Atlas of Worlds (2024)

Quick Guide: This article has a quick guide that shows you how to explore the Atlas of Worlds, and how to chase the Conquerors and find The Maven.

This page is about the game mechanic. For other uses, see Atlas of Worlds (disambiguation).

Atlas of Worlds (1)

The Atlas of Worlds is Path of Exile's end-game map system. The Atlas is a series of linked maps that players can progress through after completing a quest for Officer Kirac. It is explored and discovered by running maps within the Map Device at a player's hideout.

The Atlas of Worlds is a visualization of the dream worlds that are opened by activating maps, indicating how these worlds are linked. The player starts at one of four starting maps in the center of the Atlas. These tier 1 maps start dropping on Act 8. Players can find new maps in adjacent, connected maps in the Atlas.

The Atlas comprises more than 150 different maps. Maps have a chance to drop in other connected maps, and they can be traded between players. The Atlas has 8 regions each of which have many maps within them. Each region has a citadel, which is an interface that allows socketing 4 watchstones within it. These watchstones can have various crafted modifiers, that players can add onto them using sextants. Quest watchstones drop from defeating the Conquerors, while craftable watchstones can be purchased from other players or obtained as boss drops. Each region also allows players to select unique Atlas passive skill perks that affect drops and environmental effects within that region, such as improving Blight, Harvest, Delirium or other types of content.

Every map has one or more unique bosses. The Atlas has two bonuses which affect map drops, being the Atlas Completion Bonus and the Awakening Completion Bonus. These bonuses must be earned by defeating the map boss under certain conditions.

The Atlas has many end-game bosses that players can fight, such as Sirus, Awakener of Worlds which can only be encountered by chasing the Conquerors across the Atlas, and The Maven which requires completion of the Maven's challenges in The Maven's Crucible. Other bosses like The Shaper, The Elder and Uber Elder can be fought repeatedly simply by using a special set of 4 map fragments in the Map Device.


  • 1 Map Drops
  • 2 Regions
  • 3 Atlas Completion Bonus
    • 3.1 Optional maps
  • 4 Awakening Level
  • 5 Awakening Completion Bonus
  • 6 Favourite Maps
  • 7 Atlas Missions
  • 8 Conquerors of the Atlas
    • 8.1 Finding Watchstones
  • 9 Currency
  • 10 End of league transfer
  • 11 Permanent league catch up mechanics
  • 12 Atlas exclusive base items
    • 12.1 Item types
    • 12.2 Drop location based on atlas region
  • 13 Video
  • 14 Gallery
  • 15 Version history
  • 16 See also
  • 17 References

Map Drops[ | ]

Atlas of Worlds (2)

Map drops are not completely random; instead, a specific tier is chosen first and the map type is chosen from a pool of maps completed for that tier or connected to the map the character is currently in.[1]

Only connected maps and maps previously completed can drop from a map area. In addition to these rules, this map drop pool only consists of maps that are currently visible on the Atlas meaning maps that are removed from changing Watchstones are removed from the drop pool. There are a couple exceptions: During Zana's missions where you can obtain maps without restrictions from your Atlas progression, unique maps which can also drop their base type, and various league content that may drop maps.

Following this, when a map drop's tier is rolled and no maps of that tier currently exist on the atlas, a map isn't dropped but instead adds to a "map equity" system that helps higher tier maps to drop.[2][confirmation needed because of 3.10 change]

Regions[ | ]

The Atlas is split into 8 different regions, each affecting a Watchstone or Conqueror's area of influence and what item bases can drop.

The 8 regions are:

A new region without any maps is:

Atlas Completion Bonus[ | ]

Tip: To locate a map on the Atlas, open the Atlas, then open your inventory and right-click the Map item. The map will be highlighted on the Atlas.

For each map completed under certain conditions, you gain an Atlas completion Bonus. Each Bonus adds a 1% chance for a map to drop one tier higher, with each 100% chance automatically upgrading the tier of the dropped map. The maximum map tier, however, cannot bypass drop restrictions, even if it would have been upgraded.[3]

For example, a rare monster in a tier 6 map with 125% completion bonus:

  • a rare monster can drop tier +1 maps, as such it can drop tier 1 to 7 maps
  • it will only drop maps that are adjacent or already unlocked (completed) on the atlas
  • a tier 5 drop would be upgraded to tier 6, with a 25% chance to be upgraded to tier 7
  • a tier 6 drop would be upgraded to tier 7, but can't be upgraded any further
  • a tier 7 drop is already the highest possible drop, and can't be upgraded any further

Optional maps[ | ]

The following maps do not count towards Atlas completion:

  • Atlas of Worlds (12)Hall of GrandmastersHall of Grandmasters
    Promenade Map
    Map Level: 69
    Map Tier: 2
    Guild Character: Ù
    Contains the Immortalised Grandmasters
    PvP damage scaling in effect
    The grandest and greatest ever to fight,
    Divine the champions stand tall.
    But match their power, best their might,
    And even the immortal may fall.
    Travel to this Map by using it in a personal Map Device. Maps can only be used once.
    Atlas of Worlds (13)
  • Atlas of Worlds (14)Untainted ParadiseUntainted Paradise
    Tropical Island Map
    Map Level: 69
    Map Tier: 2
    (300-400)% increased Experience gain
    Area has increased monster variety
    Area is inhabited by wild Animals
    Monsters drop no items
    For this beauty,
    beauty without strength,
    chokes out life.
    Travel to this Map by using it in a personal Map Device. Maps can only be used once.
    Atlas of Worlds (15)
  • The Beachhead (all 3 tiers)
  • Atlas of Worlds (16)Infused BeachheadInfused Beachhead
    Harbinger Map
    Map Level: 83
    Map Tier: 16
    100% more Monster Life
    100% increased Monster Damage
    Unique Boss drops an additional Harbinger Scroll
    Area contains 20 extra Harbingers

