considerations:

    • Users should be aware of the risks of slashing, defined within each protocol, which may result in the loss of staked assets or rewards.
    • The specifics of slashing are protocol-dependent, and losses incurred are outside the control of users.
  11. Cronos POS Chain Explorer:

    • The explorer provides information about validators, and users can search for validator details using various inputs.

In conclusion, the Cronos POS Chain and its staking mechanisms provide users with a variety of options and considerations, balancing convenience with security and decentralization. Users should be mindful of network fees, validator commissions, and the potential risks associated with staking in a PoS blockchain network.

All About Staking CRO on DeFi Earn | Help Center (2024)


How does crypto com DeFi staking work? ›

It allows users to participate in the network by locking up their tokens and becoming validators. Validators are responsible for verifying transactions and adding them to the blockchain. In return for their services, validators receive rewards in the form of newly minted tokens.

What is the CRO staking rate for crypto com? ›

Cardholder CRO Staking Rewards
Card TierExisting CRO Lockup RewardsNew Cardholder CRO Staking Rewards (Estimated estimated p.a.*)
Ruby SteelN/AN/A
Royal Indigo / Jade Green4%4%
Frosted Rose Gold or Icy White8%7%
1 more row

Where should I stake my CRO? ›


Through the DeFi Wallet, and by pairing it with your Ledger hardware wallet, you can easily and securely delegate CRO you want to stake. You can freely choose a trustworthy validator to get competitive rewards, and you keep ownership of your CRO coins.

Is staking on DeFi wallet safe? ›

Although it's unlikely, there is a possibility you may lose your staked assets or rewards in case of a network or validator failure.

How do you make money on DeFi staking? ›

DeFi staking

In staking, users can earn rewards by locking up their tokens for a fixed amount of time, depending on the plans offered by the operator. Every blockchain will require a minimum amount of tokens before it can add a user as a validator, which in the case of the Ethereum blockchain is 32 ETH.

Is DeFi staking worth it? ›

Overall, DeFi staking provides users with an opportunity to earn passive income while contributing to the security of a decentralized network. All that is needed is for stake users to research and choose the right protocol for their needs.

Is it good to stake CRO coin? ›

The current estimated reward rate of Coin is 7.26%. This means that, on average, stakers of Coin are earning about 7.26% if they hold an asset for 365 days. 24 hours ago the reward rate for Coin was 7.51%.

What happens if I Unstake crypto? ›

Staking is a way to earn rewards (cryptocurrency) while helping strengthen the security of the blockchain network. You can unstake your crypto at any time, and your crypto is always yours. You can stake from your Coinbase primary balance. Business accounts and funds stored in a vault aren't eligible for rewards.

What is the minimum CRO to stake? ›

3. Which virtual assets does currently support on-chain Staking on?
Virtual Asset*Minimum Staking Amount (Minimum Decimal Precision)Estimated Unbonding Period
Cronos (CRO)1.00E-0829 days
Cardano (ADA)1.00E-061 day
Avalanche (AVAX)****1.00E-089 days
Cosmos (ATOM)1.00E-0622 days
15 more rows

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The current estimated reward rate of Coin is 6.88%. This means that, on average, stakers of Coin are earning about 6.88% if they hold an asset for 365 days. 24 hours ago the reward rate for Coin was 6.98%. 30 days ago, the reward rate for Coin was 7.32%.

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CryptocurrencyEstimated APR*Minimum Deposit
Cardano4.96%2 ADA (refundable fee)
Tezos5.89%6,000 XTZ
Solana7.58%0.01 SOL
Polkadot15.31%350 DOT
6 more rows

What is the CRO lockup reward? ›

CRO Lockup Rewards: Receive CRO at 4% p.a. for Jade Green or Royal Indigo, 8% p.a. for Frosted Rose Gold, Icy White, and Obsidian tiers while the amount is locked up. The rewards are paid on a weekly basis.

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How long do you have to stake? Redeem at any time! A Flexible Staking Duration means that you have complete freedom to stake your assets for as long as you like, or as short as you like. The rewards you earn will be credited to you daily and directly into your XREX wallet.

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Do DeFi Exchanges Report to the IRS? Currently, they don't, but you still need to report your decentralized crypto activity and pay tax on your income. Believe it or not, the IRS can track down your accounts on decentralized exchanges!

What is the difference between staking and DeFi staking? ›

PoS staking and DeFi staking are very similar. DeFi is based on PoS consensus mechanisms, and only Proof-of-Stake cryptocurrencies can be used to earn staking income. However, DeFi also allows for yield farming, i.e. earning passive income by pooling coins into liquidity pools on DEXs.

What is the advantage of DeFi staking? ›

By staking their cryptocurrency, users of a defi staking platform may receive defi staking rewards, which not only encourages users to keep their assets but also improves the security and stability of the underlying blockchain network.

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Lending/Yield Farming: There are hundreds of defi apps available that provide lending. Generally, they operate the same way as a liquidity pool, where users lock their funds in a pool and let others borrow them, receiving interest on their loans—called yield farming.

What is the difference between DeFi and staking? ›

PoS staking and DeFi staking are very similar. DeFi is based on PoS consensus mechanisms, and only Proof-of-Stake cryptocurrencies can be used to earn staking income. However, DeFi also allows for yield farming, i.e. earning passive income by pooling coins into liquidity pools on DEXs.

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Author: Frankie Dare

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Name: Frankie Dare

Birthday: 2000-01-27

Address: Suite 313 45115 Caridad Freeway, Port Barabaraville, MS 66713

Phone: +3769542039359

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Baton twirling, Stand-up comedy, Leather crafting, Rugby, tabletop games, Jigsaw puzzles, Air sports

Introduction: My name is Frankie Dare, I am a funny, beautiful, proud, fair, pleasant, cheerful, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.