Australia vs Canada: Economy Facts and Stats (2024)

SOURCES: CIA World Factbooks 18 December 2003 to 28 March 2011; CIA World Factbooks 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013; Wikipedia: List of countries by public debt (List) (Public debt , The World Factbook , United States Central Intelligence Agency , accessed on March 21, 2013.); World Bank national accounts data, and OECD National Accounts data files.; CIA World Factbook 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013; CIA World Factbooks 18 December 2003 to 28 March 2011. Population figures from World Bank: (1) United Nations Population Division. World Population Prospects, (2) United Nations Statistical Division. Population and Vital Statistics Report (various years), (3) Census reports and other statistical publications from national statistical offices, (4) Eurostat: Demographic Statistics, (5) Secretariat of the Pacific Community: Statistics and Demography Programme, and (6) U.S. Census Bureau: International Database.; World Bank national accounts data, and OECD National Accounts data files. Population figures from World Bank: (1) United Nations Population Division. World Population Prospects, (2) United Nations Statistical Division. Population and Vital Statistics Report (various years), (3) Census reports and other statistical publications from national statistical offices, (4) Eurostat: Demographic Statistics, (5) Secretariat of the Pacific Community: Statistics and Demography Programme, and (6) U.S. Census Bureau: International Database.; CIA World Factbooks 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013. Population figures from World Bank: (1) United Nations Population Division. World Population Prospects, (2) United Nations Statistical Division. Population and Vital Statistics Report (various years), (3) Census reports and other statistical publications from national statistical offices, (4) Eurostat: Demographic Statistics, (5) Secretariat of the Pacific Community: Statistics and Demography Programme, and (6) U.S. Census Bureau: International Database.; Human Development Report 2006, United Nations Development Programme; World Tourism Organisation, Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Compendium of Tourism Statistics and data files.; World Development Indicators database; All CIA World Factbooks 18 December 2003 to 18 December 2008; International Monetary Fund, International Financial Statistics. World Bank World Development Indicators.; World Bank, Development Research Group. Data are based on primary household survey data obtained from government statistical agencies and World Bank country departments. Data for high-income economies are from the Luxembourg Income Study database. For more information and methodology, please see PovcalNet (; . Population figures from World Bank: (1) United Nations Population Division. World Population Prospects, (2) United Nations Statistical Division. Population and Vital Statistics Report (various years), (3) Census reports and other statistical publications from national statistical offices, (4) Eurostat: Demographic Statistics, (5) Secretariat of the Pacific Community: Statistics and Demography Programme, and (6) U.S. Census Bureau: International Database.; KPMG's Individual Income Tax and Social Security Rate Survey 2009 (, and PricewaterhouseCoopers's Worldwide Tax Summaries Online (; Angus Maddison; World economic forum - Global Competitiveness Report 2004-2005; United Nations Development Programme. Source tables; The Economist.; CIA World Factbook 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013. Population figures from World Bank: (1) United Nations Population Division. World Population Prospects, (2) United Nations Statistical Division. Population and Vital Statistics Report (various years), (3) Census reports and other statistical publications from national statistical offices, (4) Eurostat: Demographic Statistics, (5) Secretariat of the Pacific Community: Statistics and Demography Programme, and (6) U.S. Census Bureau: International Database.;, United Nations Development Programme, 2013. Table 3, p. 152 ff.; International Monetary Fund, International Financial Statistics and data files. World Bank World Development Indicators.; International Monetary Fund, Government Finance Statistics Yearbook and data files, and World Bank and OECD GDP estimates.; World Bank national accounts data, and OECD National Accounts data files.; British Broadcasting Corporation 2014; World Development Indicators database. Population figures from World Bank: (1) United Nations Population Division. World Population Prospects, (2) United Nations Statistical Division. Population and Vital Statistics Report (various years), (3) Census reports and other statistical publications from national statistical offices, (4) Eurostat: Demographic Statistics, (5) Secretariat of the Pacific Community: Statistics and Demography Programme, and (6) U.S. Census Bureau: International Database.; World Bank national accounts data; World Tourism Organization, Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Compendium of Tourism Statistics and data files. Population figures from World Bank: (1) United Nations Population Division. World Population Prospects, (2) United Nations Statistical Division. Population and Vital Statistics Report (various years), (3) Census reports and other