An Introduction to JSON | DigitalOcean (2024)


JSON, short for JavaScript Object Notation, is a format for sharing data. As its name suggests, JSON is derived from the JavaScript programming language, but it’s available for use by many languages including Python, Ruby, PHP, and Java. JSON is usually pronounced like the name “Jason.”

JSON is also readable, lightweight, offers a good alternative to XML, and requires much less formatting. This informational guide will discuss the data you can use in JSON files and the general structure and syntax of this format.

Understanding Syntax and Structure

JSON uses the .json extension when it stands alone, and when it’s defined in another file format (as in .html), it can appear inside of quotes as a JSON string, or it can be an object assigned to a variable. This format transmits between web server and client or browser.

A JSON object is a key-value data format that is typically rendered in curly braces. When you’re working with JSON, you’ll likely come across JSON objects in a .json file, but they can also exist as a JSON object or string within the context of a program.

Here is an example of a JSON object:

{ "first_name" : "Sammy", "last_name" : "Shark", "location" : "Ocean", "online" : true, "followers" : 987 }

Although this is a short example, and JSON can be many lines long, this demonstrates that the format is generally set up with two curly braces (or curly brackets) that are represented with { } on either end of it, and with key-value pairs populating the space between. Most data used in JSON ends up being encapsulated in a JSON object.

Key-value pairs have a colon between them as in "key" : "value". Each key-value pair is separated by a comma, so the middle of a JSON lists as follows: "key" : "value", "key" : "value", "key": "value". In the previous example, the first key-value pair is "first_name" : "Sammy".

JSON keys are on the left side of the colon. They need to be wrapped in double quotation marks, as in "key", and can be any valid string. Within each object, keys need to be unique. These key strings can include whitespaces, as in "first name", but that can make it harder to access when you’re programming, so it’s best to use underscores, as in "first_name".

JSON values are found to the right of the colon. At the granular level, these need to be one of following six data types:

  • strings
  • numbers
  • objects
  • arrays
  • Booleans (true or false)
  • null

At the broader level, values can also be made up of the complex data types of JSON object or array, which is discussed in the next section.

Each of the data types that are passed in as values into JSON will maintain their own syntax, meaning strings will be in quotes, but numbers will not be.

With .json files, you’ll typically get a format expanded over multiple lines, but JSON can also be written all in one line, as in the following example:

{ "first_name" : "Sammy", "last_name": "Shark", "online" : true, }

This is more common within another file type or when you encounter a JSON string.

Writing the JSON format on multiple lines often makes it much more readable, especially when dealing with a large data set. Because JSON ignores whitespace between its elements, you can space out your colons and key-value pairs in order to make the data even more human readable:

{ "first_name" : "Sammy", "last_name" : "Shark", "online" : true }

It is important to keep in mind that though they appear similar, a JSON object is not the same format as a JavaScript object, so though you can use functions within JavaScript objects, you cannot use them as values in JSON. The most important attribute of JSON is that it can be readily transferred between programming languages in a format that all of the participating languages can work with. In contrast, JavaScript objects can only be worked with directly through the JavaScript programming language.

JSON can become increasingly complex with hierarchies that are comprised of nested objects and arrays. Next, you’ll learn more about these complex structures.

Working with Complex Types in JSON

JSON can store nested objects in JSON format in addition to nested arrays. These objects and arrays will be passed as values assigned to keys, and may be comprised of key-value pairs as well.

Nested Objects

In the following users.json file, for each of the four users ("sammy", "jesse", "drew", "jamie") there is a nested JSON object passed as the value for each of them, with its own nested keys of "username" and "location" that relate to each of the users. Each user entry in the following code block is an example of a nested JSON object:


{ "sammy" : { "username" : "SammyShark", "location" : "Indian Ocean", "online" : true, "followers" : 987 }, "jesse" : { "username" : "JesseOctopus", "location" : "Pacific Ocean", "online" : false, "followers" : 432 }, "drew" : { "username" : "DrewSquid", "location" : "Atlantic Ocean", "online" : false, "followers" : 321 }, "jamie" : { "username" : "JamieMantisShrimp", "location" : "Pacific Ocean", "online" : true, "followers" : 654 }}

In this example, curly braces are used throughout to form a nested JSON object with associated username and location data for each of the four users. As with any other value, when using objects, commas are used to separate elements.

Nested Arrays

Data can also be nested within the JSON format by using JavaScript arrays that are passed as a value. JavaScript uses square brackets [ ] on either end of its array type. Arrays are ordered collections and can contain values of different data types.