    Travel to this Map by using it in a personal Map Device. Maps can only be used once.
    Atlas of Worlds (17)
  • Atlas of Worlds (18)Altered Distant MemoryAltered Distant Memory
    Siege Map
    Map Level: 80
    Map Tier: 12
    Item Quantity: +100%
    Monster Pack Size: +25%
    100% increased Experience gain
    Monster Level: 80
    Map has (3-5) additional random Modifiers
    Map has (2-4) additional Synthesis Global Modifiers
    The winters of my youth were cold and harsh.
    We had nothing, yet to my mother's credit, I wanted for so little.
    Travel to this Map by using it in a personal Map Device. Maps can only be used once.
    Atlas of Worlds (19)
  • Atlas of Worlds (20)Augmented Distant MemoryAugmented Distant Memory
    Courthouse Map
    Map Level: 80
    Map Tier: 4
    Item Quantity: +100%
    Monster Pack Size: +25%
    100% increased Experience gain
    Monster Level: 80
    Map has (3-5) additional random Modifiers
    Map has (2-4) additional Synthesis Global Modifiers
    What had seemed sacred and infallibleso quickly became flawed out of necessity.
    Created from compromises. Vulnerable to mortal whims.
    Travel to this Map by using it in a personal Map Device. Maps can only be used once.
    Atlas of Worlds (21)
  • Atlas of Worlds (22)Rewritten Distant MemoryRewritten Distant Memory
    Basilica Map
    Map Level: 80
    Map Tier: 3
    Item Quantity: +100%
    Monster Pack Size: +25%
    100% increased Experience gain
    Monster Level: 80
    Map has (3-5) additional random Modifiers
    Map has (2-4) additional Synthesis Global Modifiers
    It was in my oath that I found peace.
    In echoing marble halls I found my voice.
    Before the congregation I found purpose.
    Travel to this Map by using it in a personal Map Device. Maps can only be used once.
    Atlas of Worlds (23)
  • Atlas of Worlds (24)Twisted Distant MemoryTwisted Distant Memory
    Park Map
    Map Level: 80
    Map Tier: 4
    Item Quantity: +100%
    Monster Pack Size: +25%
    100% increased Experience gain
    Monster Level: 80
    Map has (3-5) additional random Modifiers
    Map has (2-4) additional Synthesis Global Modifiers
    Without our strict rule, man's destructive side would take hold.
    Our beautiful public spaces, our services for the ill and the needy, all of it would crumble.
    Travel to this Map by using it in a personal Map Device. Maps can only be used once.
    Atlas of Worlds (25)
  • Atlas of Worlds (26)CortexCortex
    Relic Chambers Map
    Map Level: 83
    Map Tier: 9
    Item Quantity: +100%
    Monster Pack Size: +25%
    100% increased Experience gain
    Monster Level: 83
    Map has (3-5) additional random Modifiers
    Map has (2-4) additional Synthesis Global Modifiers
    Though my life is gone, my purpose is not.
    My will remains, emboldened and empowered by the righteousness of my cause.
    Travel to this Map by using it in a personal Map Device. Maps can only be used once.
    Atlas of Worlds (27)
  • Atlas of Worlds (28)Replica CortexReplica Cortex
    Relic Chambers Map
    Map Level: 84
    Map Tier: 9
    Item Quantity: +100%
    Monster Pack Size: +25%
    200% increased Experience gain
    Monster Level: 84
    Map has (6-8) additional random Modifiers
    Map has (4-6) additional Synthesis Global Modifiers
    "Did nobody think to report that we had acquired some sort of free-floating
    Memory? Cease testing and lock this away immediately!"
    - Administrator Qotra
    Travel to this Map by using it in a personal Map Device. Maps can only be used once.
    Atlas of Worlds (29)
  • Atlas of Worlds (30)Forge of the Phoenix MapForge of the Phoenix MapMap Level: 83
    Map Tier: 16
    Guild Character: ¤
    Area is influenced by The ShaperTravel to this Map by using it in a personal Map Device. Maps can only be used once.
    Atlas of Worlds (31)
  • Atlas of Worlds (32)Lair of the Hydra MapLair of the Hydra MapMap Level: 83
    Map Tier: 16
    Guild Character: ¢
    Area is influenced by The ShaperTravel to this Map by using it in a personal Map Device. Maps can only be used once.
    Atlas of Worlds (33)
  • Atlas of Worlds (34)Maze of the Minotaur MapMaze of the Minotaur MapMap Level: 83
    Map Tier: 16
    Guild Character: £
    Area is influenced by The ShaperTravel to this Map by using it in a personal Map Device. Maps can only be used once.
    Atlas of Worlds (35)
  • Atlas of Worlds (36)Pit of the Chimera MapPit of the Chimera MapMap Level: 83
    Map Tier: 16
    Guild Character: Â
    Area is influenced by The ShaperTravel to this Map by using it in a personal Map Device. Maps can only be used once.
    Atlas of Worlds (37)

Special areas like Map fragment zones also do not add others Atlas completion.

Awakening Level[ | ]

Tip: To quickly get to Awakening Level 8 without chasing the conquerers, buy cheap Chromuium or Titanium watchstones and fill all the citadel sockets in your Atlas.

The Awakening Level of your Atlas is the number of Watchstones you have socketed, divided by 4, and rounded down.

The highest Awakening Level obtainable using only watchstones is A8, however after the Echoes of the Atlas expansion, players can obtain A9 using the Atlas Awakened skill from The Uncharted Realms Atlas passive skill tree.

Awakening Levels increase the difficulty of all map bosses due to the "Unique map boss has X% more life", but grant bonuses to item drops when killing those bosses. It also enables Awakened Atlas completion bonuses at higher levels, granting further bonuses to map drops.

Each Awakening Level adds the following:

  • Unique Map Boss has 3% more Life
  • +1% chance for an additional connected Map to drop from Unique Map Boss
  • +0.5% chance for a Shaper Guardian Map to drop from Unique Map Boss (Tier 14+)
  • +0.5% chance for an Elder Guardian Map to drop from Unique Map Boss (Tier 14+)
  • +1% chance for an additional Unique Item to drop from Unique Map Boss
  • +1% chance for additional Map Currency Item to drop from Unique Map Boss
  • Increased chance per Awakening Level for the Conquerors of the Atlas to drop additional rewards
  • 5% increased chance for Influenced Items to drop in Maps influenced by the Conquerors of the Atlas

Awakening Completion Bonus[ | ]

Awakened Atlas completion bonuses are acquired by completing the map at a certain Awakening Level or higher. In order to complete an Awakening Bonus Objective, it is merely required to finish the map at it's maximum tier while it is influenced by four Watchstones, while the Awakening Level requirement is met. Rarity or corruption of the map is irrelevant.

