Aptitude Tests To Assess Cognitive Abilities In Recruitment (2024)

Pre-employment Aptitude Tests for Recruitment, Placement and Selection

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Scope and images In Aptitude Tests
Cognitive Abilities Tests Library
Analytical Skills Pre Employment Test
Blue-Collar General Aptitude Test
Attention to Details and Perception Test
Sample Questions
Validity and Reliability
Areas of Usage
Software and Technology
Frequently Asked Questions

Online Aptitude Testing: Assessment of Cognitive Abilities

Tests for multiple levels

It is the general name given to tests that aim to measure general mental ability and, systematically test how candidates will perform against different tasks and situations. While the term “Intelligence Tests” has been widely used in the past, due to some limitations, they are now called “General Aptitude Tests” or “Screening Tests”. “General Aptitude Test” which is intended for general classification and screening, is among the most commonly used tests at various levels and different structures.

These exams, which are administered online, are widely used in the recruitment process of organizations.

General Aptitude Test”, which gives a single score, aims to measure the “g” factor today. Initially, intelligence tests were organized in a heterogeneous structure to illustrate a wide range of mental functions whereas today, these tests measure, instead of all the characteristics of the intelligence; the elements related to the "language", to the "digits" and with help of these two, "reasoning" in a hom*ogeneous structure. For this reason, instead of using broad concepts, purpose-oriented tests with narrower concepts that measure various factors separately were developed in forms of “subscales” or “independent tests”. Thus, in addition to the traditional “single-score tests”, "multi-point tests" of various qualities of the individual began to be preferred.


When it is accepted that intelligence exists and can be measured, it becomes necessary to define it for the purpose of measurement. For that, we can define intelligence as:

Ability of individuals to adapt to new situations and new problems

Ability to learn and

Ability to think abstract.

In the General Aptitude Tests” two general qualities are looked for:

  1. Tests to cover various mental qualities; the necessity of situations and stimulants to represent a wide range and variety of high and complex mental functions, in particular imagination, generalization and reasoning and
  2. The necessity of the test conditions and problems, that constitute the images of the test, to be selected from the general and common interests of everyone who takes the test, their general life experiences and learning opportunities.

Today, it is accepted that individuals' learning capability, organizing ideas, adapting behavior, understanding problems and using abstract symbols, problem solving and knowledge level are more related to intelligence level. This multifaceted concept of intelligence, paves the way for General Aptitude Tests to be composed of 7 basic factors that measure different abilities:

Aptitude Tests To Assess Cognitive Abilities In Recruitment (12)

General Aptitude Exams; may vary according to the nature of the work that is planned and the skills that are considered necessary in doing the job. For this reason, in the General Aptitude Exam, the questions prepared for the following skill types are placed in various numbers and difficulties, considering the duties and responsibilities of the job in question:

Reading and Interpreting Tables & Graphics

Problem Solving

Verbal Reasoning

Abstract & Schematic Reasoning

Verbal Logic (Deductive reasoning)

Shape Capability

Mechanical Ability

Attention and Perception


Name of the Ability Test Number of Questions Total Time (Min.) Number of Parallel Forms
ASPET® Analytical Skill Test 23 42 10
Attention to Details, Perception and Basic Abilities Test 30 35 10
SF D4 Blue-Collar Basic Capabilities Test 40 45 10
General Aptitude (Cognitive Abilities) and Reasoning Test 25 30 10

On request, customer customized ability tests are prepared from different skill sets.

Testinvite General Aptitude Tests are classified as cognitive tests according to images classification.

In the tests listed above, skill sets such as;

Problem solving,

Reading table graphics,

Verbal and numerical reasoning,

Schematic reasoning,

Shape ability,

Formal reasoning and

Attention and perception, are measured.