For example, you may use an array when dealing with a lot of data that can be grouped together, like when there are various websites and social media profiles associated with a single user.

With the first nested array, a user profile for "Sammy" may be represented as follows:


{ "first_name" : "Sammy", "last_name" : "Shark", "location" : "Ocean", "websites" : [ { "description" : "work", "URL" : "" }, { "desciption" : "tutorials", "URL" : "" } ], "social_media" : [ { "description" : "twitter", "link" : "" }, { "description" : "facebook", "link" : "" }, { "description" : "github", "link" : "" } ]}

The "websites" key and "social_media" key each use an array to nest information belonging to Sammy’s two website links and three social media profile links. You can identify that those are arrays because of the use of square brackets.

Using nesting within your JSON format allows you to work with more complicated and hierarchical data.

Comparing JSON to XML

XML, or eXtensible Markup Language, is a way to store accessible data that can be read by both humans and machines. The XML format is available for use across many programming languages.

In many ways, XML is similar to JSON, but it requires much more text, making it longer and more time-consuming to read and write. XML must also be parsed with an XML parser, but JSON can be parsed with a standard function. Also, unlike JSON, XML cannot use arrays.

Here’s an example of the XML format:


<users> <user> <username>SammyShark</username> <location>Indian Ocean</location> </user> <user> <username>JesseOctopus</username> <location>Pacific Ocean</location> </user> <user> <username>DrewSquir</username> <location>Atlantic Ocean</location> </user> <user> <username>JamieMantisShrimp</username> <location>Pacific Ocean</location> </user></users>

Now, compare the same data rendered in JSON:


{"users": [ {"username" : "SammyShark", "location" : "Indian Ocean"}, {"username" : "JesseOctopus", "location" : "Pacific Ocean"}, {"username" : "DrewSquid", "location" : "Atlantic Ocean"}, {"username" : "JamieMantisShrimp", "location" : "Pacific Ocean"}] }

JSON is much more compact and does not require end tags while XML does. Additionally, XML is not making use of an array as this example of JSON does (which you can tell through the use of square brackets).

If you are familiar with HTML, you’ll notice that XML is quite similar in its use of tags. While JSON is leaner and less verbose than XML and quick to use in many situations, including AJAX applications, you first want to understand the type of project you’re working on before deciding what data structures to use.


JSON is a lightweight format that enables you to share, store, and work with data. As a format, JSON has been experiencing increased support in APIs, including the Twitter API. JSON is also a natural format to use in JavaScript and has many implementations available for use in various popular programming languages. You can read the full language support on the “Introducing JSON” site.

Because you likely won’t be creating your own .json files but procuring them from other sources, it is important to think less about JSON’s structure and more about how to best use JSON in your programs. For example, you can convert CSV or tab-delimited data that you may find in spreadsheet programs into JSON by using the open-source tool Mr. Data Converter. You can also convert XML to JSON and vice versa with the Creative Commons-licensed site.

Finally, when translating other data types to JSON, or creating your own, you can validate your JSON with JSONLint, and test your JSON in a web development context with JSFiddle.

An Introduction to JSON  | DigitalOcean (2024)


What is the first thing you must do to process a JSON response ________? ›

To do that the first thing we must do is to convert the JSON string into a JavaScript object. Once we have a JavaScript object we can extract individual values using the key in dot format or quotes notation.

How do you handle JSON responses? ›

We can parse a JSON response and get a particular field from Response in Rest Assured. This is done with the help of the JSONPath class. To parse a JSON response, we have to first convert the response into a string. To obtain the response we need to use the methods - Response.

How to get response in JSON format? ›

To return JSON from the server, you must include the JSON data in the body of the HTTP response message and provide a "Content-Type: application/json" response header. The Content-Type response header allows the client to interpret the data in the response body correctly.

What is JSON responses? ›

Response: json() method

The json() method of the Response interface takes a Response stream and reads it to completion. It returns a promise which resolves with the result of parsing the body text as JSON .

What is the correct way to write a JSON data? ›

JSON - Syntax
  1. Data is represented in name/value pairs.
  2. Curly braces hold objects and each name is followed by ':'(colon), the name/value pairs are separated by , (comma).
  3. Square brackets hold arrays and values are separated by ,(comma).

What is the rule for writing JSON? ›

JSON Syntax Rules

Data is in name/value pairs. Data is separated by commas. Curly braces hold objects. Square brackets hold arrays.

