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Welcome back ladies and gentlemen this Is the bearb bll Here and I got the aggressively average Content for you Today as we are in the final moments Before Bitcoin ETF approval and a Massive uptrend in the crypto Market as it has been confirmed by Bloomberg senior ETF analyst Eric Balunis as he states its basic Done latest I'm hearing from multiple Sources is that final s1s are now due 8:00 a.m. on Monday as the SEC is trying To line everyone up for a January 11th Launch ladies and gentlemen we've been Trying to pinpoint the exact day of an ETF approval but this dude is uh how you Like to say the expert leading reporter On ETF news like this we are getting Confirmation price action in my opinion Will precede the Announcement but it's a special time to Be alive if you want to take your Profits as an allcoin investor because It is your absolute last chance to get In to powerful allcoin positions right Now before they take off ladies and Gentlemen xrp included but if you Haven't done so already please sign up To my only fan at onlyfans.com thee Bearable bow as I've posted a 5minute Video reminding all of you of what you Can buy right now in terms of ults that Will give you the

ROI Bitcoin is not going to give you Roi Right now we are almost at its peak but There are plenty of coins that I have Mentioned that I believe 100% will give You some Gains please subscribe to that and if You have any questions at all don't Hesitate to DM Me now that being said what I do want to Warn you about is that the SEC is now Posting Warnings saying do not fomo into digital Assets imagine little old Gary saying no go to Fomo first of all this is really Hilarious to See but second of all when things like This are lining up you know we're Getting to a critical marketing campaign Moment for the crypto industry and you Know the news for the classes is this Will be a selda news Event 110% no doubt about it once the ETF news launches watch the Bitcoin Price retrace in Value the opportunity is in the old Coins And I can't stress that Enough now guys not only is it in the Old coins but I believe the best Strategy you can Implement is having Your long-term xrp bag but also being Diversified in other olds because xrp Does like to move last and then rotating

Those profits from those other high Quality o coins into xrp for the final Roi Boost here Elanor Tourette stated Grayscale has added xrp to its digital Large cat fund which seeks to provide Investors with exposure to large cap Coverage of the digital asset market and I remember telling all of you in a Recent video I believe in xrp ETF will Be next in line after an ethereum ETF this is all such bullish momentum For the crypto market and especially for Xrp that has full-blown legal Clarity in The United States and xrp ETF will open the Floodgates and guys right now we are Absolutely closer to it than we've ever Been before and I believe it's possible That it could even launch as soon as This Year now that is a little bit of Speculation and I genuinely hope it Happens now something I do want to Mention Is that we are currently glowing through A geopolitical event numerous Black Swan Events around the world China Taiwan is Going to reach a climax of a Moment politically regardless of what Side of the aisle you are in the US 2024 Will be a crazy election Year there's tension in regard to lists Being released there are alien

Narratives here in Miami Oh good lord 2024 is going to be Entertaining it's going to be volatile But to this community of savages that I Have helped to Garner you guys will all come out of the Other side the new 1% because you're Paying attention at the money-making Opportunities in front of Us there is a spark that will occur not Just in the Middle East not just in Europe us Asia but around the world and At the time when there's social division People will not pay taxes politician Will take advantage of this there will Be a radical shift in the value of money This is why digital assets make Sense but with the tokenization of real World assets they do much better for Public good there will be a rethinking Of what money is and a shift in trust in Government when governments can no Longer print Money Humanity well in my opinion and Shift towards technological rails that Ripple and xrp are Building that Ripple and other companies Are Building and when the Aibi plus cbdc system is full-blown Rolled Out oh my Atlanta the amount of wealth we will all

Accumulate that will be seismic beyond Your wildest Dreams we clearly going through some Sort of geopolitical event not only in This region but in Europe um China as Well um there's likely some sort of Spark that will occur um and let's face It climate is becoming much more uh Significant in terms of Risks and when you look at the reaction Of a country to war and community that Uh you know the deterioration of Communities through climate change Countries have really little risk um Associated with um you know there's a Lot of risk actually associated with What do you do in those situations you Can affect policy you can increase taxes To pay for certain things or you can Print more money and at a time when There's a lot of social division people Are just not going to be paying taxes And politicians will take advantage of That and um if you want to stimulate the Economy and pay for weapons systems that Are expensive or substitute food and Fuel prices which are priced and dollars You have to print money so I think There's going to be a radical shift In The value of money and digital assets Make a lot of sense if they're Bitcoin And ethereum and actually create value And have scarcity but I think with the

