Authentic Assessment in the Online Classroom - Center for Teaching and Learning | Wiley Education Services (2024)

Authentic Assessment in the Online Classroom - Center for Teaching and Learning | Wiley Education Services (1)Assessment is a critical component of the online classroom. It provides students with an idea of their progress in a course, identifies individual strengths and weaknesses, and ultimately serves as the measure of whether students achieve the course’s learning objectives. Although each of these characteristics serves a valuable instructional or pedagogical function, it’s also important that assessments engage students and prepare them with the skills they’ll need in future courses, practic*ms, and even their careers.

Assessment isn’t just important from a student perspective. With the online marketplace becoming increasingly crowded, it’s critical that institutions ensure they are offering the courses and experiences that students are looking for.

In their survey of more than 1,500 past, present, and prospective online college students, Magda and Aslanian (2018) found that 74% of online college students are pursuing their program for career-focused reasons, such as transitioning to a new career, updating the skills required for their current job, increasing wages, or meeting employers’ requirements.

Because the majority of online students are career-focused, courses and degree programs must provide those ties to the real world for institutions to stand out in the online landscape. Given its importance to the online classroom, assessment can be a great starting point for integrating this type of relevance into your course.

Authentic assessment is the idea of using creative learning experiences to test students’ skills and knowledge in realistic situations. Authentic assessment measures students’ success in a way that’s relevant to the skills required of them once they’ve finished your course or degree program. In this article, we’ll discuss the benefits and challenges of this type of assessment and how you can incorporate authentic assessment in your online course.

What Is Authentic Assessment?

Authentic Assessment in the Online Classroom - Center for Teaching and Learning | Wiley Education Services (2)Before we dig too far into how to create an authentic assessment, let’s look at what makes an assessment authentic. Wiggins (1998) identifies a few key criteria:

  1. It’s realistic.
  2. It requires judgement and innovation.
  3. It asks the student to “do” the subject.
  4. It replicates or simulates the contexts in which adults are “tested” in the workplace, in civic life, and in personal life.
  5. It assesses the student’s ability to efficiently and effectively use a repertoire of knowledge and skill to negotiate a complex task.
  6. It allows appropriate opportunities to rehearse, practice, consult resources, and get feedback on and refine performances and products.

Simply put, an authentic assessment is one that requires students to apply what they’ve learned in a new, complex circ*mstance or situation. Typically, this can take one of two forms: real-world assessments that require students to engage in actual situations in their field, or realistic assessments that are relevant in nature but have students engage in situations that mimic the real world (e.g., a case study).

Regardless of the type, authentic assessment is often coupled with opportunities for rehearsal and/or practice. Authentic assessments are often scaffolded throughout a course and allow the instructor to provide feedback that students can then implement in subsequent drafts. Unlike traditional assessments (such as essays and multiple-choice exams), authentic assessments ask students to engage in scenarios or practices that are complex, realistic, and sometimes messy.

Benefits of Authentic Assessment

Authentic Assessment in the Online Classroom - Center for Teaching and Learning | Wiley Education Services (3)Shank (2009) identifies a few key challenges of assessments in the online environment: expecting a bell curve, using the wrong type of assessment (performance assessments vs. test assessments), not creating valid (enough) assessments, and using poorly written multiple-choice tests. Although authentic assessment is unlikely to overcome all of these challenges, it offers a number of benefits in an online course.

Notably, authentic assessment breaks the traditional paradigm of multiple-choice or automatically scoring tests and quizzes, which can lead students to believe that learning means staying up all night and cramming to memorize terms or expected answers. Instead, authentic assessments tend to be more student centered, as they ask students to demonstrate their learning through hands-on activities. Rather than asking students to memorize and recall facts, authentic assessments ask students to actively participate in situations that require them to apply the principles they’ve learned about in the instructional material. Thus, learning isn’t about recalling; it’s about performing, which, ideally, will motivate students to engage in the course and succeed in their endeavors.

Drawbacks of Authentic Assessment

As beneficial as authentic assessments can be, they do present challenges as well. First and foremost, authentic assessments require more time for both students and instructors than traditional assessments. For students, authentic assessments typically take longer to complete than an average quiz or test. Because these types of assessments are task based, they might be scaffolded over a number of modules or some other period of time. In addition, students might be more accustomed to traditional assessment, meaning that despite the advantages we’ve discussed, they might need some time to adjust to this new method.

For instructors, time is also of concern. Developing an authentic assessment can be an intense experience that requires course writers to identify and/or research relevant tasks, ensure that those tasks are applicable to students in different areas, and align those tasks with learning objectives and instructional materials. Also, given that students in online courses tend to be in a variety of geographic locations, it can be difficult to build an authentic assessment that’s relevant to everyone. This challenge can vary by discipline, but it’s important for course writers to remember that their students can be from anywhere.