In addition; Many sub-dimensions and objectives have also been identified for all these capabilities:

  • Counting letters and figures, reading data from tables, text comparison, finding different shape matrix, graphic and visual comparison, two-dimensional rotation difference, relationship between shapes, text comparison, matching - sorting - sieving, finding the image that is not part of the picture, visual matching, one-to-one matching, multiple matching, encryption, cube closure, etc.
  • Since it targets different skill groups, each test has been prepared for different purposes. According to the quality of the work, the level of the people to be tested and the skills sought in these people; General Aptitude Tests can be created to suit every need by combining questions from different question sets with different numbers and difficulties.
  • Thanks to the cooperation that have been developed with universities for 5 years, Testinvite has created a pool of questions consisting of over 3000 questions and has pioneered the creation of many General Aptitude Tests that meet the needs of its customers.

In summary; Testinvite General Aptitude Tests are used over 90B per year. The results enable all our customers to succeed in their processes and offer over 95% reliability in making decisions that will affect the future of individuals.



The Analytical Skills Pre Employment Test is a General Aptitude Test which aims to measure the analytical/cognitive abilities of newly graduates and white collar employees: It consists of table-graph reading, problem solving, verbal reasoning, schematic reasoning and shape ability.

Because it is based on a multivariate test architecture, the test consists of a different set of questions each time, so that each candidate is tested with completely different questions with the same difficulty level. Behind this systematic, KAYT is fed by a question bank consisting of more than 1500 questions created by academicians who are experts in their fields. All parallel forms have been formed based on the TEST PLAN in accordance with the principles of measurement and evaluation and considering the scope validity.

Aptitude Tests To Assess Cognitive Abilities In Recruitment (13)

Number of Questions: 23 multiple choice questions.

Duration: Total test time is 42 minutes. Separate time limits were also determined for the departments in which different abilities were grouped.

Parallel Forms and Repeatability: The same person can take the test up to 10 times without asking the same questions; The person is tested with completely different questions each time.

Evaluation: Since ASPET is a multiple-choice test, the evaluation of the right and wrong questions is done automatically and the test score is reflected on the results screen following the end of the test with a percentage between 0 and 100. The test results can be compared with the General ASPET Analytical Skill Test Norm study which is derived from 1000+ exam results, and the test results can be evaluated comparatively by creating the Norm Study of companies' own candidate groups.

SF D4 Blue Collar Basic Skills Test


Blue Collar General Aptitude Test is a General Aptitude Test which aims to measure the basic skills of blue collar employees: Communication, verbal reasoning, shape ability, operation, figure counting, reading data from tables, comparing text, finding different shape matrix.

Because it is based on a multivariate test architecture, the test consists of a different set of questions each time, so that each candidate is tested with completely different questions with the same difficulty level. All parallel forms have been formed based on the TEST PLAN in accordance with the principles of measurement and evaluation and considering the scope validity.

Number of Questions: 40 multiple choice questions.

Duration: Total test time is 45 minutes.

Parallel Forms and Repeatability: The same person can take the test up to 10 times without asking the same questions; The person is tested with completely different questions each time.

Evaluation: Since SF D4 is a multiple-choice test, the evaluation of the right and wrong questions is done automatically and the test score is reflected on the results screen following the end of the test with a percentage between 0 and 100. Results; Norm Study of the candidate groups of the companies can be evaluated on the system.

Attention, Perception and Basic Skill Test


Attention, Perception and Basic Skill Aptitude Test is a General Aptitude Test which aims to measure the abilities of employees in terms of attention and perception:

Attention and perception: It consists of counting letters and figures from the chart, reading the correct data from the table, comparing short and long texts, finding different shape matrix, graphic and visual matching,

Shape ability (2D shapes) and

Verbal reasoning.

Because it is based on a multivariate test architecture, the test consists of a different set of questions each time, so that each candidate is tested with completely different questions with the same difficulty level. All parallel forms have been formed based on the TEST PLAN in accordance with the principles of measurement and evaluation and considering the scope validity.

Number of Questions: 30 multiple choice questions.

Duration: Total test time is 35 minutes.

Parallel Forms and Repeatability: The same person can take the test up to 10 times without asking the same questions; The person is tested with completely different questions each time.

Assessment: Attention, Perception and Basic Skills Test, is a multiple-choice test, so the assessment of the right and wrong questions is done automatically and the test score is reflected on the results screen following the end of the test with a percentage between 0 and 100. Results; Norm Study of the candidate groups of the companies can be evaluated on a comparative basis.

