Azure Subscription Types 2023 (2024)

In today’s ever-evolving digital landscape, harnessing the potential of cloud computing is not just a luxury but a necessity for organizations striving to stay ahead. That’s where Azure, Microsoft’s robust cloud computing platform, comes into play. With its array of subscription types tailored to varying organizational needs, Azure offers a world of possibilities for businesses seeking to optimize their cloud usage and drive unprecedented growth. That’s why understanding the intricacies of Azure subscription types is crucial.

So, get ready to unlock the immense power of Azure Subscription Types. Together, we’ll unravel the possibilities, explore success stories, and provide practical tips for efficient cloud usage and cost optimization. By the end of this journey, you’ll be equipped with the insights required to propel your organization towards unprecedented heights of success in the cloud era.

Stay tuned as we dive into the world of Azure Subscription Types and unveil the pathway to unlocking the full potential of your organization’s cloud strategy.

Azure Subscription Types 2023 (1)

Understanding Azure Subscription Types

Before delving into the specifics of each subscription type, it is essential to grasp the fundamental principles that underpin Azure subscriptions. Think of Azure subscriptions as the gateway to a world of resources and services within the Azure cloud. They act as containers that grant you access to vast Azure products, empowering you to manage and exert control over your cloud resources efficiently.

In simpler terms, Azure subscriptions are the key that unlocks a world of possibilities within the Azure ecosystem. They provide you with the foundation to leverage the full potential of Azure’s cutting-edge technologies and services. By utilizing Azure subscriptions effectively, you can optimize resource allocation, track usage, monitor costs, and align your cloud strategy with your organizational goals.

Throughout this guide, we will demystify the intricacies of each Azure subscription type, enabling you to make proper decisions that align with your unique business requirements. So, let’s dive deeper into the world of Azure subscriptions and discover the remarkable opportunities that await you on your cloud journey.

Free Azure Subscription

The Free Azure Subscription is an excellent starting point for individuals and small businesses exploring and experimenting with Azure. This subscription type provides a wide range of free services for a specific period, including virtual machines, storage, and databases. While it does have some limitations, it offers an excellent opportunity to get hands-on experience with Azure at no cost.

Benefits and Limitations

The Free Azure Subscription allows users to learn and test Azure services without financial commitment. However, there are limitations on resource usage, and it’s important to monitor usage to avoid unexpected charges. The free subscription includes limited resource credits and services with restricted features. According to a survey by RightScale in 2019, 65% of organizations were using a free Azure subscription.

Statistics on Adoption

  • 2019: 65% of organizations were using a free Azure subscription
  • 2019: There was a 13% increase in free Azure subscription adoption compared to the previous year
  • 2020: The adoption of free Azure subscriptions increased by 5% compared to 2019

Pay-As-You-Go Azure Subscription

The Pay-As-You-Go Azure Subscription is the most flexible and commonly used subscription type. It offers access to all Azure services and provides you to scale resources up or down based on your needs. With no upfront costs or long-term commitments, this subscription type is ideal for businesses of all sizes.

Features and Pricing

The Pay-As-You-Go Azure Subscription offers many features, such as virtual machines, storage, networking, and AI services. The pricing is based on the actual utilization of resources, providing cost control and flexibility. Organizations pay only for what they use, and there are no termination fees. The “Resource Locks” feature helps prevent accidental deletions or modifications of critical resources.

Case Study: Company X’s Experience

Company X, a leading e-commerce company, experienced great success by leveraging the Pay-As-You-Go Azure Subscription. Using auto-scaling features, they could handle sudden spikes in website traffic during peak times without disruptions. This flexibility improved customer experience and helped them manage costs efficiently. The ability to scale resources up or down based on demand allowed Company X to optimize their cloud expenses and eliminate unnecessary overhead.

Enterprise Agreement Azure Subscription

The Enterprise Agreement Azure Subscription is designed for large organizations with specific requirements and complex IT infrastructures. It provides a discounted pricing model and additional features tailored to enterprise needs.

Critical Benefits for Large Organizations

The Enterprise Agreement Subscription offers predictable costs, volume discounts, and personalized support to meet the unique needs of large organizations. It provides flexible purchasing options and negotiation potential, such as the “Azure Monetary Commitment” feature that helps optimize budget allocation. Large organizations can streamline management and simplify reporting by consolidating services under a single agreement.