In addition, unlike many traditional assessments, grading an authentic assessment is largely subjective. Because these types of assessments typically address more complex levels of learning, grading will likely take much longer. Authentic assessments typically require detailed, personalized, and specific feedback, meaning that, as beneficial as they can be for students and your course, they will require additional time to design and implement.

Authentic Assessment
EducationCreate a classroom management plan and/or lesson plan for the student’s subject matter and/or intended audience.
NursingAssess a mock patient’s health and plan and implement that patient’s care.
BusinessDevelop a business plan for a company in the student’s location and desired field.
Computer Science
Troubleshoot faulty code or create a website or application.
Exercise ScienceRecord and analyze a mock client’s diet and come up with a nutrition and/or exercise plan.

How to Develop an Authentic Assessment

Now that we’ve explored the benefits and drawbacks of authentic assessment and looked at a handful of examples, let’s move on to the steps involved in designing one. The following steps, based on those developed by the University of Florida’s Center for Instructional Technology and Training (2018), can help set you on your way toward developing an authentic assessment that addresses your learning objectives, enhances your course, and meets your students’ needs.

Identify Learning Objectives

Authentic Assessment in the Online Classroom - Center for Teaching and Learning | Wiley Education Services (4)Your learning objectives are the cornerstone of your course; they communicate what students should be able to do and what skills they’ll develop during the course. Thus, it goes without saying that developing an authentic assessment should begin with these objectives. By starting this process with an objective in mind, you ensure that the authentic assessment you’re developing will align with the objective and any corresponding instructional material.

In most instances, you’ll want to focus on a macro objective—that is, an objective that illustrates what students will be able to do by the conclusion of the course. In a traditional setting, a final exam might be the assessment for a macro objective.

When you look at your objectives, it’s also important to keep relevance in mind. After all, one of the major benefits of an authentic assessment is how it allows students to engage in a relevant or new environment, so you’ll want to make sure that your learning objectives lend themselves to that type of activity. If your learning objectives are already measurable and student centered, though, this shouldn’t be a problem.

Define Relevant Tasks

After identifying the learning objective(s) you’re looking to measure through your authentic assessment, you can then start defining what students will actually do. Given that the assessment should be, well, authentic, start by looking at what professionals in your field do on a daily basis and how those tasks might relate to your selected learning objective. Although your task doesn’t ultimately have to relate to your field, it should require students to apply themselves in a relevant and new situation. Ultimately, the relevance of your assessment to students’ lives and/or goals should be clear. In fact, it’s helpful to state the relevance explicitly at the outset of the assessment.

If you’re struggling to identify a relevant task, consider starting with the verb of your learning objective. Oftentimes, you’ll find that you’re able to define your task by looking at what the objective asks students to do. For instance, if the objective for a business course is that students will be able to analyze the local and global impact of organizational decisions, consider creating a fictional scenario in which students have to make organizational decisions for a business and analyze the impact of those decisions. Looking at your objective’s verb also ensures that your assessment aligns with your learning objective, which is a pillar of effective course design.

Identify Essential Performance Criteria

If the previous step was to define what students will do to complete your authentic assessment, this step focuses on how you’ll know whether they’ve done it well. After all, just because an authentic assessment doesn’t look like a traditional assessment doesn’t mean that the goal isn’t the same. You still need to have an indication of how well students have performed and whether they’ve achieved mastery.

With this in mind, it’s important for these performance criteria to align with the nature of your task. To return to our business example from earlier, you’d want to make sure that the way you measure students’ performance is reflective of or similar to the expectations they would encounter in a business scenario. For example, you’d want to create performance criteria specific to how students should make the organizational decisions and how accurately and/or appropriately they analyze those decisions. Although students shouldn’t be held to the same standards as professionals in the field (they’re novices, after all), it’s still possible to measure student success in a new and relevant way.

Develop a Rubric

Authentic Assessment in the Online Classroom - Center for Teaching and Learning | Wiley Education Services (5)Rubrics are a powerful tool for many assessment types, and they’re an essential component of authentic assessment. After all, authentic assessments are fairly subjective, and rubrics help ensure instructors are grading fairly and consistently from assessment to assessment and student to student. With this in mind, once you’ve identified the task and essential performance criteria (that is, what students will do and what benchmarks exist to make sure students do it well), the next step is to develop a rubric.

You might be thinking that this seems pretty similar to that last step. Well, it is! When designing your rubric, you should use the performance criteria you’ve identified and come up with measurable levels for each. Once you’ve developed your rubric, consider presenting it to students before they begin the assessment. That way, they know what you expect of them and can more readily gauge their own performance.

For more information on rubrics, feel free to check out our article “The Benefits of Rubrics in Online Courses.”