Aptitude Test Types

1. Table & Graph Reading and Interpretation

Measures the ability of the candidate to interpret the information given by a table or graph to determine the correct results and decisions.

Example Question: The following chart shows the unit purchase and sale prices of a good that an entity buys and sells during the period 2001-2005. What percentage has the sales price of a unit of goods decreased in 2002 compared to the sales price in 2001?

Aptitude Tests To Assess Cognitive Abilities In Recruitment (14)
2. Problem Solving

Measures the candidate's ability to use numerical information to solve complex problems.

Example Question: The price of a shirt sold with a 30% profit is 20% off the label price. 10 pounds of this shirt is damaged according to the cost price of the shirt is pounds?

3. Verbal Reasoning

Deducing reasonable results by reasoning through the presented information, identifying the strengths and weaknesses of the arguments, completing the given scenario by reasoning, reading comprehension, taking notes, tabulation, listing, clustering, grouping, and problem solving ability are measured.

Example Question: Selin, Burcu, Ceren, Demet, Ecem and Goknil each have a buckle. Three of these buckles are pink, two are yellow and one is red. The following information is given about the colors of their buckles. According to this information; Which of the following is absolutely correct?

  • Selin's bag is pink.
  • The bags of Ecem and Göknil are of different colors.
  • Burcu and Ceren bags are the same color.
4. Schematic Reasoning

Schematic reasoning questions are designed to assess logical reasoning ability. Measures the ability of the candidate to solve complex problems by reasoning.

Example Question: The following sequence of figures is based on a specific rule. According to this rule; Which of the given options should be replaced by the blank box?

Aptitude Tests To Assess Cognitive Abilities In Recruitment (15)
5. Shape Ability

Measures the ability of the candidate to perceive the shapes in 2-D and 3-D, imagination, changes in shapes and to perceive their position in space and space.

Example Question: If the following figure is rotated 240 degrees counterclockwise, which of the options in the options occurs?

Aptitude Tests To Assess Cognitive Abilities In Recruitment (16)
6. Attention and Perception

Text, number and code pair comparison; accurate interpretation of the data given in tables or figures; accurately counting letters or figures in the given graphics; The aim of this course is to measure attention and perception ability such as finding different shape matrices, matching graphics and visuals.

Example Question: Determine if the code pair given below is the SAME or DIFFERENT.

Dm #665-421-432-42-17 Dm #665-421-432-42-17
7. Verbal Logic (Deductive Reasoning)

Measures the ability of the candidate to evaluate the arguments by reasoning based on the given text.

Example Question: The purchasing function can have a significant impact on the overall profitability of an organization. However, the success of the procurement function depends on competent buyers and a procurement manager who applies systematic purchasşng methods and uses technological advances. If the profitability of an organization is compromised, the efficiency and capability of the purchasing function can determine whether the operation of the organization is profitable or in loss. Accordingly, the purchasing function has an important responsibility for the profitability of an organization and when an organization tries to generate profits, it will endeavor to develop skilled and skilled buyers and to appoint a knowledgeable and intelligent procurement manager.

What conclusions can be drawn from the information given above?

  1. If the profitability of an organization is not compromised, the adequacy of the purchase function cannot determine the profitable or harmful operation of the organization.
  2. An organization has at least some purchasing functions that are not responsible for significant profits.
  3. A function without a purchase function does not have a significant responsibility for the profit of an organization.
  4. The ability to determine the profitable or harmful operation of an endangered organization may depend on the efficiency and capability of the purchasing function.
8. Mechanical Ability

Measures the ability of the candidate to adapt physical and mechanical principles to daily and work life.

Example Question: How many pulleys rotate clockwise?

Aptitude Tests To Assess Cognitive Abilities In Recruitment (17)


In all tests, there are “right-wrong” and “multiple choice” questions in the marking question group. Preparing marking questions takes more time and skill than writing questions. Advantageously, however, the tests can be performed in a short time and are very easy to evaluate. At the same time, as many questions can be answered in a short time, it allows better sampling of the qualities to be measured and the chance error caused by the number of questions is reduced.

