Are Reece and Will from ‘America’s Sweethearts’ still together? (2024)

One of the stars of Netflix’s “America’s Sweethearts” simply epitomizes the show's title.

Reece Weaver is one of dozens of women to make the 2023 Dallas Cowboys cheerleaders squad and she's featured prominently in the new docuseries.

As Reece auditions for and eventually joins the squad, she shares the ups and downs of the experience with viewers and introduces them to her fiancé, Will Allman.

It's hard not to root for the sweet couple, but the series ends on a bit of a cliffhanger. Eager to know if Reece and Will are still together? Here's everything we know about their relationship.

Who is Reece Weaver?

Reece was named Miss Florida’s Outstanding Teen in 2017.

Before she became a Dallas Cowboys cheerleader, Reece attended the University of Alabama and was a member of the Alabama Dance Team.

In August 2023, she announced that she had joined the Dallas Cowboys cheerleader squad.

"I have been covered with so much love, support, and encouragement from so many people. Every text, message sent, and call I have received, has made my heart flood with thankfulness. Thank you from the bottom of my heart to all of my family, friends, instructors, mentors, and teachers who’ve played a significant role in my life. Each of you have helped shape me into the Reece I am today," she wrote.

Who is Will Allman?

Reece introduces “America’s Sweethearts” viewers to Will as her fiancé. During the docuseries, he moves to Dallas to be with her when she joins the Cowboys cheerleader squad, looks for work in the area and then secures a job.

During a confessional interview, Will describes why he decided to relocate for his fiancée.

“Her dream was to become a Dallas Cowboy cheerleader. I wasn’t going to be a dream squasher. That was her dream. I really didn’t have any massive dreams or anything, so I was like, ‘My dream is to pursue this woman.’ And that was my dream and that still is today,” he said.

Reece and Will met in college

In “America’s Sweethearts,” Will describes his and Reece’s meet-cute story.

“I was just a college student going crazy at a basketball game. A couple weeks later she actually slid into my DMs. That’s kind of a big flex: A now-Dallas Cowboy cheerleader slid into my DMs,” he said.

Will goes on to say that he and Reece hung out “probably 15-20 times” before he “put his arm around her.”

“We were watching ‘Guardians of the Galaxy’ and I think I put my arm around her this way. She was just, like, hyperventilating. I was scared for her. And she’s like, ‘I’ve never had any boy do that ever,’ and I was like, ‘Are you serious?’” he recalled.

During the docuseries, Reece described how delighted she was when she started dating Will.

“My prayer was, ‘Lord, find me someone. I pray that that is my husband.’ And here we are,” she said.

Reece and Will got engaged in 2023

In April 2023, Reece and Will got engaged. After the proposal, the bride-to-be shared on Instagram several photos from their engagement photo shoot.

"One week ago today, I said YES to my best friend, forever!!! I’ll never forget this precious moment Will and I had. His intentionality and planning was so pure," she captioned the post. "Thank you Jesus for placing your son in my life. He’s my answer to many prayers and my someone whom I cannot live without.🤍🤍🤍."

Reece also tagged her future husband in the post, writing, "@willallman18 I can’t wait to be your WIFE🥳🤪🤍."

Will also shared several photos from the engagement photo shoot, along with several pictures of his future wife wearing a ring.

“Life lately—> The greatest earthly gift that The Lord has ever given me answered a question that will last in my memory for my lifetime. I love you Reece! Let’s change that last name!” he captioned the post.

Reece and Will were long distance for a short time

While Reece auditioned for the Dallas Cowboys cheerleader squad, she and Will had a long distance relationship for a short period of time. She addressed the challenges that come along with this dynamic in the docuseries.

“I was seeing Will pretty much every day in college and now that I’m in Dallas, it’s extremely hard just being by myself, trying to figure (things) out. (I) pray that he gets a job eventually, but I do have practices to look forward to at night, getting to see my new family I’m creating,” she said.

Reece and Will got married in 2024

Reece and Will wed April 20, 2024.

“Married the woman of my dreams in front of 250 of my best friends and family. A perfect day that will never be forgotten. Thank you to all of you who were able to come celebrate Reece and I!” Will captioned a photo from the wedding day.

A few weeks later, Reece shared a video from their wedding day on her Instagram, calling it “the best day of our lives.”

Chrissy Callahan

Chrissy Callahan covers a range of topics for, including fashion, beauty, pop culture and food. In her free time, she enjoys traveling, watching bad reality TV and consuming copious amounts of cookiedough.

Are Reece and Will from ‘America’s Sweethearts’ still together? (2024)
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