Australia vs Canada: Which is better for Immigration (PR) 2025 (2024)

Australia vs Canada: Which is better for Immigration (PR) 2025 (1) Lakshmi Lavanya Pagallu

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Australia vs Canada: Which is better for Immigration (PR) 2025 (2)

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Australia vs Canada: Which is better for Immigration (PR) 2025 (3)

Table of Contents

  • Pros and Cons of Living in Australia vs Canada
  • Average Working Hours in Australia vs Canada
  • Documents Required for Canada vs Australia Immigration
  • Is Australia more expensive than Canada?
  • Watch This Quick Comparison of Canada vs Australia PR
  • Australia or Canada! Make Your Immigration Journey Smooth Through GetGIS!

When evaluating factors such as citizenship requirements, cost of living, population, economy, and cultural appeal, a clearer picture emerges to help determine which country is better for immigration.

To explore the best immigration destination, it is important to analyze the pros and cons of living in Australia and Canada. By focusing on key factors and circ*mstances, we can compare the main advantages and disadvantages of these countries for immigration.

Australia vs Canada: Which is better for Immigration (PR) 2025 (4)

1. Canada vs Australia Immigration Process

Canada has a long and established process for obtaining residency, while Australia has a more streamlined and fast-paced system.

Australia has an initial application process of four months, which can be shortened if you have close family members already living in the country. You will also need to have good language skills and pass a health check.

In Canada, you need only to provide proof of your income and residency status in your home country, as well as some documentation of your qualifications. The application process takes about two months on average, with a final decision made within six months.

2. Canada vs Australia Cost of Living

Canada is often considered to be a more affordable country to live in, with some comparing it to places like the United Kingdom and Sweden. This is because Cost of Living in Canada is lower as compared to Cost of living in Australia. For example, the cost of groceries is typically lower in Canada, while housing is also less expensive on average.

Additionally, healthcare is generally more affordable in Canada as well. However, there are a few things to keep in mind when comparing the two countries – namely that wages are higher in Australia and that the cost of living is not always equal across the board.

CommodityCanada (CAD)Australia (AUD)
Grocery76 (INR 4,200)71 (INR 3,800)
Phone and Internet127 (INR 7,090)120 (INR 6,415)
Fuel Cost1.25 (INR 70)1.48 (INR 79.12)
Public Transport (monthly)95 (INR 5,300)150 (INR 8020)
Fundamental Utilities149 (INR 8,300)207 (INR 11070)
House Rent – 1 to 3 BHK1300 – 2000 (INR 72,500 – INR 1,11,160)1700 – 2700 (INR 90,900 – INR 1,44,350)
Pre-School952 (INR 53,110)1800 (INR 96,200)
Fitness Club49 (INR 2,730)65 (INR 3,474)

3. Ease of Getting Citizenship in Australia vs Canada

Canada and Australia have distinct immigration policies. Canada is known for its welcoming attitude towards immigrants, while Australia is stricter in terms of obtaining citizenship.

In Canada, citizenship can be obtained through naturalization, which requires meeting specific criteria like having a good record and spending a certain time in the country. On the other hand, Australia grants citizenship based on residency, with a minimum requirement of being an Australian resident for at least five years.

Canada has a more lenient approach to citizenship, with basic knowledge of English and Canadian history as the main qualifications. In contrast, Australia has more stringent requirements, including passing a comprehensive test that assesses cultural knowledge and understanding of Australian society. The below table clearly states the differences between the two citizenships.

AspectCitizenship in AustraliaCitizenship in Canada
Immigration PolicyStricter immigration policyMore relaxed immigration policy
Annual Migration Cap185,000 places for permanent residentsTarget of admitting 500,000 immigrants by 2026
Application ProcessMore complex and points-based systemRelatively straightforward
Applicant PreferencesPreferences for certain skills and qualificationsRequires a job offer from a Canadian employer
Application ApprovalMay be more challenging to get approvedWith a job offer, approval can be fairly quick

4. Canada or Australia: Which is Better for Indian Students

The debate between Canada and Australia has been going on for years now. Though both countries have their pros and cons, which one is better for immigration? Here’s a look at the key factors:

Quick Reads:

  • Pros and Cons of Living in Australia
  • Pros and Cons of Moving To Canada

a. Canada PR

When it comes to immigration, Canada has a lot to offer. First of all, Canada is one of the most welcoming countries in the world. It’s often considered one of the most multicultural countries in the world. This means that people from all over the world can find a home here. Additionally,

Canada has a strong economy and a high standard of living. So, whether you’re looking for a job or want to start your own business, you should be able to find success in Canada. In addition, Canada offers great healthcare and educational opportunities. So, whether you want to study or work in Canada, you should be able to find what you’re looking for.