Diversity in Perspectives:

While the Enterprise Agreement Azure Subscription has many benefits, it is essential to consider diverse perspectives when deciding if it is the right fit for your organization. Some of the pros include cost savings through volume discounts and streamlined management. Consolidating services under a single agreement simplifies negotiations, licensing, and billing processes. However, there are potential drawbacks, such as longer contract commitments and the risk of over-provisioning resources. It is essential to carefully assess your organization’s requirements and evaluate the cost-effectiveness of an Enterprise Agreement Subscription.

Pros and Cons of Azure Subscription Types

Azure offers various subscription types, each with its own set of advantages and considerations. Here we provide an overview of the pros and cons of each Azure subscription type:

  1. Free Subscription
  • Pros:
    • No cost: Azure Free Subscription allows users to explore and experiment with Azure services at no upfront cost.
    • Access to services: Provides access to a wide range of Azure services and products to help users learn and build applications.
    • Budget control: Users can set spending limits to control costs and avoid unexpected charges.
  • Cons:
    • Limited resources: Free subscription includes limited resources and has usage quotas that may restrict scalability.
    • Limited support: Free subscription offers limited technical support options compared to other subscription types.
    • No SLA: The Service Level Agreement does not apply to the Free subscription, meaning there is no guaranteed uptime.
  1. Pay-As-You-Go Subscription
  • Pros:
    • Flexibility: Pay-As-You-Go allows users to pay only for the resources they consume, with no long-term commitment.
    • Scalability: Users can quickly scale up or down based on their needs, allowing optimal resource allocation.
    • Support options: Pay-As-You-Go subscribers can access various support options depending on their needs.
  • Cons:
    • Cost management: Without careful monitoring and management, costs can quickly add up, making it crucial to implement cost optimization strategies.
    • Pricing complexity: Pay-As-You-Go pricing can be complex, with different pricing tiers and options for different services, potentially requiring careful planning to avoid unexpected expenses.
    • Limited discounts: Pay-As-You-Go may not offer the same discounts or reserved capacity options, unlike other subscription types.
  1. Enterprise Agreement Subscription
  • Pros:
    • Volume pricing: Enterprise Agreement subscribers often benefit from volume pricing discounts, reducing costs for organizations with significant Azure usage.
    • Enhanced support: Enterprise Agreement includes enhanced technical support options, providing faster response times and dedicated support resources.
    • Extended planning: Enterprise Agreement allows longer-term planning and commitments with options for reserved instances, providing stability and predictability.
  • Cons:
    • Minimum commitment: Enterprise Agreement requires a minimum upfront commitment, which may not be suitable for organizations with limited budgets or uncertain usage patterns.
    • Contractual obligations: The Enterprise Agreement involves a contractual commitment, which may necessitate thorough review and negotiation before signing.
    • Complexity: Managing an Enterprise Agreement involves handling multiple billing accounts, subscriptions, and users, which can increase administrative complexity.

It is crucial to carefully evaluate your organization’s requirements, budget, and future growth plans to select the most suitable Azure subscription type. Selecting the right subscription type can help optimize costs, maximize resource utilization, and align with your organization’s cloud goals.

Perspectives for Azure Subscription Types

When considering Azure subscription types, it is essential to approach them from different perspectives. Here are some perspectives to consider:

Cost Optimization:
  • Free Subscription: The free subscription allows users to explore Azure services at no cost upfront, making it suitable for individuals or small-scale projects with limited budgets
  • Pay-As-You-Go Subscription: Pay-As-You-Go offers flexibility in cost management, as users only pay for the resources they consume. However, it requires careful monitoring to avoid unexpected expenses and may not offer the same discounts as other subscription types.
  • Enterprise Agreement Subscription: Enterprise Agreement subscribers often benefit from volume pricing discounts, making it advantageous for organizations with significant Azure usage. However, it requires a minimum commitment and involves additional administrative complexity.
Scalability and Flexibility:
  • Free Subscription: While the free subscription has limited resources and usage quotas, it still allows users to learn and build applications on Azure.
  • Pay-As-You-Go Subscription: Pay-As-You-Go offers scalability, allowing users to quickly scale up or down based on their needs.
  • Enterprise Agreement Subscription: Enterprise Agreement offers planning and stability with options for reserved instances, making it suitable for longer-term commitments and resource allocation.
Support and SLA:
  • Free Subscription: The free subscription provides limited technical support options compared to other subscription types.
  • Pay-As-You-Go Subscription: Pay-As-You-Go subscribers can access various support options depending on their needs.
  • Enterprise Agreement Subscription: Enterprise Agreement includes enhanced technical support options with faster response times and dedicated support resources.

Ultimately, the choice of Azure subscription types depends on budget, scalability needs, and desired level of support. Evaluating these perspectives can help organizations make informed decisions that align with their specific requirements and goals.

