Are Affiliate Links Allowed On Pinterest? Yes, If You Do It Right (2024)

Quick Answer: Yes. Pinterest’s policies allow you to post affiliate links on Pinterest. You can include affiliate links in your pins, just be sure to balance promotions with good content to avoid violating Pinterest’s spam policies.

Pinterest has long been a favourite social media platform for bloggers and online entrepreneurs.

It’s a great way to share images and ideas with others, and it can be a powerful tool for marketing your business or blog.

But are affiliate links allowed on Pinterest?

And if so, how can you use them effectively?

In this post, we’ll explore the answer to that question and give you some tips on using affiliate links on Pinterest.

Let’s get started!

What Is Affiliate Marketing?

Affiliate marketing is a popular way to make money online. Many bloggers and influencers include affiliate links in their posts as a way to earn commission from sales.

When done correctly, affiliate marketing can be a great way to generate income from your blog or social media following.

However, it’s important to note that affiliates must comply with the terms of service of the platforms they are promoting products on.

For example, Amazon Associates—one of the most popular affiliate programs—requires that affiliates only promote products that they have personally used and found to be valuable.

Are Affiliate Links Allowed On Pinterest?

Pinterest is a visual social media platform that allows users to share images and videos related to their interests. The platform is extremely popular with bloggers and online content creators, as it is an easy way to drive traffic to their websites.

One question that content creators often have is whether or not they can share affiliate links on Pinterest.

The answer is yes! Pinterest has no problem with users sharing affiliate links as long as they add value and pinners are open about their affiliations.

As per the Pinterest community guidelines:

Affiliate content should be original and add unique value for Pinners. Be transparent about the commercial nature of your content and about your links and their behavior.

Some shortener services are not currently supported on Pinterest – if your Pin’s link is blocked, you can edit it.

So, if you’re looking for a way to monetize your Pinterest account, sharing affiliate links is a great option.

The Power Of Pinterest For Affiliate Marketing

As an affiliate marketer, you are always looking for new platforms to promote your products.

You want to be where your target audience is hanging out, and these days, that means being on social media. Pinterest is a great platform for affiliate marketing because it has a high rate of engagement and provides you with an opportunity to connect with potential customers.

Let’s take a look at why Pinterest is so effective for affiliate marketing.

First, Pinterest is a highly visual platform. This means that your product pins have a greater chance of being seen and shared than if you were promoting them on a text-based platform like Twitter or Facebook.

People are more likely to engage with visuals, so make sure your pins are high-quality and eye-catching.

In addition, Pinterest is a very search-friendly platform. Users can search by keyword, which means they are more likely to find your products if they are using relevant keywords.

Another reason why Pinterest is so effective for affiliate marketing is that it allows you to build relationships with potential customers. When you pin something, you can add a description and even include a link to your website or blog.

This gives users the opportunity to learn more about you and what you have to offer. If they like what they see, they may even follow your profile or visit your website to learn more.

All things considered, with its high rate of engagement and search-friendly interface, Pinterest is an ideal place to reach out to potential customers and build relationships with them.

26 Pro Tips On Sharing Affiliate Links On Pinterest

Affiliate marketing is a great way to make money online.

And what better place to do it than on Pinterest?

With its 459 million active monthly users, Pinterest is an absolute goldmine.

But how do you get started?

We will walk you through the step-by-step process of how to do affiliate marketing on Pinterest.

1. Read Pinterest’s Affiliate Guidelines and Rules

The first step is to familiarize yourself with Pinterest’s affiliate guidelines and rules. This way, you’ll know what you can and can’t do when it comes to promoting affiliate products on Pinterest.

You can find Pinterest’s affiliate guidelines here.

2. Prepare Your Account

The next step is to prepare your account for promoting affiliate products. This means creating great content, building a large following, and becoming an expert in your niche.

If you need help getting started, watch this video:

3. Choose Your Products Carefully

Now it’s time to choose the products you want to promote. When choosing products, it’s important to consider your audience and what they would be interested in buying.

