America's Top 20 Metros, Ranked for Healthcare (2024)

By Michael LaPick Healthcare Writer

Michael LaPick Healthcare Writer

Michael LaPick is a Healthcare/Medicare data researcher for and its web properties. Previously, he has written investigative stories for the Poughkeepsie Journal and WAMC NPR Albany, keeping an eye on how Americans spend their money.

Updated on August 29th, 2024

We want to help you make educated healthcare decisions. While this post may have links to lead generation forms, this won’t influence our writing. We adhere to strict editorial standards to provide the most accurate and unbiased information.

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const legendValueRight = legendGroup .append("text") .attr("class", "legend-value") .attr("x", legendWidth / 2 + 10) .attr("y", legendHeight / 2 + 5) .style("font-family", "Proxima Nova") .style("font-size", 24) .style("fill", "#454545") .text("High"); ///////////// PERIPHERALS //////////// svg .append("text") .attr("x", svgWidth / 2) .attr("y", svgHeight - 10) .style("font-size", "14px") .style("text-anchor", "middle") .style("fill", "#454545") .text("Roll over cities for details"); // svg // .append("text") // .attr("class", "title") // .attr("x", svgWidth / 2) // .attr("y", 30) // .style("font-family", "Proxima Nova") // .style("font-size", "40px") // .style("fill", "black") // .style("text-anchor", "middle") // .text("Healthcare Metrics: Top 20 Metros"); ///////////// UPDATE CIRCLE FUNCTION //////////// function update(selectedOption) { // Remove circles before redrawing on update d3.selectAll("circle").remove(); d3.selectAll(".myText").remove(); // Color scale for circles const color = d3 .scaleLinear() .domain(d3.extent(data, (d) => +d[selectedOption])) .range(["indigo", "cyan"]); 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// define and store the mouse position current_position = d3.mouse(this);; let tipSVG = d3 .select("#tipDiv") .append("svg") .attr("width", 260) .attr("height", 90); // Append text for Metro, metric and value tipSVG .append("text") .attr("x", 10) .attr("y", 20) .style("font-weight", 700) .text(d.Metro); // Append text for health metric tipSVG.append("text") .attr("x", 10) .attr("y", 40) .style("font-weight", 400) .text(selectedOption); tipSVG.append("text") .attr("x", 10) .attr("y", 60) .style("font-weight", 700) // .text(d[selectedOption] !== "" ? d[selectedOption] : "N/A"); .text(selectedOption.slice(-2, -1) === "%" ? d[selectedOption] + "%" : (selectedOption.slice(-2, -1) === "$" ? "$" + d[selectedOption]: d[selectedOption] )); // Legend for tooltip const legendGroup = tipSVG.append("g"); const defs = tipSVG.append("defs"); const legendGradientId = "legend-gradient"; const gradient = defs .append("linearGradient") .attr("id", legendGradientId) .selectAll("stop") .data(legendColor.range()) .enter() .append("stop") .attr("stop-color", (d) => d) .attr("offset", (d, i) => `${i * 100}%`); const legendWidth = 200; const legendHeight = 20; const legendGradient = legendGroup .append("rect") .attr("x", 10) .attr("y", 70) .attr("height", legendHeight) .attr("width", legendWidth) .style("fill", `url(#${legendGradientId})`) .attr("fill-opacity", 0.6); // Normalize data to legend length 200 and draw vertical guide bar on tooltip legend const min = d3.min(data, (d) => +d[selectedOption]); const max = d3.max(data, (d) => +d[selectedOption]); let n = ((d[selectedOption] - min) / (max - min)) * 200; line = tipSVG .append("line") .attr("x1", n + 10) .attr("x2", n + 10) .attr("y1", 70) .attr("y2", 90) .style("stroke-width", 4) .style("stroke", "fuchsia") .attr("class", "line"); } function mouseout() { tool_tip.hide();"stroke-width", 1); } } // Initialize update("Hospitals rated 4+"); })(); }loadD3AndGenerateGraph(generateBlockGraph);});

Healthcare in the United States’ biggest cities matters more than ever as Americans increasingly choose urban lifestyles.

How do America’s most populous metros compare on healthcare? Cost, access and quality vary widely.

