Atonement – Paula White Ministries (2024)

September 16th is God’s Most Holy Day… The Day of Atonement!

If you have been pursuing God and asking for a supernatural change in your life, I have good news for you! GOD IS READY TO RELEASE SEVEN SPECIFIC ATONEMENT BLESSINGS AS FOUND IN JOEL CHAPTER 2, AND HE IS CALLING YOU TO A SPECIAL APPOINTMENT WITH HIM, to His third and final feast season and opportunity to honor Him this year on his holiest day: the Day of Atonement- September 16th!

God set aside specific seasons He calls “Holy” and we are commanded to honor Him by observing these specific seasons He has appointed, and then He releases blessing because of our obedience.

God’s people are transitioning from the Hebrew year 5781 to 5782 very soon. This is on His calendar… And I declare by The Spirit of The Lord— obedience in this time will release heavenly floodgates… “so much blessing that there is not room enough to receive it all…”

There are SEVEN SUPERNATURAL BLESSINGS that God desperately wants to release to you:

  1. DOUBLE PORTION (Joel 2:23)
  3. RESTORATION (Joel 2:25)
  4. MIRACLES (Joel 2:26)
  5. GOD’S DIVINE PRESENCE (Joel 2:27)
  7. DELIVERANCE (Joel 2:32)


Atonement – Paula White Ministries (1)


As a New Testament believer, you may be asking, “how does this apply to me?” We are not held to the rituals, routines, or even the law of the Old Testament. BUT, we are not released from the principles Jesus fulfilled! We are honoring the Blood Covenant, reconciliation to God, and wholeness by honoring God on the Day of Atonement! Jesus Christ became our “Atonement, by placing His shed blood on the Mercy Seat (Hebrews 9).

I want to share with you a revelation established from everlasting to everlasting through our covenant with God that will bring you the power you need to overcome as well as forgiveness, wholeness, restoration, healing, and deliverance. It is one of the most important principles & truths from God in all of the Bible.

In Leviticus 23:24, a trumpet or shofar blast announces to this holy season and the beginning of the Fall Feasts of the Lord that celebrate the “Feast of Trumpets (or Rosh Hashanah September 6th), “The Day of Atonement” (or Yom Kippur September 168th), and “The Feast of Tabernacles”(Sukkot September 20th-27th)…

God commanded His people to honor these “holy days” forever, as an everlasting covenant with Him: They are HIS Holy Days!

…these are the LORD’s appointed festivals, the official days for holy assembly that areto be celebrated at their proper times each year (Leviticus 23:4).

Atonement – Paula White Ministries (2)

And as we enter this season of Atonement, it is a time of personal preparation, because God wants us to focus on Him, on His presence! I have a very special gift for you…

Zion’s trumpet is sounding NOW, and God is calling you to MEET WITH HIM on His holiest day, the Day of Atonement, Sept 16th:

“Be careful to celebrate the Day of Atonement on the tenth day of that same month—ninedays after the Festival of Trumpets. You must observe it as an official day for holyassembly, a day to deny yourselves and present special gifts to the LORD(Leviticus23:27 NLT).

The DAY OF ATONEMENT, or Yom Kippur, is God’s biblical holy day that He established on His sacred calendar as a covenant of repentance and promise for you and to release the fullness of His blessings and presence into your life!

As the HOLIEST DAY OF THE YEAR to God, the Day of Atonement includes:

-Prayer and Fasting,

-Sacrificial Offerings,

-Studying God’s Word.

It unveils the Lord’s intense desire for fellowship with us. It is your opportunity to honor your connection to His heavenly mercy seat and all the grace that is provided by the atoning blood of Jesus. Look at the word at-one-ment. This is your divine appointment to “MEET HIM”; to be “at-one” in spirit with God; to honor the supreme sacrifice He paid for your redemption and eternity with Him… and I want to help you get there.

The Day of Atonement also gives you the opportunity to receive SEVEN SPECIFIC PROMISES from God. The blessings that follow are reserved for those who are obedient to His holiest day and commandment.

In Exodus 30, God commanded Moses on how to atone for the sins of the people of Israel. The high priest would meet Him at the mercy seat of the Ark of the Covenant (Exodus 30:6) once a year:

“And Aaron shall make atonement upon its horns once a year with the blood of the sinoffering of atonement; once a year he shall make atonement upon it throughout yourgenerations. It is most holy to the Lord (Exodus 30:10).