  • 1% increased effect of Modifiers on non-unique Maps (per 6 Awakening Bonus)

Favourite Maps[ | ]

Once you've completed all base maps in a region, you unlock a favourite map slot for that region. Map bases you marked as favourites are 10 times more likely to drop than other map bases in the region. A second and third slot can be unlocked by completing all Atlas objectives, and Awakened Atlas objectives, respectively. The same map can be favourited multiple times, making it 20 or 30 times more likely to drop than other map bases in the region.

Atlas Missions[ | ]

Once per day, when you log in, you will receive one Atlas missions for each master for the tier relative to the last map you've completed (-1/+1 range). Free Atlas missions refresh at midnight UTC. The map must be completed the day before in their own map device. Completing party-play maps from other players map devices does not count. Completing blighted maps do count.

Each time you complete a map, there is a 35% chance to receive an Atlas Mission for a random master. You can use Atlas Missions to guarantee a master to spawn in your next non-unique map. Your Atlas Mission counters are tracked for each set of map tier colours: white, yellow, and red; which one you receive is the same as the tier colour of the map you received it in. Your accumulated number of Atlas Missions can be seen in the Atlas layout screen. There is no limit to how many Atlas Missions you can store. You can redeem an Atlas mission by speaking to a master then running the map from that screen, or via the mission buttons in the map device interface.

Note that as only a single master can appear per map, the use of a master mission will prevent triggering other sources of master spawning, including the flat 10% chance of triggering a random master per map. It is possible to get a slight increase in chance of encountering a specific master, by avoiding atlas missions for the other masters.

Conquerors of the Atlas[ | ]

When exploring a map, there is a chance that one of the Conquerors of the Atlas, Al-Hezmin, the Hunter; Veritania, the Redeemer; Drox, the Warlord; and Baran, the Crusader, appears and spreads influence over the Atlas region. Whenever a Conqueror appears in a map, they will occupy the Atlas region and add packs of special influenced monsters to the map whenever they appear. After their third appearance, you can speak to Officer Kirac to locate their Citadel, then talk to Zana to open a map device screen with a map where the Conqueror's Citadel is located. This map can be modified and can have map fragment and Scarab bonuses applied to it, but only 20% of the map's Item Quantity bonus will apply to the Conqueror boss. Once you defeat the Citadel's map boss, a portal leading to the Conqueror's arena opens up, where you can fight the Conqueror themselves. Each Conqueror will drop a Watchstone on defeat, which you can slot in a Citadel to upgrade all maps within the region to higher tiers and possibly reveal new ones.

Influenced monsters and the Conquerors have a chance to drop Influenced items, special item bases which can roll mods unavailable to regular items.

Finding Watchstones[ | ]

Atlas of Worlds (38)

To spawn a Conqueror for the first time, you must first explore maps in the outer Atlas regions (Haewark Hamlet, Lex Ejoris, Lira Arthain, New Vastir). Once they make their appearance, they will reappear whenever you run a new map located within the same region. Opening a new map with the same base as the last one is allowed. After they drop their first Watchstone, to get the next Watchstone, you will need to explore maps in regions with the required number of Watchstones. The map's tier must also be equal or greater than the base displayed on the Atlas. Before defeating the Awakener, a Conqueror will always appear in each new map as long as the requirements are filled, but they will not reappear in the same region. Hovering over the Watchstone slots on the left side of the Atlas screen will display the requirements needed to spawn a Conqueror.

After ending the individual quests: Atlas of Worlds (39) The Hunter, Atlas of Worlds (40) The Redeemer, Atlas of Worlds (41) The Crusader, Atlas of Worlds (42) The Warlord and defeating all four Conquerors, you can fight Sirus, Awakener of Worlds. Once the four Conquerors are defeated, speak to Zana to open six portal to Sirus. After you defeat Sirus or lose all portals against him, you must defeat the Conquerors again in order to refight Sirus.

After defeating Sirus for the first time, you can spawn a Conqueror in any region with four Watchstones (you can spawn the same Conqueror in regions you've already acquired a Watchstone from), but you will need to run more than three maps to be able to fight them again. There is a 50% chance for a Conqueror to appear for the first time. Afterwards, the Conqueror will reappear after running a specified number of maps in the influenced region. A bar on the left side of the Atlas screen shows how many steps are required to spawn a Conqueror. The blue square shows when the Conqueror will appear and spawn influenced monsters. Defeating Sirus is not required to acquire more Watchstones.

Currency[ | ]

  • Sextants are used on Watchstones to add a special modifier to all the maps on the region where the Watchstone is socketed. Sextants last for 3 maps, and multiple Watchstones with sextant modifiers can stack.[1]

End of league transfer[ | ]

When the current league ends the progress on the Atlas of Worlds is transferred to the relevant parent league. The parent league is generally Standard or Hardcore.

The merge has the following rules:[4]

  • Maps or bonus objectives completed transferred to the parent league
  • Sextant mods:
    • They will be moved to the parent league; if the map already has a mod, the parent league mods will be kept
    • Legacy modifiers continue to exist and work as long they have not been overridden

Permanent league catch up mechanics[ | ]

A catch up mechanics was added to the Atlas since version 2.4.0.[5]

The latest rule is:[6]

  • Running a high-tier map from a Legacy Map Series in Standard with the Bonus Objective and Awakening Bonus Objective prerequisites fulfilled will now auto-complete all maps with a base tier that is lower, including their Bonus Objectives and Awakening Bonus Objectives, if the Awakening Bonus Objective requirement was the same or lower than the completed map.

Since the Atlas shuffled every time at the start of new league and big patch (currently each time the game release the 3.X.0 patch). Using a T16 map (natural tier 16 map) from the legacy map series will unlock the completion of T1-15 maps. If it is a rare corrupted legacy map, it will also unlock all bonus Objective of the T1-15 map. If the Atlas is socketed with 8 sets of Watchstones (Awakening Level 8) when completing the legacy map (such as using legacy Atlas of Worlds (43)Vaal Temple MapVaal Temple MapMap Level: 83
Map Tier: 16
Guild Character: >
Voices. Visions. Violence. They will haunt these grounds for all of eternity.Travel to this Map by using it in a personal Map Device. Maps can only be used once.
Atlas of Worlds (44)
), it will also unlock all Awakening Bonus Objective of T1-15 maps that requires Awakening Level 8.