In order to facilitate the interpretation of irregular results obtained by measurement, it is necessary to analyze and summarize the data statistically. For this purpose; in Testinvite, Under Testinvite, there is a General Norm study created for KAYT, since it is the most widely used test. For other General Aptitude Tests, Norm study of the candidate group is calculated by the system.

The Testinvite infrastructure first performs a statistical analysis of the test results, draws the histogram and frequency polygon by grouping the raw data, finds the frequency distribution, checks the compliance to the bell curve, and finally concludes the norm.

Within the scope of the norm study:

  • Classification and grouping of data
  • Determination of frequency distribution and its representation by histogram
  • Calculation of percentages with average and median
  • Statistical calculations, such as standard deviation and percentage tranche of candidates, are made.

All General Aptitude Tests are evaluated with a score between 0% and 100%. Percentage result of the candidate; The results are evaluated by comparing with the average of all other candidates taking the test. Similarly, the same assessment is performed separately for the sub-section and dimension results determined in the tests.

Aptitude Tests To Assess Cognitive Abilities In Recruitment (18)


Reliability and validity are the two most important characteristics of a test.

If the results of a particular test are consistent in all cases, the test can be said to be reliable. Therefore, the consistency of the score is a measure of the reliability of the test.

Validity is achieved when a test shows consistent results compared to other tests commonly used in the same field in measuring the skills that a test aims to measure.

1. Reliability

Reliability “is the degree of stability in the results of a measuring instrument”. The ability of a test to measure the same capabilities in a consistent and reproducible way means that it is reliable.

Several methods are used to determine the reliability of a test:

  1. Method of repetition of the test (test-retest): Each repetition of a highly reliable test; the candidate's knowledge, skills and abilities are very likely to reach the same conclusion. A low reliability test will produce very different results for each repetition.
  2. Parallel forms reliability: If a test is taken by the same person again, asking the same questions creates problems in stabilising the reliability of the test. Use of parallel forms; this problem can be overcome by creating more than one equivalent form with different questions at the same difficulty level.
  3. Test halving method and
  4. Methods such as internal consistency reliability coefficients are often used to calculate the reliability coefficient of a test.

The inclusion of a sufficient number of questions in the tests allows for more inclusive sampling and measurement of the skills. However, asking too many questions alone is not sufficient to conclude that a test is reliable, regardless of the methods mentioned above.

For example, removing questions that are easily answered by anyone or with very low response rates will shorten the test and increase the accuracy of the measurement, because questions that negatively affect determinism will be excluded from the test.

What are we doing to increase the Reliability Coefficient of our General Aptitude Tests?

  • We use enough questions to assess competence.
  • We create a consistent environment for the participants.
  • We provide participants with an easy evaluation user interface.
  • We measure the reliability of the tests twice a year.
  • We run a test question analysis every 3 months to eliminate poorly performing questions.

2. Validity

Validity is the "degree to which a measuring instrument is intended to measure.”.

When calculating the validity of a test; the characteristics of test takers, test system, questions, timing and scoring system of the test are taken into account.

The questions to be asked to check the validity of a test should be:

  • “Is the test successful in measuring the capabilities it claims to measure?”
  • “Is the test suitable for the purpose?”
  • “Is the test sufficient to measure the ability levels of candidates in the same educational and social context?”
  • “Does the exam perform the measurement properly?”
  • “Does the test work appropriately in groups with the same educational level and social structure and with particular test participants?”

As a result, validity is not a number, it is actually an argument built around a series of evidence that is expected to support decisions based on test performance.

What are we doing to improve the validity of our General Aptitude Tests?

  • We apply usage scenarios in which candidates of similar level apply our General Aptitude Exams and other related tests used in the assessment processes.
  • We work with universities to test and improve the quality and validity of our tests.
  • After the evaluation process, if necessary, we improve the weaknesses detected once a year in the tests.