Statistics on Azure subscription types :

  • As of April 2021, Microsoft Azure is the second-largest cloud service provider globally, with a market share of approximately 20%.
  • Azure has shown significant growth in market share over the years, and its revenue continues to increase.
  • Microsoft reports that Azure is used by 95% of Fortune 500 companies.
  • Azure has a global presence regarding geographic distribution, with data centres in various regions worldwide, including North America, Europe, Asia, and more.

While specific statistics about Azure subscription types may not be readily available, its overall growth and adoption indicate its popularity and the wide range of subscription options being utilized by organizations.

Please note that the lack of specific statistics could be due to the dynamic nature of the cloud market, where data may change frequently, and not all statistics are readily available.


In conclusion, understanding Azure subscription types is crucial for effectively leveraging the power of Microsoft Azure. The Free Azure Subscription is a great starting point for experimentation. At the same time, the Pay-As-You-Go Azure Subscription offers flexibility and scalability without any upfront costs or long-term commitments. Large organizations can benefit from volume discounts, personalized support, and streamlined management by considering the Enterprise Agreement Azure Subscription.

Remember, each Azure subscription type has unique advantages and considerations, so take the time to evaluate your requirements, explore the various options Microsoft Azure provides, and choose the one that best suits your organization’s needs.

Frequently asked questions about Azure Subscription Types and their answers:

An Azure subscription is the container for all Azure resources and services used within the Azure platform. It provides access to various Azure products and allows you to manage and control your cloud resources.

There are three main types of Azure subscriptions: Free, Pay-As-You-Go, and Enterprise Agreement. The Free subscription is ideal for individuals and small businesses to explore and experiment with Azure services. The Pay-As-You-Go subscription offers flexibility and scalability on a pay-as-you-use basis. The Enterprise Agreement subscription is designed for large organizations with complex IT infrastructures offering volume discounts, customized support, and streamlined management.

The Free Azure subscription is a starting point for exploring and testing Azure services at no cost. It provides limited free services and resource credits while allowing you to learn and experiment with Azure. Pay-As-You-Go is a flexible subscription that allows access to all Azure services with no upfront costs. You only pay for what you use and can show resources up or down based on your needs.

The Pay-As-You-Go subscription provides flexibility and scalability, allowing you to scale resources up or down based on your needs. It has no upfront costs or long-term commitments, and you only pay for the resources you have used. It is ideal for businesses of all sizes, as it offers access to all Azure services on a pay-per-use basis.

The Enterprise Agreement subscription offers volume discounts, predictable costs, personalized support, and streamlined management. It is designed for large organizations with complex IT infrastructures, enabling them to achieve cost savings and optimize performance. Purchasing options are customizable, and you can negotiate pricing and allocation of resources to optimize your budget.

The Free Azure subscription has several limitations, including a limited number of resource credits and restricted features for some Azure services. It’s essential to monitor your usage to avoid unexpected charges, and you may need to upgrade to a paid subscription to access additional services or features.

The monthly Pay-As-You-Go Azure subscription offers the flexibility to change or cancel the subscription at any time, with billing based on your actual usage. The annual Pay-As-You-Go subscription offers the same flexibility with a discounted rate but requires a commitment for the entire year.

The Enterprise Agreement Azure subscription offers volume discounts, which help reduce overall costs. It provides predictable costs for budget planning and gives you access to personalized support from Microsoft experts. Consolidating Azure services under a single agreement can streamline management and simplify reporting.

If you exceed your Pay-As-You-Go subscription limit, you may receive an overage bill for the additional usage. To prevent unexpected charges, monitor your usage and set alerts to notify you when you are approaching your limit.

An Azure subscription is your account to access various Azure services and resources. An Azure tenant is a dedicated instance of Azure Active Directory (AAD), which is the identity provider for Azure. An Azure tenant is typically created when you sign up for an Azure subscription. However, it is possible to have multiple subscriptions within a single tenant.

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Azure Subscription Types 2023 (2024)


What are the main types of Azure subscriptions? ›

There are three main types of Azure subscriptions: Free, Pay-As-You-Go, and Enterprise Agreement. The Free subscription is ideal for individuals and small businesses to explore and experiment with Azure services. The Pay-As-You-Go subscription offers flexibility and scalability on a pay-as-you-use basis.

What are the 4 tiers of Azure subscription? ›

Tiers include Free, Basic, Standard, and Storage Optimized. Standard and Storage Optimized are available with several configurations and capacities. The following screenshot from Azure portal shows the available tiers, minus pricing (which you can find in the portal and on the pricing page).

