Azure Application Gateway infrastructure configuration (2024)

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The Azure Application Gateway infrastructure includes the virtual network, subnets, network security groups (NSGs), and user-defined routes (UDRs).

Virtual network and dedicated subnet

An application gateway is a dedicated deployment in your virtual network. Within your virtual network, a dedicated subnet is required for the application gateway. You can have multiple instances of a specific Application Gateway deployment in a subnet. You can also deploy other application gateways in the subnet. But you can't deploy any other resource in the Application Gateway subnet. You can't mix v1 and v2 Application Gateway SKUs on the same subnet.


Virtual network service endpoint policies are currently not supported in an Application Gateway subnet.

Size of the subnet

Application Gateway uses one private IP address per instance, plus another private IP address if a private frontend IP is configured.

Azure also reserves five IP addresses in each subnet for internal use. They're the first four addresses and the last IP addresses. For example, consider 15 Application Gateway instances with no private frontend IP. You need at least 20 IP addresses for this subnet. You need 5 for internal use and 15 for the Application Gateway instances.

Consider a subnet that has 27 Application Gateway instances and an IP address for a private frontend IP. In this case, you need 33 IP addresses. You need 27 for the Application Gateway instances, one for the private frontend, and 5 for internal use.

Application Gateway (Standard or WAF SKU) can support up to 32 instances (32 instance IP addresses + 1 private frontend IP configuration + 5 Azure reserved). We recommend a minimum subnet size of /26.

Application Gateway (Standard_v2 or WAF_v2 SKU) can support up to 125 instances (125 instance IP addresses + 1 private frontend IP configuration + 5 Azure reserved). We recommend a minimum subnet size of /24.

To determine the available capacity of a subnet that has existing application gateways provisioned, take the size of the subnet and subtract the five reserved IP addresses of the subnet reserved by the platform.Next, take each gateway and subtract the maximum instance count.For each gateway that has a private frontend IP configuration, subtract one more IP address per gateway.

For example, here's how to calculate the available addressing for a subnet with three gateways of varying sizes:

  • Gateway 1: Maximum of 10 instances. Uses a private frontend IP configuration.
  • Gateway 2: Maximum of 2 instances. No private frontend IP configuration.
  • Gateway 3: Maximum of 15 instances. Uses a private frontend IP configuration.
  • Subnet size: /24
    • Subnet size /24 = 256 IP addresses - 5 reserved from the platform = 251 available addresses
    • 251: Gateway 1 (10) - 1 private frontend IP configuration = 240
    • 240: Gateway 2 (2) = 238
    • 238: Gateway 3 (15) - 1 private frontend IP configuration = 222


Although a /24 subnet isn't required per Application Gateway v2 SKU deployment, we highly recommend it. A /24 subnet ensures that Application Gateway v2 has sufficient space for autoscaling expansion and maintenance upgrades.

You should ensure that the Application Gateway v2 subnet has sufficient address space to accommodate the number of instances required to serve your maximum expected traffic. If you specify the maximum instance count, the subnet should have capacity for at least that many addresses. For capacity planning around instance count, see Instance count details.

The subnet named GatewaySubnet is reserved for VPN gateways. The Application Gateway v1 resources using the GatewaySubnet subnet need to be moved to a different subnet or migrated to the v2 SKU before September 30, 2023, to avoid control plane failures and platform inconsistencies. For information on changing the subnet of an existing Application Gateway instance, see Frequently asked questions about Application Gateway.


IP addresses are allocated from the beginning of the defined subnet space for gateway instances. As instances are created and removed because of creation of gateways or scaling events, it can become difficult to understand what the next available address is in the subnet. To be able to determine the next address to use for a future gateway and have a contiguous addressing theme for frontend IPs, consider assigning frontend IP addresses from the upper half of the defined subset space.

For example, if the subnet address space is, consider setting the private frontend IP configuration of your gateways starting with and then following with,,, and so forth for future gateways.

It's possible to change the subnet of an existing Application Gateway instance within the same virtual network. To make this change, use Azure PowerShell or the Azure CLI. For more information, see Frequently asked questions about Application Gateway.