How to create a JSON response? ›

To create an object we need to use opening and closing curly braces {} and then inside of that we'll put all of the key value pairs that make up our object. Every single property inside the JSON is a key value pair. The key must be surrounded by double "" quotes followed by a colon : and then the value for that key.

How to create JSON request and response? ›

2. Building a JSON POST Request With HttpURLConnection
  1. 2.1. Create a URL Object. ...
  2. 2.2. Open a Connection. ...
  3. 2.3. Set the Request Method. ...
  4. 2.4. Set the Request Content-Type Header Parameter. ...
  5. 2.5. Set Response Format Type. ...
  6. 2.6. Ensure the Connection Will Be Used to Send Content. ...
  7. 2.7. Create the Request Body. ...
  8. 2.8.
Oct 2, 2022

How to use JSON effectively? ›

JSON Syntax
  1. Always enclose the key, value pair within double quotes. Most JSON parsers don't like to parse JSON objects with single quotes. ...
  2. Never use hyphens in your key fields. Use underscores ( _ ), all lower case, or camel case. ...
  3. Use a JSON linter to confirm valid JSON.
Apr 20, 2021

What is JSON request and response? ›

Request: json() method

The json() method of the Request interface reads the request body and returns it as a promise that resolves with the result of parsing the body text as JSON .

How to extract JSON response data? ›

To extract the name and projects properties from the JSON string, use the json_extract function as in the following example. The json_extract function takes the column containing the JSON string, and searches it using a JSONPath -like expression with the dot . notation.

How to get response in JSON format in browser? ›

It is easy to capture json web response in Network tab. Right click on the JSON object and select the 'Store as Global Variable' option which is going to create a variable tempX where X is going to be an integer (temp1, temp2 so on and so forth). To expand node and all its children, press Ctrl + Alt + click.

Why do we use JSON response? ›

JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) is a standard text-based format for representing structured data based on JavaScript object syntax. It is commonly used for transmitting data in web applications (e.g., sending some data from the server to the client, so it can be displayed on a web page, or vice versa).

How to send a JSON response? ›

Send JSON Data from the Server Side
  1. Create a new object for storing the response data.
  2. Convert the new object to a string using your JSON parser.
  3. Send the JSON string back to the client as the response body (e.g, Response. Write(strJSON) , echo $strJSON , out. write(strJSON) , etc.).

How to validate a JSON response? ›

The simplest way to check if JSON is valid is to load the JSON into a JObject or JArray and then use the IsValid(JToken, JsonSchema) method with the JSON Schema. To get validation error messages, use the IsValid(JToken, JsonSchema, IList<String> ) or Validate(JToken, JsonSchema, ValidationEventHandler) overloads.

Is it difficult to learn JSON? ›

JSON is not particularly hard to use because there aren't many prerequisites to using it. It's human-readable which makes it fairly accessible to even novice developers. JSON also has relatively few data types you need to know before you're able to use it, so it can be relatively easy to get started using JSON.

What is JSON and how it works? ›

JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) is a way of storing information in an organized and easy manner. The data must be in the form of a text when exchanging between a browser and a server. You can convert any JavaScript object into JSON and send JSON to the server.

How do I read and write a JSON file? ›

First, to write data to a JSON file, we must create a JSON string of the data with JSON. stringify . This returns a JSON string representation of a JavaScript object, which can be written to a file.

What are correct statements about JSON? ›

A couple of important rules to note:
  • In the JSON data format, the keys must be enclosed in double quotes.
  • The key and value must be separated by a colon (:) symbol.
  • There can be multiple key-value pairs. Two key-value pairs must be separated by a comma (,) symbol.
  • No comments (// or /* */) are allowed in JSON data.
Nov 29, 2021

What is not allowed in JSON? ›

Leading zeros are prohibited. A decimal point must be followed by at least one digit. NaN and Infinity are unsupported. Any JSON text is a valid JavaScript expression, but only after the JSON superset revision.

Is JSON easy to read and write? ›

JSON is an open standard for exchanging data on the web. It supports data structures like objects and arrays. So, it is easy to write and read data from JSON. In JSON, data is represented in key-value pairs, and curly braces hold objects, where a colon is followed after each name.

How do I manually write JSON? ›

How to Create JSON File?
  1. Using Text Editor. Open a Text editor like Notepad, Visual Studio Code, Sublime, or your favorite one. ...
  2. Using Online Tool. Open a JSON Formatter tool from the link below. ...
  3. Create a file from the JSON URL. The developer needs to work with API; nowadays, 95% of API returns data as JSON.
Jun 21, 2020

How to write text in JSON format? ›

JSON data types

The string must be entered into quotation marks (apostrophes are not allowed) and can contain all Unicode characters. Quotation marks and backslash must be entered in the form \" and \\.