How do I know my Azure subscription type? ›

Check the type of your account
  1. Sign in to the Azure portal.
  2. Search for and select Cost Management + Billing.
  3. If you have access to just one billing scope, select Properties from the left menu. The Type value on the Properties pane determines the type of your account.
Mar 21, 2024

How do I get a list of all Azure subscriptions? ›

In the Azure portal, navigate to Subscriptions. The list of subscriptions is shown. If needed, update the global subscription filter or apply a subscriptions list filter.

How many types of services are there in Azure? ›

Microsoft Azure provides an extensive range of over 200 cloud services, encompassing PaaS, SaaS, and IaaS solutions. Azure PaaS services support the entire software development lifecycle, while Azure SaaS solutions allow access to cloud-based software applications. IaaS services provide on-demand computing resources.

What are the list of Azure subscription roles? ›

Azure roles
Azure rolePermissions
OwnerGrants full access to manage all resources Assign roles in Azure RBAC
ContributorGrants full access to manage all resources Can't assign roles in Azure RBAC Can't manage assignments in Azure Blueprints or share image galleries
ReaderView Azure resources
2 more rows
Mar 15, 2024

What is Azure subscription hierarchy? ›

Management levels and hierarchy. Azure provides four levels of management: management groups, subscriptions, resource groups, and resources. The following diagram shows the relationship between these levels. Management groups help you manage access, policy, and compliance for multiple subscriptions.

What are the 3 pricing models of Azure? ›

Azure offers a range of pricing models, including pay-as-you-go, spot pricing, and reserved instances. These options give you the flexibility to expand your tools and cloud storage as needed, while still allowing you to commit to a partial price.

What are subscription tiers? ›

With tiered pricing, a company divides its products or services into different levels or “tiers,” each with a set bundle of features and a corresponding price. Each tier is designed to meet the needs of a particular segment of the market.

How many Azure subscriptions can I have? ›

Limits - API Management classic tiers
Maximum number of service instances per Azure subscription20Unlimited
Maximum number of subscriptions per service instance500Unlimited
Maximum number of client certificates per service instance50Unlimited
Maximum number of APIs per service instance50Unlimited
26 more rows
Jul 19, 2024

What is an Azure Basic subscription? ›

An Azure subscription is a logical container used to provision resources in Azure. It holds the details of all your resources like virtual machines (VMs), databases, and more. When you create an Azure resource like a VM, you identify the subscription it belongs to.

What are the benefits of having multiple Azure subscriptions? ›

Sharing Azure subscriptions can have several advantages, including easier manageability, simpler networking, and easier team collaboration. By having both projects on the same subscription, it would be easier to manage all resources in a single pool, and it would be simpler to make updates across all resources.

How many types of Azure subscriptions are there? ›

Azure Services can be primarily consumed in three modes, Software as a Service (SaaS), Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), and Platform as a Service (PaaS). Office 365 applications that use Azure services are the easiest to consume with minimal setup.

How do I find my Azure subscription plan? ›

Find your Azure subscription
  1. Sign in to the Azure portal.
  2. Under the Azure services heading, select Subscriptions. ...
  3. Find the subscription in the list, and note the Subscription ID shown in the second column. ...
  4. To easily copy the Subscription ID, select the subscription name to display more details.
Sep 27, 2023

Can you have many subscriptions in one Azure account True or false? ›

A subscription can only be associated with a single Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) tenant. If you need to create resource groups for different tenants, you will need to create separate subscriptions for each tenant. Here are the steps to create a new subscription: Go to the Azure portal.

What are the 4 types of Azure AD? ›

Explain Azure AD identity types
  • User. User identity is a representation of something that's Azure AD manages. ...
  • Service principal. A service principal is a secure identity that enables an application or service to access Azure resources. ...
  • Managed identity. A managed identity is automatically managed in Azure AD. ...
  • Device.

What are the three kinds of app service in Azure? ›

App Services
  • Web App – used for hosting websites and web applications (previously Azure Websites)
  • API App – used for hosting the RESTful APIs.
  • Logic App – used for business process automation, system integration and sharing data across clouds.

What are the different types of Azure service accounts? ›

There are three types of service accounts in Microsoft Entra ID: managed identities, service principals, and user accounts employed as service accounts. When you create service accounts for automated use, they're granted permissions to access resources in Azure and Microsoft Entra ID.

What are the three services running on Azure? ›

The three categories of service that Microsoft Azure can provide for businesses are:
  • Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)
  • Platform as a Service (PaaS)
  • Software as a Service (SaaS)
Apr 6, 2023

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