Authentic assessment has the outstanding ability to make a long-lasting impact on not only your course, but also the students enrolled in it. By providing students with an opportunity to test their skills in new and relevant situations, you’ll prepare them for how they’ll be assessed in their professional lives and show them the relevance of your course’s content outside the classroom. With that in mind, here are some of the key takeaways from this article:

  • Authentic assessment refers to an assessment that requires students to apply what they’ve learned in a new circ*mstance or situation, typically one that mirrors what would be expected of them in that discipline or field.
  • When preparing an authentic assessment for your course, remember that this kind of assessment will likely take more time on both the students’ and facilitator’s parts.
  • Authentic assessments should always align with the course’s learning objective(s).
  • When identifying a relevant task for your learning objective(s), consider starting with the objective’s verb. In most cases, this will provide an idea of what actions students should be able to perform.
  • Essential performance criteria help frame what performance will look like. Without them, it’s difficult to assess students’ work on a fair and consistent basis. Fortunately, instructors can use these criteria to develop a rubric, which in turn helps them evaluate fairly and consistently.


Magda, A. J., & Aslanian, C. B. (2018). Online college students 2018: Comprehensive data on demands and preferences. Louisville, KY: The Learning House, Inc.

Shank, P. (2009, May). Four typical online learning assessment mistakes. In R. Kelly (Ed.), Assessing online learning: Strategies, challenges and opportunities (pp. 4-6). Madison, WI: Magna Publications Inc. Available from

University of Florida. (2018). Authentic assessment in online learning. Retrieved from

Wiggins, G. (1998). Education assessment: Designing assessments to inform and improve student performance. San Francisco: Joey-Bass Publishers.

Posted March 26, 2019

Author Adam Shaw

Categories Assessment

As a seasoned education and online learning expert, I've delved deeply into the realm of assessments in the online classroom. My expertise extends beyond theoretical knowledge, with a proven track record of designing effective assessments that align with learning objectives and engage students in meaningful ways. My insights are grounded in extensive research and practical experience, making me well-equipped to guide educators and institutions toward implementing impactful assessment strategies.

The article on assessment in the online classroom is comprehensive and well-structured, addressing key components and considerations. Let's break down the concepts covered in the article:

  1. Importance of Assessment in the Online Classroom:

    • Assessment is crucial for gauging student progress, identifying strengths and weaknesses, and measuring the achievement of learning objectives.
    • The crowded online marketplace emphasizes the need for institutions to offer courses that align with students' career-focused goals.
  2. Student Perspective on Online Learning:

    • Magda and Aslanian's survey reveals that 74% of online college students are pursuing programs for career-focused reasons.
    • Students seek courses that help them transition to new careers, update skills, increase wages, or meet employers' requirements.
  3. Authentic Assessment Defined:

    • Authentic assessment involves using creative learning experiences to test students' skills and knowledge in realistic situations.
    • Criteria for authentic assessment, as identified by Wiggins, include realism, judgment, innovation, application, replication of real-world contexts, and the ability to use knowledge and skills effectively.
  4. Benefits of Authentic Assessment:

    • Authentic assessment shifts away from traditional methods, encouraging active student participation and application of learned principles.
    • It promotes student-centered learning by focusing on performance rather than rote memorization.
  5. Drawbacks of Authentic Assessment:

    • Authentic assessments demand more time from both students and instructors compared to traditional assessments.
    • Grading is subjective and time-consuming due to the complex nature of these assessments.
  6. Examples of Authentic Assessment in Various Fields:

    • Field-specific examples demonstrate how authentic assessments can be applied:
      • Education: Create a classroom management plan/lesson plan.
      • Nursing: Assess a mock patient's health and plan and implement their care.
      • Business: Develop a business plan for a local company in the desired field.
      • Computer Science: Troubleshoot faulty code or create a website/application.
      • Exercise Science: Record and analyze a mock client's diet, devising a nutrition/exercise plan.
  7. Steps to Develop an Authentic Assessment:

    • Identify learning objectives as the foundation of the assessment.
    • Define relevant tasks by aligning them with professional practices in the field.
    • Identify essential performance criteria to measure student success.
    • Develop a rubric for fair and consistent grading.
  8. Conclusion and Key Takeaways:

    • Authentic assessment prepares students for real-world scenarios, emphasizing the relevance of course content.
    • Time commitment is a drawback, but aligning assessments with learning objectives is crucial.
    • Essential performance criteria and rubrics ensure fair and consistent evaluation.

This breakdown underscores the article's emphasis on the significance of authentic assessment in online learning, providing educators with actionable insights for effective implementation.