Atlas exclusive base items[ | ]

This is a list of base item types that can only drop on particular maps on the Atlas of Worlds based on the map's region.

Item types[ | ]

ItemAtlas of Worlds (45)Stats
Apothecary's GlovesAtlas of Worlds (46)Apothecary's GlovesArmour: 108
Energy Shield: 27
Requires Level 70, 46 Str, 58 Int(14–18)% increased Damage over Time
Atlas of Worlds (47)
70(14–18)% increased Damage over Time
Fingerless Silk GlovesAtlas of Worlds (48)Fingerless Silk GlovesEnergy Shield: 43Requires Level 70, 95 Int(12-16)% increased Spell DamageAtlas of Worlds (49)70(12-16)% increased Spell Damage
Fugitive BootsAtlas of Worlds (50)Fugitive BootsEvasion: 112
Energy Shield: 31
Requires Level 70, 56 Dex, 76 Int+(13–17)% to Chaos Resistance
Atlas of Worlds (51)
70+(13–17)% to Chaos Resistance
Gripped GlovesAtlas of Worlds (52)Gripped GlovesEvasion: 220Requires Level 70, 95 Dex(14-18)% increased Projectile Attack DamageAtlas of Worlds (53)70(14-18)% increased Projectile Attack Damage
Spiked GlovesAtlas of Worlds (54)Spiked GlovesArmour: 220Requires Level 70, 95 Str(16-20)% increased Melee DamageAtlas of Worlds (55)70(16-20)% increased Melee Damage
Two-Toned BootsAtlas of Worlds (56)Two-Toned BootsArmour: 126
Evasion: 126
Requires Level 70, 62 Str, 62 Dex+(8-12)% to Fire and Cold Resistances
Atlas of Worlds (57)
70+(8-12)% to Fire and Cold Resistances
Two-Toned BootsAtlas of Worlds (58)Two-Toned BootsArmour: 126
Energy Shield: 24
Requires Level 70, 62 Str, 62 Int+(8-12)% to Fire and Lightning Resistances
Atlas of Worlds (59)
70+(8-12)% to Fire and Lightning Resistances
Two-Toned BootsAtlas of Worlds (60)Two-Toned BootsEvasion: 126
Energy Shield: 24
Requires Level 70, 62 Dex, 62 Int+(8-12)% to Cold and Lightning Resistances
Atlas of Worlds (61)
70+(8-12)% to Cold and Lightning Resistances
Convoking WandAtlas of Worlds (62)Convoking WandWand
Physical Damage: 30-56
Critical Strike Chance: 7.00%
Attacks per Second: 1.40
Weapon Range: 120
Requires Level 72, 242 IntCan roll Minion Modifiers
Atlas of Worlds (63)
72Can roll Minion Modifiers
Bone HelmetAtlas of Worlds (64)Bone HelmetArmour: 197
Energy Shield: 38
Requires Level 73, 76 Str, 76 IntMinions deal (15-20)% increased Damage
Atlas of Worlds (65)
73Minions deal (15-20)% increased Damage
Artillery QuiverAtlas of Worlds (66)Artillery QuiverRequires Level 74(20–30)% increased Totem Placement speedAtlas of Worlds (67)74(20–30)% increased Totem Placement speed
Marble AmuletAtlas of Worlds (68)Marble AmuletRequires Level 74Regenerate (1.2-1.6)% of Life per secondAtlas of Worlds (69)74Regenerate (1.2-1.6)% of Life per second
Seaglass AmuletAtlas of Worlds (70)Seaglass AmuletRequires Level 74(10–15)% faster start of Energy Shield RechargeAtlas of Worlds (71)74(10–15)% faster start of Energy Shield Recharge
Blue Pearl AmuletAtlas of Worlds (72)Blue Pearl AmuletRequires Level 77(48-56)% increased Mana Regeneration RateAtlas of Worlds (73)77(48-56)% increased Mana Regeneration Rate
Iolite RingAtlas of Worlds (74)Iolite RingRequires Level 78(17–23)% increased Chaos DamageAtlas of Worlds (75)78(17–23)% increased Chaos Damage
Vanguard BeltAtlas of Worlds (76)Vanguard BeltRequires Level 78+(260-320) to Armour and Evasion RatingAtlas of Worlds (77)78+(260-320) to Armour and Evasion Rating
Crystal BeltAtlas of Worlds (78)Crystal BeltRequires Level 79+(60-80) to maximum Energy ShieldAtlas of Worlds (79)79+(60-80) to maximum Energy Shield
Cerulean RingAtlas of Worlds (80)Cerulean RingRequires Level 80(8-10)% increased maximum ManaAtlas of Worlds (81)80(8-10)% increased maximum Mana
Opal RingAtlas of Worlds (82)Opal RingRequires Level 80(15-25)% increased Elemental DamageAtlas of Worlds (83)80(15-25)% increased Elemental Damage
Steel RingAtlas of Worlds (84)Steel RingRequires Level 80Adds (3-4) to (10-14) Physical Damage to AttacksAtlas of Worlds (85)80Adds (3-4) to (10-14) Physical Damage to Attacks
Vermillion RingAtlas of Worlds (86)Vermillion RingRequires Level 80(5-7)% increased maximum LifeAtlas of Worlds (87)80(5-7)% increased maximum Life

Drop location based on atlas region[ | ]

