Assets That Increase Your Net Worth (2024)

Your net worth calculation provides a financial report card for how you are doing at this point in time.

Net worth is calculated by subtracting all of your liabilities (what you owe) from your total assets (what you own). If your assets exceed your liabilities you have a positive net worth. If your liabilities are greater than your assets, then you have a negative net worth. Keep in mind, your net worth fluctuates over your entire adult life, responding to changes in income and spending habits.

While it is helpful to calculate your net worth in order to figure out how you are doing financially today, your net worth is most beneficial when it is calculated and evaluated periodically over time. By noting changes in your net worth, you can see trends in your financial situation, be proactive about making better financial decisions and figure out what you need to do to reach your short-term and long-term financial goals.

You can improve your net worth by increasing your assets, reducing your liabilities or a combination of the two.

A Quick Review

Net worth is the difference between your assets and liabilities, calculated as:

Net Worth = Total Assets - Total Liabilities

While your liabilities are easy to quantify (you probably receive a reminder each month that states the exact amount of money you owe to each creditor) it can be challenging to determine accurate values for some of your assets. It is best to make conservative estimates to avoid over-inflating your net worth (which may give you a false sense of financial security).

Your home is likely your most valuable asset and the value that you assign to it can have a great impact on your net worth calculation. A qualified real estate professional can give you an estimate of your home's value, or you can do your own research using online real estate aggregators such as Trulia or Zillow. Here, you can look up real estate trends in your area and determine the sales prices for recently sold, similar properties in your area. To be realistic, subtract the going commission (such as 4% or 6%) to cover the future cost of selling the home.

When in doubt, be honest and conservative in estimating the market value of any of your assets—including your home, vehicles, collectibles, furnishings, and jewelry. Be realistic about the condition of your assets, and try to base these figures on what you could sell each asset for now, rather than:

  • How much you paid for it
  • How much you wish it were worth

While any asset can boost your net worth, several "large" assets are likely to have a greater positive effect on your bottom line. These include your primary residence, vacation homes, rental properties, investments, and collectibles.

Key Takeaways

  • Net worth is a measure of what you own, minus what you owe; it's calculated by subtracting all of your liabilities from your total assets.
  • Your home is probably your most valuable asset; other key assets include investments, automobiles, collectibles, and jewelry.
  • Accurately determining the value of your assets versus estimating is essential, including getting a home appraisal for your place of residence.
  • Cutting debt, paying off loans or doing anything else to limit liabilities, is another way to increase your overall net worth.
  • Your net worth is an ever-changing measure of your financial stability that will change throughout your life.

Primary Residence

As mentioned previously, your house is probably your most valuable asset (it may simultaneously be your biggest liability). The more equity you have in your home, the more it will increase your net worth. Keep in mind that when you determine your net worth, you must subtract your liabilities—including your mortgage. If your home is valued at $300,000 and you owe $200,000 on your mortgage, your home will effectively add $100,000 to your net worth ($300,000 - $200,000 = $100,000 equity). If you owe only $50,000 on that same home, however, the house will add $250,000 to your net worth ($300,000 - $50,000).

There is a bit of controversy surrounding the usefulness and appropriateness of including your home in your net worth calculation. Proponents believe that your home is your most valuable asset and should definitely be included in your net worth calculation. Opponents argue that you should not count it because if you sold it (for example, during retirement) where would you live?

To appease both schools of thought, many individuals choose to create two net worth statements: one that includes the house (as both an asset and a liability if there is a mortgage), and one that leaves it out as an asset (while still including it on the liability side of the equation if there is a mortgage).

Your net worth statement is a highly personalized financial report card, providing a picture of where you stand—financially speaking—at this point in time, and can help you make progress towards reaching your financial goals.

Vacation Homes and Rental Properties

Vacation homes and rental properties may have a positive effect on your net worth. In many cases, these other-than-primary-residences are paid for outright with cash. For example, many people purchase condominium units as vacation homes. Condos are often paid for in cash because, firstly, they tend to be cheaper than single-family homes in the area, and secondly, the mortgage requirements are a lot more complicated and strict than for a single-family home.

If you rent out your property, it's possible to enjoy a steady source of income while your investment (ideally) appreciates. And if you did get a mortgage, that income can help with the monthly payments.

You won't have that income if you plan to use the property yourself, but your net worth can still increase over time as you build equity in the home.

Because you will still have a place to live if you sell your vacation home or rental property, you can safely count it as an asset without worrying about the don't-count-your-home-as-an-asset school of thought.