statistical publications from national statistical offices, (4) Eurostat: Demographic Statistics, (5) Secretariat of the Pacific Community: Statistics and Demography Programme, and (6) U.S. Census Bureau: International Database.; Angus Maddison; International Finance Corporation's micro, small, and medium-size enterprises database (; International Monetary Fund, Balance of Payments database, supplemented by data from the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development and official national sources.; FTDWebMaster, Foreign Trade Division, U.S. Census Bureau; Wikipedia: List of countries by public debt (List); International Monetary Fund, Government Finance Statistics Yearbook and data files. World Bank World Development Indicators.; OECD; The Heritage Foundation; Global Stock Markets Factbook; Wikipedia: List of countries by corporate governance; World Tourism Organization, Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Compendium of Tourism Statistics and data files.; World Bank national accounts data. Population figures from World Bank: (1) United Nations Population Division. World Population Prospects, (2) United Nations Statistical Division. Population and Vital Statistics Report (various years), (3) Census reports and other statistical publications from national statistical offices, (4) Eurostat: Demographic Statistics, (5) Secretariat of the Pacific Community: Statistics and Demography Programme, and (6) U.S. Census Bureau: International Database.; United Nations Statistics Division; Global Stock Markets Factbook. Population figures from World Bank: (1) United Nations Population Division. World Population Prospects, (2) United Nations Statistical Division. Population and Vital Statistics Report (various years), (3) Census reports and other statistical publications from national statistical offices, (4) Eurostat: Demographic Statistics, (5) Secretariat of the Pacific Community: Statistics and Demography Programme, and (6) U.S. Census Bureau: International Database.; Wikipedia: World distribution of wealth (North America); KPMG's Corporate and Indirect Tax Rate Survey 2009 (, and PricewaterhouseCoopers's Worldwide Tax Summaries Online (; United Nations, Comtrade database.; World Bank, Doing Business project (; OECD Revenue Statistics; International Monetary Fund, International Financial Statistics and data files.; Wikipedia: List of sovereign states by external assets. Population figures from World Bank: (1) United Nations Population Division. World Population Prospects, (2) United Nations Statistical Division. Population and Vital Statistics Report (various years), (3) Census reports and other statistical publications from national statistical offices, (4) Eurostat: Demographic Statistics, (5) Secretariat of the Pacific Community: Statistics and Demography Programme, and (6) U.S. Census Bureau: International Database.; World Bank, International Comparison Program database.; World Bank, International Comparison Program database. Population figures from World Bank: (1) United Nations Population Division. World Population Prospects, (2) United Nations Statistical Division. Population and Vital Statistics Report (various years), (3) Census reports and other statistical publications from national statistical offices, (4) Eurostat: Demographic Statistics, (5) Secretariat of the Pacific Community: Statistics and Demography Programme, and (6) U.S. Census Bureau: International Database.; OECD Country statistical profiles 2009; OECD; Various sources compiled into Wikipedia's List of IKEA stores; United Nations Statistics Division. Source tables. Population figures from World Bank: (1) United Nations Population Division. World Population Prospects, (2) United Nations Statistical Division. Population and Vital Statistics Report (various years), (3) Census reports and other statistical publications from national statistical offices, (4) Eurostat: Demographic Statistics, (5) Secretariat of the Pacific Community: Statistics and Demography Programme, and (6) U.S. Census Bureau: International Database.; The World Bank. Source tables; Wikipedia: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (Indicators) ("World Development Indicators" . World Bank . 2013-07-01 . Retrieved 2013-07-03 .); World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), World Intellectual Property Indicators and The International Bureau of WIPO assumes no responsibility with respect to the transformation of these data. Population figures from World Bank: (1) United Nations Population Division. World Population Prospects, (2) United Nations Statistical Division. Population and Vital Statistics Report (various years), (3) Census reports and other statistical publications from national statistical offices, (4) Eurostat: Demographic Statistics, (5) Secretariat of the Pacific Community: Statistics and Demography Programme, and (6) U.S. Census Bureau: International Database.; Wikipedia: List of countries by public debt (List) (Government net & gross debt 2013 , International Monetary Fund , April 2013 World Economic Outlook Databse.); United Nations Statistics Division. Source tables; International Monetary Fund, Government Finance Statistics Yearbook and data files. World Bank World Development Indicators. Population figures from World Bank: (1) United Nations Population Division. World Population Prospects, (2) United