Atlas RegionWhite maps (T1-T5)Yellow maps (T6-T10)Red maps (T11+)
Glennach CairnsAtlas of Worlds (88)Gripped GlovesGripped GlovesEvasion: 220Requires Level 70, 95 Dex(14-18)% increased Projectile Attack DamageAtlas of Worlds (89)
Atlas of Worlds (90)Spiked GlovesSpiked GlovesArmour: 220Requires Level 70, 95 Str(16-20)% increased Melee DamageAtlas of Worlds (91)
Atlas of Worlds (92)Cerulean RingCerulean RingRequires Level 80(8-10)% increased maximum ManaAtlas of Worlds (93)
Atlas of Worlds (94)Gripped GlovesGripped GlovesEvasion: 220Requires Level 70, 95 Dex(14-18)% increased Projectile Attack DamageAtlas of Worlds (95)
Atlas of Worlds (96)Spiked GlovesSpiked GlovesArmour: 220Requires Level 70, 95 Str(16-20)% increased Melee DamageAtlas of Worlds (97)
Atlas of Worlds (98)Cerulean RingCerulean RingRequires Level 80(8-10)% increased maximum ManaAtlas of Worlds (99)
Atlas of Worlds (100)Gripped GlovesGripped GlovesEvasion: 220Requires Level 70, 95 Dex(14-18)% increased Projectile Attack DamageAtlas of Worlds (101)
Atlas of Worlds (102)Spiked GlovesSpiked GlovesArmour: 220Requires Level 70, 95 Str(16-20)% increased Melee DamageAtlas of Worlds (103)
Atlas of Worlds (104)Cerulean RingCerulean RingRequires Level 80(8-10)% increased maximum ManaAtlas of Worlds (105)
Atlas of Worlds (106)Gripped GlovesGripped GlovesEvasion: 220Requires Level 70, 95 Dex(14-18)% increased Projectile Attack DamageAtlas of Worlds (107)
Atlas of Worlds (108)Spiked GlovesSpiked GlovesArmour: 220Requires Level 70, 95 Str(16-20)% increased Melee DamageAtlas of Worlds (109)
Haewark HamletAtlas of Worlds (110)Marble AmuletMarble AmuletRequires Level 74Regenerate (1.2-1.6)% of Life per secondAtlas of Worlds (111)Atlas of Worlds (112)Marble AmuletMarble AmuletRequires Level 74Regenerate (1.2-1.6)% of Life per secondAtlas of Worlds (113)
Atlas of Worlds (114)Opal RingOpal RingRequires Level 80(15-25)% increased Elemental DamageAtlas of Worlds (115)
Atlas of Worlds (116)Marble AmuletMarble AmuletRequires Level 74Regenerate (1.2-1.6)% of Life per secondAtlas of Worlds (117)
Atlas of Worlds (118)Opal RingOpal RingRequires Level 80(15-25)% increased Elemental DamageAtlas of Worlds (119)
Lex EjorisAtlas of Worlds (120)Convoking WandConvoking WandWand
Physical Damage: 30-56
Critical Strike Chance: 7.00%
Attacks per Second: 1.40
Weapon Range: 120
Requires Level 72, 242 IntCan roll Minion Modifiers
Atlas of Worlds (121)

Atlas of Worlds (122)Iolite RingIolite RingRequires Level 78(17–23)% increased Chaos DamageAtlas of Worlds (123)
Atlas of Worlds (124)Cerulean RingCerulean RingRequires Level 80(8-10)% increased maximum ManaAtlas of Worlds (125)
Atlas of Worlds (126)Convoking WandConvoking WandWand
Physical Damage: 30-56
Critical Strike Chance: 7.00%
Attacks per Second: 1.40
Weapon Range: 120
Requires Level 72, 242 IntCan roll Minion Modifiers
Atlas of Worlds (127)

Atlas of Worlds (128)Iolite RingIolite RingRequires Level 78(17–23)% increased Chaos DamageAtlas of Worlds (129)
Atlas of Worlds (130)Cerulean RingCerulean RingRequires Level 80(8-10)% increased maximum ManaAtlas of Worlds (131)
Atlas of Worlds (132)Convoking WandConvoking WandWand
Physical Damage: 30-56
Critical Strike Chance: 7.00%
Attacks per Second: 1.40
Weapon Range: 120
Requires Level 72, 242 IntCan roll Minion Modifiers
Atlas of Worlds (133)

Atlas of Worlds (134)Iolite RingIolite RingRequires Level 78(17–23)% increased Chaos DamageAtlas of Worlds (135)
Lex ProximaAtlas of Worlds (136)Two-Toned Boots (Fire and Cold Resistance)Two-Toned BootsArmour: 126
Evasion: 126
Requires Level 70, 62 Str, 62 Dex+(8-12)% to Fire and Cold Resistances
Atlas of Worlds (137)

Atlas of Worlds (138)Two-Toned Boots (Fire and Lightning Resistance)Two-Toned BootsArmour: 126
Energy Shield: 24
Requires Level 70, 62 Str, 62 Int+(8-12)% to Fire and Lightning Resistances
Atlas of Worlds (139)
Atlas of Worlds (140)Two-Toned Boots (Fire and Cold Resistance)Two-Toned BootsArmour: 126
Evasion: 126
Requires Level 70, 62 Str, 62 Dex+(8-12)% to Fire and Cold Resistances
Atlas of Worlds (141)

Atlas of Worlds (142)Two-Toned Boots (Fire and Lightning Resistance)Two-Toned BootsArmour: 126
Energy Shield: 24
Requires Level 70, 62 Str, 62 Int+(8-12)% to Fire and Lightning Resistances
Atlas of Worlds (143)

Atlas of Worlds (144)Vermillion RingVermillion RingRequires Level 80(5-7)% increased maximum LifeAtlas of Worlds (145)
Atlas of Worlds (146)Two-Toned Boots (Fire and Cold Resistance)Two-Toned BootsArmour: 126
Evasion: 126
Requires Level 70, 62 Str, 62 Dex+(8-12)% to Fire and Cold Resistances
Atlas of Worlds (147)

Atlas of Worlds (148)Two-Toned Boots (Fire and Lightning Resistance)Two-Toned BootsArmour: 126
Energy Shield: 24
Requires Level 70, 62 Str, 62 Int+(8-12)% to Fire and Lightning Resistances
Atlas of Worlds (149)

Atlas of Worlds (150)Vermillion RingVermillion RingRequires Level 80(5-7)% increased maximum LifeAtlas of Worlds (151)
Lira ArthainAtlas of Worlds (152)Bone HelmetBone HelmetArmour: 197
Energy Shield: 38
Requires Level 73, 76 Str, 76 IntMinions deal (15-20)% increased Damage
Atlas of Worlds (153)

Atlas of Worlds (154)Fugitive BootsFugitive BootsEvasion: 112
Energy Shield: 31
Requires Level 70, 56 Dex, 76 Int+(13–17)% to Chaos Resistance
Atlas of Worlds (155)
Atlas of Worlds (156)Bone HelmetBone HelmetArmour: 197
Energy Shield: 38
Requires Level 73, 76 Str, 76 IntMinions deal (15-20)% increased Damage
Atlas of Worlds (157)