Quick Reads:

  • Canada's Economic Stability: A Strong Foundation for Newcomers
  • Exploring Canada's Multicultural Tapestry: A Journey of Unity and Diversity
  • 10 Reasons Why Canada is the Best Country to Live in The World

b. Australia PR

On the other hand, Australia isn’t as welcoming as Canada when it comes to immigration. Australia has strict immigration policies that are often difficult to qualify for. Additionally, Australia is a very expensive country to live in.

So, if you’re looking to move to Australia, you’ll need to be prepared to make substantial financial sacrifices. According to reports, the average salary in Australia is higher than in many other countries around the world, which could significantly support your life in Australia.

5. Australia vs Canada PR Eligibility for Family Members

There are some important differences between Canada PR and Australia PR when it comes to permanent resident eligibility. For example, Canada allows for a more flexible definition of family members.

This means that a person can be considered a family member even if they don't live with the family members. In contrast, Australia requires that a person be living in close proximity to family members to be considered a family member.

  • In Canada, you must be a permanent resident to sponsor a family member for immigration. This means that you must have been living in Canada for at least 5 years and have a strong connection to Canada.
  • In Australia, you need only to be a permanent resident for three years to sponsor a family member for immigration. This means that you can come to Australia without having any ties to Canada and still be able to sponsor your family members for immigration.
Eligibility CriteriaCanada PR Eligibility for Family MembersAustralia PR Eligibility for Family Members
Age Requirement18 years of age or olderMust be a permanent resident of Australia or have a valid visa
Passport RequirementMust have a valid passportNot specifically mentioned
Criminal RecordMust have a clean criminal recordMust not have committed any crimes in Australia
Health RequirementMust be in good healthMust pass a medical test
Financial SupportMust be able to financially support yourself and any dependentsMust be able to support yourself financially
Application InitiationCan begin the process of applying for immigration if all criteria are metCriteria are not explicitly mentioned for initiating the application

6. Australia vs Canada PR Visa Processing Time

According to the Canada Border Services Agency, the average processing time for a Canada PR visa is 190 days. In comparison, the processing time for an Australian PR visa is only 61 days. The main difference between the two countries is that Canada requires a more comprehensive application process.

This includes submitting documents such as police reports and income tax returns. On the other hand, Australia does not require any documentation other than your passport and visa application.

Also Read: Navigating Australia Visa Processing Time

7. Canada vs Australia Immigration Points System

Canada and Australia have different points systems for immigration. Canada has a points system that is based on skills and family ties. Australia has a points system that is based on the number of years an individual has lived in a country. The Canadian points system is outlined below:

FactorsCanada Immigration Points SystemAustralia Immigration Points System
Regional Working Experience1020
Foreign Working Experience1515
Other Factors1025
Total Score100130

Quick Reads:

  • Australia Point System
  • PR Points System in Canada

8. Taxation System in Australia vs Canada

Australia and Canada both have highly developed economies and offer many opportunities for skilled immigrants. Both of these countries follow a progressive tax system which means that high taxes will be paid on high income. However, there are some important differences between Canada vs Australia cost of living including taxation. These differences are as follows.

AspectAustralia Taxation SystemCanada Taxation System
Tax-Free ThresholdThe first $18,200 of annual income is not taxed.Personal income tax rate in Canada ranges from 15% to 33%
Tax-Free Threshold for SeniorsIncreased to $37,000 for seniors and pensioners.(varies by province).
Highest Marginal Tax Rate45% for incomes over $180,000.Corporate tax rate is 26.5%.
Consumption TaxGST (Goods and Services Tax) of 10% on most goods and services.Sales taxes vary by province but average is 5%.
Value-added tax (VAT) of 5% applied to most goods/services.

Also Read: Ultimate Guide to New Canada Tax Rules for Migrants

9. Healthcare Facilities in Australia vs Canada

There are many factors to consider when deciding which country is better for immigration, and one of those is the healthcare system. The Australia’s public healthcare system is called Medicare, and it is free for all Australian residents. While the Canada public healthcare system is called provincial health insurance, and it varies from province to province.

AspectAustralia Healthcare FacilitiesCanada Healthcare Facilities
Safety and Economic StabilityAustralia is considered safe and economically stable.Canada offers great healthcare and economic stability.
Education and Work OpportunitiesHighly educated population, suitable for work/education.High-quality healthcare and ideal for work/education.
Healthcare Quality and CoverageHealthcare facilities are not explicitly discussed.1. Highly-trained medical professionals and advanced technology.