God looks at us through His mercy seat located above the Ark of the Covenant in the Holy of Holies in heaven. It is there that God sees and communes with us. He gave specific instructions that the high priest was to approach the mercy seat, entering into God’s presence on the Day of Atonement, and offer a blood sacrifice for the sins of the people. In return, God promises a covenant of reconciliation and redemption. There are SEVEN SUPERNATURAL BLESSINGS that are released on God’s people for the next year when the sacrifice is offered and accepted:

  1. DOUBLE PORTION (Joel 2:23)
  3. RESTORATION (Joel 2:25)
  4. MIRACLES (Joel 2:26)
  5. GOD’S DIVINE PRESENCE (Joel 2:27)
  7. DELIVERANCE (Joel 2:32)

The heartbreaking part is that often we don’t see these seven incredible promises of blessings manifested in our lives because we don’t honor God’s holiest day, the Day of Atonement. The Day of Atonement is a sacred covenant with God that is ageless and to be honored throughout all generations! “This shall be an everlasting statute for you to make atonement…” (Leviticus 16:34).

Did you know that Jesus Himself observed God’s Feast Days? (Matthew 26; Luke 2; John 7)

As someone who cares about you and leads you in God’s spiritual truths, I need to emphasize TWO CRITICAL lessons about the Day of Atonement that directly affect your life.

*First, you may experience considerable tribulation and confusion in the days and weeks leading up to the Day of Atonement. There is heightened natural and supernatural activity during this season.

Historically this “heightened activity” is recorded in the three months of August, September, and October— the Atonement season, more than in any other season of the year. Financial turbulence often occurs during these months and violence as we have experienced! Why? Satan knows that the most important day of the year is the Day of Atonement. Satan knows that God declares blessings on those who honor His Day of Atonement. But on the Day of Atonement, Satan and his fallen angels cannot prevent God from applying His promises to the lives of those who honor Him and His holiest day.

You may be challenged on your job, in your marriage, or with your finances. Jesus remained faithful through His afflictions to usher in the promise and glory of God. I will set aside time this month to pray for you as we lead up to God’s Day of Atonement on September 16th.

**Remember to send me your special Atonement Prayer needs this month and the names of your family! I will stand in covenant with you in prayer. Don’t despair. I’m believing your struggle— whether it is your family, marriage, job, finances, health, or other— is about to be overcome through the blessings of the atonement!

*The second thing you need to know about the Day of Atonement is that: IT IS A DAY OF OFFERING AND SACRIFICE!

“…and they shall not appear before the Lord empty-handed. Every man shall give as heis able, according to the blessing of the Lord your God which He has given you(Deuteronomy 16:16-17).

Every individual was commanded to bring their VERY BEST SACRIFICIAL OFFERING to covenant with God. I want you to send your very best Day of Atonement offering, along with your prayer request, using the links below.

On September 16th, just like the high priest did, I’ll take your offering and needs before the Lord as a sweet savor, as the high priest of this ministry, believing for a release of HIS SEVEN BLESSINGS OF THE ATONEMENT into your life!

Atonement – Paula White Ministries (3)

For your Atonement offering of $125 or more, I will send to you my BRAND NEW book “A Pathway To His Presence,” that I will personally sign for you, PLUS Dr. Steve Munsey’s insightful book “The Seven Blessings of the Atonement.” In addition to that you will also receive the informative pamphlet on The Tabernacle, showcasing every bit of the outer court, the inner court, and the holy of holies in beautiful diagrams with explanations. Plus you will receive the stunning, sure-to-be keepsake replica of the Bronze Altar of the outer court- symbolic of the sacrifice of Jesus, the Lamb of God!


You can also sow right now by:

  • Sending a text message of “PWM” to 45777 and follow the instructions.
  • Or calling 1-800-PAULA-17 to sow an offering

Atonement – Paula White Ministries (4)

This year, in addition to my new autographed book, Steve Munsey’s book, the Tabernacle Pamphlet, and the Bronze Altar, for your sacrificial Atonement offering of $1000 or morein honor of His Presence, you will also receive the complete Digital Library on 24 discs and thumb drive of my BRAND NEW SERIES on 12 CD’s and 12 DVD’s called, “A Pathway To His Presence!” This truly is a lifetime of ministry and seeking His Presence, created for you!


You can also sow right now by:

  • Sending a text message of “PWM” to 45777 and follow the instructions.
  • Or calling 1-800-PAULA-17 to sow an offering

Atonement – Paula White Ministries (5)

For your Atonement offering of $2,500 or more, for those “World-Changers” God is speaking to right now, you will receive the entire package mentioned above, PLUS my brand-new series “A Pathway to His Presence” in a Limited-Edition Engraved Mahogany Case for your digital library.It is absolutely beautiful!


You can also sow right now by:

  • Sending a text message of “PWM” to 45777 and follow the instructions.
  • Or calling 1-800-PAULA-17 to sow an offering

Atonement – Paula White Ministries (6)

I will send everyone who participates my brand-new autographed book, “A Pathway To His Presence”, For Your Best Atonement Offering of $50 or more.