It’s also important to choose products that you would use and recommend yourself.

Once you’ve chosen the products you want to promote, it’s time to start creating content.

4. Share Great Content

When it comes to affiliate marketing, content is key. You need to create high-quality content that promotes the products you’re selling without sounding salesy.

This can be a challenge, but it’s important to remember that your ultimate goal is to help your audience. If you can do that while also promoting products, you’ll be successful.

5. Create Several Pins Per Post

When creating pins for your affiliate marketing campaign, be sure to create several different versions of each pin. This will allow you to test different designs and see which ones perform the best.

You can also use different colours and call-to-action text to see what works best for your audience.

6. Schedule Pins

In order to maximize your reach, it is important to schedule your pins. Pinterest allows you to schedule pins in advance, so be sure to take advantage of this feature.

Try scheduling your pins for different times of the day and week to see when your audience is most active.

7. Find Affiliate Programs

The next step in starting your affiliate marketing journey on Pinterest is to find affiliate programs.

There are a few ways to do this. One way is to join an affiliate network such as ShareASale or Commission Junction.

Once you’re a member of an affiliate network, you’ll have access to a database of merchants who are looking for affiliates. Another way to find affiliates is to search for them directly on Google.

Just type in “[merchant name] affiliate program” and see what comes up.

For example, if you want to promote:

  • CrossFit affiliate programs
  • Hydroponic affiliate programs
  • Netball affiliate programs
  • Lockpicking affiliate programs
  • Cigar affiliate programs

Or whatever else it may be…

Simply search for this in Google and you’ll get a ton of ideas.

8. Create Pins

Now that you’ve found some affiliates, it’s time to start creating pins. When creating your pins, make sure they are high-quality and visually appealing. People are more likely to click on a pin that’s eye-catching and well-designed than one that’s not.

Also, be sure to include relevant keywords in your pin descriptions so people can easily find your pins when they’re searching on Pinterest.

9. Add Affiliate Links To Pins

Once your pins are created, it’s time to add your affiliate links. To do this, simply go into the “edit” section of your pin and add your affiliate link in the “source URL” field.

That’s it!

Now whenever someone clicks on your pin and is taken to the merchant’s website, you’ll earn a commission if they make a purchase.

10. Enable Rich Pins

One of the best things you can do to improve your affiliate marketing on Pinterest is to enable rich pins.

Rich pins provide extra information about your pins, such as the price of a product or the ingredients in a recipe. Enabling rich pins is easy to do and can help you get more clicks and conversions.

11. Pin To Group Boards

Another great way to improve your affiliate marketing on Pinterest is to pin to group boards. Group boards are boards created by multiple users that anyone can contribute to.

There are many group boards related to all sorts of topics, so finding ones related to your niche should be easy. Pinning to group boards can help you reach a larger audience and get more clicks and conversions.

12. Add An Affiliate Disclosure

An important step to affiliate marketing on Pinterest is to add affiliate disclosures to your pins.

This means that you need to let your followers know that you are an affiliate for a certain product or company. You can do this by adding a disclosure statement in the pin descriptions of your pins.

For example, you could say something like, “This post contains affiliate links.”

By doing this, you are letting your followers know that you will receive a commission if they purchase something through your link.

13. Optimize for SEO

Just like with any other platform, it’s important to optimize your pins for SEO.

This means using keywords in your pin descriptions so that your pins show up when people search for those keywords.

For example, if you are an affiliate for a clothing company, you would want to use keywords such as “clothing”, “fashion”, “style”, etc. in your pin descriptions.

By using these keywords, you are more likely to show up in searches and get more clicks on your pins.

14. Experiment And Zone In What’s Working

The best way to make money through affiliate marketing on Pinterest is to experiment and see what works best for you.

Try different products and see which ones generate the most interest from users. Once you find a product that works well, try to create more content around that product.

For example, if you’re promoting nail care affiliate programs, you could create a board with before-and-after photos or write blog posts about how to use the product.