2. Public insurance system, free of fees or taxes for healthcare.

3. Efficient and cost-effective healthcare system.

4. Community clinics for outreach services in underserved areas.

10. Job Security in Australia vs Canada

There are many reasons why Australia is a great choice for immigration, but one of the most important is job security. In Australia, you can be sure that you will have a stable job and a good income. The Australian economy is strong and growing, and there are plenty of opportunities for skilled workers.

Canada is the clear winner. The Canadian economy is currently doing very well, with low unemployment and strong growth. This means that there are plenty of jobs available, and companies are often willing to invest in their employees by offering training and development opportunities

AspectAustralia Job SecurityCanada Job Security
Current Unemployment Rate4.20%6.30%
Average Length of Employment3.4 years5.5 years
Economic Stability and OpportunitiesStrong economy, low unemployment rate, and ample opportunities for immigrants.Strong economy, low unemployment rate, and ample opportunities for immigrants.
Healthcare and Financial SecurityPublic funding with private healthcare optionsPublic healthcare system for accessible care.

Quick Reads:

  • Booming Employment Market in Australia
  • High Employment Opportunities in Canada

Average Working Hours in Australia vs Canada

The average working hours in Australia are typically around 38 hours per week. This can vary somewhat depending on the industry you work in, but generally speaking, the average full-time worker in Australia works 31 hours per week.

In Canada, the average working week is around 40 hours. This can vary depending on the province or territory you live in and the type of job you have. For example, people who work in the manufacturing and construction industries typically work longer hours than those in the service sector.

AspectAverage Working Hours in AustraliaAverage Working Hours in Canada
Percentage of Part-Time EmployeesAround 17% of employees work part-time.Depends on the Job
Average Working WeekOn average, you can expect to work a 31-hour week in Australia.The average working week is 40 hours.
Percentage of Employees Working > 40 Hours34% of employees work more than 40 hours per week in Australia.30% of employees work more than 40 hours per week in Canada.
Work/Life Balance ConsiderationAustralia may offer a better work/life balance due to shorter average working hours.Work/life balance may vary by industry and region in Canada

Quick Reads:

  • Living the Dream: Why Australia Offers the Ultimate Work-Life Balance?
  • Australia Minimum Wages
  • Canada Minimum Wages List

There are a few documents that you will need in order to immigrate to Canada. These include a valid passport, a completed application form, and supporting documents such as proof of financial means and language proficiency. Other essential documents are-

  • Police clearance certificates
  • Medical exams
  • Proof of funds
  • Birth certificate
  • Use of a representative form
  • Common-law union form
  • Marriage certificate
  • Passport
  • Australian Visa Form
  • Paid Visa Fee
  • One Identity Picture
  • National Identity Card
  • Evidence of Financial Means

Also Read:

  • How To Show Proof of Funds For Canada Immigration?
  • List of Documents Required For Canada PR From India
  • Australia Visa Requirements for Indian Citizens

Is Australia more expensive than Canada?

When it comes to the cost of living, Canada is generally more expensive than Australia. For example, rent in Vancouver, Canada is $2,500 Canadian, while the same apartment in Sydney, Australia costs $1,800 Australian. However, Australia has a larger population and is therefore considered more affordable overall.

Both countries have strong economies but Canada's high cost of living may make it less appealing to potential immigrants compared to Australia.

Australia is known for its warm climate and beautiful beaches, making it an attractive choice for many. Canada, on the other hand, offers vibrant and cosmopolitan cities. If you prioritize a lower cost of living and a friendly atmosphere, Australia might be the better choice. However, if you value vibrant cities and don't mind the colder climate, Canada is worth considering.

Cost of LivingHigherLower
Rent (Example)$2,500$1,800
Vibrancy of CitiesVibrantCosmopolitan
Personality of PeopleFriendlyFriendly

Quick Reads:


  • Cost of Living in Sydney
  • Cost of Living in Melbourne
  • Cost of Living in Perth
  • Cost of Living in Adelaide
  • Cost of Living in Brisbane


  • Cost of Living in Calgary
  • Cost of Living in Toronto
  • Cost of Living in Montreal
  • Cost of Living in Vancouver
  • Cost of Living in New Brunswick
  • Cost of Living Saskatchewan
  • Cost of Living Alberta
  • Cost of Living in Nova Scotia

Confused about whether to choose Canada or Australia for your immigration plans? Check out this quick YouTube Short that summarizes the key differences in just 60 seconds!