Atlas of Worlds (158)Fugitive BootsFugitive BootsEvasion: 112
Energy Shield: 31
Requires Level 70, 56 Dex, 76 Int+(13–17)% to Chaos Resistance
Atlas of Worlds (159)

Atlas of Worlds (160)Steel RingSteel RingRequires Level 80Adds (3-4) to (10-14) Physical Damage to AttacksAtlas of Worlds (161)
Atlas of Worlds (162)Bone HelmetBone HelmetArmour: 197
Energy Shield: 38
Requires Level 73, 76 Str, 76 IntMinions deal (15-20)% increased Damage
Atlas of Worlds (163)

Atlas of Worlds (164)Fugitive BootsFugitive BootsEvasion: 112
Energy Shield: 31
Requires Level 70, 56 Dex, 76 Int+(13–17)% to Chaos Resistance
Atlas of Worlds (165)

Atlas of Worlds (166)Steel RingSteel RingRequires Level 80Adds (3-4) to (10-14) Physical Damage to AttacksAtlas of Worlds (167)
New VastirAtlas of Worlds (168)Apothecary's GlovesApothecary's GlovesArmour: 108
Energy Shield: 27
Requires Level 70, 46 Str, 58 Int(14–18)% increased Damage over Time
Atlas of Worlds (169)

Atlas of Worlds (170)Blue Pearl AmuletBlue Pearl AmuletRequires Level 77(48-56)% increased Mana Regeneration RateAtlas of Worlds (171)
Atlas of Worlds (172)Apothecary's GlovesApothecary's GlovesArmour: 108
Energy Shield: 27
Requires Level 70, 46 Str, 58 Int(14–18)% increased Damage over Time
Atlas of Worlds (173)

Atlas of Worlds (174)Blue Pearl AmuletBlue Pearl AmuletRequires Level 77(48-56)% increased Mana Regeneration RateAtlas of Worlds (175)
Atlas of Worlds (176)Vermillion RingVermillion RingRequires Level 80(5-7)% increased maximum LifeAtlas of Worlds (177)
Atlas of Worlds (178)Apothecary's GlovesApothecary's GlovesArmour: 108
Energy Shield: 27
Requires Level 70, 46 Str, 58 Int(14–18)% increased Damage over Time
Atlas of Worlds (179)

Atlas of Worlds (180)Blue Pearl AmuletBlue Pearl AmuletRequires Level 77(48-56)% increased Mana Regeneration RateAtlas of Worlds (181)
Atlas of Worlds (182)Vermillion RingVermillion RingRequires Level 80(5-7)% increased maximum LifeAtlas of Worlds (183)
Tirn's EndAtlas of Worlds (184)Artillery QuiverArtillery QuiverRequires Level 74(20–30)% increased Totem Placement speedAtlas of Worlds (185)
Atlas of Worlds (186)Two-Toned Boots (Cold and Lightning Resistance)Two-Toned BootsEvasion: 126
Energy Shield: 24
Requires Level 70, 62 Dex, 62 Int+(8-12)% to Cold and Lightning Resistances
Atlas of Worlds (187)
Atlas of Worlds (188)Artillery QuiverArtillery QuiverRequires Level 74(20–30)% increased Totem Placement speedAtlas of Worlds (189)
Atlas of Worlds (190)Crystal BeltCrystal BeltRequires Level 79+(60-80) to maximum Energy ShieldAtlas of Worlds (191)
Atlas of Worlds (192)Two-Toned Boots (Cold and Lightning Resistance)Two-Toned BootsEvasion: 126
Energy Shield: 24
Requires Level 70, 62 Dex, 62 Int+(8-12)% to Cold and Lightning Resistances
Atlas of Worlds (193)
Atlas of Worlds (194)Artillery QuiverArtillery QuiverRequires Level 74(20–30)% increased Totem Placement speedAtlas of Worlds (195)
Atlas of Worlds (196)Crystal BeltCrystal BeltRequires Level 79+(60-80) to maximum Energy ShieldAtlas of Worlds (197)
Atlas of Worlds (198)Two-Toned Boots (Cold and Lightning Resistance)Two-Toned BootsEvasion: 126
Energy Shield: 24
Requires Level 70, 62 Dex, 62 Int+(8-12)% to Cold and Lightning Resistances
Atlas of Worlds (199)
Valdo's RestAtlas of Worlds (200)Fingerless Silk GlovesFingerless Silk GlovesEnergy Shield: 43Requires Level 70, 95 Int(12-16)% increased Spell DamageAtlas of Worlds (201)
Atlas of Worlds (202)Seaglass AmuletSeaglass AmuletRequires Level 74(10–15)% faster start of Energy Shield RechargeAtlas of Worlds (203)
Atlas of Worlds (204)Fingerless Silk GlovesFingerless Silk GlovesEnergy Shield: 43Requires Level 70, 95 Int(12-16)% increased Spell DamageAtlas of Worlds (205)
Atlas of Worlds (206)Seaglass AmuletSeaglass AmuletRequires Level 74(10–15)% faster start of Energy Shield RechargeAtlas of Worlds (207)
Atlas of Worlds (208)Vanguard BeltVanguard BeltRequires Level 78+(260-320) to Armour and Evasion RatingAtlas of Worlds (209)
Atlas of Worlds (210)Fingerless Silk GlovesFingerless Silk GlovesEnergy Shield: 43Requires Level 70, 95 Int(12-16)% increased Spell DamageAtlas of Worlds (211)
Atlas of Worlds (212)Seaglass AmuletSeaglass AmuletRequires Level 74(10–15)% faster start of Energy Shield RechargeAtlas of Worlds (213)
Atlas of Worlds (214)Vanguard BeltVanguard BeltRequires Level 78+(260-320) to Armour and Evasion RatingAtlas of Worlds (215)

Video[ | ]

Gallery[ | ]

Version history[ | ]