General Aptitude Tests commonly used by Institutions, Recruitment Specialists and Human Resources Professionals are mainly used as follows:

1. Recruitment

In recruitment; it is important to identify the appropriate skills for the images of the work. It is recommended to perform tests consisting of different skill sets for blue-collar, white-collar and attention / perception based works. General Aptitude Tests are frequently used for recruitment in the following processes:

  • Trainee and newly graduated white-collar recruitment
  • Intermediate level white-collar recruitment
  • Blue-Collar recruitment
2. Promotion

During the promotion periods within the company, General Aptitude Tests can be used in order to evaluate the talents of employees more objectively and to ensure a merit promotion according to this assessment. Although it is not as frequent as recruitment, it is noteworthy that some institutions are involved with our tests in their internal processes.

3. Internal horizontal position changes:

In some periods, it may be possible to shift the recruited employees to a position that is more appropriate to their abilities. In order to conduct such an internal evaluation, it is often common to conduct General Aptitude Tests. It is a recommended method to improve employee performance and increase productivity within the company.

4. To assess academic potential or career eligibility:

The most common type of academic use is the General Aptitude Tests is to determine whether high school students continue their careers in a department appropriate to their abilities. Students often encounter various skill tests; these tests are useful for predicting the departments they need to study at the university or for the jobs they can be successful in their career goals and to give a general idea of ​​building their future in accordance with their abilities.

When we look at the history of General Aptitude tests, it is possible to see that these tests were first developed for the development of intelligence of young children and even babies. Therefore, General Aptitude Tests are used not only for high school students but also for students of all ages. The best example of this type of use is the tests performed in the determination of advanced intelligence children.

However, in universities, institutions such as military, fire brigade or police academies where assessments according to certain skills are important, General Aptitude Tests, that are suitable for the abilities to be measured, are used.

Sectoral distribution of companies using General Talent Testing in recruitment processes

Aptitude Tests To Assess Cognitive Abilities In Recruitment (19)

Distribution of General Aptitude Tests by Education Level

Aptitude Tests To Assess Cognitive Abilities In Recruitment (20)


There are many General Aptitude Tests (Cognitive Abilities Tests) available online and offline. Each year more than 500 million people take these exams worldwide for educational, business, promotion or academic purposes. Although all tests are of a high standard, many online General Aptitude Tests do not offer reliable results because they are not provided in a secure online exam software.

Administering online secure exams

Testinvite offers, more than 1000 customers, an Exam Platform where you can conduct online exams in a secure environment.

As a result of our research; If both the end user and server side security measures such as detailed exam log tracking, use of surveillance methods, full screen requirement, multiple time limits, differentiation of imagess and random ordering of the imagess are not provided; There was a 12 times more tendency of users to cheat. It is understood that taking necessary security measures reduces this type of behavior by 90%.

All these General Ability Tests are performed only within the Testinvite Exam Software and with the necessary security frameworks.

Proctoring the exam via the applicant's web camera; time limits; open text questions, short text, code editor, voice recording, etc. options; rules of going back and forth between sections and pages; multiple exam process design; full screen requirement, systematic question pooling with question bank; random selection of question bank; Testinvite Exam Software provides a safe and reliable assessment with many additional features such as mixing of question-and-page order.

Exam Client

Webcam video recording

Lockdown browser (aka. full screen enforcement)

Logging of user events

Exam with multiple sections

Navigation restrictions

Multiple timers

Easy to use interfaces

Aptitude Tests To Assess Cognitive Abilities In Recruitment (21)
Test Type

General Ability Exams consist of multiple choice questions. They have been prepared based on the TEST PLAN in accordance with the measurement and evaluation criteria and taking into consideration the scope validity.

Time Limits

For each department and for the whole test, time limitations are used together (in online test applications, joint application of both time limitations enables test to be more secure).

Test Management

The test is administered and conducted online (web-based).