You can also sow right now by:

  • Sending a text message of “PWM” to 45777 and follow the instructions.
  • Or calling 1-800-PAULA-17 to sow an offering

RIGHT NOW is the time to Sow your very best! Maybe God is instructing you to sow more! I am excited because I believe as you are part of His Remnant that has been chosen, set apart to receive this prophetic instruction- in this prophetic season, and He is about to pour out incredible blessings over your life… NEW beginnings are coming!!

If you want to give your Atonement Offering but would like me to not send any of these gifts to you- CLICK HERE

Give for what you are believing God for the next year. The Day of Atonement is about sacrificing and looking ahead! I’ll send you my ‘thank you gifts’ as you honor God with your very best Day of Atonement offering today. But I need to hear from you soon so I can take your prayer requests and offering before the Lord on His most holy day, the Day of Atonement, September 16th.

Don’t Miss Your Appointment!

Grateful for the Mercy Seat and His Grace,

Atonement – Paula White Ministries (7)

God’s promises of blessings do not depend on circ*mstances. They depend on obedience. God established the Day of Atonement so that you would be able to be at-one with Him in Spirit. MEET WITH HIM IN THE HEAVENLIES, ON HIS MERY SEAT by His Spirit and move into that special covenant starting today by sending me your prayer request and your sacrificial Day of Atonement offering as you honor Him on His Holiest Day, September 16th!


Atonement – Paula White Ministries (2024)


What is the understanding of the Atonement? ›

The Atonement of Jesus Christ is central to God's plan of salvation. Through His Atonement, Jesus Christ fulfilled His Father's purposes by redeeming us from spiritual and physical death, satisfying the demands of justice, and cleansing us from our individual sins on condition of repentance.

Where can I watch Paula White? ›

Watch Paula & Jon
  • DAYSTAR SCHEDULE. Check out the brand-new program first on Daystar every Monday 2 a.m. ET / Sunday 11 p.m. PT.
  • PIONEER NETWORK SCHEDULE. Watch Paula's Program on the Pioneer Network EVERY WEEKDAY at 3:30pm ET and WEDNESDAY at 8:30am ET & 3:30pm ET.
  • Apple iOS / TV. ...
  • Roku Channel. ...
  • Vision Television.

What is the main message of Atonement? ›

As the book's title suggests, guilt is a primary theme of Atonement. After she realizes the damage that her callous testimony has wrought, Briony spends a lifetime burdened by her guilt and attempting to atone for her misdeeds.

What is the moral lesson of the Atonement? ›

This teaches us that we cannot earn, or do anything in ourselves, to atone for our sins. We could never work hard enough or do sufficient good deeds to earn forgiveness. Jesus did all the work for us. Our salvation was purchased entirely by Him, and He offers it as a free gift to those who come to Him in repentance.

What happened to Paula White's ministry? ›

On May 5, 2019, White announced that she was stepping down as senior pastor of New Destiny Christian Center and that her son and his wife would become the new senior pastors. The church would also be renamed City of Destiny. White said she would help start 3,000 churches and a university.

How can I watch Paula documentary? ›

Watch Paula | Stream free on Channel 4.

What time is the Paula White Church service? ›

Watch Pastor Paula White-Cain as she ministers every Sunday at 9 a.m. EST bringing spiritual truths that transform lives, preaching and teaching the uncompromising Word of God.

What was the primary purpose of the Atonement? ›

As used in the scriptures, to atone is to suffer the penalty for sins, thereby removing the effects of sin from the repentant sinner and allowing him or her to be reconciled to God. Jesus Christ was the only one capable of carrying out the Atonement for all mankind.

What is the lesson of the Atonement in the Bible? ›

The Meaning of Atonement

“For as by one man's disobedience many were made sinners, so by the obedience of one shall many be made righteous.” (Romans 5:19). To accept Christ's atonement for sin is to acknowledge one's sin and receive His sacrifice. And not only that but to live a grace-filled life of abundance.

What is the spiritual meaning of Atonement? ›

Atonement refers to the forgiving or pardoning of sin in general and original sin in particular through the suffering, death and resurrection of Jesus, Throughout the centuries, Christians have used different metaphors and given differing explanations of atonement to express how atonement might work.

What are the three types of Atonement? ›

Marvin Pate, "there are three aspects to Christ's atonement according to the early Church: vicarious atonement [substitutionary atonement], the escatological defeat of Satan [Christ the Victor], and the imitation of Christ [participation in Jesus' death and resurrection]." Pate further notes that these three aspects ...

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Author: Greg Kuvalis

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Author information

Name: Greg Kuvalis

Birthday: 1996-12-20

Address: 53157 Trantow Inlet, Townemouth, FL 92564-0267

Phone: +68218650356656

Job: IT Representative

Hobby: Knitting, Amateur radio, Skiing, Running, Mountain biking, Slacklining, Electronics

Introduction: My name is Greg Kuvalis, I am a witty, spotless, beautiful, charming, delightful, thankful, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.