  • Conquerors of the Atlas encounters can now be accessed through a map item. When you have a Conqueror's Citadel ready to go, speaking to Zana will open the Map Device interface with a map containing the Conqueror's Citadel already placed in the first slot. Currency can be applied to these maps in the same way as a regular map, and adding fragments or scarabs alongside the map will enhance the map further. Item Quantity will only increase the amount of rewards dropped by the Conqueror by 20% of its total value.
  • Awakening Bonus Objectives no longer provide additional chance to receive an Atlas Mission when completing a Map.
  • Map tiers and locations have been shuffled (though the 'pin' locations for maps has not changed). Most maps are now initially found at a different tier. Unique maps have not moved or changed tiers.
  • Improved the responsiveness of Sirus' storms to phase transitions.
  • Improved the layouts of the Atlas of Worlds (220)Spider Lair MapSpider Lair MapMap Level: 76
    Map Tier: 9
    Guild Character: M
    Panic only hastens the venom's passage to the heart.Travel to this Map by using it in a personal Map Device. Maps can only be used once.
    Atlas of Worlds (221)
    to minimise backtracking.
  • Zana can now send you on a mission to find and activate a Legion Monolith.
  • Fixed a quest state case that could prevent progress on the Atlas.
  • Fixed an erroneous error which said your map tier was too low to produce an Elderslayer encounter when it wasn't.
  • Fixed a bug which, after failing to complete an Atlas Citadel, would retain the influence visual effect on the Atlas but remove the progress bar (the influence should have disappeared as well).
  • Conqueror presence and their influence mechanics are now spawned deterministically, with progress between each influenced map tracked on the Atlas itself. You can see this on the lefthand side of the Atlas panel, connected to the Watchstone inventory.
  • The chance for a Conqueror to occupy an Atlas region is now 50% (from 33%), if the conditions are met.
  • Conquerors will now sometimes grant buffs to map bosses in their region.
  • Improvements have been made to how progress through the Conquerors of the Atlas quests are tracked. It should be significantly easier to see what your next steps are.
  • You can now clearly see which Watchstones have Sextants applied to them when they are in the Watchstone inventory.
  • Added a short Watchstone tutorial which takes you through how to use and store your Watchstones.
  • The Awakening Level of your Atlas is now the number of Watchstones you have socketed, divided by 4, and rounded down. In other words, you will now gain Awakening Levels gradually, rather than only when you fill a Watchstone Altar.
  • If you fail to defeat a Conqueror, you will no longer get additional monster packs or Influenced items from their Influenced region until you do defeat them.
  • Improved the visibility of active Conqueror Citadels on your Atlas.
  • Bonuses for completing Atlas Bonus Objectives and Awakening Bonus Objectives have changed:
    • You will no longer gain additional chance for maps to drop one tier higher from Awakening Bonus Objectives.
    • The base chance to gain an Atlas Mission upon map completion is now 35% (from 40%).
    • You will now gain 1% chance to gain an Atlas Mission upon map completion per 15 maps with the Awakening Bonus Objective complete.
    • You will now gain 1% increased Map Mod Effect per 6 maps with the Awakening Bonus Objective complete.
  • Running a high-tier map from a Legacy Map Series in Standard with the Bonus Objective and Awakening Bonus Objective prerequisites fulfilled will now auto-complete all maps with a base tier that is lower, including their Bonus Objectives and Awakening Bonus Objectives, if the Awakening Bonus Objective requirement was the same or lower than the completed map.
  • You can now spawn Atlas influence in a Region that had already spawned that same influence in the previous 'cycle'.
  • Added a notification when completing an Awakening Objective.
  • Added an information hover to the Atlas Inventory.
  • Fixed a bug which prevented additional Conquerors of the Atlas from spawning if you had migrated your Atlas from SSF while you had a Sirus encounter ready to open.
  • Fixed a bug where Maps that had already spawned Influence for a specific Conqueror had a lower chance to spawn Influence again than intended.
  • You can now run the same Map multiple times to encounter the Conquerors of the Atlas. After the first encounter it will have a 33% chance to occur again in the same Map. Running different maps will still cause it to be deterministic. Once you have encountered the final boss all are once again chance-based.
  • When hunting the Conquerors of the Atlas it will now always (instead of being chance-based) spawn them in Maps of that Region as long as you are running different Maps within that Region. This means you are now required to run three different Maps within a Region they are inhabiting, instead of an average of ten Maps (33% chance). Once you have defeated the final Conqueror it returns to chance-based spawning as you now have the highest tiers of maps unlocked. We will be making more changes to this which will allow you to repeatedly run the same map (instead of forcing different ones) later.
  • Atlas of Worlds has been reworked.
  • The Atlas of Worlds has been shuffled. Most maps have changed tier and location within the Atlas.
    • From this point on, the Atlas layout will be changed at the start of every new league.
  • Added a new Atlas of Worlds feature: Shaper's Strongholds. These will appear once you have met the Shaper. They have multiple Shaper Influence mods active. Bosses of these maps can drop extra sextants, cartographer's chisels, Shaper-influenced items, and unique items.
  • Once you have completed 20 maps while the Elder and its guardians are on your atlas without actually defeating any of them, there is a chance for the Elder and its guardians to disappear and remove the Elder-influence from the maps they were on. This will make it difficult to maintain an "Elder Ring", but will also allow players who weren't capable of defeating the Elder or its guardians to clear them from their atlas.
  • Shaper memory fragments XI through to XV no longer require you to defeat the Elder or its guardians in specific map tiers. Instead, defeating each guardian and the elder within ANY red-tier map will get you one of these fragments.
  • You can no longer get Shaper memory fragments XI through to XV from a map if you are not the map's owner.
  • Introducing the War for the Atlas expansion.
  • If you complete a map that was created before the expansion, it will complete a chain of maps from the start pointing on the Atlas up until the tier of map you completed. Shaped and Elder items do not drop on these maps. Elder Guardians also cannot spawn from them. Shaper and Elder areas will not be influenced on the Atlas.
  • Introduced to the game. Non-unique maps pre-Atlas of Worlds do not count towards Atlas completion, even for maps where the map type and tier are identical to the current version. Older versions of unique maps will count towards Atlas completion, including the bonus objective, but the Shaper's Orb does not drop in old versions (affecting Atlas of Worlds (222)Oba's Cursed TroveOba's Cursed Trove
    Primordial Blocks Map
    Map Level: 78
    Map Tier: 11
    Guild Character: #
    Item Quantity: +40%
    Area has patches of desecrated ground
    20 patches with Ground Effect per 100 tiles (Hidden)
    Ground Effect has a radius of 10 (Hidden)
    (40-50)% more Monster Life
    (30-40)% increased Monster Damage
    Area becomes fatal after some time
    "Here the soil is more deadly than any swing of the axe."
    - Oba of the Karui, Conqueror of Corruption.
    Travel to this Map by using it in the Templar Laboratory or a personal Map Device. Maps can only be used once.
    Atlas of Worlds (223)
    , Atlas of Worlds (224)Poorjoy's AsylumPoorjoy's Asylum
    Temple Map
    Map Level: 76
    Map Tier: 9
    Guild Character: ß
    Item Quantity: +100%
    Item Rarity: +250%
    150% increased Experience gain
    (140-160)% more Monster Life
    (140-160)% increased Monster Damage
    25% increased Monster Movement Speed
    25% increased Monster Attack Speed
    25% increased Monster Cast Speed
    Area is a large Maze
    Unique Boss drops (10-15) additional Rare (Life Flasks-Boots)
    Laughs of all the twisted
    Echo through these halls of gold.
    In this cold forgotten void
    They wander, forever uncontrolled.
    Travel to this Map by using it in the Templar Laboratory or a personal Map Device. Maps can only be used once.
    Atlas of Worlds (225)
    , Atlas of Worlds (226)Death and TaxesDeath and Taxes
    Necropolis Map
    Map Level: 79
    Map Tier: 12
    Guild Character: ¿
    Item Quantity: +150%
    Unique Boss deals (30-35)% increased Damage
    Unique Boss has (25-30)% increased Attack and Cast Speed
    Unique Boss gives 20000% increased Experience
    So the raiders danced,
    leading their foe ever west,
    towards certain death.
    Travel to this Map by using it in the Templar Laboratory or a personal Map Device. Maps can only be used once.
    Atlas of Worlds (227)
    and Atlas of Worlds (228)The Vinktar SquareThe Vinktar Square
    Courtyard Map
    Map Level: 77
    Map Tier: 10
    Guild Character: ²
    Item Quantity: (+100%-+150%)
    Item Rarity: (+100%-+150%)
    Monster Pack Size: (+30%-+50%)
    20% more Monster Life
    Monsters cannot be Shocked
    30% increased Monster Damage
    +35% Monster Lightning Resistance
    Monsters deal 35% extra Physical Damage as Lightning
    To the east,
    it cannot be seen.
    To the west,
    it cannot be touched.
    To the south,
    it cannot be remembered.
    And to the north,
    it cannot be contained.
    Travel to this Map by using it in the Templar Laboratory or a personal Map Device. Maps can only be used once.
    Atlas of Worlds (229)