Nations Statistical Division. Population and Vital Statistics Report (various years), (3) Census reports and other statistical publications from national statistical offices, (4) Eurostat: Demographic Statistics, (5) Secretariat of the Pacific Community: Statistics and Demography Programme, and (6) U.S. Census Bureau: International Database.; United Nations Statistics Division. Source tables;, August 2013,p. 115.; International Monetary Fund, International Financial Statistics and data files. World Bank World Development Indicators. Population figures from World Bank: (1) United Nations Population Division. World Population Prospects, (2) United Nations Statistical Division. Population and Vital Statistics Report (various years), (3) Census reports and other statistical publications from national statistical offices, (4) Eurostat: Demographic Statistics, (5) Secretariat of the Pacific Community: Statistics and Demography Programme, and (6) U.S. Census Bureau: International Database.; World Bank. 2005. World Development Indicators 2005. Population figures from World Bank: (1) United Nations Population Division. World Population Prospects, (2) United Nations Statistical Division. Population and Vital Statistics Report (various years), (3) Census reports and other statistical publications from national statistical offices, (4) Eurostat: Demographic Statistics, (5) Secretariat of the Pacific Community: Statistics and Demography Programme, and (6) U.S. Census Bureau: International Database.; OECD. Population figures from World Bank: (1) United Nations Population Division. World Population Prospects, (2) United Nations Statistical Division. Population and Vital Statistics Report (various years), (3) Census reports and other statistical publications from national statistical offices, (4) Eurostat: Demographic Statistics, (5) Secretariat of the Pacific Community: Statistics and Demography Programme, and (6) U.S. Census Bureau: International Database.; United Nations Development Programme. Source tables; World Bank. 2005. World Development Indicators 2005.; US Census Bureau; Source: World Tourism Organization Statistics Database and Yearbook | United Nations World Tourism Organization; Wikipedia: List of countries by central bank interest rates (; United Nations Development Program. Human Development Report 2001. New York: Oxford University Press,2001, Table A2.1. via; Wikipedia: List of countries with IKEA stores; United Nations Statistics Division. Source tables; United Nations Statistics Division. Population figures from World Bank: (1) United Nations Population Division. World Population Prospects, (2) United Nations Statistical Division. Population and Vital Statistics Report (various years), (3) Census reports and other statistical publications from national statistical offices, (4) Eurostat: Demographic Statistics, (5) Secretariat of the Pacific Community: Statistics and Demography Programme, and (6) U.S. Census Bureau: International Database.; All CIA World Factbooks 18 December 2003 to 18 December 2008. Population figures from World Bank: (1) United Nations Population Division. World Population Prospects, (2) United Nations Statistical Division. Population and Vital Statistics Report (various years), (3) Census reports and other statistical publications from national statistical offices, (4) Eurostat: Demographic Statistics, (5) Secretariat of the Pacific Community: Statistics and Demography Programme, and (6) U.S. Census Bureau: International Database.; World Health Organization National Health Account database (see for the most recent updates).; United Nations Statistics Division. Source tables. Population figures from World Bank: (1) United Nations Population Division. World Population Prospects, (2) United Nations Statistical Division. Population and Vital Statistics Report (various years), (3) Census reports and other statistical publications from national statistical offices, (4) Eurostat: Demographic Statistics, (5) Secretariat of the Pacific Community: Statistics and Demography Programme, and (6) U.S. Census Bureau: International Database.; International Monetary Fund; World Bank, Doing Business project ( Population figures from World Bank: (1) United Nations Population Division. World Population Prospects, (2) United Nations Statistical Division. Population and Vital Statistics Report (various years), (3) Census reports and other statistical publications from national statistical offices, (4) Eurostat: Demographic Statistics, (5) Secretariat of the Pacific Community: Statistics and Demography Programme, and (6) U.S. Census Bureau: International Database.; United Nations Statistics Division. Source tables; Smeeding, Timothy M., Lee Rainwater and Gary Burtless. 