Authentic Assessment in the Online Classroom - Center for Teaching and Learning | Wiley Education Services (2024)


What are examples of authentic assessment in the classroom? ›

Examples of authentic assessments
  • Oral interviews.
  • Writing samples.
  • Exhibitions.
  • Experiments.
  • Observation.
  • Producing a commercial.
  • Composing a song.
  • Creating a flyer.

What are the 5 components of authentic assessment? ›

(2004) also determined that authentic assessment exists within a five-dimensional framework which includes task, physical context, social context, result/form, and criteria.

Do teachers need to choose between authentic assessment and traditional assessment justify your answer? ›

Authentic assessments have several advantages over conventional tests. They are likely to be more valid than conventional tests, particularly for learning outcomes that require higher-order thinking skills.

Why is authentic assessment important in online learning? ›

“Authentic assessments help students analyze what they've learned and apply it their own experience. They don't have to memorize facts for a test, so they can use their creativity to show what they've learned.”

What are the six authentic assessment tools used in the classroom? ›

Authentic assessment can include many of the following:
  • Observation.
  • Essays.
  • Interviews.
  • Performance tasks.
  • Exhibitions and demonstrations.
  • Portfolios.
  • Journals.
  • Teacher-created tests.

What are some examples of assessment you use in the classroom? ›

Examples of Classroom Assessment Techniques
  • 3-2-1 Format. 3-2-1 Format is a quick and simple student writing activity.
  • Focused Listing. Focused Listing is a quick and simple student writing activity.
  • Muddiest Point. ...
  • One Minute Paper. ...
  • Think-Pair-Share. ...
  • Concept Mapping. ...
  • Jigsaw. ...
  • Memory Matrix.

How can you incorporate authentic assessment in the classroom? ›

How to build an authentic assessment activity?
  1. Step 1: Define clear activity outcomes. ...
  2. Step 2: Create an authentic task. ...
  3. Step 3: Design assessment rubrics. ...
  4. Step 4: Provide sufficient student support and guidance. ...
  5. Step 5: Select suitable technology to support the authentic assessment process.
Jul 18, 2023

What are the 4 principles of authentic assessment? ›

Focus assessment on what really matters; • Ensure that assessments are valid indications of student competence; • Use assessment to support student learning; and • Develop assessment practices that use the teacher's time efficiently.

What is the primary goal of authentic assessment? ›

The goal of authentic assessments is to evaluate a student's ability to demonstrate understanding of core leaning objectives in a real-world context. Unlike traditional assessments, authentic assessment does not seek to measure rote learning and then require students to recall and restate the information.

How do you know if an assessment is authentic? ›

Authentic assessment focuses on students using and applying knowledge and skills in real-life settings. For example, you might have students take part in: a simulation or role play of a scenario. completion of a real-world task.

What is an example of an authentic task? ›

Authentic tasks are easy to identify as they are what we do with our own language all the time. Examples include phoning for information, preparing a party, planning a holiday, answering e-mail, preparing reports, holding a meeting and filling in application forms.

What are examples of authentic assessment? ›

What are some examples of authentic assessment? There are many different kinds of authentic assessment depending on the subject, student age, and application. Some authentic assessments are performance-based, interviews, exhibitions, multimedia projects, oral presentations, and group projects.

Does authentic assessment improve teaching and learning? ›

Authentic assessments serve as a teaching tool, helping students improve their skills and deepen their understanding of the subject matter. When considering how to evaluate student learning in a course, most instructors would agree that the ideal assessment should do more than just measure comprehension.

What is the main characteristic of authentic assessment? ›

Characteristics of Authentic Assessments

They are realistic in nature. They propose a scenario that makes sense--something that could really happen. They should pose an interesting problem that can be visualized and understood. They should require creativity, ingenuity, and resourcefulness.

What are authentic activities in the classroom? ›

Authentic learning activities are tasks given to students in the real world where they can apply what they learned in class and continue to learn more in a setting that is relevant to them. The basic tenets of authentic learning activities include: Learning activities relate to the real world/real life.

What is an example of an authentic task in school? ›

For example, authentic tasks may include making projects or portfolios, creating artwork or videos, or other tangible products. The authentic assessment of these products may include evaluating the work of cooperative learning groups, ideas for assessing problem-based or active learning experiences.

What are examples of authentic? ›

Here is a list of some authenticity examples for you to consider:
  • Self-awareness. Self-awareness refers to the ability to understand yourself, emotions, actions and thoughts. ...
  • Responsibility. ...
  • Self-expression. ...
  • Integrity. ...
  • Vulnerability. ...
  • Passion. ...
  • Valuing experiences. ...
  • Grit.
Aug 21, 2023

How can teachers create authentic assessments? ›

The instructor creates several student personas with different learning problems. Students work in small groups during class to discuss the student persona and brainstorm ideas on the student persona's learning problem based on prior knowledge. Students decide roles and the steps to complete the assessment.

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