Tokenization of real world assets like Gold and other assets that are real real Estate Etc um and even green Metals Metals that are important for rewiring Food um soybean wheat things that are of Liquid um and also certain other assets That people rely on for their daily good Those are much more solid and productive Assets for the public good and so when We look at money we look at how does it Do actual public good rather than just Create a transaction or store value uh Characteristics how does it do things That help ultimately Society so I think There's going to be a rethinking of what Money is uh not just around how does Create a you know the basic Characteristics means of payment store Value unit of exchange but how does it Then translate into something that People can rely on When government can No longer print it uh and I think Humanity will shift towards something That is technologically based and Certainly take advantage of the Rails That Ripple and others have created to Participate in that Evolution um so thank you very much R Thank you now ladies and gentlemen what I'm going to say is that in my opinion 2024 is going to be the year where Ripple and xrp start being named in Conferences and documents and by Politicians and innovators as a

Legitimate solution to the inevitable Debt crisis and banking problem we're About to Experience there's going to be a Revaluation of money currencies a shift In how money is moved and with that I do Believe a gr gold revaluation is Inevitable we are 34 trillion damn Dollars in debt here in the US and the Only thing that in my opinion could help With this debt crisis is the revaluation Of money there's information beginning To leak that there are accounts for this Gold Revaluation and what I have to stress to Every single one of you is that this is A conversation being had we are in the Midst of the Storm and I I hope every single one of You pay extremely close Attention I've had some questions on Well how do you know they're going to do That gold revaluation okay right well It's very simple really when you have Something that has no intrinsic value It's used in one area and confidence is Lost you have to revalue that against Something that is all intrinsic value Because it is used in every single Sector of the global economy so it is Not a random Revaluation this is confidence right you Point it out over 5,000 years this has Worked as money and held your purchasing

Power Intact this lasts for a very short Period of time but when they do those Revaluations to your point they have to Take something that nobody trusts that Has no real intrinsic value and do that Revaluation against something that Everybody trusts because these that Those people that are in power want you To continue to trust the system and so They bring in real trusted money and you Know we were talking about Zimbabwe and What I find really interesting in Zimbabwe is about the fact that they Came out was it last year-ish or year a Half ago something like that yeah with Gold coin well who can afford one ounce Gold coin in Zimbabwe but the upper Class then in trying to get that to the General public they came out with a gold Backed digital Cbdc but you cannot convert it into the Underlying physical Gold so very good point right so you Know you and I want people to be really Conscious of that because until it is Fully convertible it ain't done it's Just another tool to get you into the System to trust those that are currently In power why are they in power they have Done such a horrendous job for the Masses but a fabulous job for the Few and oh my goodness ladies and Gentlemen I could not have said it

Better Myself gold will be what helps with the Resetting of the financial system to Stabilize us after the crisis but what Lynette Zang stated there in that Interview with the blacks Swan Capitalist is that this new gold Standard this new digital gold backed by Gold currency system that I believe is Coming by the Way you won't be able to redeem your Cbdc for Gold ladies and gentlemen we're heading Into the AI age where automation is Going to replace your job and your Salary AI is outperforming you already It is smarter than you Already we're going to reach the point Of no return and the only way people Will be able to survive is with Universal basic income And they'll do it in the form of a Cbdc they're going to incentivize Ubi as The way to get the cbdc system onto your Doorstep they're going to say it's sound Money because the cbdc is backed by Gold but what they're trying to do now Is get you out of the assets that'll Make you the ROI ladies and gentlemen Bitcoin is the Distraction from the real money-making Opportunities in crypto people are Likely only going to see a $50,000 Bitcoin because of this ETF news in the