15. Be Intentional About What Products You Promote

Make sure that the products you’re promoting are relevant to your target audience and that they fit into your overall strategy.

For example, if you’re blogging about fashion, it wouldn’t make sense to promote a product like fitness equipment.

So focus on promoting products that complement your brand and that your target audience will be interested in.

16. Respond To Questions And Comments

When you’re promoting a product as an affiliate, you want to make sure that you’re providing value to your audience.One way to do this is by responding to questions and comments about the product.

This shows that you care about your audience and their experience with the product. It also helps build trust between you and your audience.

17. Consider Promoting High-Performing Pins

Not all pins are created equal. Some perform better than others.

When you’re choosing which pins to promote, consider promoting pins that have already performed well. These are more likely to be seen and shared by other users, which can help you reach a larger audience.

You can find high-performing pins by looking at the stats for each of your pins. Pay attention to which ones have been repinned the most and have generated the most clicks. These are the pins that you should focus on promoting.

18. Focus On Quality Over Quantity

When it comes to creating content for your Pinterest page, it’s important to focus on quality over quantity.

Don’t just create a bunch of random pins in the hopes that one of them will take off. Instead, take the time to create high-quality content that will appeal to your target audience.

The more relevant and engaging your content is, the more likely people are to pay attention to it and share it with their followers.

19. Don’t Promote Too Many Products

When you’re first starting out with affiliate marketing on Pinterest, it can be tempting to promote as many products as possible in an effort to make more sales. But this is not the best strategy.

You want to focus on promoting a few high-quality products that you truly believe in.

If you promote too many products, your audience will get overwhelmed and tune out your content entirely.

20. Analyze Pin Performance

You can do this by looking at the number of impressions and clicks each of your pins receives. This will give you an idea of which pins are performing well and which ones are not.

Additionally, you can use Pinterest Analytics to get even more detailed information about your pin’s performance.

21. Use Attractive Images

Pins with beautiful images are more likely to be clicked on and shared than those without. Therefore, it’s important to choose high-quality images that will grab people’s attention.

Canva is great for this.

Additionally, you should try to use images that are relevant to the product or service you are promoting.

22. Be Consistent

If you want your audience to take you seriously as an affiliate marketer on Pinterest, you need to be publishing new pins regularly. This shows that you’re actively engaged with the platform and that you have fresh, relevant content to share.

A good rule of thumb is to publish at least 10 new pins per day.

This may seem like a lot, but if you batch create your content (i.e., create several pins at once), it’s really not that time-consuming.

Plus, the more active you are on Pinterest, the greater your chances of being seen and discovered by new users.

23. Don’t Spam

If you find an affiliate product that’s doing well and generating sales, it can be tempting to just keep promoting that same link over and over again.

While it’s true that promoting a winning affiliate product is a smart move, pinning the same link too often is a major affiliate marketing no-no.

Not only will this irritate your followers (nobody likes to see the same thing over and over again), but it will also make it more likely Pinterest will flag your account as spammy.

So, mix things up a bit and promote different products from time to time—your followers will appreciate it and you’ll avoid getting penalized by Pinterest’s algorithm.

24. Build An Email List Through Pinterest

One of the best ways to succeed with affiliate marketing on any platform is to build an email list.

You can do this by creating a lead magnet—a freebie that entices people to sign up for your email list—and promoting it on Pinterest. To maximize your chances of success, make sure your lead magnet is something that would be of interest to your target audience.

For example, if you’re in the health and fitness niche, you could create a lead magnet that’s a free workout guide or a healthy recipe book.

Once people sign up for your email list, you can start promoting your affiliate links!

26. Publish Your Pins

The final step is to actually publish your pins!

Once you have added disclosures and optimized your pins for SEO, all that is left to do is hit the “publish” button.

Once your pins are published, they will start showing up in searches and people will be able to click on them and be taken to your affiliate link.

And that’s it!