DNS servers for name resolution

The virtual network resource supports DNS server configuration, which allows you to choose between Azure-provided default or custom DNS servers. The instances of your application gateway also honor this DNS configuration for any name resolution. After you change this setting, you must restart (Stop and Start) your application gateway for these changes to take effect on the instances.

When an instance of your Application Gateway issues a DNS query, it uses the value from the server that responds first.


If you use custom DNS servers in the Application Gateway virtual network, the DNS server must be able to resolve public internet names. Application Gateway requires this capability.

Virtual network permission

The Application Gateway resource is deployed inside a virtual network, so checks are also performed to verify the permission on the virtual network resource. This validation is performed during both creation and management operations and also applies to the managed identities for Application Gateway Ingress Controller.

Check your Azure role-based access control to verify that the users and service principals that operate application gateways have at least the following permissions on the virtual network or subnet:

  • Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/subnets/join/action
  • Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/subnets/read

You can use the built-in roles, such as Network contributor, which already support these permissions. If a built-in role doesn't provide the right permission, you can create and assign a custom role. Learn more about managing subnet permissions.


You might have to allow sufficient time for Azure Resource Manager cache refresh after role assignment changes.

Identify affected users or service principals for your subscription

By visiting Azure Advisor for your account, you can verify if your subscription has any users or service principals with insufficient permission. The details of that recommendation are as follows:

Title: Update VNet permission of Application Gateway users
Category: Reliability
Impact: High

Use temporary Azure Feature Exposure Control (AFEC) flag

As a temporary extension, we introduced a subscription-level Azure Feature Exposure Control (AFEC). You can register for the AFEC and use it until you fix the permissions for all your users and service principals. Register for the feature by following the same steps as a preview feature registration for your Azure subscription.

Name: Microsoft.Network/DisableApplicationGatewaySubnetPermissionCheck
Description: Disable Application Gateway Subnet Permission Check
ProviderNamespace: Microsoft.Network
EnrollmentType: AutoApprove


We suggest using the AFEC provision only as interim mitigation until you assign the correct permission. You must prioritize fixing the permissions for all the applicable users (and service principals) and then unregister this AFEC flag to reintroduce the permission verification on the virtual network resource. We recommend that you don't depend on this AFEC method permanently because it will be removed in the future.

Azure Virtual Network Manager

Azure Virtual Network Manager is a management service that allows you to group, configure, deploy, and manage virtual networks globally across subscriptions. With Virtual Network Manager, you can define network groups to identify and logically segment your virtual networks. After that, you can determine the connectivity and security configurations you want and apply them across all the selected virtual networks in network groups at once.

Security admin rule configuration in Azure Virtual Network Manager allows you to define security policies at scale and apply them to multiple virtual networks at once.


Security admin rules of Azure Virtual Network Manager only apply to Application Gateway subnets that contain application gateways with Network Isolation enabled. Subnets with application gateways that have Network Isolation disabled don't have security admin rules.

Network security groups

You can use NSGs for your Application Gateway subnet, but be aware of some key points and restrictions.


These NSG limitations are relaxed when you use Private Application Gateway deployment (preview).

Required security rules

To use an NSG with your application gateway, you need to create or retain some essential security rules. You may set their priority in the same order.

Inbound rules

Client traffic: Allow incoming traffic from the expected clients (as source IP or IP range), and for the destination as your application gateway's entire subnet IP prefix and inbound access ports. For example, if you have listeners configured for ports 80 and 443, you must allow these ports. You can also set this rule to Any.

SourceSource portsDestinationDestination portsProtocolAccess
<as per need>Any<Subnet IP Prefix><listener ports>TCPAllow

After you configure active public and private listeners (with rules) with the same port number, your application gateway changes the Destination of all inbound flows to the frontend IPs of your gateway. This change occurs even for listeners that aren't sharing any port. You must include your gateway's frontend public and private IP addresses in the Destination of the inbound rule when you use the same port configuration.