Immediate short term while other cryptos Have a chance to two to 5x whenever the mainstream is telling You to go one way you should run as far Away from that direction as Possible here we have Public Enemy Number One and the crypto space j Clayton being handed sof balls being Asked about the Bitcoin ETF approval and Isn't it so interesting that after his Time at the SEC he so public on CNBC Manipulating the Mory ladies and gentlemen why don't they Give him the hard-hitting questions why The did you sue Ripple let's talk about that Jay nobody cares about your opinion About an ETF getting Approved he said when I was chair of the SEC was concerned about underlying Bitcoin trading Market and I think we've gotten past That no we haven't we have no Clarity we Have a worse SEC chair believe it or not And more uncertainty because you didn't Write the Rules you left that open gap on Purpose and then you attacked the xrp Army Jay Clayton and everything he Is and the SEC and everything they Stand for now guys I am going to leave You with the lizard talk coming out of This reptilian Mouth because I do want you guys to hear

What they are currently telling the Masses so you know that the opposite is Likely True ladies and gentlemen this is the Bearable B Here thanks for tuning In Before I leave you for today I need to Give you a gentle reminder that I will Be using the exit strategy at Merlin for My exit strategy execution with xrp and Other cryptos this bull market and what I love about Merlin is that I'm able to See the ROI and the amount of money I'm Going to make from different entry Points and exit points from xrp and Other cryptos based on the percentage Profits I'm looking to take at certain Levels And it's a great tool that gives you the Visual of how your profit taking can Work in 2024 guys I'm going to stress urgently That you try it for free before it's too Late before you're caught flat-footed When the bull market is taking place and Get your exit strategies Ready the link to use Merlin is down in The description Below and I believe they're going to be A mandate tool I use and all of you Should use in the 2024 bull Marquee now guys as always I appreciate Every single one of

You and I'll be back Tomorrow with another Video so it seems like there's kind of Short-term pressure on the SEC in terms Of the the huge run up in Bitcoin and The idea that if they approve this now After all this expectation a lot of People are going to lose their shirts in The Bitcoin markets but there's also This sort of long-term concern about Investor protection right because if you Talk about people investing their Retirement funds now in a Bitcoin ETF And Bitcoin has been such a wildly Volatile item uh out there these huge Epic swings that you don't see in other Asset classes you talk about people Maybe losing their retirement funds in The long run so how do you balance those Two things as the SEC looking at this You know on a Friday night in early January well L let me let me talk about The sec's role here and what I would say Is the three things the SEC felt that They had to get right before they Approve it and you know approval is not Certain but I've said that approval this Week is not certain but I believe Approval eventually is inevitable they Right yeah it's coming what do they have The disclosure has to be right okay so That people understand what they're Buying the second thing is the Underlying trading Market has to be

Efficacious it has to be of of a quality That manipulation the type of um you Know just bad behavior that you don't Want to see in an underlying trading Market is eliminated or at an acceptable Minimum um and then lastly and this is Very important here with with the Digital asset the pipes have to work the Product itself the custody the create The Redemption Kate talked about Authorized participants and the Arbitrage and how this product actually Functions That has to work so the SEC has to have Gotten comfortable that all those things Are are going to function as they should Um you I've said many times when I was Chair of the SEC I was concerned about That underlying Bitcoin trading market So you know I think we've gotten past it On your question about Investors I Rarely give investment advice I don't Know whether bitcoin's going to be worth A lot or a little I will say this this Is a speculative volatile asset no good Investment adviser or broker deal Would tell you to put a substantial Portion of your investment assets into a Single volatile or speculative Asset Jay I'm sorry to interrupt you say That but somebody will right I mean Somebody out there in the financial Advisory world will say you know what You want to make some money in your

Retirement funds get into this it's it's Going to expand and somebody's gonna Lose their shirt right I mean that's Just the Nature let me just say this I I I would Hope that no broker dealer or investment Adviser registered with the SEC would Tell somebody to put all their chips in The Bitcoin basket



What does a black swan mean in crypto? ›

A black swan event in crypto is an unexpected occurrence that significantly impacts the market. These events are unpredictable, rare, and often result in substantial economic damage. Examples of black swan events include the 2001 dotcom bubble, the 2008 financial crisis, and the COVID-19 pandemic.

