Annuities and Sinking Funds: Types, Due and Immediate Annuity Formula (2024)

Time Value of Money

Annuities and sinking fund, are different from one another. When the fund credit happens for a specific reason, then it is called a sinking fund. Furthermore, anannuity is paying or receiving money, generally a fixed amount for a specific time period. The annuity formula and sinking fund formula will make the facts more clear.

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Sinking Fund

As mentioned earlier, whenever there is a fund credit for a specific purpose then it is called a sinking fund. The credits take place periodically and happenover a constant time period at a fixed rate of interest. Furthermore, at the end of every period, the calculation of interest takes place.

Annuities and Sinking Funds: Types, Due and Immediate Annuity Formula (10)

To calculate the size of the sinking fund, one can use the formula.

A = P.A (n,i)


A =Saving amount
P =Periodic payment
n =Period of payment

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An annuity is something that we see happening even at our home. Most of the times, we see our parents paying up an amount on a regular basis. The amount remains the same mostly and the payment takes place either monthly or yearly.

Furthermore, for example: If you live in a rented house, then your parents are likely to pay the rent every month. Other examples include paying for insurance, house loan, vehicle loan, etc. In all of the cases, your parents pay an equal amount for each and every month. However, the time period between the payments may vary. It can either be one month or even a year.

Similarly, in some of the cases, people receive a constant amount of cash, for example, pension. This is where the annuity formula comes in picture. An annuity is nothing but a fixed sum of money that one receives or pays over a period for a fixed time. Generally, the annuity formula helps to understand the process.

Therefore, an annuity is nothing but a payment system that takes place periodically over some specified time period. Furthermore, a special version of annuity is known as the perpetuity. In perpetuity, there is an involvement of receipts that takes place for more than the usual time.

For an annuity, these are the features for more than one payment.

  1. For the whole span of annuity, the amount of money paid and received is likely to remain the same.
  2. Between two successive payments, the time interval must remain constant.

Types of Annuity

An annuity is of two types:

  • Annuity Regular
  • Annuity Due or Annuity Immediate.

I. Annuity Regular

In this type of annuity, first regular payment generally happens during the end of the first year. Here is a table that will explain it better.


Therefore, from the table, we can conclude the fact that the very first payment happens by the end of the first year. Hence, it is an annuity regular.

II. Annuity Due or Annuity Immediate

In this type of annuity, the first payment is usually made in the start i.e. start of the annuity. This is called annuity immediate or annuity due. Here is a table to make things clear.

Beginning YearPayments

Therefore, from the table, it is evident that the first payment is done at the start of the first year. Hence, we call such an annuity as an annuity due or annuity immediate.

Solved Examples on Annuity Formula

Sinking Fund

Example:Calculate the needed amount that must be invested every year so that the total amount sums up to Rs. 3,00,000 by the end of 10 years. The rate of interest is 10%, compounded annually.

Solution:Here,A =Rs. 3,00,000;n =10;i =0.1. We know that,

A = P.A (n,i)
3,00,000 = P.A(10, 0.1)
= P * 15.9374248
P =3,00,000/15.9374248
= Rs. 18,825.62

Note: You can also use the formula for future value of annuity regular to calculate the final amount.

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Annuities and Sinking Funds: Types, Due and Immediate Annuity Formula (2024)


What is the formula for calculating sinking funds? ›

The sinking fund formula is typically calculated as S= (P * i) / (1 - (1 + i)^-n). This formula helps businesses determine the amount of money they need to set aside periodically to cover the total amount due at the maturity of their debt. Why do they call it a sinking fund?

What is the formula for an annuity immediate? ›

The accumulated value for an annuity immediate payable p -thly is given by: S(p)n|=p(1+i)n−1i(p) S n | ( p ) = p ( 1 + i ) n − 1 i ( p ) The present value of an annuity immediate payable p -thly is given by: a(p)n|=p1−vni(p) a n | ( p ) = p 1 − v n i ( p ) where: i(p)= the nominal interest rate.