SourceSource portsDestinationDestination portsProtocolAccess
<as per need>Any<Public and Private<br/>frontend IPs><listener ports>TCPAllow

Infrastructure ports: Allow incoming requests from the source as the GatewayManager service tag and Any destination. The destination port range differs based on SKU and is required for communicating the status of the backend health. These ports are protected/locked down by Azure certificates. External entities can't initiate changes on those endpoints without appropriate certificates in place.

  • V2: Ports 65200-65535
  • V1: Ports 65503-65534
SourceSource portsDestinationDestination portsProtocolAccess
GatewayManagerAnyAny<as per SKU given above>TCPAllow

Azure Load Balancer probes: Allow incoming traffic from the source as the AzureLoadBalancer service tag. This rule is created by default for NSGs. You must not override it with a manual Deny rule to ensure smooth operations of your application gateway.

SourceSource portsDestinationDestination portsProtocolAccess

You can block all other incoming traffic by using a Deny All rule.

Outbound rules

Outbound to the internet: Allow outbound traffic to the internet for all destinations. This rule is created by default for NSGs. You must not override it with a manual Deny rule to ensure smooth operations of your application gateway. Outbound NSG rules that deny any outbound connectivity must not be created.

SourceSource portsDestinationDestination portsProtocolAccess


Application Gateways that don't have Network Isolation enabled don't allow traffic to be sent between peered VNets when Allow traffic to remote virtual network is disabled.

Supported user-defined routes

Fine-grain control over the Application Gateway subnet via route table rules is possible in public preview. For more information, see Private Application Gateway deployment (preview).

With current functionality, there are some restrictions:


Using UDRs on the Application Gateway subnet might cause the health status in the backend health view to appear as Unknown. It also might cause generation of Application Gateway logs and metrics to fail. We recommend not using UDRs on the Application Gateway subnet so that you can view the backend health, logs, and metrics.

  • v1: For the v1 SKU, UDRs are supported on the Application Gateway subnet if they don't alter end-to-end request/response communication. For example, you can set up a UDR in the Application Gateway subnet to point to a firewall appliance for packet inspection. But you must make sure that the packet can reach its intended destination after inspection. Failure to do so might result in incorrect health-probe or traffic-routing behavior. Learned routes or default routes that are propagated by Azure ExpressRoute or VPN gateways in the virtual network are also included.

  • v2: For the v2 SKU, there are supported and unsupported scenarios.

v2 supported scenarios


An incorrect configuration of the route table could result in asymmetrical routing in Application Gateway v2. Ensure that all management/control plane traffic is sent directly to the internet and not through a virtual appliance. Logging, metrics, and CRL checks could also be affected.

Scenario 1: UDR to disable Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) route propagation to the Application Gateway subnet

Sometimes the default gateway route ( is advertised via the ExpressRoute or VPN gateways associated with the Application Gateway virtual network. This behavior breaks management plane traffic, which requires a direct path to the internet. In such scenarios, you can use a UDR to disable BGP route propagation.

To disable BGP route propagation:

  1. Create a route table resource in Azure.
  2. Disable the Virtual network gateway route propagation parameter.
  3. Associate the route table to the appropriate subnet.

Enabling the UDR for this scenario shouldn't break any existing setups.

Scenario 2: UDR to direct to the internet

You can create a UDR to send traffic directly to the internet.

Scenario 3: UDR for Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) with kubenet

If you're using kubenet with AKS and Application Gateway Ingress Controller, you need a route table to allow traffic sent to the pods from Application Gateway to be routed to the correct node. You don't need to use a route table if you use Azure Container Networking Interface.

To use the route table to allow kubenet to work:

  1. Go to the resource group created by AKS. The name of the resource group should begin with MC_.

  2. Find the route table created by AKS in that resource group. The route table should be populated with the following information:

    • Address prefix should be the IP range of the pods you want to reach in AKS.
    • Next hop type should be virtual appliance.
    • Next hop address should be the IP address of the node hosting the pods.
  3. Associate this route table to the Application Gateway subnet.

v2 unsupported scenarios

Scenario 1: UDR for virtual appliances

Any scenario where needs to be redirected through a virtual appliance, a hub/spoke virtual network, or on-premises (forced tunneling) isn't supported for v2.