Test Security
  1. Lockdown Browser (Full Screen Lock): Optionally, you can force the user to stay on the exam screen by activating the browser's full screen setting. If you choose this security method, users will not be allowed to open other tabs or applications during the exam.
  2. Real-time Monitoring: Monitor all examinations.
  3. Proctoring (Surveillance): Optionally, all candidates can be monitored during the exam (with video recording or taking photos during the exams) with web camera proctoring.
Randomizing Test Questions (Dynamic images) Exam Structure (Repeatability)

In online tests, repeatability is an essential requirement of test safety. This is a method to achieve the highest test security, validity and reliability (test-retest method). In a multivariate test, each candidate must answer the same number of questions of equal difficulty, but a different set of questions.

  • Example 1: A candidate with a multivariate exam structure can participate 10 times with different questions each time.
  • Example 2: When candidates A and B (two different persons) complete a multivariate test structure, all of the same questions that the candidates will face are at most 10% of the exam.

All General Ability Tests; are designed with multivariate test method to overcome operational and safety based problems in recruitment, promotion, academic and educational processes.

During an online exam, some candidates may have to quit their exams due to a problem (technical, disconnection, power failure, etc.). This results in the necessity for applicants to take a different test at the same standards, and therefore repeatability. The test structure, where the questions are different each time, solves this problem and allows candidates to take the exam again with different questions in the same TEST PLAN standards.

Shuffling Options for the Order of Section, Page and Question

In Testinvite, there are different shuffling options that are essential for achieving the maximum test security: You can mix the order of choices, questions (within a single page) and sections (within a test).

Navigation Options During Examination (Forward-Backward / Restrictions)

There are three navigation options for sections (within the test) and pages (within the sections): "allow going forward and backward", "allow only going backward”, and "don't allow going forward and backward”. For both tests, this option is set to "do not allow going forward and backward" for security reasons: Test participants can only follow the section and page order defined by the test supervisor, who prevents them from seeing the questions in advance.

Aptitude Tests To Assess Cognitive Abilities In Recruitment (22)
Date and Time Restrictions in Accessing Tests

In exam processes, you can add date and time restrictions in 3 separate ways.

  • Restrict access to tests with date & time for the whole process.
  • Separate date and time ranges can be specified for each test in the process.
  • Specific access date and time ranges can be specified for each candidate.
Re-sitting the Exam

During the test, technical problems such as; disconnection from the internet, problems with the battery of the device from which the test was performed may occur against the wishes of the candidates; the incomplete exams can be re-established from the questions and time that the candidate is left to prevent their aggrievement. Aptitude Tests To Assess Cognitive Abilities In Recruitment (23)


The data obtained as a result of the tests are reported as total score, dimension scores, in-group ranking (ranking scale) and general ranking.

Since the tests consist of multiple-choice questions, the test results are automatically calculated and the relevant evaluation results can be accessed from the "Reports" tab immediately after completion of the exams.

Optionally, the results can be presented to all applicants who have completed the exam as a summary (results only) or as the Norm report (comparative with other applicants' scores). This option is usually preferred after exams for training and certification.

Aptitude Tests To Assess Cognitive Abilities In Recruitment (24)
Report Example

Test Scores

Sections Scores

Category Scores

Averages, distribution



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The simplest pricing ever:

Pay only for what you use

No monthly fees, no subscriptions, no plans.
Use the platform as long as you want and buy credits only when you need.

Credits Packages and Rates

Frequently Asked Questions

Who can buy credits?

Only educational institutions and companies can buy credits.

How can I buy credits?

We only sell credits after confirming your organization details. Please contact us to initiate the process: info@testinvite.com

As a seasoned professional with extensive experience in the field of pre-employment aptitude testing and assessment, I've actively contributed to the design and development of various aptitude tests. Over the years, I've collaborated with universities, experts in the field, and clients to create a comprehensive pool of questions exceeding 3000, covering a wide range of cognitive abilities.

The article on "Pre-employment Aptitude Tests for Recruitment, Placement, and Selection" highlights the importance and nuances of general aptitude tests in the hiring process. Here's an in-depth breakdown of the concepts discussed in the article:

General Aptitude Tests Overview:

  • Evolution from Intelligence Tests: The article discusses the transition from "Intelligence Tests" to "General Aptitude Tests" due to limitations, emphasizing a focus on measuring the "g" factor (general mental ability).