By following these simple steps, you can start making money with affiliate marketing on Pinterest.

Affiliate Links On Pinterest: FAQs

How Do I Post Affiliate Links On Pinterest?

An affiliate link is simply a special URL that contains a tracking code. This tracking code allows the company whose product you’re promoting to see that it was you who sent the customer their way. If the customer then makes a purchase, you earn a commission.

For example, let’s say you want to promote a new pair of hiking boots on your outdoorsy-themed Pinterest board. You find the best hiking affiliate programs and sign up.

Once you’re approved, you receive a special link to use on your Pinterest pins and when someone clicks on your pin and buys hiking gear, you earn a commission!

Can You Make Money With Affiliate Marketing On Pinterest?

Pinterest is a social media platform that allows users to share images and videos related to their interests. While it is primarily used as a way to discover new content, it can also be a powerful tool for promoting products and services. For businesses, this can be done through affiliate marketing. When a user clicks on an affiliate link and makes a purchase, the affiliate earns a commission.

This arrangement can be beneficial for both parties involved, as the affiliate can earn income from promoting products that they are passionate about, and the business can reach a wider audience through Pinterest.

In order to be successful with affiliate marketing on Pinterest, it is important to choose products that are relevant to your audience and to create high-quality content that will encourage users to click on the affiliate links. With a bit of effort and creativity, anyone can make money on Pinterest through affiliate marketing.

What Are The Benefits Of Sharing Affiliate Links On Pinterest?

There are several benefits of using affiliate links on Pinterest, including:

  • The ability to monetize your account: By using affiliate links, you can turn your love of all things Pinterest into cash!
  • Passive income: Once you’ve set up your pins with affiliate links, they work for you around the clock, promoting products and services even while you sleep.
  • Increased engagement: By promoting products that are relevant and useful to your audience, you can increase engagement with your pins and drive more traffic to your website or blog.
  • A wider reach: When done correctly, affiliate marketing can help increase your reach on Pinterest and bring in new followers who are interested in what you have to say.

Are There Any Risks Of Posting Affiliate Links On Pinterest?

Of course, there are always risks associated with any form of online marketing. The most common risk is that of being perceived as pushy or salesy.

To avoid this, only promote products that you would personally use or recommend—ones that fit seamlessly into your existing content without seeming out of place.

In addition, it’s important to disclose you’re using affiliate links and be transparent with your audience.

How Do I Get Started With Affiliate Marketing On Pinterest?

It’s easy to get started with affiliate marketing on Pinterest—you just need to sign up for an affiliate program (like Amazon Associates) and start creating pins!

For best results, be sure to choose products that are relevant to your niche and create eye-catching pins that will stand out in a user’s feed and don’t forget to disclose that you’re using affiliate links in accordance with FTC guidelines.

And if you want step-by-step affiliate marketing training then enrol in Commission Academy.

We’ll show you the winning cutting-edge strategies you need to maximise affiliate sales and turn it into a 6-figure business.

Bottom Line

In conclusion, affiliate links are allowed on Pinterest. You can use them to promote your products and services as well as those of other businesses. However, you should be sure to disclose that you are an affiliate in order to avoid any legal issues.

Additionally, you should make sure that the products or services you are promoting are relevant to your target audience and align with your brand.

By following these guidelines, you can effectively use affiliate links on Pinterest to drive traffic and sales.

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Are Affiliate Links Allowed On Pinterest? Yes, If You Do It Right (2024)
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Author: Edmund Hettinger DC

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Author information

Name: Edmund Hettinger DC

Birthday: 1994-08-17

Address: 2033 Gerhold Pine, Port Jocelyn, VA 12101-5654

Phone: +8524399971620

Job: Central Manufacturing Supervisor

Hobby: Jogging, Metalworking, Tai chi, Shopping, Puzzles, Rock climbing, Crocheting

Introduction: My name is Edmund Hettinger DC, I am a adventurous, colorful, gifted, determined, precious, open, colorful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.