An ER visit can run five times as much in San Francisco as in Minneapolis. Dallas has 12 highly rated hospitals while Miami, Atlanta and Detroit have only two each.

Meanwhile, your risk of catching COVID-19 is lowest in Seattle. But beware if you go to Detroit or Miami. Both cities are tops in terms of risk.

From Los Angeles to New York City, HealthCareInsider analyzed the top 20 metropolitan regions to see which offers the best healthcare.

Compare the cities on individual health metrics in the map above, and view the chart and table below for final rankings on cost, quality and access.

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Minneapolis-St. Paul268.7721.4221.6525.70
San Diego758.3814.2817.2126.89
Washington D.C.1151.4817.3713.8820.23
Los Angeles1251.2412.8518.8719.52
New York1350.2811.9022.2016.18
San Francisco1646.604.5214.7127.37
Riverside-San Bernardino1841.2914.5212.4914.28


  • Hospital Beds Per 1000 People
    Best City: San Diego
    Worst City: Washington D.C.
  • Nurses Per 1,000 Jobs
    Best City: Philadelphia
    Worst City: Washington D.C.
  • Surgeons Per 1,000 People
    Best City: Boston
    Worst City: Atlanta
  • Mental Health And Substance Abuse Social Workers Per 1,000 Jobs
    Best City: Boston
    Worst City: Houston and Atlanta tie
  • Total Healthcare Workers Per 1,000 Jobs
    Best City: Philadelphia
    Worst City: San Francisco
  • Visits To Dentist Or Dental Clinic In The Previous Year Among Adults Aged 18+ (%)
    Best City: Seattle
    Worst City: Detroit and Dallas tie


  • Hospital Satisfaction: Patient Ratings (1-5)
    Best City: Dallas
    Worst City: Miami
  • Percent Receiving Preventive Services 65+
    Best City: Washington D.C.
    Worst City: New York
  • Percent Receiving Adequate Prenatal Care
    Best City: San Francisco
    Worst City: Houston
  • Life Expectancy
    Best City: San Francisco
    Worst City: Detroit
  • Percent Uninsured
    Best City: Boston
    Worst City: Dallas
  • COVID Local Risk
    Best City: Seattle
    Worst City: Detroit and Miami tie
  • Cardiovascular Deaths Per 100,000
    Best City: Boston
    Worst City: Miami


  • Insurance Premium (average ACA silver plan)
    Best City: Atlanta
    Worst City: Washington D.C.
  • Healthcare Cost Index (*average healthcare service prices compared to the national average)
    Best City: Baltimore
    Worst City: San Francisco
  • Angioplasty (open blocked coronary arteries)
    Best City: Riverside-San Bernardino
    Worst City: New York
  • Ambulance Transportation
    Best City: Baltimore
    Worst City: Dallas
  • Emergency Department Visit
    Best City: Minneapolis-St. Paul
    Worst City: San Francisco
  • Simple Dental Cleaning
    Best City: Boston
    Worst City: New York
  • Average Colonoscopy
    Best City: Chicago
    Worst City: San Francisco
America's Top 20 Metros, Ranked for Healthcare (1)

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In order to determine which most populous U.S. cities offers the best healthcare, HealthCareInsider compared 20 urban areas across three categories: 1) Cost, 2) Access, and 3) Quality.

We evaluated these categories using the 20 measures below. For each measure, cities were graded on a 100-point scale. A score of 100 represented the best performance.

Lastly, we added each metro’s score across all measures to rank America’s 20 top cities.

Sources: Data used to create this ranking were collected from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, United States Census Bureau, NYU Langone Health City Health Dashboard, Kaiser Family Foundation, FAIR Health, Turquoise Health and research.

America's Top 20 Metros, Ranked for Healthcare (2024)


America's Top 20 Metros, Ranked for Healthcare? ›

Despite having the most expensive health care system, the United States ranks last overall compared with six other industrialized countries—Australia, Canada, Germany, the Netherlands, New Zealand, and the United Kingdom—on measures of quality, efficiency, access to care, equity, and the ability to lead long, healthy, ...