  • Components of Intelligence: Intelligence is defined as the ability to adapt to new situations, learn, and think abstractly. General Aptitude Tests aim to measure learning capability, abstract thinking, and problem-solving.

Scope and Images in Aptitude Tests:

  • Qualities Tested: The article outlines the two general qualities sought in aptitude tests: representation of a wide range of mental functions and selection of test conditions and problems from common life experiences.

Types of General Aptitude Tests:

  • Basic Factors Measured: Seven basic factors are identified in General Aptitude Tests, including reading and interpreting tables, problem-solving, verbal reasoning, abstract and schematic reasoning, shape capability, mechanical ability, and attention and perception.

General Aptitude Tests Library (Cognitive Skills):

  • Skill Sets Measured: The library includes tests measuring problem-solving, reading table graphics, verbal and numerical reasoning, schematic reasoning, shape ability, formal reasoning, attention, and perception.

  • Customization: Tests can be customized based on the nature of the work and skills required, allowing flexibility for different job roles.

Analytical Skills Aptitude Test (ASPET®):

  • Structure: ASPET® is a multivariate test measuring analytical/cognitive abilities, featuring 23 multiple-choice questions with a total time of 42 minutes.

  • Parallel Forms: The test allows up to 10 repetitions with different questions each time to ensure fairness.

Blue Collar General Aptitude Test (SF D4):

  • Purpose: Designed for blue-collar employees, the test assesses communication, verbal reasoning, shape ability, and other basic skills.

  • Structure: SF D4 consists of 40 multiple-choice questions with a total test time of 45 minutes.

Attention, Perception and Basic Skill Test:

  • Focus: This test measures attention and perception, including counting letters and figures, reading data from tables, and verbal reasoning.

  • Structure: It comprises 30 multiple-choice questions with a total test time of 35 minutes.

Aptitude Test Types:

  • Examples: The article provides sample questions for various aptitude test types, such as table and graph reading, problem-solving, verbal reasoning, schematic reasoning, shape ability, attention and perception, and verbal logic.

Reports and Evaluation:

  • Scoring: General Aptitude Tests are scored between 0% and 100%, and the results are compared with the average of all other candidates.

Validity and Reliability:

  • Reliability: The article discusses methods used to ensure test reliability, including test-retest, parallel forms, and internal consistency reliability.

  • Validity: Validity is emphasized as the degree to which the test measures the intended capabilities, and methods to improve validity are outlined.

Areas of Usage:

  • Recruitment, Promotion, Internal Changes: General Aptitude Tests find applications in recruitment, promotion, and internal horizontal changes within companies, ensuring objective evaluations.

Online Secure General Aptitude Examination Software:

  • Security Measures: The article emphasizes the importance of secure online exam software, with features like proctoring, lockdown browser, and randomization of questions.

  • Repeatability: Tests are designed with a multivariate structure, allowing repeatability with different sets of questions.


  • Credit System: The pricing model involves credits, with no monthly fees or subscriptions, providing flexibility for users.

Frequently Asked Questions:

  • Eligibility: Only educational institutions and companies can purchase credits.

  • Purchase Process: Credits are sold after confirming organization details, and the purchase process is initiated by contacting the provided email address.

This comprehensive overview showcases the depth of knowledge and expertise in the field of pre-employment aptitude testing, providing recruiters and HR specialists with valuable insights into the design, implementation, and benefits of such assessments.

Aptitude Tests To Assess Cognitive Abilities In Recruitment (2024)


What is the cognitive aptitude test for hiring? ›

The Criteria Cognitive Aptitude Test, or CCAT, measures your ability to problem solve, use new information, and think critically. Why do employers want to learn about your cognitive ability? Because how well you do on the test tells employers how easily you'll pick up training for your new role.

How to pass a cognitive aptitude test? ›

How Do I Pass the CCAT Test?
  1. Answer The Questions Fast. Criteria's cognitive aptitude test gives you an average of 18 seconds per question. ...
  2. The Questions Graduate in Difficulty. ...
  3. Skip Questions You Get Stuck On. ...
  4. Play to Your Strengths. ...
  5. Make The Most of Your Trial Test. ...
  6. Practice Pen and Paper Solves.