What is the formula for annuity due? ›

In the first alternative, FV = PV (1 + r) n, i.e., you can multiply (1 + r) n by the current value of annuity due. The formula for current value of annuity due is (1 + r) * P {1 - (1 + r) - n} / r. The second method is to make a comparison between the cash movements in an annuity due and an ordinary annuity.

What is the formula for annuity fund? ›

The calculation of an annuity follows a formula: Future Value of an Annuity =C (((1+i)^n - 1)/i), where C is the regular payment, i is the annual interest rate or discount rate in decimal, and n is the number of years or periods. Basically, the interest as a decimal is added to 1 and raised to the power of n.

What is sinking fund method used to calculate? ›

The sinking fund method is a depreciation technique used to finance the replacement of an asset at the end of its useful life. As depreciation is incurred, a matching amount of cash is invested, usually in government-backed securities.

What is annuity due and immediate annuity? ›

Payments of an annuity-immediate are made at the end of payment periods, so that interest accrues between the issue of the annuity and the first payment. Payments of an annuity-due are made at the beginning of payment periods, so a payment is made immediately on issue.

How much would a $200000 immediate annuity pay? ›

According to Blueprint Income, the average monthly payouts for men aged 60 to 75 investing in a $200,000 annuity could range from about $14,000 to $20,000 per year — $1,167 to $1,667 per month. For women, however, those rates drop to a range of $13,710 to $19,076, or $1,143 to $1,590 monthly.

What is an example of an annuity due? ›

Many monthly bills, such as rent, car payments, and cellphone payments, are annuities due because the beneficiary must pay at the beginning of the billing period. Insurance expenses are typically annuities due, as the insurer requires payment at the start of each coverage period.

What is the difference between an annuity and an annuity due? ›

An ordinary annuity is a series of regular payments made at the end of each period, such as monthly or quarterly. In an annuity due, by contrast, payments are made at the beginning of each period.

How are annuity payments calculated? ›

The payout rate will be based on your age, so the older you are when you start annuity income, the higher your payout rate will be. For example, with one A-rated company your payout rate may be 5.75% if you start your income at age 65, and 6.15% if you start income at age 66.

How do you calculate annuity due in Excel? ›

The basic annuity formula in Excel for present value is =PV(RATE,NPER,PMT). PMT is the amount of each payment. Example: if you were trying to figure out the present value of a future annuity that has an interest rate of 5 percent for 12 years with an annual payment of $1000, you would enter the following formula: =PV(.

What is the PV formula for annuity? ›

The present value of an annuity due is P_n = R1- (1+i)^(-n)(1+i)/i. Here, R is the size of the regular payment, n is the number of payments, and i is the periodic interest rate.

How much does a $50,000 annuity pay per month? ›

Payments You Might Receive From a $50,000 Annuity

A straight fixed annuity is the easiest type of annuity to calculate a payment from. This is because fixed annuities work like bonds. If you use $50,000 to buy a fixed annuity paying 5% per year, for example, you'll earn $2,500 annually or about $208.33 per month.

What is a sinking fund example? ›

Let's say you want to take a vacation in a year that will cost around $1,200. Rather than withdrawing money from your emergency fund or using a credit card to pay for your trip, you can set up a sinking fund. Each month, you'll add $100 to the sinking fund.

What is the formula for equal payment series sinking fund? ›

of interest periods i = rate of interest F = single future amount at the end of the nth period The formula to get F is i A = F = F(A/F, i, n) (1 + i)" - 1 where (A/F, i, n) is called as equal-payment series sinking fund factor. EXAMPLE 3.4 A company has to replace a present facility after 15 years at an outlay of Rs.

What is sinking fund in mathematics? ›

A sinking fund is a type of fund that owners set aside to meet a specific requirement. The requirement may be paying off a loan or investment. Mostly the business which has debts in their balance sheet uses the funds to pay off the debt in the near future. This eases the burden to pay a significant sum at one time.

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