2000. "United States Poverty in a Cross-National Context." In Sheldon H. Danziger and Robert H. Haveman, eds., Understanding Poverty. New York: Russell Sage Foundation; and Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press; Porter, Michael E. and Scott Stern, National Innovative Capacity, Chapter 2.2 in Porter, Michael, and JeffreySachs (eds.), The Global Competitiveness Report 2001-2002, New York: Oxford University Press, 2001, p.104. via; Doing Business, Economy Rankings, 2005.; International Monetary Fund, Financial Access Survey. World Bank World Development Indicators.; Wikipedia: Apple Store (Locations); Wikipedia: Tax Freedom Day (Tax Freedom Days for countries by date); IMD International, 2005; United Nations Statistics Division. Source tables; Wikipedia: Median household income (International statistics) (; Wikipedia: List of countries by public debt (List) (Government net & gross debt 2013 , International Monetary Fund , April 2013 World Economic Outlook Databse.). Population figures from World Bank: (1) United Nations Population Division. World Population Prospects, (2) United Nations Statistical Division. Population and Vital Statistics Report (various years), (3) Census reports and other statistical publications from national statistical offices, (4) Eurostat: Demographic Statistics, (5) Secretariat of the Pacific Community: Statistics and Demography Programme, and (6) U.S. Census Bureau: International Database.; World economic forum - Global Competitiveness Report 2004-2005; United Nations Statistics Division. Source tables. Population figures from World Bank: (1) United Nations Population Division. World Population Prospects, (2) United Nations Statistical Division. Population and Vital Statistics Report (various years), (3) Census reports and other statistical publications from national statistical offices, (4) Eurostat: Demographic Statistics, (5) Secretariat of the Pacific Community: Statistics and Demography Programme, and (6) U.S. Census Bureau: International Database.; WIPO (World Intellectual Property Organization). 2001. Intellectual Property Statistics. Publication A. Geneva; International Monetary Fund, Balance of Payments Statistics Yearbook and data files.; Wikipedia: List of countries by sovereign wealth funds (Sovereign Wealth Fund Rankings by Sovereign Wealth Fund Institute); World Bank national accounts data. Population figures from World Bank: (1) United Nations Population Division. World Population Prospects, (2) United Nations Statistical Division. Population and Vital Statistics Report (various years), (3) Census reports and other statistical publications from national statistical offices, (4) Eurostat: Demographic Statistics, (5) Secretariat of the Pacific Community: Statistics and Demography Programme, and (6) U.S. Census Bureau: International Database.; International Trade Centre UNCTAD/WTO; World Steel Association: World Crude Steel Production; International Trade Centre UNCTAD/WTO;; FTDWebMaster, Foreign Trade Division, U.S. Census Bureau. Population figures from World Bank: (1) United Nations Population Division. World Population Prospects, (2) United Nations Statistical Division. Population and Vital Statistics Report (various years), (3) Census reports and other statistical publications from national statistical offices, (4) Eurostat: Demographic Statistics, (5) Secretariat of the Pacific Community: Statistics and Demography Programme, and (6) U.S. Census Bureau: International Database.; IMD International; National Science Foundation, Science and Engineering Indicators.; Wikipedia: List of countries by patents (Top 20 countries); World Bank. 2002. World Development Indicators 2002. CD-ROM. Washington, DC; Economic Importance, 1998 (GDP x PC Inc) figures in quadrillion people dollars; International Monetary Fund, International Financial Statistics, supplemented by World Bank staff estimates.; x; Human Development Reports, United Nations 2002; Per Capita GDP Growth IMF; World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO), WIPO Patent Report: Statistics on Worldwide Patent Activity. The International Bureau of WIPO assumes no responsibility with respect to the transformation of these data.; World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), World Intellectual Property Indicators and The International Bureau of WIPO assumes no responsibility with respect to the transformation of these data.; United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, Handbook of Statistics and data files, and International Monetary Fund, International Financial Statistics.; International Trade Centre UNCTAD/WTO; World Investment Report 2001, United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD); International Monetary Fund, Government Finance Statistics Yearbook and data files.; World Bank. 2002. Correspondence on GDP per capita annual growth rates. March. Washington, DC; OECD Country statistical profiles 2009. Population figures from World Bank: (1) United Nations Population Division. World Population Prospects, (2) United Nations Statistical Division. Population and Vital Statistics Report (various years), (3) Census reports and other statistical publications from national statistical offices, (4) Eurostat: Demographic Statistics, (5) Secretariat of the Pacific Community: Statistics and Demography Programme, and (6) U.S. Census Bureau: International Database.; International Trade Centre UNCTAD/WTO; World Bank. 2002. World Development Indicators 2002. CD-ROM. Washington, DC; aggregates calculated for the Human Development Report Office by the World Bank; United Nations Statistics Division. Source tables; Wikipedia: List of countries by external debt; World Bank staff estimates using the World Integrated Trade Solution system, based on data from World Trade Organisation.; International Trade Centre UNCTAD/WTO

Australia vs Canada: Economy Facts and Stats (2024)
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Name: Lakeisha Bayer VM

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