Next steps

  • Learn about frontend IP address configuration
  • Learn about private Application Gateway deployment
Azure Application Gateway infrastructure configuration (2024)


What is the app gateway infrastructure? ›

App Gateway is a software appliance that lets you integrate applications hosted either on a compute instance, in a cloud infrastructure, or in an on-premises server with IAM for authentication purposes. App Gateway acts as a reverse proxy protecting web applications by restricting unauthorized network access to them.

What should you configure on the Application Gateway? ›

To establish connections from the client-side, the application gateway is configured with a frontend IP address, protocol, and port number. If a web application firewall (WAF) is in use, the application gateway checks the request headers and the body, if present, against WAF rules.

Does Azure Application Gateway require a dedicated subnet? ›

Within your virtual network, a dedicated subnet is required for the application gateway. You can have multiple instances of a specific Application Gateway deployment in a subnet. You can also deploy other application gateways in the subnet.

What is the difference between Azure load balancer and Application Gateway? ›

Traditional load balancers operate at the transport layer (OSI layer 4 - TCP and UDP) and route traffic based on source IP address and port, to a destination IP address and port. Application Gateway can make routing decisions based on additional attributes of an HTTP request, for example URI path or host headers.

What is the difference between Azure front door and Application Gateway? ›

Azure Front Door and Azure Application Gateway are both load balancers for HTTP/HTTPS traffic, but they have different scopes. Front Door is a global service that can distribute requests across regions, while Application Gateway is a regional service that can balance requests within a region.

When would you use an Application Gateway? ›

Azure Application Gateway can be used as an internal application load balancer or as an internet-facing application load balancer. An internet-facing application gateway uses public IP addresses. The DNS name of an internet-facing application gateway is publicly resolvable to its public IP address.

What protocols does Azure App gateway use? ›

What protocols does Application Gateway support? Application Gateway supports HTTP, HTTPS, HTTP/2, and WebSocket.

What is rules in Azure Application Gateway? ›

The Azure-managed rule sets in the Application Gateway web application firewall (WAF) actively protect web applications from common vulnerabilities and exploits. These rule sets, managed by Azure, receive updates as necessary to guard against new attack signatures.

What layer does Azure Application Gateway work at? ›

Azure Application Gateway works at the application layer (Layer 7 in the OSI network reference stack). It acts as a reverse-proxy service, terminating the client connection and forwarding requests to backend endpoints. Traffic Manager works at the DNS level.

What is the max throughput of Azure Application Gateway? ›

Current compute units — Indicates CPU utilization. 1 Application Gateway instance is approximately 10 compute units. Throughput — Application Gateway instance can serve ~500 Mbps of throughput.

What are the limitations of application gateways? ›

Application gateways are susceptible to IP spoofing. Application gateways are not good and understanding protocols such as telnet. Client software must be "smart" and know to contact the gateway. Each application to be managed needs its own gateway.

What is the difference between Azure App gateway and Azure WAF? ›

WAF is an additional setting for the application gateway. It's used to increase the security of applications behind the application gateway, and it also provides centralized protection. After the application gateway is set to WAF, we can enable and set the firewall rules.

What is the gateway app used for? ›

An app gateway is an enterprise security solution that lets users access traditional web applications hosted in corporate data centers using the same logon credentials and methods they use to access mobile apps and cloud services.

What is the application gateway responsible for? ›

An application gateway is a security measure that protects web applications. They replace traditional web applications that require the same login credentials as the data center. Instead, users access application gateways through mobile apps and cloud services with the login credentials for the app.

What is the purpose of a gateway service? ›

A service gateway is a single access point and acts as a proxy for multiple services. A service gateway enables transformations, routing, and common processing across all the services.

What does Application Level Gateway do? ›

An application gateway, also known as an application level gateway (ALG), functions as a critical firewall proxy for network security. Its filtering capability ensures that only certain network application data is transmitted, which has an impact on the security of protocols including FTP, Telnet, RTSP, and BitTorrent.

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Author: Rob Wisoky

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Name: Rob Wisoky

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Introduction: My name is Rob Wisoky, I am a smiling, helpful, encouraging, zealous, energetic, faithful, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.