How do I write a JSON response in Excel? ›

6 Steps: Import JSON In Excel
  1. Open MS Excel. Open the Start Menu using Windows Keys or Clicking the Start Menu icon on your Task Bar. ...
  2. Locate the Data Tab. Find and click on the Data tab in the Ribbon menu of MS Excel. ...
  3. Select your JSON File. Clicking on From JSON option will bring up an import window. ...
  4. Upload your JSON File.

What is the format of JSON data? ›

JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is our most commonly used format. JSON is a text-based open standard derived from the format used to represent simple data structures in JavaScript. Although it is rooted in JavaScript, it is language-agnostic and parsers exist for all popular (and many unpopular) languages.

What does JSON stand for? ›

JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) is the data-exchange format that makes this possible. JSON has become popular as a data format for developers because of its human-readable text, which is lightweight, requires less coding, and processes faster.

How to structure a JSON request? ›

The structure of a JSON object is as follows:
  1. The data are in name/value pairs.
  2. Data objects are separated by commas.
  3. Curly braces {} hold objects.
  4. Square brackets [] hold arrays.
  5. Each data element is enclosed with quotes "" if it is a character, or without quotes if it is a numeric value.
Sep 3, 2019

What are the two methods of JSON? ›

In general, JavaScript provides two methods of converting: JSON. stringify and JSON. parse .

What are the parts of JSON response? ›

The two primary parts that make up JSON are keys and values. Together they make a key/value pair. Key: A key is always a string enclosed in quotation marks. Value: A value can be a string, number, boolean expression, array, or object.

How does a JSON request work? ›

A JSON request is an HTTP request using a valid JSON payload as request body. Its Content-Type header must specify the text/json or application/json MIME type. Note: This way, a 400 HTTP response will be automatically returned for non JSON requests.

How to get request data in JSON? ›

Getting JSON from the URL. To request JSON from an URL, you need to send an HTTP GET request to the server and provide the Accept: application/json request header with your request. The Accept header tells the server that our client is expecting JSON.

How to send JSON data in request? ›

Let's see the steps now.
  1. Select POST request and enter your service POST operation URL.
  2. Click on Headers. In the key column enter Content-Type and in the Value column enter application/json .
  3. Click on the body section and click the raw radio button. enter your JSON data. Click the Send button.
May 14, 2021

What is the difference between JSON and object? ›

JavaScript Objects VS JSON

JSON cannot contain functions. JavaScript objects can contain functions. JSON can be created and used by other programming languages. JavaScript objects can only be used in JavaScript.

Which tool extract data from JSON? ›

Testsigma's free online Extract Text from JSON tool can extract text from an JSON document. It removes all special characters, leaving only textual content between tags. This is a good tool for extracting simple details from an JSON document.

How to convert JSON response as a file? ›

Steps to Convert JSON String to TEXT File using Python
  1. Step 1: Prepare the JSON string. Let's review a simple example, where we'll create a JSON string based on the data below: ...
  2. Step 2: Create the JSON file. ...
  3. Step 3: Install the Pandas Package. ...
  4. Step 4: Convert the JSON String to TEXT using Python.

How to convert JSON response to text? ›

Use the JavaScript function JSON.stringify() to convert it into a string. const myJSON = JSON.stringify(obj); The result will be a string following the JSON notation.

How to get a JSON response from API? ›

To get JSON from a REST API endpoint, you must send an HTTP GET request to the REST API server and provide an Accept: application/json request header. The Accept: application/json header tells the REST API server that the API client expects to receive data in JSON format.

How to convert JSON data to readable format? ›

How do I convert a JSON file to readable?
  1. Open JSON to Text tool and Copy and Paste JSON Code in Input Text Editor.
  2. If you do have a JSON data file, you can upload the file using the Upload file button. ...
  3. Click on JSON to Text button once data is available in Input Text Editor, via Paste, File, or URL.

What is the common usage of JSON on modern websites? ›

A common use of JSON is to read data from a web server, and display the data in a web page. For simplicity, this can be demonstrated using a string as input.

What language is JSON written in? ›

JSON is a lightweight, text-based, language-independent data interchange format. It was derived from the JavaScript/ECMAScript programming language, but is programming language independent.