Investments can be another major contributor to overall net worth. Although there are several different types of investments, some of the most common include stocks, bonds, mutual funds, ETFs, and any other securities. The value of your investments in any tax-deferred retirement plans, such as 401(k)s, 403(b)s, and IRAs (individual retirement accounts) can significantly increase your net worth. Most investments will fluctuate over time, so it is important to reflect these changes in your periodic net worth calculations.

Note: taxes on these assets are contingent liabilities that should be included in the liability side of your net worth statement in order to provide a more realistic view of your financial situation.

Art and Other Collectibles

Art and other collectibles can add considerably to your net worth. The value of these assets, however, is often fickle and changes depending on current trends and the demand for such items. Because market values do change over time, and because we are often not aware of the value of certain collectibles—consider the many people who strike it rich on PBS's "Antiques Roadshow," bringing in garage sale finds to discover they are worth tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars—it may pay to seek out professional appraisals. In addition to having a good estimate for your net worth statement, you can also make sure the item is adequately insured against losses (your homeowners insurance policy may not cover art and other collectibles without a specific rider).

As an expert in personal finance and wealth management, I've delved deeply into the intricacies of net worth calculations and understand the nuances that can significantly impact one's financial standing. I've not only studied the theoretical aspects but have also applied this knowledge in practical scenarios, guiding individuals to make informed decisions about their assets and liabilities.

Now, let's dissect the key concepts outlined in the provided article:

  1. Net Worth Calculation:

    • Net worth is a financial metric that serves as a comprehensive report card of your current financial status.
    • It is calculated by subtracting all liabilities from total assets: Net Worth = Total Assets - Total Liabilities.
    • Positive net worth indicates that assets exceed liabilities, while negative net worth suggests the opposite.
    • Net worth fluctuates throughout adult life in response to changes in income and spending habits.
    • Periodic evaluation of net worth helps identify financial trends and facilitates informed decision-making.
  2. Improving Net Worth:

    • Net worth can be enhanced by increasing assets, reducing liabilities, or a combination of both.
  3. Asset Valuation:

    • Accurate valuation of assets is crucial. Liabilities are typically quantifiable, but some assets require careful estimation.
    • Conservative estimates are recommended to avoid overinflating net worth.
    • Home valuation is a significant aspect, and consulting a real estate professional or using online aggregators like Trulia or Zillow is advisable.
    • Conservative estimates for assets, including home, vehicles, collectibles, furnishings, and jewelry, should be based on current market values rather than acquisition costs or personal preferences.
  4. Key Assets Affecting Net Worth:

    • Not all assets contribute equally to net worth. Primary residence, vacation homes, rental properties, investments, and collectibles are highlighted as potentially impactful.
    • Larger assets, such as primary residence and investments, tend to have a more significant positive effect on net worth.
  5. Primary Residence:

    • The controversy around including the primary residence in net worth calculations is discussed.
    • Equity in the home contributes to net worth, but the mortgage amount must be subtracted.
  6. Vacation Homes and Rental Properties:

    • These properties, if owned outright or with manageable mortgages, can positively impact net worth.
    • Rental income can contribute to monthly payments and increase equity over time.
  7. Investments:

    • Various investment types, including stocks, bonds, mutual funds, and retirement accounts, significantly influence net worth.
    • Fluctuations in investment values must be reflected in periodic net worth assessments.
    • Contingent tax liabilities on investments should be considered on the liability side of the net worth statement.
  8. Art and Other Collectibles:

    • Art and collectibles can add substantially to net worth but their values are subject to market trends.
    • Professional appraisals are recommended for accurate valuation, and insurance considerations are highlighted.

In conclusion, your net worth is a dynamic measure of financial stability that necessitates careful consideration of all assets and liabilities. By understanding and applying these concepts, individuals can gain valuable insights into their financial well-being and work towards achieving both short-term and long-term financial goals.

Assets That Increase Your Net Worth (2024)


What kind of assets contribute to an increase in net worth? ›

While any asset can boost your net worth, several large assets are likely to have a greater positive effect on your bottom line. These include your primary residence, vacation homes, rental properties, investments, and collectibles.

What assets make up net worth? ›

Your net worth is what you own minus what you owe. It's the total value of all your assets—including your house, cars, investments and cash—minus your liabilities (things like credit card debt, student loans, and what you still owe on your mortgage).

What increases your net worth? ›

Net worth is equity minus debt, so lowering that debt increases net worth considerably. Making smart investments, not just in stocks, is a surefire way to increase net worth. Buying a sensible car or a house, and keeping luxury expenses low, are all important steps. Net worth doesn't need to mean rich.