Australia or Canada! Make Your Immigration Journey Smooth Through GetGIS!

In conclusion, you must consider your situation when choosing between Canada and Australia as permanent residence countries. Most of the time, you should choose the country where you have more ties. If you are not sure which country is right for you then it is best to consult with a professional immigration consultant like GetGIS who will help guide you through this process so that you end up with the right information at hand.

Book Your Free Consultation

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  • Tags
  • Settle in Canada
  • PR Visa
  • Settle abroad
  • Settle in Australia

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Australia vs Canada: Which is better for Immigration (PR) 2025 (5)

Frequently Asked Questions

Which country is better in terms of the cost of living?

Australia is generally considered to be a more expensive country to live in when compared to Canada. However, this may not always be the case, depending on the specific city or town in either country. Some factors that can influence the cost of living include average wages, prices of basic necessities, and housing costs.

Which country is better for quality education?

Both countries have many prestigious universities and offer a variety of study opportunities. Australia is considered to be better for quality education because of its high ranking in international rankings. The country has many prestigious universities, including the University of Melbourne, the University of Sydney, and the Australian National University.

Is the cost of education higher in Canada as compared to Australia?

In Canada, tuition rates are high compared to other developed countries, making it a more expensive option to study in Canada. This is offset somewhat by the fact that Canadian universities are some of the best universities in the world. In Australia, tuition rates are lower than in most other developed countries, making it an affordable option to study there.

Are there scholarship programs for students in Canada and Australia?

There are a few scholarship programs for students in Canada and Australia. In Canada, the government provides scholarships for students who are studying in Canada. The government also provides scholarships for students who are studying in Australia. In Australia, there are a number of scholarship programs that provide scholarships to students from all over the world. Some of the most popular scholarship programs in Australia include the Australian Scholarship Awards program, which offers scholarships to Australian citizens, and the International Student Awards program, which offers scholarships to international students.

Is the process of immigration complicated in Canada as compared to Australia?

Canadian immigration is considered to be more complicated than Australian immigration. One of the main reasons for this is that Canada has a much larger population and a more diverse culture than Australia. Additionally, Canadian immigration laws are more stringent than Australian immigration laws. For example, Canadian citizens can only apply for residency if they have a job offer and can support themselves financially.

What are the benefits of studying in developed countries like Canada and Australia?

One of the many benefits of studying in developed countries like Canada and Australia is the quality of education and facilities available. Both countries have world-class universities with extensive libraries, laboratories, and other resources. Students also have access to world-renowned researchers and collaborators. In addition, these countries have well-developed infrastructure, including efficient transportation networks and high-quality healthcare systems.

Is Canada better in terms of adjusting to the culture as compared to Australia?

Canada has been lauded for its welcoming attitude towards immigrants and its efficient services in adjusting to new cultures. Canada has a history of accepting refugees, which has contributed to its reputation as a tolerant country. Canada’s processing times for immigrants are also considered to be very fast. Australia is also known for being a welcoming country, but it has faced criticism in recent years for its strict immigration policies.

How to find a job in Canada?

There are a variety of ways to find a job in Canada, depending on your skills and experience. You can search online or through classified ads, or speak with your friends and family who may know of jobs or recruiters they have worked with in the past. If you are a skilled worker, you may be able to get a job through a Canadian employer who is looking to hire foreign workers. You can also apply for government jobs or private sector jobs through recruitment agencies.

Is it easier to find a job in Canada as compared to Australia?

In terms of finding employment, Canada is generally seen as being a more difficult country to break into than Australia. This is partly due to the fact that Canada has a smaller population and a more selective job market, but also because Canadian employers are generally less likely to sponsor foreign employees than their Australian counterparts. One advantage that Canadian job seekers may have is that they are more likely to be bilingual, as many companies in Canada require employees to be able to speak both English and French.

What are the similarities between living in Canada and Australia?

Both Canada and Australia have a reputation for being welcoming to immigrants. In both countries, immigrants are given the opportunity to become citizens through a process that is relatively easy to follow. Both countries also have a strong emphasis on multiculturalism, which means that immigrants from all over the world are welcome. One of the biggest similarities between living in Canada and Australia is the fact that both countries are relatively safe. There is no shortage of law enforcement in either country, and both countries have robust safety records when it comes to crime. Furthermore, both countries offer excellent healthcare systems.

Australia vs Canada: Which is better for Immigration (PR) 2025 (2024)
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