What is the difference between response text and response JSON? ›

In that case, the difference is that ". text()" will give you the result in string format, and ". json()" will parse it from JSON and convert it into an object.

Can you send JSON in email? ›

The properties in the JSON (like the subject and message body) are converted into a valid email message and sent to the recipient. This feature is especially useful if you do not want to bother about setting up a MIME string yourself.

How to parse a JSON message? ›

Use the JavaScript function JSON.parse() to convert text into a JavaScript object: const obj = JSON.parse('{"name":"John", "age":30, "city":"New York"}'); Make sure the text is in JSON format, or else you will get a syntax error.

How to check if JSON data is valid? ›

Proper JSON Format
  1. Data is in name/value pairs.
  2. Data is separated by commas.
  3. Objects are encapsulated within the opening and closing curly brackets.
  4. An empty object can be represented by {}
  5. Arrays are encapsulated within opening and closing square brackets.
  6. An empty array can be represented by []

What does JSON format look like? ›

JSON File Structure

JSON data is written in key/value pairs. The key and value are separated by a colon(:) in the middle with the key on the left and the value on the right. Different key/value pairs are separated by a comma(,). The key is a string surrounded by double quotation marks for example “name”.

How to test a JSON request? ›

How to test a JSON request?
  1. Enter the JSON API URL for testing;
  2. Select the HTTP method;
  3. Specify a set of headers (optional);
  4. Send data to start the test.
Jan 16, 2023

What does JSON response start with? ›

From what I can read on, all JSON strings should start with { (curly brace), and [ characters (square brackets) represent an array element in JSON.

How do I process a JSON file? ›

If you need to parse a JSON string that returns a dictionary, then you can use the json. loads() method. If you need to parse a JSON file that returns a dictionary, then you can use the json. load() method.

How to get the first object in JSON? ›

log(Object. keys(req)[0]); Make any Object array ( req ), then simply do Object. keys(req)[0] to pick the first key in the Object array.

What is the first step to pasting a JSON settings file as a class? ›

To do so, select Edit > Paste Special and choose either Paste JSON As Classes or Paste XML As Classes. If you don't see the Paste Special option on the Edit menu, make sure that you have at least one of the following workloads installed: ASP.NET and web development, Azure development, or .

How to send response in JSON format? ›

Send JSON Data from the Server Side
  1. Create a new object for storing the response data.
  2. Convert the new object to a string using your JSON parser.
  3. Send the JSON string back to the client as the response body (e.g, Response. Write(strJSON) , echo $strJSON , out. write(strJSON) , etc.).

Does JSON start with 0 or 1? ›

JSON syntax doesn't allow numbers to start with the digit 0. You can of course put your numbers in quotes.

What is JSON processing? ›

JSON Processing (JSON-P) is a Java API to process (for e.g. parse, generate, transform and query) JSON messages. It produces and consumes JSON text in a streaming fashion (similar to StAX API for XML) and allows to build a Java object model for JSON text using API classes (similar to DOM API for XML).

How to access items in a JSON? ›

To access the JSON object in JavaScript, parse it with JSON. parse() , and access it via “.” or “[]”.

What is the first character in JSON? ›

RFC 4627 requires a JSON document to represent either an object or an array. So, the first characters must be (with any amount of JSON whitespace characters) [ followed by a value or { followed by " . Values are null , true , false , or a string ( " …), object or array.

What is the first value in JSON? ›

[0] is the first item in the array.

How to format JSON easily? ›

You can format your JSON document using Ctrl+Shift+I or Format Document from the context menu.

How to write to a file in JSON? ›

First, to write data to a JSON file, we must create a JSON string of the data with JSON. stringify . This returns a JSON string representation of a JavaScript object, which can be written to a file.

How to structure a JSON file? ›

The structure of a JSON object is as follows:
  1. Curly braces {} hold objects.
  2. The data are in key, value pairs.
  3. Square brackets [] hold arrays.
  4. Each data element is enclosed with quotes if it's a character, or without quotes if it is a numeric value.
  5. Commas are used to separate pieces of data.
Apr 20, 2021

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Author: Roderick King

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Name: Roderick King

Birthday: 1997-10-09

Address: 3782 Madge Knoll, East Dudley, MA 63913

Phone: +2521695290067

Job: Customer Sales Coordinator

Hobby: Gunsmithing, Embroidery, Parkour, Kitesurfing, Rock climbing, Sand art, Beekeeping

Introduction: My name is Roderick King, I am a cute, splendid, excited, perfect, gentle, funny, vivacious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.