What is the top ranked healthcare system in the US? ›

World's Best Hospitals 2024
RankHospital nameInfection Prevention Award
1Mayo Clinic - Rochester
2Cleveland Clinic
3The Johns Hopkins Hospital
4Massachusetts General Hospital
65 more rows

How does America rank in healthcare? ›

Despite having the most expensive health care system, the United States ranks last overall compared with six other industrialized countries—Australia, Canada, Germany, the Netherlands, New Zealand, and the United Kingdom—on measures of quality, efficiency, access to care, equity, and the ability to lead long, healthy, ...

Where does America rank in healthcare in 2024? ›

Download Table Data
CountryHealth Care Index 2024 (CEOWorld)Healthcare Ranking 2022 (US News)
United States56.7123
United Arab Emirates52.325
65 more rows

What country is #1 in healthcare? ›

Ranking of health and health systems of countries worldwide in 2023. In 2023, Singapore dominated the ranking of the world's health and health systems, followed by Japan and South Korea.

What state is #1 in healthcare? ›

The Top 10 States for Health Care
1.Rhode Island100.0
3.New Hampshire92.7
6 more rows
Aug 26, 2024

What hospital is ranked 1 in us? ›

Specialty rankings

Mayo Clinic is top-ranked in more specialties than any other hospital and has been recognized as an Honor Roll member according to U.S. News & World Report's 2024-2025 "Best Hospitals" rankings.

Why is the US healthcare system ranked so low? ›

People in the US see doctors less often than those in most other countries, which is probably related to the US having a below-average number of practicing physicians, according to the report, and the US is the only country among those studied that doesn't have universal health coverage.

Is US healthcare good or bad? ›

Healthcare: Unlike other wealthy nations, the United States does not offer universal access to healthcare. The U.S. healthcare system struggles with deficiencies in quality, fragmentation, and poor coordination of care; and it ranks poorly when compared with healthcare systems in other wealthy nations.

What country has the best doctors? ›

India has the best doctors in the world, second to the USA
  • USA.
  • India.
  • United Kingdom.
  • Germany.
  • France.
  • Switzerland.
  • Canada.
  • Italy.
Feb 27, 2024

How is the healthcare system in the US compared to the UK? ›

The UK's NHS is a universally inclusive healthcare system emphasizing affordability and accessibility, whereas the US healthcare system relies on a hybrid model with significant reliance on private insurance and government programs like Medicare and Medicaid without achieving universal coverage.

Is America the most medically advanced country? ›

The answer to the question, “what country leads the world in medical innovation?” is the United States. Medical industry professionals all over the world would have to agree that the top medical technology currently being used around the world has ties to the U.S.

Where does the US rank compared to other countries? ›

America's Reputation, by the Numbers. The U.S. snagged the No. 5 spot overall in the 2023 Best Countries rankings, though its performance lagged in some categories.

What is the US ranked in healthcare? ›

United States: #11 in the 2022 World Index of Healthcare Innovation.

Which country has the best medication? ›

According to a survey from 2023, Ireland tops the list of the countries with the best medicine availability and affordability in the world, scoring 96.22 out of 100, it was followed by Japan and Saudi Arabia.

What is the best hospital in the world? ›

Mayo Clinic - Rochester

Who is the number 1 healthcare company in USA? ›


What are the 4 main healthcare systems in the US? ›

The four healthcare systems that are currently recognized in Western society include the Beveridge model, the Bismarck model, the national health insurance model, and the out-of-pocket model. In the Beveridge model, the government is the sole provider of healthcare for all citizens.

Who is the #1 provider of health insurance in the US? ›

Blue Cross Blue Shield is the largest health insurance company in most states by membership. That includes affiliates like Elevance (Anthem), Highmark and CareFirst.

Who is the world's best healthcare system? ›

The Best Healthcare Systems in the World in 2024

According to this assessment, what country has the best healthcare? Singapore comes in at No. 1! Japan and South Korea came in 2nd and 3rd.

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Author: Jerrold Considine

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Author information

Name: Jerrold Considine

Birthday: 1993-11-03

Address: Suite 447 3463 Marybelle Circles, New Marlin, AL 20765

Phone: +5816749283868

Job: Sales Executive

Hobby: Air sports, Sand art, Electronics, LARPing, Baseball, Book restoration, Puzzles

Introduction: My name is Jerrold Considine, I am a combative, cheerful, encouraging, happy, enthusiastic, funny, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.