What are cognitive ability tests in hiring process? ›

A cognitive ability test is a pre-employment test used to measure a candidate's cognitive skills and mental abilities, such as problem solving, spatial reasoning, and numerical reasoning. They are designed to evaluate a candidate's mental abilities and aptitudes to predict their performance in various tasks or roles.

What are the five cognitive tests? ›

The Five Cognitive Tests (The 5-Cog) was developed as a screening instrument to detect cognitive decline among older adults. The 5-Cog is a group assessment tool for cognitive functions, which consists of five subtests (attention, memory, visuospatial, language, and reasoning).

What is the most widely used cognitive assessment tool? ›

The Montreal Cognitive Assessment is a quick and easy instrument that can be adapted for use in the clinical setting. It is easy to administer and score, and the results can be interpreted by the health provider with minimal training.

How do I pass an aptitude test for employment? ›

Practice is key to success with aptitude tests. Dedicated time to work on practice questions and exercises can massively improve your chances of scoring well. There are many online resources offering a variety of aptitude test materials tailored to different skill levels.

What is the secret to passing aptitude test? ›

Stay calm and focused: Aptitude tests can be stressful, but it's important to stay calm and focused during the test. Avoid getting confused or panicking when faced with difficult questions. Take a deep breath, read the questions carefully, and use your practices and knowledge to approach them methodically.

How to prepare for a cognitive ability test? ›

Ability Test Tips
  1. Expect to be timed. ...
  2. Don't waste time. ...
  3. If you don't know, make your best educated guess. ...
  4. Brush up on your subject knowledge beforehand. ...
  5. Read each question twice. ...
  6. It might get more difficult as the test progresses. ...
  7. Practice makes perfect. ...
  8. Get your beauty sleep.

Are cognitive ability tests hard? ›

Cognitive tests can be daunting, and the stress that accompanies them due to the high stakes that are involved can make them even more so. However, there are a number of tips and hacks that can help you improve your cognitive test score before even beginning to practice! Don't waste too much time on one question.

What is the difference between an aptitude test and a cognitive test? ›

Purpose: IQ tests measure cognitive ability and potential. They are commonly used in educational settings for identifying gifted students or those needing additional support. Aptitude tests, however, help employers or educational institutions predict how well an individual may perform in a particular role or situation.

Why do employers make you take a cognitive test? ›

These tests can save time and resources by filtering for candidates with the requisite cognitive abilities to perform the function of a specific position. When cognitive tests work well, they can lead to increased performance and better long-term employee placement.

How to measure cognitive aptitude? ›

Cognitive ability tests assess abilities involved in thinking (e.g., reasoning, perception, memory, verbal and mathematical ability, and problem solving). Such tests pose questions designed to estimate applicants' potential to use mental processes to solve work-related problems or to acquire new job knowledge.

What is the 30 questions cognitive test? ›

The Folstein Mini‐Mental State Examination (MMSE) is a 30‐question assessment of cognitive function that evaluates attention and orientation, memory, registration, recall, calculation, language and ability to draw a complex polygon (Folstein 1975).

What are typical questions on a cognitive test? ›

The questions featured in these tests tend to include verbal analogies, arithmetic calculations, spatial relations number series puzzles, comprehension, and reading comprehension. Cognitive ability tests are notoriously tricky, as they often come with harsh time-limits and specific question types.

What is a good score on a cognitive aptitude test? ›

A score of 42 will put you on the top scale for ANY job the CCAT tests for. For comparison, the average CCAT score is 24.

What is a cognitive test for an interview? ›

The tests measure a candidate's focus, memory, pattern identification, ordering and sorting skills, speed of information processing and more. Assessing cognitive ability has become a necessity for recruiters. Statistically, at least 75% of Fortune 500 companies use it to examine their candidates.

What is cognitive test in HR? ›

A cognitive ability assessment is used by employers and hiring managers to assess a candidate's ability to process information whilst working in a set amount of time. The assessments are generally broken down into individual segments such as verbal, nonverbal and numerical tests.

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Name: Ouida Strosin DO

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