See also[ | ]

References[ | ]

  1. 1.0 1.1 Masterseek (August 13, 2016). "Path of Exile: Atlas of Worlds Interview. A Map of Condensed Hype.". Retrieved August 13, 2016.
  2. KarvarouskuGaming (January 19, 2020). "Issues concerning the new Atlas: 3) Removal of downgrade mechanics". Official Path of Exile Subreddit. Retrieved May 7, 2020.
  3. Chris (August 29, 2016). "Forum - Development Manifesto - Cumulative Atlas Completion Bonus - Path of Exile". Grinding Gear Games. Retrieved August 29, 2016.
  4. Negitivefrags (November 12, 2016). "[Question]What happens to the atlas and the sextant mods when essence gets transferred to standard?". Reddit. Retrieved January 25, 2017.
  5. Chris (August 24, 2016). "Detailed Atlas Mechanics". Path of Exile forums. Retrieved December 2, 2020.
  6. version 3.9.3 hotfix patch note

Atlas of Worlds

Quest Watchstones
  • Atlas of Worlds (258)Cobalt WatchstoneCobalt WatchstoneThe memories and emotions of countless victims of
    the Elder, locked in stone for eternity.
    Socket this into a Citadel on your Atlas to increase the Tier of Maps and reveal hidden Maps in that Citadel's Region. You can only socket one Crimson, Viridian, Cobalt or Golden Watchstone into each Citadel.
    Atlas of Worlds (259)
  • Atlas of Worlds (260)Crimson WatchstoneCrimson WatchstoneThe memories and emotions of countless victims of
    the Elder, locked in stone for eternity.
    Socket this into a Citadel on your Atlas to increase the Tier of Maps and reveal hidden Maps in that Citadel's Region. You can only socket one Crimson, Viridian, Cobalt or Golden Watchstone into each Citadel.
    Atlas of Worlds (261)
  • Atlas of Worlds (262)Golden WatchstoneGolden WatchstoneThe memories and emotions of countless victims of
    the Elder, locked in stone for eternity.
    Socket this into a Citadel on your Atlas to increase the Tier of Maps and reveal hidden Maps in that Citadel's Region. You can only socket one Crimson, Viridian, Cobalt or Golden Watchstone into each Citadel.
    Atlas of Worlds (263)
  • Atlas of Worlds (264)Viridian WatchstoneViridian WatchstoneThe memories and emotions of countless victims of
    the Elder, locked in stone for eternity.
    Socket this into a Citadel on your Atlas to increase the Tier of Maps and reveal hidden Maps in that Citadel's Region. You can only socket one Crimson, Viridian, Cobalt or Golden Watchstone into each Citadel.
    Atlas of Worlds (265)
Unique Watchstones
Craftable Watchstones
Other Watchstones

Atlas of Worlds (344)Ivory WatchstoneIvory WatchstoneThe memories and emotions of countless victims of
the Elder, locked in stone for eternity.
Socket this into a Citadel on your Atlas to increase the Tier of Maps and reveal hidden Maps in that Citadel's Region. You can only socket one Crimson, Viridian, Cobalt or Golden Watchstone into each Citadel.
Atlas of Worlds (345)

Atlas expansions
Atlas of Worlds (2024)
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Author: Laurine Ryan

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Author information

Name: Laurine Ryan

Birthday: 1994-12-23

Address: Suite 751 871 Lissette Throughway, West Kittie, NH 41603

Phone: +2366831109631

Job: Sales Producer

Hobby: Creative writing, Motor sports, Do it yourself, Skateboarding, Coffee roasting, Calligraphy, Stand-up comedy

Introduction: My name is Laurine Ryan, I am a adorable, fair, graceful, spotless, gorgeous, homely, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.