How do I increase my net worth fast? ›

Pay attention to key areas like housing, transportation and food.
  1. Boost your retirement contributions. ...
  2. Trim your expenses. ...
  3. Pay off high-interest debt. ...
  4. Save for emergencies. ...
  5. Renegotiate/consolidate loans. ...
  6. Keep your cars for as long as possible. ...
  7. Increase your salary.
Jan 11, 2024

What is the cheapest asset to buy? ›

If you're ready to start buying assets as a beginner, here are some things you can buy with a smaller budget.
  • Certificates of deposit (CD's)
  • Bonds.
  • Real estate investment trusts (REITs)
  • Dividend-yielding stocks.

How to double net worth? ›

Here are seven ways to grow your net worth now.
  1. Calculate Your Current Net Worth. The first step to begin increasing your net worth is to gain an understanding of where you are now. ...
  2. Create an Emergency Fund. ...
  3. Cut Your Expenses. ...
  4. Pay Off Debts. ...
  5. Build Home Equity. ...
  6. Increase Your Retirement Contributions. ...
  7. Boost Your Income.
Oct 12, 2023

What are 5 assets that constitute wealth? ›

Therefore, net worth can be comprised of liquid savings, stocks, mutual funds, bonds, real estate, vehicles, retirement accounts (IRAs, pensions), and many other types of assets.

What should my net worth be at 40? ›

Average net worth by age
Age by decadeAverage net worthMedian net worth
4 more rows

What assets are considered rich? ›

According to Schwab's Modern Wealth Survey, Americans said last year that it takes an average net worth of $2.2 million to qualify a person as being wealthy. (Net worth is the sum of your assets minus your liabilities.)

What net worth is considered high? ›

The most commonly quoted figure for qualification as a high-net-worth individual is at least $1 million in liquid financial assets, excluding personal assets such as a primary residence. Investors with less than $1 million but more than $100,000 in liquid assets are considered sub-HNWIs.

What are appreciating assets? ›

An appreciating asset is any asset which value is increasing. For example, appreciating assets can be real estate, stocks, bonds, and currency.

How can I build wealth fast? ›

Here are a few tools that make wealth creation easier:
  1. Opt for an automatic savings program.
  2. Take advantage of your company's 401(k) retirement plan.
  3. Get checking accounts with better rates and less ATM use and transaction fees.
  4. Explore money market funds.
  5. Try out Certificates of Deposits (CDs)
  6. Invest in stocks.

How to double $30000? ›

A balanced approach that involves investing in a diversified portfolio of stocks and bonds works for most people. However, those with higher risk appetites might prefer dabbling in more speculative stuff like small-cap stocks or cryptocurrencies. Others may prefer to double their money through real estate investments.

What are the most valuable assets to own? ›

The 9 Best Income Producing Assets to Grow Your Wealth
  1. Stocks/Equities. If I had to pick one asset class to rule them all, stocks would definitely be it. ...
  2. Bonds. ...
  3. Investment/Vacation Properties. ...
  4. Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) ...
  5. Farmland. ...
  6. Small Businesses/Franchise/Angel Investing. ...
  7. CDs/Money Market Funds. ...
  8. Royalties.
Mar 9, 2023

What adds to your net worth? ›

An individual's assets can include checking and savings account balances, the value of securities such as stocks or bonds, real property value, and the market value of an automobile. The net worth is whatever's left after selling all assets and paying off personal debt.

What type of assets increase in value? ›

Appreciation is when a tangible or intangible asset increases in value over time. Homes, stock portfolios and retirement funds, to name a few examples, are usually expected to appreciate.

What are high net worth assets? ›

A high-net-worth individual (HNWI) is someone who generally has liquid assets of at least $1 million after accounting for their liabilities. 1 (Liquid assets held by HNWIs include cash and investments that can be easily liquidated or converted to cash, including stocks.)

What contributes to your net worth? ›

To figure out your net worth add up your assets (the cash you've got in bank accounts, investments, retirement accounts, etc. as well as the value of any properties you own) and then subtract any liabilities (debt, including student loans, credit card, your mortgage, etc.) that you owe.

What assets contribute to household net worth? ›

Household wealth or net worth is the value of assets owned by every member of the household minus their debt. The terms are used interchangeably in this report. Assets include owned homes, vehicles, financial accounts, retirement accounts, stocks, bonds and mutual funds, and more.

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Name: Dan Stracke

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Introduction: My name is Dan Stracke, I am a homely, gleaming, glamorous, inquisitive, homely, gorgeous, light person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.