How risky is Ripple? ›

Investing in XRP is risky and may not be suitable for most investors due to the high price volatility and the difficulty in predicting future trends in the cryptocurrency market,” Drozdz says. This advice highlights the need for prospective investors to consider their own risk tolerance and financial goals carefully.

Can Ripple become the next Bitcoin? ›

Can Ripple Be the Next Bitcoin? The cryptocurrency market changes very quickly, so it is possible for XRP to become as popular with investors as Bitcoin.

Should I invest into Ripple? ›

How safe is XRP? Like any investment, XRP comes with its own unique set of risks. But investing in any cryptocurrency is extremely high risk and one should not expect to be protected. XRP is underpinned by blockchain technology, which ensures secure, fast and cost-efficient transactions.

Is a black swan event good or bad? ›

While black swan events can be either positive or negative, businesses tend to view any black swan event as negative. Why? Because the success of businesses relies heavily on predictability, while black swan events are unpredictable.

What does black swan event mean stock? ›

A black swan event is a consequential occurrence that is almost impossible to predict, yet after the fact seems to have been inevitable. Such events can prove highly disruptive to the stock market, where investors spend millions trying to predict unpredictable events. Nassim Nicholas Taleb. "The Black Swan."

Will XRP reach 100 dollars? ›

At $100, the market capitalization of XRP would be $5.1 trillion. If XRP rose at a 25% annual pace, it would take at least 26 years to hit $100.

Why is Ripple banned in US? ›

The SEC previously sued Ripple, its CEO Brad Garlinghouse and co-founder Chris Larsen in 2020, accusing them of illegally raising more than $1.3 billion in an unregistered securities offering by selling XRP.

Should I take my money out of XRP? ›

Deciding when to sell Ripple depends on your individual financial goals, risk tolerance and market conditions. Consider factors like price trends, your investment timeline and potential tax implications.

Could Ripple reach $10,000? ›

If XRP Replaces SWIFT, the Price Could Reach $10,000, Analyst Says | koinmilyoner on Binance Square.

Which coin will reach $1 in 2025? ›

Prediction: Ripple (XRP) Will Hit $1 by 2025.

Will Ripple reach a dollar? ›

XRP Price Predictions: For the rest of 2024, XRP's price is projected to fluctuate between $0.62 and $1.4, with significant bullish potential in October and November. These predictions are based on current market trends and technical indicators.

Will Ripple make me a millionaire? ›

But for XRP to turn a $10,000 investment into over $1 million, it would need to generate a 100-bagger gain. Even the most bullish forecasts fall short of those expectations. Last June, crypto hedge fund manager Thomas Kralow claimed that XRP's price would hit $30 by the end of 2023.

Is XRP going to explode? ›

It is worth mentioning that a price of $20 would require XRP's market capitalization to explode to approximately $2 trillion. The current market cap of the entire crypto industry is around $2.1 trillion, making the forecast sound unlikely.

Did XRP win the lawsuit? ›

Ripple recently scored an unequivocal victory from a dollars-and-cents standpoint in a class action securities lawsuit, with the judge tossing out most of the case.

What is the meaning of the Black Swan symbol? ›

Black Swan signifies an insight about yourself which changes your position from one of victim to victor. Black Swan is a graceful reminder to move from any position where you feel powerless and at the mercy of external forces; it is time to reclaim your personal power.

What is the black swan concept? ›

The black swan theory or theory of black swan events is a metaphor that describes an event that comes as a surprise, has a major effect, and is often inappropriately rationalized after the fact with the benefit of hindsight.

What is swan in crypto? ›

With Swan, anyone can make one-time purchases funded via bank wire. Customers with US bank accounts can make instant purchases funded via ACH or sign up for a recurring plan and select how much money they want to save in Bitcoin and how frequently (every day/week/month) they want to purchase it.

How much is a black token worth? ›

About Black Token

Black Token's price today is US$0.0001282, with a 24-hour trading volume of $65,374.

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Name: Duncan Muller

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Introduction: My name is Duncan Muller, I am a enchanting, good, gentle, modern, tasty, nice, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.